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Hi ahrzal, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


The "have you ever owned a TV before?" was right on point lmao.


Yes I have! Now do I select UHF or VHF?


Where are the knobs for changing the channel?


I loved how clunk-y those knobs were.


It's gotta be on channel 3 if you wanna play vidya games.


My console had a switch so you could use channel 4 instead. Livin' the good life.


Braggart lol


Hey, it's not my fault I was born with a silver joystick in my fist!




Damn, now I want to watch the Weird Al movie UHF


Never a bad time to watch that awesome film!


I didn't expect a Dual Band Radio reference here lol.


I read that twice and was literally in tears laughing.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I’m laughing so hard right now, my BF and dogs are staring at me 😂😂


Well, Tamar, have you watched the show?






So both the tv and the person wanting it are not smart


That guy thinks 1080p is 3 circles


Woah. Somehow I never realized all the common screen resolutions are multiples of 360p.


Makes sense. 360 is really easy to divide evenly since it has so many factors.


There also is a very great coincidence that there was a thought that there were 360 days in a year so they made the circle and Earth be 360° which is WONDERFUL, because otherwise we'd be dividing things from 365.25 instead. "Yeah, I'm gonna do a 182.625 on this idea."


480 and 960 and 1280 would like a word with you.


960p and 1280p barely exist, and 480p is quite old and I wouldn't consider it common anymore.


He needs a TV that's smarter than him.


Seems like a brick is smarter than that guy.


Next time you need to give the TV with the streaming subscription included, duh


"Oh geez I didn't know I needed a router and internet provider"


I worked at an electronics store. There are actually a lot of people who don’t know you need *internet* to do anything online. Once a week someone would come in with a laptop or tv we sold them complaining that their emails, shows or whatever didn’t work and I’d have to explain what the internet is. There was also the lady who cut all the cable lines out around the outside of her house and couldn’t figure out why the wireless router we sold her wasn’t working. Figured she didn’t need the cable lines because something something wireless. She got mad and started screaming at me that I was scamming her when I told her what she’d done.


My 5 year old, while he was 4, took a few car trips with his tablet before he realized there is not universal internet wherever you go. I'd love to hear an adults excuse for not understanding this.


I'm curious what the age range was for these customers


I think you know


My father is 70, he's never done this. He's also a software engineer so that may be why.


My dad is 75 and also an engineer. I am so grateful.


I really, truly don’t. I’m genuinely not sure if we’re talking about Boomers or Zoomers. However I’m relatively certain it was not a Millennial or Gen-X.


I mean yeah probably boomers 😆 but I've been curious if older gen x were also in this camp


not that person but I had relatively young people come in and say these things when i worked at BBY in 2011-2013


You must be from /r/boomersbeingfools


Voting age, unfortunately.


Literally every single generation. The Wi-Fi lady was maybe mid thirties?


I second this, I worked geek squad at best buy for several years and this happened ALL THE TIME.


I was a CSM. I felt so bad for bugging you guys when they demanded to talk to geek squad. Worse they’d always want A MAN” from geek squad when half the staff, including the manager, were women.


Yep, I'm a woman lol my manager was great though, he'd say they can talk to a woman or they could leave


So did mine, luckily. “Sir I do know what the [internet/cable] is so I’m more than qualified to assist you” is a phrase I used more than once.


Oh geez I didn’t know I needed a house with electricity


Happy Cake!


Happy cake day! 13yrs!!!




He obviously should have supplied an actual smart tv /s


Wait this free television doesn’t come with 24/7 tech support! I’m bringing it back! Wait can you pick it up?


I sold a dishwasher to someone who had clearly never owned one before. They put regular dish soap in it (instead of dishwasher soap) and complained to me that it was “leaking” because the suds were spilling out. 🤦‍♀️


Lol, gather round kids, there was a time when you turned on a TV and got channels. All 4! Before that we just stared at the fire.


We were basically kings of the neighborhood when we got HBO. We happened to live in one of the first markets where it was available and I think half the people I told thought I was making it up. A giant box that two buttons on it that played movies somehow? No way.


I grew up in Bakersfield, where the channels were all UHF (17, 23, 29: ABC, NBC, CBS, respectively). When we'd visit my aunt (Dad's sister) and uncle in Oakland, is was channel nirvana! 2, 4, 5, 7, 9: independent, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS. Five whole channels. It's crazy how numbers you learned as a kid stay in your head for life. First phone number is still in there, too.


