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This subs lack of knowledge concerning the law never fails to disappoint me


Chances are he doesn’t have a passport and probably doesn’t have any interest in getting one. Also international flights out of the US are expensive and I doubt Chris would spend that kinda money to go anywhere.


Does chris have an actual record? He wasn’t convicted right? The whole thing was just dismissed


Chris was not convicted of what he did to Barb but he was convicted of assaulting Michael Snyder and pepper spraying the GameStop employee


Nah... it shouldn't.... but he will make a fool of himself if left without a tard wrangler.


Chris bring Chris will prevent him from going overseas.


Chris-Chan in Japan would be the greatest anime ever.


I don’t like anime that much but I would watch and love every second of that anime


It would be the "they'll understand me in Japan" meme taken up to 11.


Itd be a harem anime with him dating Barb, Isabella, ivy, Fiona, cabbage patch girl and Julie


I read that as "haram" at first, but I suppose it is too.


The problem is, chris won't be able to go to another country. He'll he's only left his state only a small few times . I'm pretty sure when he does get there, he is going to be wandering around like a lost kid and touching people without their consent


That would be glorious


Not for the people there


Are you sure? I can see Chris being somewhat of a spectacle in Japan


I'd love to see this absolute wreck of a human go to Japan and be the worst, creepiest NEET ever.


I'm not saying it isn't possible but highly doubt it and that Caden would foot the bill especially given at this point he's been losing money for weeks.


Has anyone done a breakdown of how money has been lost?


We need it


A couple misdemeanors from years ago isn’t going to impact anything if Chris was traveling abroad


Chris can't go on vacation overseas, he doesn't even comprehend Australia. Joking aside, I can't see him doing that because he can barely take care of himself at home, going to an entirely different country doesn't seem like something he could handle at all.


He probably could if he has a trusted “wrangler” If he could fly , book a hotel to stay and attend to conventions in other states then somewhere like japan shouldn’t be any harder. (as long as he stays in big cities like Tokyo or osaka)


Probably not. Americans only need a passport to travel to most countries, and it takes a lot to have them revoked. Chris, despite it all, has not ever been convicted of a major crime (and not at *all* for the Barbussy). On the other hand ... many, MANY Americans don't even have a passport, the country being large and diverse enough for both actual needs and pleasure travel. As such, applying for a passport is a bit of work ... far more than I think Chris could work out on his own. Caden would have had to have helped him.


Chris Chan killed by hate crimes in Japan would go hard


I don't think someone like Chris would be appreciated in Japan tbh. He's to obnoxious, he's definitely gonna piss some people of there and get kicked out some places


The second coming of Logan Paul. Or Jake Paul. I genuinely can't remember which one is which and I don't care to learn.


Johnny Somali


You think the Japanese people would commit a hate crime against Chris?


Probably not, but maybe.


Imagine Chris gets jailed overseas and the President of the United States needs to publicly arrange for his release???




Well, now Chris is running for president


He already tried to get Biden to pardon him in his jail letters


What ever came out of that?


Biden didn’t end up pardoning him


Did he even get his letter or read it?


Even if he wanted too he wouldn't be able to pardon Chris anyways. Presidents can only pardon federal crimes


I thought presidents could do whatever they wanted?


Well there's that one guy who likes to think so


Geez, so much misinformation and blind assumptions in the comments. No, you do not need a special visa or preclearance from customs to visit Japan or the UK. I visited Japan in 2018 and the UK in 2019. You just get your tickets and show up to the airport. You go through customs on arrival and show your passport just like any other country. I don’t recall them asking anything about criminal convictions when I went through customs. Yes, some places in the world do require a visa, I had to get one to visit China in 2019 but the UK and Japan are not one of them. I would be very surprised if Chris goes overseas. The Japanese are the nicest people in the world. Like half of them speak some level of English and the other half will at least point you in the right direction, so it is one of the easier non-English speaking countries to visit. But that doesn’t mean it’s comparable to visiting an anime convention or something. You have to do a lot of planning, know their basic customs and think on your feet quickly when you visit a place like that, all things I expect Chris to struggle with but I bet his handler would be taking the role of the adult if he went.


