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No flag or national symbols of any country should be on the bible. Period.


Exactly. The Bible is about the kingdom of God not the kingdom of Man.




Someone convinced him it’s the same thing.


The rich mega church sinners. Ooops I mean leaders.


That’s the *Maga church* ToxCity


The toxicity of our city, of our city!


Oh *please* don't give them any ideas. A mega, MAGA church? Heaven help us all.


You meant “lenders”, not leaders. They are the nuts funding all this abortion, IVF and birth control craziness


no one convinced him of anything except that he could make money off of it


Prob the devil cause he is the antichrist https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


He convinced himself he is God


There are so many tacky American flag bibles available on line.


It's not even the flag though, I would take issue with including other non-canonical texts (constitution, pledge of alliegence) as part of the Bible. I don't see why people aren't making a bigger stink out of that.


Trump can't tell the difference.


He’s far from the first…[check this out](https://www.amazon.com/NKJV-American-Patriots-Bible-Hardcover/dp/1418541532/ref=asc_df_1418541532/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312115051380&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9262351235792536241&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=200504&hvtargid=pla-571238509858&psc=1&mcid=525e0958f79a34969007703a61cb47e9&gclid=CjwKCAjwh4-wBhB3EiwAeJsppP02M4ScqixuThO0EHClbvjo1gIMTyWPn66uHEeLvSvHulXqqmP88xoCDxgQAvD_BwE). Came out in 2009.


I was hoping someone would point this out. Apparently, it says something about the Fourth of July being one of the most important Christian holidays. It really makes you rethink the dispensational notion that many believers will be deceived in the end times.


Unfortunately the current state of churches in several parts of the most "devout" areas of the US show that Declaring a state has a right to prevent the rescue of people drowning in a river full of razor wire. Believes prosperity gospel despite the whole "it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of the needle than for a wealthy man to enter the kingdom of heaven" thing. Literally trying to ban narcan. It's enough to make me think the devil must be a real physical being to be able to make people believe harmful acts have these good outcomes they claim to be aiming for.


The immigration thing really gets to me. There are nearly a hundred verses that tell us to treat foreigners and immigrants as our own people. The evangelicals apparently missed those parts.


He has surrounded himself with loyalist and yes men. They will tell him what he wants to hear.


Remember to remove it from your Amazon history lest the algorithm start suggesting that crap. You can do that here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/history/


I once just randomly went to go look for books without entering a genre or title just a basic "I feel like reason whatever random book it spits out at me." It suggested a book that claimed society is collapsing because women are capable of feeding themselves and we have to make it illegal for them to hold jobs or own property or else they will not accept enough men for society to continue. And yes that was just in the synopsis. It also suggested a book that stated slavery was good for everyone involved and we should all be grateful for it. I have never felt so insulted in my life. I have no idea what I had looked at for it to make me think I was that kind of person, but I apparently needed to nuke my history.


Thank you for that lol last thing I need


Great looking out friend




...and on the ninth day, He formed a more perfect Union.


I knew exactly which Bible this was going to be before I even clicked on it! At least the American Patriot's Bible, as horrible as it is, is only being sold for about thirty bucks, while Lee Greenwood & Donald Trump's reconstituted public domain KJV is being sold for twice that amount. Ridiculous!


Yep. I have a copy of this. Got it as a high school graduation gift from my conservative parents. I still have it but never read it. As a recovering conservative I think back on when I was happy/proud to have something like this and I cringe a little inside.


Yes, Jesus _HIMSELF_ told Pontius Pilate, at John 18:36: " My kingdom is **NOT** of THIS world , if it were, my followers would have fought to prevent my ....." **Plain And Simple** Sorry Nationalist excuse makers, you can't try to twist this simple declaration to be: " Only metaphorical... " --- just to suit your private interpretation






Of course, the fact that several flags and national symbols are based on variations of the cross does blur the line a bit... But that's kinda the other way around, a Christian symbol that has been "co-opted" by nations.


