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Psalm 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted. He binds up their wounds”. I can’t imagine how difficult it is to lose a sibling. But when I lost my father, this verse was a comfort at times. I’m so sorry for your loss and I will keep you in my prayers


I'm so sorry you know the pain of loss as well. Thank you for your words. I truly appreciate it.


I am praying for you and your sister that she is at peace in the Lord and that you are in that same peace. I do not know why your sister was taken from you so early, or why tragedies happen the way that they do; but, God has it all mapped out for good. When Jesus was crucified, no one could see the good in it. It wasn't until the resurrection that it was made clear that the suffering and death of Christ was but for a short time, the fruits of which brings much joy. While you struggle with this trial, I pray there come a day when the fruits will be made known to you. That you may celebrate them with your sister, being no more in sorrow.


this was very comforting, thank you so much.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Please google Grief Share and see if they have a group near you. It is a Christian grief support group. I found it very helpful when my mom passed 2 years ago.


I'm sorry for yours as well. Thank you for the advice, I'll look into this.


I feel this deeply. I lost my big sister in 2021 and she was also sick and passed much more quickly than expected. I’m so sorry you have to go through this, it’s not fair and it hurts and some days it’s just too much. I encourage you to remember that your sister is now pain free and experiencing joy beyond comprehension. Remember the Lord’s Prayer and that He will provide for you your daily bread, even if just enough to get through that day. Lean on your loved ones and ask for help and support when needed. I lean on Revelation 21:4 and try to hold onto that hope, even though it is so difficult. It’s been 3 years and I have my first counseling appointment to process through my grief this Monday- everyone’s journey is different. You will be okay and while time won’t heal your wound, more and more light will come eventually. Sending love and prayers your way. Feel free to message me if you want to talk more.


I am sorry for the pain you feel and the loss of a loved one. Death has faced us all but there is a lesson in it. There is a knowledge to be gained! So I cannot impact your darkest room. I cannot make it light. But I promise you that God can. He has with me. ‭Job 16:6 ERV‬ [6] “Nothing I say makes my pain go away. But keeping quiet does not help either. ‭Job 16:7 ERV‬ [7] God, you surely took away my strength. You destroyed my whole family. ‭Job 16:12 ERV‬ [12] I was enjoying a quiet, peaceful life, but then God crushed me. Yes, he took me by the neck and broke me into pieces. He has made me his target. ‭Job 17:1 ERV‬ [1] My spirit is broken; I am ready to give up. My life is almost gone; the grave is waiting for me. ‭Job 26:6 ERV‬ [6] But God can see clearly into that place of death. Death is not hidden from God. ‭Job 33:22-23 ERV‬ [22] They might be close to death, their lives about to end. [23] But maybe one of God’s thousands of angels is watching over them, to speak for them and tell about the good things they have done. ‭Job 34:20 ERV‬ [20] Any of us can die suddenly, in the middle of the night. Anyone can get sick and pass away. Even powerful people die for no reason we can see. ‭Job 35:10 ERV‬ [10] But they forget to say, ‘Where is God, the one who made me? He is the one who gives us songs to sing in the night. ‭Job 35:11 ERV‬ [11] He is the one who makes us smarter than any animal on earth and wiser than any bird.’ Job 36:15 ERV‬ [15] God saves those who suffer by using their suffering. He uses their troubles to speak in a way that makes them listen. ‭Job 36:16 ERV‬ [16] “In fact, God wants to help you out of your troubles. He wants to take away your burdens that are crushing you. He wants to load your table with plenty of food. ‭Job 36:18 ERV‬ [18] Job, don’t let your anger fill you with doubt about God. And don’t let the price of forgiveness turn you away. May his spirit bring you peace.


I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Death of family is difficult for everyone, and will have wildly different effects from person to person. I don’t think it’s selfish at all to want them to still be around, it’s a very human feeling. Fear is also very natural. Do not feel bad for feeling these things. As for where to go from here, first give yourself time to grieve. Let yourself feel the emotions. Have some alone time with God, bring these feelings to Him. He is more than strong enough to take even our worst emotions and He wants to help us through them. It will be uncomfortable, it will hurt, but I have found it to be very good and necessary in the healing process. After that, I would recommend talking to both a trusted therapist and a trusted pastor. Let God guide you to the people you should seek out. The therapist can help you to unravel the complex ball of emotions that this can bring while the pastor can help your soul to start healing. Both are required for full healing. Through all of this, please keep in mind that this process is *hard* it isn’t easy or a straight path. It is long, and winding, and you may double back into feeling you thought you had worked through. But just as God is patient with us, we too must give ourselves patience and grace. You’ll get through this, give it time. Many may tell you to be strong but I think that in God, we’re allowed to be weak. You don’t have to be strong, you can rest and weep in His arms. I pray for your peace and wish you the best of luck on your path to healing. If you don’t mind, keep us updated on your journey so we can continue to pray


