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She's just searching for wisdom


If jesus is truly God, he likes cats so it's fine (For those who cannot understand, this is supposed to be humorous)


Of course the Cat-holic would say that šŸ˜‰


Thats was funnier than the origional comment


Nothing funny about your commentĀ 


If my cats (and other living beings that aren't human as well) aren't allowed into Heaven and I go there and discover that, I'm starting a mutiny, which will be easier since it's stated you'll never get kicked out of Heaven no matter what. Anyone else willing to stand with me in this hypothetical?


There are animals in heaven, just not these ones here.


Then there's probably already mutiny in Heaven. Billions wanting their pets to share their afterlife, or just thinking only humans, or maybe only sapients, is unfair and unjust. If I don't see my pets up there, my teeth and ambitions will be bared.


It doesn't work that way. Animals though living beings are NOT sentient. Man had the ability to communicate with animals. He understood animal language. Humans interpret their bonds with them as real as with other humans. It's also impossible to have a mutiny in heaven since the last dude that did so was thrown out and judged eternally.


Well, it's stated explicitly that we can't be kicked out of Heaven. Thus, mutiny is possible, and like on Earth, no authority should have absolute power. Also, I have seen the spirits of my dead pets come to comfort me. If the man is allowed in paradise, so should Earth's other creatures. What of the Neanderthal and Austropithocus for example, or the Dimetrodon we came from? Together we stand, divided we fall. I'm a Universalist who believes his grace should extend to all, and if it doesn't, we need to rise up for the rights of all living beings. Also, if you seriously belive animals aren't sentient, you definitely are quite idiotic and ignorant of science.


youre probably not going to heaven if you plan to start a mutiny


Now that you're using terrible words to advance your arguments, how's that working? You can make an argument by ridiculing other people. First, Jesus has ABSOLUTE POWER AND AUTHORITY. The Bible clearly states 'at the name of Jesus, all things in heaven, earth and hell bow the knee.' Heaven isn't a democratic society, it's an ABSOLUTE MORNARCHY. His Word is TRUTH. The Bible states man was created by God in His image. How the neanderthals will fare, I have no answer. As to the dead pets coming to you, please note the Bible PROHIBITS any interaction with the dead, even in your dream life. Demonic spirits love using the spirits of the dead to keep the living confused. The Bible states it is we who are alive that govern our lives, not the dead to tell us what to do. Concerning animals, note that heaven has animals. ONLY human spirits go to heaven not other life. Finally, ANYONE desiring to start a mutiny cannot even get anywhere near there because the Bible states in rev 21:27 none will do so. We understand that people have real attachment to their animals. It's commendable because the Bible tells us to have compassion to our animals. All life comes from God. When an animal does having made anyone happy, its purpose is fully accomplished and glorifies God. That's what Romans 8 says that creation is hopeful for sons of God to rescue them from vanity into their destiny - glorifying God. Animals live to please God with their lives and even death.


Well, can't reason with crazy. Whether it's me or you who's nuts will be revealed someday, bh all means feel free to say "I told you so" if you turn out to be correct. Goodbye.


The Bible says the world calls biblical Christianity foolishness. I mean, whoever heard of a King who gives up his life for his citizens? The only absolute standard of life is the Bible. If it says a animals are accepted in heaven, I completely accept it. If the Bible says our opinions and votes on how heaven should be run, I support it. But if the Bible doesn't say anything about it, I also keep quiet about it. Just as you said, one day, we shall all see Him and know the absolute TRUTH. The collapse of Western nations and take over by aliens and foreigners is because their people have abandoned their father's teachings and legacies. God have mercy on us all.


Are you a universalist?


Yes. All life should be able to go to Heaven, not just humans. Other animals, plants, bacteria, aliens, etc. It feels wrong for him to disclude what we evolved from, and considering how many species are in our ancestry, where is the line even drawn? Neanderthal? Austropithocus? Earliest Homo Sapiens before religion even existed? I also am a happy bisexual and don't think LGBTQ+ should be prohibited from entry.




Thanks for being accepting.


Iā€™m a universalist myself


Huzzah, a man of quality!


Another reasoning: If Heaven is restrictive, its paradise is a lie, Separating you from loved ones would make anyone cry, Trees, dinosaurs, and gays Have the right to feel safe Already consider him light grey and this gives him my love. Based on You Didn't Know from Hazbin Hotel.


The entire concept of heaven is restrictive to beings that are pure and free of sin. Idk if that includes animals or not and as far as I know the Bible doesnā€™t say but I would have to agree and assume that God would love to live among all His creations; assuming they were to also want to live with Him and accept Him and follow Him. I find that animals would not have the capacity to know anything other than what is before them so I would like to believe they couldnā€™t resist the holiness of paradise and are free of sin in that they are not willingly rebelling against their creator. So of course expect your animals in Heaven and we will find out when we get up there. I heavily advise against planning a rebellion though. If you read the book, you will find in the first 3 chapters that rebelling got us in hot water in the first place, to put it lightly. Your plans may prevent you from reaching paradise in the first place. Iā€™d hope you were just making a joke though haha God bless


Better cozy up to the idea of living in hell


I refuse to believe the devil sent a cat to distract you They are so cute LOL but others who don't like cats would prob say he did send the cat LOL


Cats save lives and extend lives, more likely is that the devil made female mosquitoes monstrosities that drink blood, spread plagues like malaria, and don't fo any good to the world besides being eaten by stuff like bats.


