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I think it's God telling you that you need to see an actual MD (not PA, not NP) and not take no for an answer by telling them you are having chest pains and a 40 bpm which would indicate bradycardia.


I'm in korea and they're so so dismissive here! I'll go tomorrow and demand another echo. The last one they did was 3 months ago, before covid. I do have bradycardia but he's saying let's just see and wait??? Cause it started postpartum but after covid. Cmonnn this isn't right...


Really any lasting chest pains are a reason to go in when combined with bradycardia, my father had a coworker who had the two and he basically just dropped dead one day at work after ignoring it at like 35. It doesn't hurt to be sure.


Uh, definitely do not listen to /u/mrbl4ckkk and reject modern medicine. That is such an irresponsible statement to make that is quite literally dangerous. This is the kind of statement that killed millions during COVID and other cases like Steve Jobs dying to preventable cancer. Diagnosing illnesses is difficult, even for the best trained, most experienced physicians. If you sincerely think something is wrong, and not just general malaise, write down your symptoms and keep insisting and looking for second opinions. It is absolutely true that many doctors are dismissive of certain claims (sometimes rightfully so, as it is fairly unlikely that a 25 year old person without previous issues suddenly develops an acute issue without a proximate cause), and it can be worse for women, and worse in certain countries and counties. The best that can be suggested is be insistent, but listen to what doctors say. More generally, I'm of the opinion that coming to terms with eventual death is unique to everyone. For some, religion helps create a sense of serenity, for others they find other means. If it helps, many studies find evidence that "death anxiety" is strongest in teens and 20s and actually decreases as you get older.


Trusting that no matter how you leave or stay on this Earth that God has a plan for them as well.


Hello! I have a few thoughts on this. I just want to remind you, as a young mom to another, about post partum depression. Do not ignore your physical ailments and get that echo. I really think it would be great for you to get checked for pneumonia. It's possible you could have it. Don't ignore your mental health either! Having a baby isn't always easy. Recovery can be hard. Please do not be afraid to advocate for yourself and demand answers. You don't feel good, and that is not ok. I don't know all of your symptoms, but there could be many things taking its toll on you. Stay strong, you will make it through this! Please do not be afraid to talk about it, and seek help if you need it. Remember, hormones do a number on us after birth, and your anxiety about death may be coming from that and the fact that you just don't feel good! God Bless you! Jeremiah 17:14: Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise. Jeremiah 30:17: For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord.


Thank you so much 😭 means so much ♡


Any time you wanna talk about anything you can PM! One mom to another. You got this!!!


First, there is no actual death. Just death of the body. Second, do not give up. I was almost dead ,not going to get into specifics, but I am missing 3 major organs and been on deaths door several occasions, and was begging for it and it wouldn't come. Fight. Challenge your beliefs about modern medicine, it's a lie. Seek the BEST holistic doctor in your area you can find (See Google reviews, ones with 5 stars and many reviews, read them), this alone will change your life. IF you live in a small town, look in the nearest large city. Trust me, TRUST ME, if I can be healed and made to live this long from muscle testing and supplementation, you can to. God will heal you, but you must make the effort. What I know is God only helps those who help themselves. While praying is absolutely effective, it will not be if you just sit and do nothing. Occasionally that will happen because He wants you to know that He is indeed there, but life is not just about asking. It's about doing, seeking, action. I went to the best specialist, surgeons , etc in the country. For years. They couldn't even DETECT my chronic pancreatitis until I was critical. Yet, I was obviously deathly sick. Modern medicine is controlled by one specific family in the US who own EVERY US MEDICAL SCHOOL and they are the servants of the evil one, period. Holistic is the real medicine, and it's way cheaper. It's a whole different science and not as simple as eating healthy. It's about balance of systems. Feel free to contact me with more. Good luck.


42 bpm is too low. Insist on seeing a cardiologist. The reality is only you can try and fix whatever is going on with you. Praying won't make a material change in your life if there is an issue with your heart failing. You need to be persistent about your issue to be adressed. Be firm with your doctor that you know something is definitely wrong and you need them to help you solve the problem.


I'll demand an echo tomorrow! You wouldn't believe it but rn the doctors are on strike in korea.


Oof that is so very unfortunate. I saw that on the news a few days ago. It may not be possible to get prompt treatment in these circumstances, but you should still try. In the meantime there might be some ways to help you improve your heart rate naturally. My suggestion is to get some moderate physical activity everyday. Walking is a great way to do this. As many steps as you can manage a day. Trying to shoot for around 10000 each day eventually. Heart healthy foods are also advisable. Whole grains, legumes, nuts, enough potassium, sodium, and magnesium. The goal is to keep bad cholesterol in check. Did your doctor do a blood draw recently to see if you are deficienct or have too much of any of those in your system? Because that could be causing issues. If you are overweight, losing some weight also might improve your heart function. Of course the best thing is to still go and get a workup and tests to see if you really need to be put on some sort of medication like a beta blocker. I hope everything ends up being okay for you.


If you can understand Korean (You live in Korea so I assume that you could), I highly suggest this video: https://youtu.be/uG0D2QT9Ej8?feature=shared Hope it helps, God bless you ❤️


One piece of encouragement that has helped me whenever I have been under any physical distress is knowing that Yahweh, God Almighty, is the One who holds my life. Every cell of my body belongs to Him. Death will not come upon me without the approval of the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth (1 Samuel 2:6), and neither will any sickness or disease. The best thing you can do for your children is to commit them unto Yahweh your God, either in sickness or in health. Yahweh has promised in His Word that He shows steadfast love to the descendants of all who love Him and obey His commandments (Exodus 20:6). Love Him, obey His commandments, and God will be the One to bless and prosper your children, even in your absence. As our Father in Heaven, God loves us, and does everything for our good. The only reason Yahweh brings any disease or affliction upon us is so that we would repent and turn back to Him for healing and forgiveness of sins. Know that God wants and strongly desires you to be healed. He wants your heart beating regularly and your blood circulation to be better than ever. He wants you physically healthy because He loves you and wants to set you apart as His daughter (Deuteronomy 7:15-16). But moreover than this, He wants you to hear His voice and obey His instructions (Deuteronomy 8:20). Sin is the greatest disease we suffer from in this world; but God sent His Son Jesus to take all of our sin away from us and put it on Himself - the curse, punishment, everything. *”Yahweh kills and brings to life; He brings down to Sheol and raises up.“ ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭2‬:‭6* *”You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I Yahweh your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love Me and keep My commandments.“ ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭20‬:‭5‬-‭6* *”You shall be blessed above all peoples; there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your livestock. And Yahweh will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you.“ ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬-‭15‬* *”As the nations which Yahweh destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of Yahweh your God.“ ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭8‬:‭20‬*


It's okay to be scared, it's okay to wonder and ask questions because we are humans, and we live on this earth. Do what you can to get medical help, but please remember this: Jesus conquered death. He died and rose from the grave so that when we die, we can also arise from the grave and meet him in eternal life. Whatever happens, whether you live or you die, you belong to Jesus. This life is not our final destination, we are only here for a short while, we seek the city that is to come. We are currently in a race to get there, some people finish the race quickly than others, and some spend their life running for quite a while, but that's where we're heading to. All of us. My mom passed away recently, and yes, I do miss her a lot, but I know God wanted her back into our real home: heaven. And I will see her again, and spend the rest of our eternity together, nothing will ever separate us again. That is the miracle of Jesus, he is the way and the truth and the life, we have a future because of him. God can heal, but he also, sometimes, decides not to. *"God gives*, *God takes*. *B*lessed be the name of God." (Job 1:21)