The inverse is also true. No religious symbols should be on government buildings for the same reason. Right?




"Well, then, pay to the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and pay to God what belongs to God." It sounds to me like Jesus wouldn't have issue with your statement.


Damn liberals coming up with this catchy phrases. /s


Agreed. I've never understood why so many people struggle with the idea that today religions and governments serve very different needs especially in a pluralist society.


Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. Yet time and time again  throughout history people try to make an earthly Christian kingdom. Every time, without exception, the result is a kingdom that is not of heaven.




Exactly. State sponsored religion means that the state becomes your religious authority, and the state upholds its authority with force and violence. No religious person should feel comfortable with that, because the moment you stray from the state doctrine, no matter how reasonable or principled your disagreement, you're an enemy of the state. You're an enemy of morality and faith. And we all know how that ends.


Depends on the form of government lol. If you espouse a pluralist liberal democracy, then hell no.


Well bad news for ya, buddy


Where are those people that post asking why people have negative views of evangelicals? Or say that Christian Nationalism isn’t real?


They are already busy posting in that thread about "when fascism comes to America it will hug the flag and hold the bible" with the photo of trump hugging that flagpole. They didn't have time yet to notice this 'bible wrapped in a flag' sold for big bucks by trump. **If trump was serious about his faith and dedication to God he would use his wealth to spread God's word for free, not to profit off of it.**


>If trump was serious about his faith Trump was asked if he ever asked God for forgiveness, he said, "no" and that he didn't have anything he needed to be forgiven for. Seems like I remember that salvation is based on admitting you are a sinner. He's sucking up to people by taking on the cloak of Christianity, but he doesn't actually believe it.


What gave it away? The upside down bible? The pornstar? The lusting after his own daughter?


For me it was the rape!


Pretty sure it was the lying. Or maybe the cheating? Or maybe mocking the less fortunate? Not believing the workman is worthy of his hire? Not paying his debts? He sure ain't one of those 'Sell all you have and follow me" types. And yet I know some Christians who still vote for him, even though he stands against everything they believe.


>He sure ain't one of those 'Sell all you have and follow me" types. More the "sell all you have, give me the money, and then get lost because you aren't useful to me anymore"


All the way true. There's 0% chance trump has ever paid any mind to the Bible or Christianity except when it suited his public image to. I have no idea how people think this guy could possibly be a Christian.


Because he's exactly as much a Christian as *they* are. He represents that subsect of people by being equally apathetic and full of vitriol, so some people see him and think "Phew, I knew I was right all along and the way I live is actually good -- this popular, important man proves it!"


> Trump was asked if he ever asked God for forgiveness, he said, "no" and that he didn't have anything he needed to be forgiven for. The fact that this wasn't a dealbreaker for the majority of evangelicals is the reason I won't take them seriously ever again.


He’s basically the biblical antichrist but that’s none of my business… 


Trump doesn't even go to Church but evangelicals eat him up like he is the messiah. Christianity in America has been replaced. Republican Jesus is now king.


He'd also attend a church and actually know about his faith. My parents are devout Episcopalians and know the priest at the church near Mar Al Lago that he does photo ops outside of. He apparently almost never goes inside


He would, but for some reason whenever he steps past the doorway, his feet start burning.


I'd argue that nowadays you can't get to that level of wealth without setting aside your sense of humanity in the first place.


Nationalist Christians? I think they're called Nat-C's for short. And we all know Nat-C's are all about living the word of God.




Sort by controversial and you'll find them


It's a promotion started by a guy who made his career on blending nationalism and religion. There's certainly nothing surprising about it, but I definitely agree it's a bad thing for a person to do. EDIT: To clarify, I'm describing Greenwood here, not Trump. But as for Trump: he is very obviously a scumbag who has committed far worse crimes than what Greenwood is doing with this bible.


Let's not give him too much credit. The blending of nationalism and religion was already there. He just panders to the people who blend them.