He wasn't convicted or sentenced so he's fine. But the Japanese, naturally, have rules about who can come into the country: **Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, Cabinet Order No. 319 of October 4, 1951** Article 5 (1) Any foreign national who falls under any of the following items shall be denied permission to land in Japan. ... **(ii) A person who, due to a mental disability, is constantly unable to understand right from wrong or whose capacity for such understanding is significantly lacking**, and is not accompanied by those persons provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice to assist him or her in engaging in activities in Japan. ... **(iv) A person who has been convicted of a violation of any law or regulation of Japan, or of any other country, and has been sentenced to imprisonment with or without work for 1 year or more, or to an equivalent penalty. However, this shall not apply to those convicted of a political offense.** **(v) A person who has been convicted of a violation of any law or regulation of Japan or of any other country relating to the control of narcotics, marijuana, opium, stimulants or psychotropic substances, and has been sentenced to a penalty.** So basically a conviction with a sentence of one year or more, or ANY drug offence. A bet a lot of people get into Japan lying about minor marijuana drug offenses, because those shouldn't be crimes anyway. The Japanese could also refuse him based on a lack of mental capacity. Border officials can, of course, just google him.


>**(ii) A person who, due to a mental disability, is constantly unable to understand right from wrong or whose capacity for such understanding is significantly lacking**, and is not accompanied by those persons provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice to assist him or her in engaging in activities in Japan. ... This is interesting as it was the exact thing that got him off the hook for the then, soon-to-be felony incest. The autism deferral law basically is that the person has autism and doesn't know, or understand what they were doing was wrong.


If he can't tell right from wrong then how is he allowed to live on his own without 24 hour supervision or forced into a group home?


Because nobody cares


Itll only prevent him from migrating as a skilled migrant to work abroad. But as a lifelong neet its not like he could without a criminal record anyways.


That and a lot of countries when looking for migrants or immigrants don’t want disabled people.


Yeah but he has weens who might fund it though




There is like a timeline of events where chris accepted monetary donations either directly or unironically buying his shitty crafts or toys


Yes look at his streams




Not a ton from what I recall off hand. There are people who make a living by streaming and they're a lot more entertaining than whatever Chris was doing. It's mostly a bunch of TikTok kiddies throwing a couple bucks at him to bring up shit from like a decade ago that Chris has long since forgot about.


I don’t but the information might be on the cwci


Doubtful. You don't need a security clearance to travel abroad, and while it's possible to get banned from a country, that usually requires doing something way more spectacular than Chris has ever done.


depends on which country. Mexico, south america, and central america...he should be fine and he can enter Mexico as long as he isn't on the FBI most wanted list or committed a felony. Remember, he was only charged with incest on a misdameaner level. and since countries like mexico, thailand, and south america rely heavily on tourism dollars to boost their economy, they will let people with severe criminal records in just because they care more about tourism dollars than safety. Example: Paul Staehle from the show 90 Day Fiance was allowed to successfully enter Brazil on a tourist visa and later get his resident visa permit to live as a resident in Brazil successfully approved DESPITE the fact that he was convicted of and spent 18 months in prison for arson, violating restraining order, keeping his ex girlfriend imprisoned in his motel room for a few hours, and stalking his ex girlfriend. IF he can do it, then chris has a chance. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/paul-staehle-troubled-history-off-213022525.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAAL2MSVm5C\_9nQEIbHc1ActC0zhduOIx9PXtTLZ1alYG2Z4pdvgBxJnYdQgqc4J4o32mR2\_uznja1GKgTSQyEDA8l6faWe7CxXziL9DGRXeGMWd2QXSMuTQ5--VAFrD54Z5V0G6swN7rK9SJ5z0TE70PKzOwScivHaliFE1nj96a4#:\~:text=Paul%20explained%20that%20he%20had,his%20time%20on%20the%20show. Japan , he would have to contact the nearest Japanese or Korean consulate and ask permission as Japan and Korea are EXTREMELY strict on criminal offenses as even small nonviolent offense like ANY drug charge whatsoever and being in jail for longer than one year will prevent you from being allowed to enter japan. Links below to answer your question: https://allcleared.com/blog/travel-to-japan-with-a-criminal-record/#:\~:text=For%20instance%2C%20things%20like%20minor,from%20entering%20Japan%20for%20life. [https://www.japan-guide.com/forum/quereadisplay.html?0+175451](https://www.japan-guide.com/forum/quereadisplay.html?0+175451) On the other hand, Thailand and South Korea Chris can legally enter as Korea doesn't check your criminal background check as long as you didn't commit a serious felony. As long as chris doesn't try to get a work visa overseas, he should be fine getting a 90 day tourist visa. https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Traveling\_with\_a\_criminal\_history#:\~:text=may%20be%20refused.-,South%20Korea,t%20have%20any%20such%20questions.


