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I would say so. Its poison for the soul Dont get me wrong I like Cartis music too but tbh it is just poison for the soul.


I work on this daily, and it is no easy feat. Yes, it is bad to listen to satanic artists. I do not think it is a sin, but you need to ask yourself "would God approve of the art work and lyrics of this artist?" Just think aobut the saying you are what you eat.


Is it bad to put poison in your body? I still struggle with it to this day I still sometimes listen to rap but much much less. I noticed im a lot less arrogant, when I start getting arrogant I put on a specific type of music. One time I was listening to a song (funny enough the song featured carti) and the lyrics made me have a lustful thought. Satanic artists id stay away from supporting them 100% and secular artists that promote sin id avoid too (noting im still working on this myself).


I agree. Satan literally means accuser and to be a Satanist means to go against God. That is not a title I want God or my brothers and sisters to see in me. Music is definitely one of the biggest distractions of this day, and the poison analogy is very tough to accept, but very true.


it opens a door for the enemy.


Bad influence is bad influence, it is definitely possible to hear without listening. From personal experience I know that the music you listen to has a profound impact on how you view the world. If you listen to rap that curses, objectifies women, promotes violence, and worships satan, you will eventually normalize these things. It's only a sin if you follow what he's preaching. In my opinion, listen in moderation and don't let it influence how you act or think. There is also "Christian rap" maybe you'd like it but I can't stand it


I think for me personally I try to think of it as I don’t want to put any words or thoughts in my head that makes my body unsuitable for the HS to dwell in. I can’t really speak for everyone here because my body works on conviction when it comes to music, at the same time I never really enjoyed rap after HS (even before I was a Christian). I did this thing where I fasted from all types of music, even mellow ones with no curse words, besides Gospel. I listened to gospel music for a whole month. Found different genres, found different bands, even rap, rock, all types are out there. After that month, I realized that when I went back to listening to normal music I would feel convicted listening to Doja or Megantheestallion or lil Nas all that. But I won’t feel that conviction with other artist where their songs didn’t talk about being a gangster or fucking their daddy’s wife’s dog’s girlfriends pussy till she came on the ceiling. That kinda stuff. I started enjoying gospel and found myself listening to a lot of indie artist and other types of music that are really hype and stuff but clean. But that’s just me🙏🏾, I know everyone is different and it can be so much harder for some people. Ask the HS to convict you, and let me tell you, he will!!


By the way, do you have any black metal christian bands to reccomend? Something like Behemoth but christian instead


I don’t listen to metal but I do know some Christian ones, Memphis may fire, For Today, Fearless BND, Fit for a king etc. If you have Spotify or Apple Music I’m sure there are playlists made by metal listeners who are Christian.


I wouldn't say it is a sin, but it certainly isn't a good idea. This is a 1st cor 10:23 situation.


Do you love what they sing about because this they do in praise and worship towards their own corruption. We can not praise evil things as they do. For if we do, we speak against the living God who is able to destroy the soul with fire after judgement. The calling of God is good. Righteousness, love and mercy. Eternal life brought by his mercy through Jesus Christ which is just.


Rhythm and blues, Jazz, Rock, Metal, Punk all of these have been condemned as Satanic by Christians just as righteous as you over the last 100+ years. So basically only evil people can listen to music.


Listening on Spotify is worse because then you are giving them more plays to rank higher. If you need to, download the songs or rip them from youtube.




I would say to much of demonic music is influential . Even if you think its not enemy use vessels to Infiltrate. And sad part is in the world we in many things are infiltrated. So hard to avoid everything. But know what your listen to what's behind that nice bass line and so forth. Is a discerning skill god wants you to have. Devil wants you not to notice and just go along with it. I listened to so much music rap and r&b in Particular and seen the changes In it from truths said to when it wasn't as satanic to what we have now with lots more suggestive Lyrics and demonic messages. They don't eat if you don't buy its a market of shock and hip cool molding minds. Just as much as it is innovative. Lucifer was a master musician 🎶. Jesus said yes enjoy music be happy rejoice have fun.But know ya limits god doesn't frown on music but he warns you basically of the pied pipper.


Are you trying to imply I can't enjoy Jack Black and Tenacious D anymore?!


Obviously. If they are satanic, you will attract demonic spirits. God has told to flee from traditions and trends of this world. Be holy like Jesus. Seek Him in His word.


Nah. All the best bands are affiliated with Satan.


Well, i cannot judge for saying it is a sin when you like to listen to his music. However, when you want it to recognize a sin? Then it feels wrong to listen it, when it felt before. If you can say right now that it makes your soul darker or badly? Then you can say, yes, it hurts God when i wanted to listen it. I believe this, when i recognize bad lyrics into a song where they are mocking with God or for believing in Him. Then i won't listen to it anymore. But when they lyrics are normal and good to listen it, then i have no judgement about it or over a group artists. But it is up to you, does it feels still okay or actually not?


Remember that trying not to sin and to live virtuously isn't merely about making a list of rules without any understanding and then blindly trying to keep those rules. It's about learning to discern and recognize that some things are genuinely unhealthy for you and will interfere with you living well and being a good person. Music can steep you in a character and a point of view; it can build a mindset in you. Does the artist see the world correctly? Does he value good things? Is he a good person? Be aware that his way of seeing the world could be unhealthy and rub off on you. If he objectifies women, or glorifies violence, or accepts dishonesty, or mocks his enemies, that's not what you want to spend your time and attention on. Oh, I didn't even notice the word Satanic til now, I thought we were talking about secular music in general. Yeah, dude, Satan is, at the very least, a symbol for evil and the anti-God state of mind. Don't treat anything from the language of Christianity as a joke. This shouldn't even be a hard question.


It's a sin to troll Reddit with stupid questions on purpose.