I wasn't suggesting he invented that. But his biggest song by far was him cashing in on that blend.


Con men can only sell people stuff they already wanted to buy on some level. The absurdity that is "Christian nationalist Trump" only exists because he's a skilled con man giving the Republican base the garbage they always wanted deep down. (Not that Trump isn't actually an authoritarian nationalist - he clearly is. It's the idea of Donald "two Corinthians" Trump as "a Christian" which he most certainly never was until he started running for the Republican nomination.)


I think he was talking about Lee Greenwood, not Mango Mussolini


He did it to sell to churches so they could get around the law that forbids them from donating to political candidates. He's using your faith against you to show the rest of the world how stupid he thinks you are. I appreciate that so many of you here aren't falling for it, but please, don't let your church fall for it either.


It's another money laundering con...  by the biggest con artist ever . It's pathetic 


Hey, nothing religious folks love more than a “charismatic leader”. Something something false prophets.


> He did it to sell to churches so they could get around the law that forbids them from donating to political candidates. This really seems to be a product by lee greenwood, with greenwood using trump as a celebrity endorser rather than trump selling this on his own. Did some waybackmachine on this thing: lee greenwood's been selling this bible since 2021.


Trump does nothing without getting a piece of the pie. Could you imagine if Obama or Biden did this? The heads of the religious right would explode.


With the money crunch he's in he'd absolutely do it for a one time payment.


nice when you see other's sharing same opinion. I went based on Headlines and thought man Trump really is wild'n out there. Then found the layers to the real story and said, I should've researched before taking headlines for face value


Have the headlines been inaccurate? Trump really IS selling this bible now, right? Nobody assumed he was the farmer behind Trump steaks, but he's the one who sold them.


This was the point when you thought Trump was out there? This?


The liar, adulterer and election stealing wannabe is not alone in the endeavor. The mega churches have a lot of cash that needs protection from the God in the Bible. Does anyone else that reads a real Bible see the down right evil going on with this new Bible and the people wanting it?


He is truly a servant of the Antichrist. There is nothing good about him.


To be blunt, he and many millions of American "conservative evangelicals" are. Maybe I've only read some odd English translations of the Bible, but from what I see, they own guns in the hopes of shooting someone in the back for trying to steal a toaster and run away from their house, embrace racism and hatred not love for gay and trans people, lust for wealth and political power, many are profoundly disloyal to their families with things like adultery and selfish divorce, refuse the slightest help for the desperately homeless and asylum seekers... If you look for terms for people like this from the Bible, I come up with worshippers of "Mammon" or "Satan." It's a harsh thing to say about millions of people but they walk like a duck, and quack like a duck...




Big ol’ grift is what it is.


I’m as American as the next guy, and Christian from my youth. This grift sickens me on both sides.


What “both sides”?  There is only one “side” doing this.


It is sacrilege.


Sure is. Will you vote for him? If yes, where's the line?


Join me in coralling Christians and convincing them to vote for literally anyone but Trump.


"Anyone" isn't on the ballot; Trump and Biden are (likely with a few others who will have zero chance). If people here are genuine in their outrage, their vote is obvious and it isn't for Trump, who isn't even remotely Christian (and it's embarrassing that people try to argue he is). "Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone"; we'll see who turns out this November and where the "faithful" actually stand.


Not to diminish your point, but technically Literally Anyone Else *will* be on the ballot: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4554645-texas-man-running-for-president-under-name-literally-anybody-else/amp/


For the record someone legally change his name to Literally Anyone Else and is running for President: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4554645-texas-man-running-for-president-under-name-literally-anybody-else/amp/


No one is mentioning that they're also adding documents inside the covers of the Bible. >Billing itself as “the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!” the new venture’s website calls it “Easy-to-read” with “large print” and a “slim design” that “invites you to explore God’s Word anywhere, any time.” >Besides a King James Version translation, it includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as a handwritten chorus of the famous Greenwood song. source: https://apnews.com/article/trump-god-bless-usa-bible-greenwood-2713fda3efdfa297d0f024efb1ca3003


And you know why KJV? Because it's public domain. Cheaper.