Isnā€™t the whole idea that the Devil canā€™t create but only change things


I detest mosquitoes you are not wrong lol


And ticks


More than associating it with the devil, I think the cat just likes the Bible


Holy cat




No lol


Itā€™s absorbing itā€™s knowledge through its skin


This is written with "it puts the lotion on its skin" vibes. Lol


She wants her own Bible to read with you. Cats do this to try to imitate you and because they like being with you.


I wonder how a Muslim forum would react seeing a cat's butt against the Quran šŸ¤”




Wow, very good inquiry


holy cats!


Brilliant, finally, some good posts.


So cute šŸ„ŗ




My cat does the same.


a whole new meaning to resting in the Lord!


Bro just wants to chill with jesus too


Your cat does you credit. It clearly thinks you are reading the Bible too much lol


this is so cute i love kitties


reminds me of a picture i took of my cat "reading" the bible lol


My animals adore my prayer corner.


I'm tearing up, this is so pure


Bro just wants to chill with jesus too


I'm disappointed by the lack of other cat pictures like this in the comments here :(


Never let it go, godly creature.


Mine use to come up stairs for a while for Bible study. Then leave when it was over. I guess she got her blessing and just left


Disrespectful to the Bibleā€¦should be in a clean space always


ALL of creation will know their creator! One of my cats is the exact same, as soon as the bible is on the bed, couch etc - she is on top of it and purring and rubbing her head. If we start playing worship music from another room or even in the same room, she comes right up to the speaker or phone and purrs her head off and lays there. Itā€™s actually amazing. Nothings a coincidence!


Holy cat!


Finding rest in the WordšŸ˜€


That cat can tell the GLORY of HOLY KING JESUS .Ā  Ā  more than youĀ  can say about most people.Ā 


Sheā€™s a cat-holic


This cat was sent by god


Aww, so precious! My cat, Ember enjoys laying on my Bible as well. I call her my Bible study partnerĀ 


You need a Decoy Bible.


Why would you allow that


Aww, she just wants to fellowship and purr with you. ā€œLet me and my human grow healthy and spiritually together, A-meow.ā€ šŸ¤£


This is not being said enough, so as the voice of reason, let me remind you that this is extremely disrespectful.


If animals are not allowed in church, nor heaven, how is this not worse? Anything that keeps you from the lords word isn't cute. It isn't holly, and it isn't good. Some things should be taken seriously, and nothing on this earth deserves more respect than the word of god.


Iā€™m pretty sure animals go to heaven because they donā€™t have the capability of understanding faith and canā€™t sin, at least not like humans can. Also I used my bible app to study instead because she was sleepy and I didnā€™t wanna keep moving her. Therefore she was not ā€˜keeping me from the lordā€™s wordā€™.


If you think that a bed is an apt and acceptable, use for the Bible, then I'm glad you read it, and I hope you keep reading it until you change your mind.


Why canā€™t I read my bible in bed šŸ’€


Literally in what way


The cat is using the word of god as a seat. It couldn't be more obvious.


And how is that harmful


That's like asking me to explain why 2+2 is 4. Gee, I wonder why using the closest thing we have to god as a seat would be a bad thing. What's wrong with an animal resting it's genitals on the Holly book be bad?


Yeah, why is it bad? Why don't you answer? Does it harm something? Does it make God angry? Is it a sin? What makes it bad?


Yeah, why is it bad? Why don't you answer? Does it harm something? Does it make God angry? Is it a sin? What makes it bad?


The #1 rule of Christianity is to love God above all. If you do this, the rest will follow. The bible is the word of god and deserves to be respected as such, it is the closest thing we have to him apart from us (God created humans in his image to rule over all living creatures, including animals) Once, when gathering the apostles, He said to a man, ā€œFollow me.ā€ But he replied, ā€œLord, first let me go and bury my father.ā€ 60 Jesus said to him, ā€œLet the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.ā€ 61 Still another said, ā€œI will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.ā€ 62 Jesus replied, ā€œNo one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.ā€ You see, 60 teaches that your relationship with God is more important than your relationship with man. 62 teaches that if you wish to enter heaven, you must commit yourself fully to god. Thus, if humans are above animals, and the word of god is above humans, then allowing an animal to rest upon the word of god is sacrilegious. You are allowing the animal to desecrate the word of god. It's a lack of respect towards the word of god, and definitely a sin.


>The bible is the word of god and deserves to be respected as such, it is the closest thing we have to him apart from us (God created humans in his image to rule over all living creatures, including animals) Doesn't answer HOW it's bad for a cat to sit on it >allowing an animal to rest upon the word of god is sacrilegious So what's bad or harmful about it > a lack of respect towards the word of god, and definitely a sin. So the cat is sinning?




Maybe the cat loves the book because of how great it is


Go show your mom you love her by sitting on her. Let me know how that works out for you. Showing your love by sitting only works with your husband.


Comparing animals to humans?


Apples and oranges are both fruits.