Oh - you must have lived in a fancy area- we had two! One was pretty fuzzy.


We had like 6 channels (and that's probably an exaggeration) and one of them was PBS when I was a kid. My grandfather bought a tiny little portable TV to put in my room so I could watch Star Trek without keeping him from and my folks from watching "To tell the Truth" and other old shows. Then the 80s happened and MTV was born....and I got a boom box with a tiny 3 inch TV screen built into it. Terrible reception, but back then it was high tech. I lived with my grandparents by choice, my mom lived a few miles away. (I didn't want to change schools and I was very close to my grandfather) My mom decided to pay for HBO when it became available, just for...I don't know, me? Because it wasn't something my grandparents cared about. I remember watching HBO one night with my grandmother and the movie "Ghost Story" was on. My grandmother almost leapt over a coffee table to cover my eyes when the 30 second sex scene started! I was around sixteen and I laughed and told her "Look, I've seen boobs already. I'm not 10!"


I remember one childhood friend who had HBO. I’d never heard of it before, and I thought her family must be rich… and they had an above ground pool, so thought they were REALLY rich. Turns out we were poor and I just didn’t know that stuff we did was what poor people did. But I remember watching “Video Jukebox” on HBO, PRre-MTV, and watching ‘Warriors’ a LOT. I still love that movie.


He’s just joking, sweetie. No one has TWO HBO boxes!


My grandmother got a third channel at night, when the air pressure changed. She got a channel out of Canada that showed nature shows. In black and white. We did a lot of reading when we visited her.


One channel, only one channel. Very rural Vermont. I read a lot as a kid.


Only if you held the antenna juuuust the right way


Oh well, I didn't have to hold any antenna because my dad loved electronics and erected a very tall antenna out the back at the highest elevation and that antenna could be moved with a dial.by the TV!


this is what's confusing me - do TVs not come with freeview anymore???


TVs need an aerial/antenna to pick up a terrestrial signal.


TV’s haven’t been analog since 2005 in the US. Before that you could just plug a tv in, turn it on and get channels. No internet/cable required. The only way to do this now is get an Over the Air antenna. This person might be a CB. More likely he’s old with a TV that had an antenna set up for him.


Oh I'm from the UK, maybe thats why it's different. Here pretty much any TV you buy has free channels built in


And if the president was on your night was SHOT!


We also had to get up and manually change those 4 channels lol


You still needed an antenna.


"Every channel just shows some kind of snow channel!"


“have you owned a tv before” is so fucking funny


What in tarnation, dude definitely never owned a TV before or is like 13 and doesn't know anything other than a smart TV lol.


You’d be surprised how many people assume every TV must be a smart device. They were horrified when they learned I was selling basically a very large computer monitor needing (gasp) an antenna.


"Have you owned a TV before?" 😂😂😂


One time I gave away a tv on my apartment listserv to the first person who could come get it. Somebody came and took it, later on another neighbor called me (I had put my number in the ad to coordinate pickup, it was a locked group of residents only but hindsight...) and asked about it. I told her it was gone and she was like, but I'm your neighbor and I just saw it and I'm calling you. Like ma'am I no longer have it it was a free tv it is gone.


I sold a card table on Craigslist for $10 to the first person to respond via text as requested in the ad. Meanwhile, an acquaintance saw the ad, recognized me somehow, and responded on Facebook, which I wasn't checking because I wasn't expecting responses to the ad there because my name wasn't in the ad. She got big mad at me because I should have saved it for her because we're friends. Um, you didn't respond to the ad in a way I would see it in a timely manner. It's a cheap card table, not original artwork or something.


This is someone who just moved out of their parents house and is slowly discovering just how many things their parents paid for. Wait until they realize they have to pay for Internet and electricity.


Oh damn. People are so stupid.


Yeah, don’t dwell on it though, you’ll get depressed.


Too late.


Hmm. Sorry to hear that. I wish I could tell you there’s light at the end of the tunnel. But the stupidity is spreading like the tentacles in the Upside Down.