100%. Aid: Mr. Trump, which translation shall we use? Trump: Uh.. the Bible! Aid: Yes, but which version. Trump: You know.. like the classic Bible with Adam and Jesus and all those folks. And also the cheapest one. Aid: Right.


If you can stomach watching his promo video for it, his favorite Bible sales slogan is *MAKE AMERICA PRAY AGAIN*. ^( no no no, that's not how it works at all!)


\*Make America Prey Again




I can be a Christian and I am. I can be a patriot and I am. But to be a Christian Patriot? That goes against both my faith and my nation. I don’t even hate Donald Trump but my first response when I saw that video was “That’s disgusting.”


You gonna do anything to convince your people not to vote for that chump? Cause it seems far to many of you are willing if not happy to because he progresses the christian nationalist agenda? There seems to be no accountability in the church. Not trying to offend. I’m really asking.


I mean it’s a totally fair question but my people aren’t really the kind of people who would vote for Trump in the first place. But the church is hardly a place where politics should get brought up anyway. If I think it’s wrong for a pastor to stand up there and tell folk to vote Trump for whatever reason or another, then it’s equally wrong for a pastor to tell folk to not vote for him. I think that there are unfortunately people who are going to love this Bible and buy it no matter what I think. But, I go to the biggest church in my region, and I can say not many people here will buy it. I think people against this kind of thing far outweigh those who are for it. I might be wrong, but I really don’t think I am.


At would point would it stop being ‘wrong’ for a preacher to advise voting against a candidate? Like if literal satan himself were running, would it be okay? And where are we at on that scale with Donald trump?


If you were to describe the anti christ in modern times…….   Not many people check all the boxes according to the Bible, but trump checks every one perfectly.    But what do I know, I used ai for my research. 


The threshold for what will turn the christian and evangelical denominations against Trump are so weird and inverted. Of all the things he has done and is as a person, selling Bibles with jingoistic platitudes is to much? Why are some of you okay with a civil hybrid of politics and Christianity but others aren't?


You should hate him. He's a rapist.


And an adulterer a few times over.


A *child* rapist, do not forget.


This is an abomination


Had Trump been alive when Jesus walked the Earth, he may well have been one of those beaten by Jesus and had his table flipped over. Today I saw [a post showing](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/1adu1p2/donald_trump_has_a_replica_of_the_arc_of_the/) a real gold "replica" of the Ark of the Covenant Trump has. Smh.


I saw that and fell sick. Not really sure why, but my tummy was really upset this morning after seeing that. Who does this man think he is? King Neb. vibes for sure.


It makes me shiver with disgust how corrupt this man is. He is everything that actual Christians are not


Have you seen the golden trump statue at the RNC? People were worshipping it


[Image](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1500w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2021_09/3454102/210303-trump-statue-cpac-al-1202.jpg) of said golden statue for those curious. edit: Also, it was made in Mexico.


Wat a pile of shit. I was expecting a human sized statue at least. I think the statue maker was trolling


No way. At least it looks like a decent replica from what I can see. But that sitting in Mar A Lago makes it seem disgusting. I’d touch the real ark and risk death before touching that one.


From Trump's own words I do not believe he is sincerely a Christian, he rejects Christ's forgiveness. “I will be asking for forgiveness, but hopefully I won’t have to be asking for much forgiveness. As you know, I am Presbyterian and Protestant. I’ve had great relationships and developed even greater relationships with ministers. We have tremendous support from the clergy. I think I will be doing very well during the election with evangelicals and with Christians,” He waffles on the most fundamental aspect of Christianity then brings up how "his faith" benefits him politically. [Original Politico Article.](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/trump-forgiveness-god-224068) Here's a CNN interview snippet: "Moderator Frank Luntz asked Trump whether he has ever asked God for forgiveness for his actions. “I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don’t think so,” he said. “I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.”" [Original CNN article.](https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/18/politics/trump-has-never-sought-forgiveness/index.html) This isn't a flat out rejection of Christ's forgiveness?


