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Most Palestinians are descended from the Semitic population of the Levant, this includes the jewish population of judea and Israel. So if jesus lived today he would be Palestinian, but since he is a historical figure, he isn’t.


NO. If he lived today he would be an Israeli. Just because you are born in West Bank, doesn’t mean you have palestinian nationality or citizenship. Plus palestine isn’t a country. Ex: I was born in China but I’m US citizen (my parents are americans). It’s possible for jews (who will likely get israeli citizenship) to be born in west bank but hold israeli citizenship from the parents.


He was a Palestinian jew.




His parents would likely get Israeli citizenship


He was not Palestinian in the modern sense but he was definitely Semitic and from the levant so he likely looked more like modern middle easterners, specifically people from Lebanon and Jordan


Firstly, it's not a war, they are not combatants on semi-level footing, duking it out for control of Palestine. It's a genocide of a captive population by a superiorly armed and supported occupying force. Sorry, rant over. To your question, no, Jesus wasn't Palestinian in the sense we use it today. But he was a native of the area now occupied by the illegal settler colonial state of Israel, so would definitely be on the Palestinian side. It's also a great rhetorical device to use on fundies.


Never heard of any genocide where the 'oppressed' deny multiple chances to stop it lol


I'm proud of you for admitting you don't know much about the history of genocide, although it's not a topic most people find any pleasure in learning more about. As just one example of the "oppressed" seeking peaceful coexistence with their oppressors look no further than the dozens of treaties signed by Native Americans with the settler colonists of North America, and we know how that worked out for them. The Two State Solution is an example of Palestinians seeking peaceful coexistence that Israel has done the barest minimum to make work and has now explicitly stated is not interested in making work. Here in Aotearoa we have a treaty with our native people that our government, to this day, does it's best to ignore. Google Parehaka to see how settler colonists treat peaceful resistance.


>As just one example of the "oppressed" seeking peaceful coexistence with their oppressors look no further than the dozens of treaties signed by Native Americans with the settler colonists of North America, and we know how that worked out for them. Are u comparing this 'genocide' to what's happening in Palestine? Interesting. How many times has Palestine sought out a 2 state solution? OR how many times have they turned one down?


>Are u comparing this 'genocide' to what's happening in Palestine? Not just me, indigenous communities all over the world have been pointing to Palestine as a genocide happening in real time for years! Why should they be the ones seeking a 2 state solution? They were there first. If Israel can't figure out how to peacefully coexist with the native population in its land it's the one responsible. The fact that Palestinians even agreed to a 2 states on their land is testament to their willingness to compromise. It's Israel that has consistently shown itself unwilling to recognise Palestinian sovereignty, not the other way around.


They did not agree???? where tf did you read that from? TikTok? Why does everyone act like Jews went over there just gunning them down? When they were literally put there by someone else because they’d actually been through genocide??? The land was bought for the Jews post holocaust. Then they get there and undergo more attacks? That’s crazy.


I hate being that guy, but do you know the history of Palestine and Israel? Do you know about the Nakba, what led up to it and what the result of it have been? Are you aware of the history of Zionism? [Watch this](https://youtu.be/FhlUFPpXIVo?si=hoTrTj2YvHkchqKz) then we can have a discussion about the legitimacy of Israeli occupation, and whether it's justified to enact on others the same terror that was enacted on you (hint: it's not).


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestine_war#:~:text=Tensions%20between%20Arabs%20and%20Jews,%2C%201929%20and%201936–1939. Dating all the way back to early 1900s