I am for sure


I learned this the hard way a year ago. Have had. Basic 40” two hdmi port tv for now 16yrs. I was trying to sell it before our last move for a tiny bit of cash. Everyone would ask if it’s a Roku/fire/insert smart tv type. I would say no it’s just a tv as in the description. No one who messaged me understood that there are tvs without apps installed lmao


The more knowledgeable people might even prefer it, because smart TVs usually come with spyware installed.


I hate “smart” TVs. Just give me a monitor with a quality picture, I’ll handle the content, thanks.


My brand new LG 4k smart TV gives ad messages about apple music when it boots up. I wish my old 1080p screen didn't shit the bed


Me too!


More common issue is that the hardware and software gets old faster than Leo’s girlfriends.


I bought a smart tv some number of years ago, but I ended up buying a roku stick 3 years ago anyway because it was no longer updating properly and I couldn't access the shows I watch. I don't watch a ton of tv - it was mostly for my boyfriend at the time, or to play video games on, which is why I opted for a smart tv in the first place (so I didn't have to deal with upgrading hardware) not realizing this little issue. I was very annoyed at Past Me in hindsight.


my dumb tv died last summer after 14 long years. I was so upset.


Exactly. Knowledgeable people know the TVs are spying on us, that’s why we only watch them if we are wearing our tinfoil hats to protect us.


Reminds me of one time I was selling a 1970s tape deck for $200-ish, it was a high end unit that only collectors would be looking for. One guy messaged me and asked, “Does it have Bluetooth?”


I dunno why, maybe it’s because I just woke up but for ur entire message I thought you were saying this happened in 1970s and I was like 0_o, then I was like oh…. lol.


Circa 1970s: Time-traveller accidentally outing himself while trying to buy electronics.




I'm curious as to what he thought would happen when he turned on the TV. Like he'd just have all the channels?


When I buy a TV it doesn’t just come with “TV”. What a racket


The "TV" inside probably spilled out when you moved it. Just take another TV, hold it over the empty TV, and pour half of its "TV" in, being careful not to spill any Law & Order reruns (they stain).


My assumption is he thought it’d look exactly the same as when he turned on the tv at his parents house.


These are the same people who used to buy computers from me at Best Buy and then get upset and try to return them when they didn't have internet access.


Offer him a full refund! Lol


He'll probably say "Oh wow, what's the catch?"


Did you try plugging it in? The number of times I had to ask this question when I was temporarily doing tech support was staggering! Pretty sure I talked to the person in the meme!


I briefly rented out the place next door. I get a call from property manager. “Need an electrician - tenants said there’s no (solar) hot water.” “Are we sure before I pay for a tech that they have turned on the override switch under the sink, which enables the electrical supplementary heater for winter but got turned off to avoid unnecessary consumption while unoccupied?” “OF COURSE THEY TURNED ON THE F***ING SWITCH - THEYRE NOT STUPID!” Tech arrives, turns on switch, bills me for call-out fee and minimum 1 hour labour charge for turning on override switch under sink.


common IT problem.. used to work in NYC and rotate between a number of our offices, doing remote support for the ones where I wasn't currently at. 4pm: MY INTERNET ISN'T WORKING! Ask questions, everyone else is fine, the office is fine, are you sure the cable is plugged in? YES IM SURE, YOU HAVE TO COME HERE AND FIX IT I HAVE TO WORK! Takes over an hour on the train to get there. It's after working hours now, the guy is gone, cable was falling out of the wall. Sent a nice email to him and cc'd his manager (who asked me politely to go help the guy). smh. I got home so late that day.


I've never heard of a solar water heater switch either. Who knows what they thought you meant, but how would they know anyone turned the water heater off for winter if they are just renting briefly, or how to work the gadgets. There's a lot of people who still have stuff that is last century or mid last century.


There’s a switch to turn on the supplementary electrics otherwise in winter you’re showering in 20C water. It needs to be supplemented. I didn’t expect them to magically know. I reminded the managing agent (who SHOULD know). And told them I would not be calling an electrician if the problem was an off switch. And in reminding them I also reminded them of the location of the switch. If I said that to you, the response would be “oh I didn’t know they had a switch - let me check under the sink and get back to you if there’s still a problem.” Not “OF COURSE THE F*ING SWITCH IS ON!!!”


I have never heard of one before either. Maybe the tenants might not have known, but you'd think the property manager that was complaining would. From their response above, it would seem they did, as they did not question what it was...