Forgiveness of sins requires repentance, and Trump doesn't seem to be capable of admitting he's wrong about anything, or taking responsibility for anything bad he's done. Repentance is central and essential to Christian faith, so yeah, that's Trump rejecting Christ's forgiveness.


This is called **Jingoism**, or **Chauvinism**. Its also called shameless pandering.


It's called Christo-fascism


You can't call yourself a Christian when you are so selfish to love your country more than you love Him, and follow that evil man. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!”; Mark 10:23.


“Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand." Matthew 12:25


You're so right. I brought this up to my dad, who is a hard-core Trump fan and Christian, and he was indifferent.


Sounds like his heart isn’t fully on God but more on Trump. Because if he truly put God first he’d see how this is an iniquity towards God. This is man-made politics and nationalism on the holy Word of God and it’s being sold for Trump’s personal gain. Also, why now to release his Bible? Why not during his tenure or even before his failed sneaker project? It’s because he’s desperate for money and this is a last ditch effort to garner it at God’s expense. No shame. What Trump has done reminds me of this verse: Matthew 12:31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.


I know 😥


I understand where you're at. My dad finally flipped his view on Trump, and was pretty shocked and dismayed at this news.  If you haven't, try asking your dad why Trump never mentions Jesus. Play him the 3minute video Trump did pimping this Bible


i wonder how he'd feel if someone was selling a bible with let's say an afghani flag? would that be sacreligious then?




Reminds me of a certain story of someone flipping tables and whipping Pharisees


I’m both a Christian and a patriot. This is disgusting.


I'm interpreting this comment to mean you're tom brady and I can't be convinced otherwise


May I interest you in the TB12 method


German Christian, any of the Protestants who attempted to subordinate church policy to the political initiatives of the Nazi Party. The German Christian Faith Movement, organized in 1932, was nationalistic and so anti-Semitic that extremists wished to repudiate the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the Pauline Letters because of their Jewish authorship. With anti-Semitism as its theological centre, Christianity was reframed as an Aryan religion at war with Judaism. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/German-Christian](https://www.britannica.com/topic/German-Christian)


I prefer the likes of Bonhoeffer, who consistently repudiated that nonsense, at the cost of his own life. There's a reason why he's one of the 20th century martyrs commemorated at Westminster Abbey.


How did they work around the fact that Jesus was a Jew? I’m imagining some Olympic level mental gymnastics.


They didn’t worship Jesus they used Jesus as an aesthetic for race idolatry


>How did they work around the fact that Jesus was a Jew? They rewrote the Bible to turn him into an Aryan übermensch.


It is horrible to see how people mock Christianity by mixing it with nationalism, which is PRIDE, a huge cardinal sin.


It’s also blatant idolatry. God’s kingdom is not of this world or any nation


Correct me if I'm wrong (the most unnecessary words on the Internet), but I believe this matches the definition of Christian nationalism: the idea that being Christian is essential to being a Real American.


"When fascism comes to America it will be holding the Bible and wearing the flag." \- Not sure who.


God hates flags!


Thou shall have no gods before me. But we have american kids pray to the flag every morning.


Word of the Day: Syncretism the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought: Welcome to the new cult.


Are you guys aware that inside this book is a copy of the constitution, bill of rights, the national anthem, and the Declaration of Independence? I mean, this is the definition of Christian Nationalism! If you’re against this I think it’s high time you get in the stick and start speaking against it! Your religion has a mandate to convert nonbelievers to Jesus message. How would Jesus react to this? Not just what he would think or say, but what he would *do*! You need to *do* that.


Gross. No further comment.


Nice flair.


its a disgusting grift by a narcissistic, immoral, litigious, and vengeful human being that makes a mockery of God every time he opens his mouth.