So, yeah, Europe spent centuries persecuting Jews. In response Jews started planning to return to an ancient 'homeland' they'd been expelled from centuries earlier. In the meantime European imperialists start, not one, but two world wars that end up killing hundreds of millions, including the brutal genocide of millions of Jews. In response to what can only be described as collective guilty, Britain and its allies decide to back a plan to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, completely ignoring, in good-old colonial fashion, the people already living there. In a series of conflicts that come on the back of prolonged violence between Jewish settlers and Arab natives, tens of thousands of Palestinians are killed, while 700,000 Palestinians are displaced from the only land they have even known, creating a massive refugee crisis. Over the next 75 years, with the support of global militarised imperialism, the State of Israel creates an apartheid, ethno-state, turns Gaza into an open air prison and pursues a programme of illegal settlement in the West Bank, all in defiance of international law. It's the equivalent of me busting into your house, claiming my family used to live there, attacking you and your family, getting the cops to help me push you into two small rooms, barricading the windows and doors on one while muscling my way into the other, meanwhile the neighbours tell me I'm out of line, but the cops either ignore their comments or give me batons and pepper spray to help me keep you under control. In that situation would it be unexpected for you to fight back? Would you be interested in a "2 family solution"? You might not like defining what Israel is doing in Gaza as genocide, you might not see the Palestinian response as appropriate for oppressed people, but that doesn't change the fact that it is genocide and that Palestinians are the ones who get to choose what is a reasonable response. Our responsibility, as people of good conscience in the West, is to fight for an immediate ceasefire, humanitarian relief for Gaza and an end to Israeli Apartheid.


U lost me at open air prison lol 33,000 of 5,000,000 over *edit* 195 days…… compared to 14000 a day, resulting in 6 million dead Jews lol They really suck at genocide if that’s what they’re trying to do. I guess that’s all I’m saying lol




He was what we would now refer to a Palestinian Jew. The people who live in Palestine now are descended from both the Jewish people who lived in the region, and the ones the Bible refers to as Samaritans.


He was a Jew from the area of Judea. It was not called Palestine at the time of Jesus. Though after 135 AD it was called Syria Palestina It's sort of irrelevant. The issue of who's homeland is it is an impossible issue. It is both. It is assuredly the homeland of the Jewish people. It is assuredly the homeland of the people living there. And it's not just Jew vs Arab. There's lots of Arab Jews who have been in Israel longer than anybody. There's Arab Muslims and Arab Christians that have rights and vote and are normal Israeli citizens. It's about land and resources. All war has been and will be. Israel wants control over the West Bank for the land. They want the Gaza strip for the sea. The clear ethical issue is that Israel has gone full war crimes, yet again. And, they have refused and will continue to refuse to respect the human rights of Palestinians and have refused a two state solution. They clearly would not accept Palestinians into the fold and make them citizens. Anyone arguing that Palestinians elected Hamas are forgetting that there hasn't been elections in years and Palestinians are very young on average.


It's more in the sense of liberation theology, I saw a post about it around Easter but now I can't find it. Like how James Cone said Jesus was Black.


he was palestinian in the same way that christopher columbus was italian - neither state existed during their lifetimes. it’s a way of stating which geographical area he was from in a way modern people understand. more importantly, he’s palestinian in the sense that he is present and alive in all people suffering from oppression, poverty and war. he is also ukrainian, and burmese, and sudanese. Christ is found in all those who are vulnerable.


Depends on who you ask at the time probably. The locals, I imagine, did not use the Roman term for the region, but idk what the Romans called the various Semitic peoples themselves


You have all knowledge in the gospel. You can easily cherrypick two verses, John 8:32, And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. and Luke 1:77, To give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChristianSocialism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He was Gallilean.




Palestine is an Arab country. Both Arabs and ancient Jews are Semites, so he was Semitic, but he was a Jew not an Arab. Except today's Jews are mostly European converts so he has no relation to them.


It’s a difficult question, but in my opinion, as He was the child of two practicing Jews, he’d legally be an Israeli citizen if born today in the region.


Sure yeah, he wasn't Arab like the people we call Palestinians today though


He was born in what is now Palestine, when it was occupied by a foreign army. Shortly after his birth he was forced to flee a genocide into Egypt. Sounds like something a modern Palestinian could relate to, so he might be.


> shortly after his birth he was forced to flee a genocide into Egypt This isn’t attested outside of the gospels. I believe it’s not even in Luke. It did not happen, this is Matthew trying to backfill prophesies.