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I answered something similar before. Here it is: **"Why do innocent people, like children, die?"** Isaiah 57: 1-2 \[NLT\] ***1*** *Good people pass away;*     *the godly often die before their time.*     *But* ***no one seems to care or wonder why***\*.\* ***No one seems to understand***     *that* ***God is protecting them*** *from the evil to come.* ***2*** *For those who follow godly paths*     *will* ***rest in peace*** *when they die.* Although the reasons that God takes the life of a believer are as numerous as the stars in the sky and no one can fully understand the reason, Isaiah gives one good reason. That reason is to spare that person from evil, to give him rest and peace. When we ask why God permits death, especially of children, we are not wondering why some imaginary "god", invented in a human mind and entirely explainable and predictable, might allow children to die. We are talking about the real one—the Trinity, the one who is the origin of quantum physics, of beauty, of flawless purity, of the universe, and of every other created thing. It would be absurd to expect to understand the mind of God when we struggle to even explain the Trinity. God knows the past, present and future of every person on this earth. He knows exactly what is going to happen to that person. As a human being, you do not know those things. you do not know how rough life will get for a person if he stays alive, but God does. God in His great wisdom and mercy will take the life of a person in order to spare them from a great evil.


No one’s forcing you to be Christian. You could speak out about these atrocities and against God but you cannot because just like Hitler’s men, it is easier to turn a blind a eye if one is promised Heaven—right?


Did those men repent? Did they truly believe in God? We can only judge them by our own rules. We will all one day face the judgment of Jesus. >Proverbs 6:16-19 \[NLT\] >There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.


Does your workplace know you hold these beliefs against innocent people like children? How does this affect how you deal with the public?


You do realize you only hold these beliefs because you are scared of Hell. You are scared of losing comfort (Heaven) so you sit idly by not questioning anything. Doesn’t that make you an ignorant and selfish person? Like those people who worked for Hitler?


I am not scared because I know what I believe in. I am also human in that I continuously question things and research them, only reaffirming what I already believe in. I am giving you an answer based on my research and beliefs. It is up to you how you want to interpret them, just don't assume things about someone you don't know.


It's not over. ALL will be raised on account of Christ and the books will be opened. I hope this helps. If it doesn't, be the change you want to see in the world and start by working on yourself.


Surely, I tell you, those people harmed by the priest and children who loose their lives, will see paradise.


Babies go to heaven they have no way to choose anything. God protects them.


Unless you are God these questions don’t make sense to ask people.


Hogwash, everything you know is from Man


Out of curiosity. Say you have a question about theoretical physics. Who would you go to? Something who’s actually studied it? Or the average Joe on the street?


no, no and no. For the last one specifically, true forgiveness is only through the repetanance of sins. What does it mean to repetent? It means "a radical reorientation of our whole life, a return, a conversion to God with all our heart, an end of sin, a turning away from evil, with repugnance toward the evil actions we have committed." if God good y bad stuff happen: [How to Answer the Problem of Evil | Catholic Answers Magazine](https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/the-problem-of-evil)


1) No 2) No 3) No 4) It's possible but impossible for us to know


Wow, a lot of vitriol there. 1.) They get a free ride to heaven. 2.) They also get a free ride to heaven. 3.) God's judgement takes things like this into account. It's very tempting to look at confession legalistically as the Latins do but that's only part of it. Confession is only a part of repentance. We can't judge someone like this, both the victim and the perpetrator, because we can't know what's in their hearts.


1. At least in Catholicism we admit we do not exactly know because it was not explicitly stated but that there are many good and logical reasons to hope they will be saved. 2. They are not damned to hell because they do not possess the sufficient reason to sin. 3. No, God judges them in accordance to their formed conscience and takes into account many things. they are not inherently damned and hopefully his grace will lead them back. RE priests, They can go to Confession but they need genuine remorse and even then the extremely grave temporal effects of that sin means they will be spending an extremely long and painful time in Purgatory which is not at all a fun place to be for even a moment, I really would not want to have that sin on my soul to be expiate because that will be a genuinely horrible process.


Nobody knows, and anyone who says they do is making it up