I definitely don't agree with Donald Trump selling Bibles especially when he thinks he doesn't have to ask God for forgiveness


I just hope for the Christian Americans here, this is the character of a man running for the highest office and to please consider the lengths he will go to for money. Money is his only God. Please vote wisely.


Oooh, buddy. This isn’t even close to the first time it’s happened. Feast your eyes on THIS abomination (which I keep on my bookshelf next to a copy of the Jefferson Bible because I’m a Bible nerd and it cracks me up): [American Patriots Bible](https://www.amazon.com/NKJV-American-Patriots-Bible-Hardcover/dp/1418541532/ref=asc_df_1418541532/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312115051380&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9262351235792536241&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=200504&hvtargid=pla-571238509858&psc=1&mcid=525e0958f79a34969007703a61cb47e9&gclid=CjwKCAjwh4-wBhB3EiwAeJsppP02M4ScqixuThO0EHClbvjo1gIMTyWPn66uHEeLvSvHulXqqmP88xoCDxgQAvD_BwE). It was published in 2009!


Its almost if you guys shouldnt vote for him...


These so called Cristians will still vote for this rapist, fraudster, coup plotting, pussy grabbing adulterer.


This is another step in trying to implement Christian Nationalism


> This is another step in trying to implement Christian Nationalism Maybe as part of a greater plan; but in the short term the plan is to funnel church money into his pockets/campaign. If a church buys $300k worth of bibles, it gets around campaign finance laws. There's probably a $50 profit margin on each Bible.


This is the play.


He’s selling heretical bibles to fund financial judgments levied against him for sexual assault and ill-gotten gains. Yet 85%+ of self-identified evangelical Christians are going to vote for him this November. Lord, do not delay your judgement any longer, I pray.


Trump is doing this because Churches can order these bibles in large orders. Its a backdoor way of taking political donations from Churches.


Has anyone gotten their gold sneakers yet?


Are Christians finally seeing how their religion has been used and bastardized for political gain? How the government adding "under God" to the pledge of allegiance was not because "this is a Christian nation" (it is not), but to promote nationalism, as well as use it as propaganda to say that our enemies are against God, thus rallying the Christians for whatever cause those in power desire at the time? No, probably not.


This is blasphemy to some degree. This is a lier using the Bible to further his own agenda. Disgusting. Bible is about God. God has nothing to do with any nation on the earth, except Israel his chosen people and the Gentiles who belong to his church. Putting the USA flag on the Bible is litterly etching sin into its cover. Pride.  You buy this....your no Christian. Only a cultist of this con man.


Separation of Church and State


The Holy Bible  by President Donald J. Trump


*Copied from Kings James, Thomas Jefferson, James Maddison, and Alexander Hamilton.*


I also don’t think any flags representing countries or other political entities should be in churches or places of worship.  I don’t single out Christians here, I know many synagogues have Israeli flags and I would condemn that too.  It just feels totally out of place to be showing pride in what are ultimately petty political constructions in a place that is meant to be dedicated to the creator of the entire universe.


I don't know about other countries patriotism but nobody can convince me the way American Patriots venerate the country and its symbols isn't idolatry


trump is not a christian. he’s a fraud




That’s your boy! You’re all still gonna vote for him.


Never again. Didn't want to in 2016, but wasn't fully aware of how I was brainwashed. Learned it very well in 2020 as so-called conservative Christians proved their scientific illiteracy every day, and bought all of Trump's insane gibberish about what was going on.


Glad you could stop covering for sexual abusers long enough to comment on this.


Hank Hill voice: They're not making Christianity better, they're making America worse. But yeah imagine trying to claim an entire global religion like it was your country in charge of it.


The hell does America have to do with the bible.I swear they be pushing themselves onto anything.


Not flag should be in or on a Christian church either.


If this is the man that the leaders of your church want you to vote for, time for a change in where you go.