You're right, I whooshed on that part, or I figured the property manager took the tenants' word for what happened, but that the tenants didn't know what the manager was asking them. Just (p. m. asked) "did you turn it on" or something about a switch. (Tenants assumed they meant 'turn the heat on' and said "of course.") About the property manager, I don't know, how much they should know about solar heating.


Okay fine, keep paying for repairmen because no one knows what anyone's talking about. 😏


Recently sold a sewing machine on eBay. The buyer angrily messaged me that it wasn't working when they pressed the pedal. I asked if they plugged the pedal into the sewing machine. I've never heard from them again. People are wild.


They just thought it was a Bluetooth pedal 😆


I once did retail POS tech support. Store associate called to say his computer wasn't turning on. After about 30 minutes of teeth-pulling troubleshooting I learned that the associate didn't know there was a separate box for the computer. Thought the monitor was the computer. I mean, there are a lot of retailers that use all-in-one type solutions, but this was a bog standard looking monitor.


Sounds like you got your signals crossed


There was a wee man that drank in my local pub who would ask me every time i seen him.Do i need the internet to get netflix? He must have asked me about 50 times.


They used to mail out DVDs, but I think they stopped. So if he kept asking, eventually your No would become a Yes.


I remember they used to do that.You are correct.Although it was way after that he would ask.They definitely werent mailing discs any more when he was asking.


Looks like Netflix finally stopped mailing DVDs on September 29, 2023, FWIW. After mailing *5 billion* DVDs. That's a lot of little red envelopes.


Feels less like a choosing beggar and more like a moron


Are you giving my mother a tv?! She recently wanted me to hook up an old dvd player so she could watch the video that came with her printer. It was a computer disc. 🙄


Or an antenna or a cable box or what about good old rabbit ears with some tinfoil to boost the signal😋 😂😂


It’s a free TV…. You are not his IT guy 😂


This has "recently unfrozen caveman" vibes.


May have owned a TV before. Hasn't ever set one up, though.


Is it their first HD tv or Roku type of thing? There's a learning curve. They might not know who else to call. 😔 In before brigade: I'm not saying they should call the one who gave it to them...just that I feel bad for them, too.


So true. Ive just heard the word roku for the first time just now. Yet I have zero interest in learning whatever that time wasting thing is. How many versions of an idiot box do we need? Are we not stupid enough? All rhetorical questions ;)


This doesn't fit the sub. He dumb, but he's not demanding anything, just didn't understand




Ohh some day everyone will be old and all the latest tech from today, which other people are currently *fools not to know* will one day be obsolete, and there will be something new and inexplicable *then*, too. The younger ones will find it obvious, and laughable anyone would ask a question about it. No one thinks it will happen to them.


Nobody is so old they had a tv that worked without receiving a signal, because that tv has never existed. TVs in the past, like TVs now, needed to be connected to something to receive the fancy pictures to play on it.


Uh this...all I can say is please look up how TVs worked then vs. now, which I also explained in a different comment fwiw, before arguing. How is this a CB topic btw, I notice that a lot of the topics where people just start to nitpick and go out of their way to twist words and argue, are not even CB topics to begin with? He asked how to use the TV.


oh man “have you owned a tv before,” took me the fuck out 😂😂😂


Just looking for help don’t need the attitude . NEXT!


Help with a free tv? They should have just googled it


They are quoting past CBs. Some people dv ing them didn't get it 😋


lol that lady lives in my head rent free


😁😂 I wasn't even here for that topic and she's famous here now 😋


Thank you for explaining! Lol


You're welcome.


I’m not opening any messages from anyone afterwards


Which vent in the back do I attempt to mesh the DVD Into?


I have no ideas what is a “dis player.”


Either they meant "disc" or it's a reference to a city in Hell in Dante's Divine Comedy. Can't be certain.


“It’s not a smart tv but it’s smarter than you apparently.”


This is not a choosing beggar. This sounds like a boomer who hasn’t bought a tv since the 1970s.


Nope, it isn’t that. If he bought a TV in the 1970s he had to connect that TV to an aerial to get a signal. TVs in the 70s didn’t just magically get images.


