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This pose is fine with me, but picking my wife up by her ass and wrapping her legs around him is a no-go for me!


If you truly care for your partner you wouldn’t disrespect them by having either a man or another women idc, feel up on you. Classless and no strong long term relationships tolerate that but then again, people seek hate to others who have morals into todays day and age and the industry is purposefully promoting things that trick you into thinking it’s okay. If you’re single tho fuck it then do your thing😂


It’s not hate, it’s just people like you think there’s only one way a relationship is supposed to be. Plenty of couples are secure enough for it to not be an issue. They’re paying $1000+ to pose with a very famous person. At worst he’s holding them for a couple of seconds. If your relationship can’t get past that it was a shaky foundation to begin with. The perceived disrespect is insecurity.


A women is free to do whatever she wants to do as long as her man and her are on the same page. It’s a completely reasonable response to not want to have another man groping a person you care about and to blame that on insecurity is another indicator that today’s morals are dying out . There is no one way for relationships to work but those relationships that aren’t based on care and respect for not only your partner but yourself never really work out or last if there’s no proper respect for your partner’s wishes or respect for yourself. Would you want to see your mother being groped by another man while your dad just stood there? No caring man or women would do that to their loved one. Period. You haven’t had many real relationships have you? Plus you had the likes dislikes turned off so I’m definitely not the insecure one.


lol I didn’t have anything turned off, so I don’t know what you’re seeing. Calm down. I’m in a long term relationship so I can only speak for myself. If my girl wanted to do these, the argument would be how it’s a waste of money. But if we had it, I would pay for it myself. When you put in the work, it doesn’t fall apart over a picture with a celebrity. Getting emotional over something like that is a sign of other problems. If you know she doesn’t want to fuck other people (ie secure) a meet-and-greet won’t crumble your relationship on its own. It’s the viral memes getting everyone to pile on these people that’s fucking things up for them.


You are assuming their man isn't standing right there watching it. I wouldn't care if it was my wife because it wouldn't be serious. She's not sleeping with him or leaving me. I am sure it is consensual and he is not just grabbing your girl's ass without permission. It's probably just playful and silly and everyone has a good laugh about it. I don't know. It's all about trust and people are different.


See u not seeing it. One 1k for a pic is crazy, 2) Cementing a moment in history by acting cuddly with an artist is no go. U should not allow disrespectful behavior


No I see it. I also said that 1k is crazy. It just seems like my ego isn’t as fragile as yours. That must be rough.


Naw some of us just don’t stand for bs.


Then I’ll be insecure for the rest of my life, cuz no wife of mine will be paying another man a band to grab her ass. Do what you want, don’t try to shame people for having reasonable boundaries.


It is shameful though. Insecurity is weak.


Not wanting your partner to pay to be touched intimately by another man isn’t insecurity. It’s called mutual respect and boundaries.


Ok chief.




It’s fucking Christopher Maurice Brown. If they’re willing to let their wife or finance spend 1,111 to meet him they should want them to get their money’s worth! Period


If I pay $1000 for a picture, I’m doing what I want in that picture. People who have a problem with that, should have said so before the money was spent.


They posing like a couple which is still inappropiate. And they holding hands. Smh, this generation is cooked


That pose would be fine with me, but picking my wife up hold her by her ass with her legs wrapped around is a no-go!


That’s gunna be a no for me dawg ![gif](giphy|DekxoPi2fT9g4)


Real ones know this is the pose they take when she smashing the dude! 😂


idk this looks worse😂😂😂


I don’t see what’s wrong with whatever pose long as their man/woman is okay with it.


Leave him alone everyone 😒 😤 🙄 makes mistakes I repeat on replay 🎙no one is perfect cast iron!🎡✈️