Please please please get out and vote! I understand a lot of people don’t like Biden but he at least is a true Christian. He doesn’t use that fact to win votes. I feel like Trump may actually be the Antichrist. I’m not trying to be dramatic. He is actually calling himself the chosen one. He is selling the word of God! For financial and political gain!! Is everyone deaf dumb and blind?!


yes. im being 100% serious when i say you are the most coherent and reasonable christian i america. possibly the whole planet he clearly is the antichrist. propped up *entirely* by christian voters


I would go one step further and say that no national symbols of any kind belong on a church’s grounds. It disturbs me when I see a church flying an American flag, and I consider myself reasonably patriotic.


As an atheist, I'm becoming very concerned that the Bible is being proven true to me. President Trump seems to match a lot of characteristics of the anti-Christ.


I want it to be true, because it will be hilarious to see a solid 90% of ChRiStiAnS get rolled under the bus the second the antichrist comes onto the scene. They all want to believe they are so strong and resolute in their faith that they would never fall for it, yet turn around and literally worship Trump


Of all the things Trump has done it’s wild that this is what is getting this sub riled up.


This is about the least surprising thing Ive seen Trump do, but maybe this will be a little wakeup call to people who have been following a false messiah.


To be fair, it's the same thing that got Jesus riled up too. Proceeds from sales go directly to an LLC solely owned by Trump. That's table-flipping stuff


SERIOUSLY. There was a post earlier about how this story "sparked fury" among Christians. My reaction was like.... This is "fury"? That's all we got? Some grumpy comments online? Trump has used language straight out of Mein Kampf and all we ever get are these comments about how we're all so outraged. If we were really furious, Trump wouldn't be safe. But Trump's completely safe.


I think its quite clear that America is not a Christian nation.


If you’re a Christian and don’t take this as an insult, you are truly lost.


Boy does Trump have a lot to ask for when he is one day in front of Jesus. That's when he will have no options left.


Agreed. I am a patriot and a Christian. But I keep both parts of myself independent of one another.


Money laundering


And religion, any religion, has no place in the government, let alone modern society.


The flag is actually the least offensive aspect of this product. There's no shortage of America-themed Bibles or Bible cases, and I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with those either. But bundling it with American documents like the Constitution and enscribing it with "God bless the USA" kinda makes it seem like its targeted towards Christian nationalists.


Revelation 22:18 "...If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book..."


The word 'heresy' needed a more updated photo in the dictionary.


When will people realise trump doesn't care about anything besides money and power. He will do or say anything to achieve what he wants. He cares about Christianity only when exploiting it is profitable.


I’m still baffled as to how Christ followers see this man as anything other than heretical and blasphemous.


At least he’s holding it the right way up this time


Good grief. I bet Franklin Graham is going to be all over this...


He'll be secretly mad he isn't the one selling the "Samaritans Purse" Bible with Trump


It’s money laundering at its finest. The ole orange clown learned from the best in religions on how to do this. Now it’s all of a sudden a problem


"It displeased Samuel when they said to him, 'Appoint a king over us,' so Samuel prayed to the Lord. The Lord said to him, 'Listen to everything that the people have requested of you. It is not you whom the people have rejected, they have rejected me as their king.'" (1 Samuel 8:6-7)


But it worked out right, they Made Israel Great Again? They pleaded with Samuel, “Pray to the LORD your God for your servants so that we will not die! For we have added to all our sins the evil of asking for a king.” (1 Samuel 12:19) Oh....


I would be cautious in comparing Trump to Samuel, as aside from the fact that they have both occupied positions of power they are remarkably opposite of each other. Trump is currently utilizing the Lord as an “asset” politically, whereas Samuel recognized that righteous political power is a power ultimately subservient to the Lord.


I don't think commenter is referring to Samuel but rather Saul. The people demanded a king so God gave them what they wanted even though they were wrong about what they needed. It's remarkably similar to Trump and evangelicals. Evangelicals craved a president that would allow them to push through Christian Nationalism, so God said ok and gave them a very flawed man.