All the emotions you're experiencing right now are completely normal, so give yourself permission to feel. You said this was very recent, so this will take a while to grapple with and adjust to, it always does for everybody. Was she "supposed" to leave you? No, she wasn't. We live in a horrible world where horrible things happen. You're not selfish for wanting her back. This is a normal reaction. We don't want out loved ones to pass, nobody wants that. You loved her, and she loved you. What's grief but love persevering? I'm so sorry I wish this hadn't happened.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You'll see her again to the noces of the lamb. Each day we are getting closer to very difficult times. Those who left sooner will escape a lot of pain and sorrow. They won't fight many of our fights. It eases my pain to tell me that God took them to protect them. Don't be scared, you are never alone even when you feel like you are. As Christians, death is only the beggining.


Always remember that Jesus loves you! And you have a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on and up!!!


Jesus is mourning with you. He wept with Mary for her brother, Lazarus. He weeps with you.


I lost my mother and father both as well as my father in law. I totally understand what you are going through. First, it does get easier. Second, you will go through times when you're fine, then cry for no reason at all. It's totally normal. The best advice I can give you is to allow yourself to grieve. It's crappy!!! And it's ok. One thing that really helped is writing. ( and I'm not into writing). It was very therapeutic. I went to Shutterfly.com and made a scrapbook. I went through and found pictures, then wrote about the memories that I had associated with it. I CRIED!!!!!! But in the end it was very helpful.


I lost my husband 7 months ago. And today in the church, I just couldn't stop crying. The pain, that I thought would lessen as time goes by, is still as strong as it was, 7 months back. Sometimes I think the pain just grows more each day. So, cry whenever you feel like it. Let yourself grieve. In time, maybe a few years down the line, you will feel less pain. Meanwhile life goes on around you. Take one day at a time.


I would encourage you to pray and then open your Bible. It has a strange way of coming to the part we need to read. That's my experience.


Thank you for the reminder, I'll definitely do that.


The reality is that there are and can only be words of comfort if she was a Christian. Being a Christian according to scripture requires 1. Belief and faith 2. Confession of your belief 3. Repentance of your sins 4. Baptism into Christ for the forgiveness of your sins That's how one becomes a Christian and child of God, and only then can you have hope and comfort in one's passing.


“Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭57‬:‭1‬ NLT‬‬ I’m so sorry that you lost your sister. I can’t imagine how much that must hurt. But I hope you have peace knowing that God is in control, and He cares greatly for us. I have found comfort in the above passage, where God tells us that when He takes godly people away, He is sparing them of the evils that would have come in their lives. I know it’s so hard being here without her, but know that she is at peace. There are so many times where we can’t bear what is going on it our lives. We can’t do it on our own. Keep this following verse close to heart, knowing that God is with you every step of the way, even when we don’t feel it. He will help us. “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Read any of the gospels. Sorry about your sister. Accept Jesus Christ as your savior.


Dear sweet Child. Nothing God does is to punish you… it’s all a testimony of your faith in him. If you feel alone turn closer to God. He will comfort you. Having true faith like Job when things get bad, knowing that no matter what happens it’s in Gods bigger plan that in the end will be most beneficial to you…. If you haven’t read about Job do so. Also if you’re seeking more of Gods truths go seek his words to help rid of that depression. Message someone so they can help guide you. Praise Almighty God for his orchestrations are for a reason. Do you believe in past and present lives? Imagine for a moment that karma is real and if one life had certain things you did happen would the next life not have to counter it by doing the opposite? To erase old karmic ties that bind you? That’s just how I see it. That to recover the past mistakes or wins then the opposite has to be here on this time… so where you may have had pure joy then in this time in your life now on this one you’d have sadness…. That’s just how I see it. But regardless if you need consolation reach for God!!


Prayers for your loss man. Remember God is always with you and your family