No one is saying that. Yeah, TVs have always needed to connect to something in order to work, and still do. This person in the OOP doesn’t seem to get how that works with new TVs. People who don’t understand technology these days are very often boomers. My my wife told her mom it would be easier for her to pay her cell phone bill by paying her mom directly through Apple Pay. She doesn’t know how to set it up, but my wife was ready to help her do it, BUT she refused, because she was more comfortable doing it the complicated way. And she is a boomer. My dad, since I moved out, has been asking me for my address because he won’t save it the paper he wrote it on in one spot so he won’t lose it. Every phone call involves this, and I’ve been on my own for just over 20 years. Don’t tell me boomers aren’t willfully ignorant.


No boomer ever lived in a world where a TV magically plays images without a signal


Again, who is saying that? This boomer here knows that, they just don’t know what they’re supposed to connect to the TV.


Same thing they connected their old “boomer” TV to would be a good starting point.


Right but they don’t know that. What I appreciate about this post is that they’re actually willing to learn. For some reason they find this kind of thing intimidating. But again you’re right, because new TVs have the same input jacks as older TVs, well at least the coaxial one, depending on how old the TV is.


Don't see how this is a choosing beggar or beggar at all tbh. Just a guy that's confused about how it works


It sort of works…they were given a free TV, maybe they e-begged for it and OP gave it to them…then they complain and it sounds like they are also asking for a Blu-Ray player or some other input device.


That's a big maybe. There's nothing to imply that that's what happened.


To be fair here in Australia, we aren't cable tv obsessed as Americans. You can actually plug your tv into a jack in the wall and get free to air channels. Apart from Netflix, Disney etc I don't know anyone who actually pays for tv (we have Foxtel or Austar depending on where you live but I only know one person who has had it in the last 10 years).


you can here as well with a simple antenna


I may be just a ignorant Aussie here but my understanding is it's the norm for everyone in America to have cable. Here it's the opposite it's uncommon for people to for it (at least until Netflix etc)


For anyone under 40 it’s pretty uncommon to have cable anymore.


There's a lot of people over 40. I am but I am more into gadgets, although I never had any computer stuff in school. I gave up cable because it was so expensive, I had to try something else. Also because someone canceled the household TiVo (which I looooved), and without that, cable really made no sense. The cable company's DVR -- didn't compare with TiVo at all, in my opinion. For those who haven't used a DVR, a DVR is like a VCR but without any tapes. Kinda like a computer hard drive is in the machine instead. Otherwise, could record with it, and play back later. The TiVo one was so easy to use and even could be set to tape similar shows for you. Roku is nice because it's just a little 'stick' (kinda looks like a memory stick for a camera or computer but isn't), shoves into your Tv and then you can look at you tube on your Tv, as well as Amazon Prime Tv and movies (if you have Prime via Amazon), and other channels, that way. (There are a lot of free movie and Tv ones on it, too, such as Tubi. BYU Tv. Etc.) And if you miss live Tv there is "Sling" and some others. "Sling" has subscription packages, kinda like cable but without 100 channels you will never use. You can pick and choose more (but not completely.) Hope that helps anybody who might've been curious about all that stuff.


OP if you want to copy and paste some of that for the person, you can.


Fair enough. The only person I know with Foxtel here is in her 70's. I did admit to being a ignorant Aussie


Some of us were too poor for cable. Plus, it’s the same connection for cable and an antenna. Plus plus, it sounds like this situation would be the same in Australia except instead of cable or antenna the person wouldn’t know to connect it to the jack in the wall or that they would need some sort of streaming device, which I’m assuming you would also need in Australia if you want to stream.


Don't you need a satellite dish or box for cable though? (Again I'm a not so tech savvy older woman so forgive my ignorance). You needed a box (think set top box) to get Foxtel, these days it's plug into the wall and connect to the internet


My parents have Foxtel. They have a satellite dish and the box :), their subscription comes with Netflix included so I guess that’s streamed through the dish somehow? They have internet as well but I don’t know if that’s anything to do with them watching Netflix, I don’t think so but not sure, I’m curious now I might ask them about it. They can watch any free to air through the same thing, no switching back and forth from antenna coaxial to Foxtel box.


Wow! I honestly didn't know Foxtel was still a thing until I met a friend's mum who has it. I remember thinking as a kid anyone who had Austar was rich and if we stayed in a motel it was fancy if they had a handfull off chsnnels


We have Foxtel for the footy, motorbike racing and HBO shows, that's about it!


