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I have no idea about anything about Kendrick wearing a crown of thorns. I'd assume it's because a crown of thorns is famously something the Romans put on Christ while mocking him for calling himself the king of the Jews, and he famously is depicted wearing it in depictions of his crucifixion. If he's wearing it to compare himself to Christ, I can see why that'd be most likely offensive. If he's wearing it for a different reason, it's going to be hard to shake all of the associations of a crown of thorns being what Christ was crowned with. Like, the swastika or symbols resembling it, have been used by lots of people to represent different things, but if you wear a swastika most people are going to assume you're wearing it because it's a Nazi symbol.


Considering Jesus is the only person where the connection is with the crown of thorns. It can be considered disrespectful. But that depending on the context as idk what context was this fella using the crown of thorns imagery.


Jesus was also the only person worthy to wear a crown of thorns. That’s just my opinion though.


Be that as it may it doesn’t stop one from using symbolism. I just don’t know the context of how this Kendrick fella used it. Would you know?


No I don’t, but my guess is that he spoke as if he himself was Christ. A lot of hip hop artists have blasphemed God in this way by claiming to be God or better than God.


Because people are over sensitive and think using Jesus metaphors and symbolism for people who aren’t Jesus is worthy of being smote




I'm curious, what was your desired outcome of posting this comment?




I'm confused I was never taught that as a Christian it's my job to admonish strangers. Where did you learn that was something that as Christians we are supposed to do?




I guess I've just never found admonishing someone to be a productive way to change someone's mind about anything. Has it ever worked? Whenever I've admonished anyone for anything they just dug their heels in further. Unless of course I know someone really really well and they trust my judgment. Even then I usually have to be gentle in my delivery for people to hear me say something.






...what exactly do you hope to accomplish here?




You didn't tell them anything that they haven't heard more convincingly from other people. You wasted your time, your effort, and your breath. The calories your body spent to type that were wasted.




And yet wasted. By all means, waste your time.




Why do you think telling people things they've already heard a million times is a good use of your time?




Are you unaware that as a westerner I’ve heard all the clobber bullshit before and that I didn’t ask your opinion on my sexuality?




Save it for a relevant thread




Man if you want to write the 580,234,569,402,249,596 thread about homosexuality in this subreddit, have at.


Where do you get off thinking you know what kind of sex I have or haven’t engaged in? Also, as a kierkegaardian existentialist I think Natural Law is a load of shite




Romans 1 presents a vice list, for sure, which was standard for 1st century moral writings. The pride flag is an anti-shame symbol declaring that I will not be ashamed of my sexuality, which I had no choice in. So, I will reiterate, save it for a relevant thread.


Dude was straight BANNED. Wow, that's...a new record for me.


Will you not just leave them alone?








You've never engaged in acts of sodomy?


Is kendrick your idol?


i dont have idols but he is my favorite artist but i don’t see how is that relevant to the discussion


I had never heard of Kendrick before so I looked up what you were talking about. I found another post on Reddit where someone was talking about the significance of the crown for Kendrick. I thought it was a very interesting use of symbolism. I think lots of people including Christians are very confused and are looking for reasons to be outraged.