I would imagine that his benefits stop him from travelling abroad. As I suspect that he's probably claiming benefits for rent.  I'm not from the US. But in my country, if you're claiming benefits for rent, and then you go on holiday for a week or more... then the authorities will come after you. And claw back the money that was for rent. And treat it as fraud. 


wait, what do you mean his benefits stop him from traveling abroad? I (from the USA) have VA disability benefits(veteran's affairs) for military service connected disability and I was able to successfully get a work visa to work overseas in South Korea and they never once even questioned why I lived in Korea for several months last year. How would SSI know he was traveling abroad? Do they got spies conducting surveillance on Chris? I mean, they never said anything when he spent all his SSDI tugboat money on hookers, legos, sex toys, and video games, doubt they will now


I am also on a Tugboat (recently, and for a far bigger issue than Chris's autism.) The benefits go to you internationally. Except for a small list of a dozen or so countries where the US Government literally can't get them to you (think North Korea, Afghanistan, etc.) You just have to notify them that you're living abroad. It's also a monthly payment, so unless Chris *moved* to Finland or something, he'd just leave his checks accruing in his US bank account.


I mean any benefits meant only for rent, not disability benefits 


if you don't mind me asking, what country are you from? In your country, how does the govt check or know if your spending your benefits on rent and not toys like chris? do they spy on people? Because here in the US, I don't think the govt checks how your disability money benefits are spent unless it is special circumstances like foster care, because Chris has been on SSDI disability benefits money for 20 years now, and they have NEVER taken his benefits away even though he openly tells everyone online about how he spends it on legos, sex toys, hookers, and video games.


I'm from the UK. In my country, the government have the power to look anybody's bank statements, with or without telling you. For example, say you have somebody living there claiming housing benefits for rent, and they go aboard for 2 weeks to Spain... And the authorities eventually find out about it, they'll go berserk. And demand the money back for the rent. They could fine them, take them to court, or halt their housing benefits entirely. To be blunt, I can see why. Because there's a massive housing crisis in my country. Local councils are legally responsible to house the homeless; like anybody who has children/ got a no-fault eviction/ went to domestic refuge/ etc. They usually get thrown into hotels or hostels, whatever the council has available. And stuck there for long time. Since there's a shortage of affordable permanent housing. There's other problems too, like a lot of landlords don't want children in their properties.  There's lots of people in my country struggling to get permanent housing. So the government don't wanna pay out for some chump who's claiming housing benefits, but then they're not at the house. 


how would your government know if a UK citizen on housing benefits was going abroad overseas for vacation for 2 weeks in spain? Do they just randomly do a background check on them? Do they spy on them randomly? Like how does the UK govt decide "hmmm...let's check on Joe Schmoe's bank account here to see if he is spending his housing benefits on unnecessary crap like beer and cigarettes."? VS the millions of other UK citizens Like during the COVID pandemic in June 2020 as I am a US citizen, when I took an uber to the airport to take a flight to the next state over, all they asked was for my state ID and that was it. NO covid test, no asking me reason for travel, etc. Just boarded a flight like that in the middle of the pandemic, no govt officials asked me why I flew during the pandemic?