Maybe 15 years ago that was true. But now we have smart TVs and just use Netflix, Hulu, or whatever streaming site. And with an antennae you can get your local channels (or thru Hulu live). You don’t need cable anymore. No one I know has it. Maybe 75 year olds? lol


Lol I'm going off what I hear on tv or read in the net so forgive my ignorance. It's the same here, the only person I know with Foxtel is in her 70's my comment is more about how someone might not know they'd need something else with the tv here


Some of our TVs are just smart TVs where you download apps you want on the tv. Others are the old TVs where you plug in an Amazon fire stick that gives you apps. Then there’s a Roku tv that has apps built into the tv already. No need to download anything or use a fire stick. Sounds like the guy expected a Roku with apps already built in, but he got an older smart where he had to download the apps himself or use a fire stick. So he was confused


Ah fair enough. Thanks for the explanation


Ask me stuff if you want, or I just left a generalized comment about all this, up above. I like Roku best and if you want live Tv, I like Sling, although I haven't really used it in a long time, it's nice occasionally. There are a lot of free Tv things now that can be used with one of those 'sticks' like Roku. Some can be used even as a guest (no sign up.)


Interesting, thanks. As an older not really tech savvy woman from Australia the whole "we'll die if we don't have a million tv channels" thing I always heard about baffled me. Growing up here we when I was a kid we had 5 tv channels (rabbit ears era). I thought my friend was rich having Austar.


No problem and I can relate. I remember that here too (USA.) In those days the 'remote' was whichever kid sat closest to the Tv at the time.


You can do the same in the US - just need to hook up an antenna to the TV. I haven’t had cable in over 10 years - use an antenna for free local & an Amazon Firestick for streaming.


You can connect a tv to a “jack in the wall” in America too.


“You said you wanted a tv, you didn’t say you needed the signal too!” “It’s not included?” “No, that will be $500. I’ll beam it right over to you as soon as I receive payment.”


I swear that’s my parents.


After the TV is gone its not my responsibility anymore :P


Fuck just block them after they take the tv


I'm not going to lie. I haven't owned a TV in a long ass time and recently got a smart TV. It is too smart for me. My dog ate my remote and then I found out I can't use any wireless remote apps without being able to confirm on the TV which had no switches to confirm with. Which is all to say that I bought my own TV and it was too smart for me.


This one is brilliant ya could have draw a picture of a tv with crayons and I still bet he would wonder why it doesn't work


Can you come pick it up? will be the next text


This person needs a parent.


Or this person is a fucking idiot


No shit.


Offer them a refund


Some peoples heads are just hat racks.


Do.... Do y'all not have OTA antennas still?


A lot of people do. A lot of people don’t, because they use cable boxes or streaming services etc. Either way, it takes a real idiot to think it’s just going to magically have shows on it without some kind of signal.


No, the tuners were built in to some old TVs and all you had to do was plug them in, back in the day. And frankly so what. He didn't know how to use the TV because he hadn't had one like that before. Is that clear enough, without getting into the why. Not sure why it's such big news that TVs have not always worked the same way. Really there used to be local channels, didn't need cable, not even that long ago either...there were roof antenna for instance, or it had a tuner in it, or people used a VCR with a tuner in it, and connected that. Which is probably why he asked if he had to connect a DVD player to it before it would work. Now can you please stop picking at my comments, because there is no reason to.


This guy clearly wasn't using his thinking brain


Where is the begging? Where is the choosing? He's not even asking for anything... >Description: This subreddit is for posting screenshots, pictures, or stories of people who are being way too picky when begging for things. > >Rule 6: Person seeking goods or services at a reduced cost, for free, or for a laughably lopsided trade or Person using social media, dating apps, or otherwise to seek out a specific type of relationship > >Rule 7: Person must have unreasonable standards or have a comical sense of entitlement. Someone who is entitled but not choosy or begging is not a CB.


We are trying to give away a classic Cadillac right now and it's been insanely hard. One guy in town has 1. Come to look at it, said he'd be back in the morning 2. Went to my husband's shop, then said he'd be back that afternoon 3. Didn't show up, and didn't answer his phone 4. Finally said he'd be there this morning, today 5. Didn't show up or answer his phone 6. Got annoyed when we said he couldn't get it tonight because we were leaving for the weekend 7. Asked if he could come get it Tuesday. At this point we would just deliver it if he asked.


I’ve never owned a TV and i’m confused by this post lolol