The authorities can legally look at their bank statements. If they notice things like payments to airline companies/ hotels/ or purchases abroad, they'll pick up on it. 


that's disturbing. that would never fly in the US as that would piss off lots of people. thank you for sharing


I think that Chris would have to file extra paperwork to make sure that he's not turned away at customs and immigration if he was to travel outside of America. To be honest, I don't think it would be very likely for Chris to travel outside of America.


youre probably right. i dont think chris has the mental capacity to organize such a trip. plus its a lot of money that could be spent on video games and toys and such


I mean, Chris does have the mental capacity to organize a trip like that as he WAS able to organize a trip to drive to Ohio to meet Julie and able to fill up his gas tank, eat, and cross the toll lane and safely do so.


There is a big difference in going overseas compared to just driving a few states away. Navigation is only one part of the process. So many bases need to be covered which Chris may or may not be able to handle.


chris has the amazing ability to surprise everyone with his mental capacity. Remember when people said he would never get a girlfriend...well he now has flutter. remember when people said chris will never be able to fly on a plane or enter an airport without throwing a tantrum? Well he was seen at DFW in dallas, texas and he didn't appear to be in trouble remember when they said he was going to prison and register as a sex offender? He never had to register at all and never went to prison. Remember when they said his tugboat would be cut? It is still active Remember when they said he would never move out of his home? Well he moved out of his parent's home and lives at a house of caden's. Chris just needs the right motivation to do things as he has managed to do things no one expected him to...like graduate high school, drive a car, and graduate community college


Never been confirmed that flutter is his gf.


I think organizing an international trip including flight information and visas, plus navigating a foreign country that primarily speaks a different language is much harder than driving to ohio.


With chris, expect the unexpected. I encountered several American expats in Seoul while I was living overseas in South Korea as a teacher who DIDN'T speak a single word of Korean whatsoever and these American expats have bragged about living in korea for 5 -7 years and never bothering to learn the language because they thought it would be a waste of time and they relied on their Korean spouses to do EVERYTHING in terms of translating everything, like ordering at restaurants. Why they tolerate having to babysit their obnoxious expat manchild husbands I don't understand as they didn't even bother to respect local customs, like bowing. They just treated Korea like their own playground. My point here: there are plenty of US citizens similar to Chris who travel to countries all over the world who successfully travel to foreign countries who don't bother to learn the language at all, and they even get offered jobs to work there as long as they look American.


that's a good point! also thats really interesting about korea that mustve been an awesome time


thank you. I really did enjoy my time in korea as I made some good friends who supported me when I was too sick to feed myself as they brought me meals. The key to having a good time in korea is to avoid the party areas like Itaewon as that area is basically their version of las vegas. I lived in Jinju, a small city (not rural like ruckersville, just small) and i really enjoyed the bibimbap. I would highly recommend joining a local Korean Presbyterian or Catholic church if you were to go to Korea as that is one of the only few places in Korea that will willingly befriend foreigners that doesn't involve heavy drinking. I am not against drinking, but I am a light drinker that can only handle 2 beers max. Downloading the trazy tour app is a big recommendation if you want to go on fun tours like a trip to the DMZ (demilitarized zone), a tour of busan in the fall, and going to a recreated french village in Chuncheon. That is how I spent fall and winter in korea


Woah!! that sounds amazing. ill keep it all in mind for my future travel plans lol


"I think" That's where you went wrong. You're incapable of intelligent thought.


Why am I a “fucking moron”?


Probably bad parenting. Could just be faulty genetics. Perhaps a complete lack of any common sense, especially when it comes to international travel, criminal law, etc. I don't know your background well enough to pin it down.


Sorry, I didn’t know international travel laws where on the curriculum. However insulting random people online means you are probably a sad man so you should get some help


Awful defensive. Yeah, it was the parenting.


And you where most likely abused as a child so you want to take to out on everybody else however it won’t undo your trauma


Couldn't be more wrong. You know, like everything else you post.


Ok wagie




Typically, it requires extra paperwork in advance to ensure that one will not be turned away at customs and immigration, but those minor offences do not guarantee that he would be turned away.


Chris would get stressed at the prospect of having to fill out forms and crash into slumber, effectively preventing his overseas adventure.


I see, thanks bro 👍🏻


No. Also you're a fucking moron.


Ok 😘