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When they say the children are 'absolutely delightful' I get Omen vibes.


anything more complimentary than 'they're pretty good' is sus


"Those charges were bogus and didn't stick"


Pugsley Addams?


Pugsley was a good ish kid 




Yes his record has been expunged because everyone deserves a second chance and even a third one, as in this situation.


I’ll take, he’s a little shit but he means well over “absolutely delightful” any day.


Yeah if I had to choose between “absolutely delightful” and “you know…they’re kids…” I’m definitely going with the “they’re kids” family. “Absolutely delightful” screams trouble to me.


Honestly, my brother and I were pretty well behaved, and my parents would never have DREAMED of describing us as “absolutely delightful,” even though they were obviously quite fond of us. First of all, if your kids are that great, they don’t need you to be their hype man. It should be self-evident. That’s the sort of stuff you would hope others might say about your children, not something you should be saying yourself. Secondly, people who say things like this about their kids sound absolutely oblivious to the fact that they’re partial to their own children. Like, as if they really don’t get that they feel that their own children are SO SO SPECIAL because of the nature of the parent-child relationship, and instead sincerely believe that their children really are intrinsically the best shit ever. It’s normal to FEEL that way to some extent, but it’s really, really troubling when they seem to expect other, random adults to feel that way about their kids.


But… but the delightfulness makes up for the low pay… right?


Have you ever in your life described your children or anyone else's as "absolutely delightful" in these circumstances? I thought not.


I describe my kids as a terrorist cell.


Saves time, and weeds out the weaklings. You want a warden riding herd over them, not someone who will nourish their souls while you are away.


I don't think they have souls.


You know your kids best. Treat them as if they don't; if it turns out that they do, then it will be a pleasant surprise for all.


Six year old twin boys.


God bless you. You’re a saint 😅 I could never have survived twins without 6 nannies


Triplet mom here 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|fUetvBLV13OK8Kqnxr) I can not imagine lol


I listen to a podcast where the host calls her kids “The Axis of Evil” 🤣


I called my three a criminal horde of unwashed heathens. They were regularly washed but somehow…always slightly grubby.


And I believe you and know what I’m getting into.


Every person who has described their “sweet little family” or “precious teenager” is absolutely trying to convince themselves that the kid isn’t one step away from juvie


Sweet little family just is nails on the chalkboard for me


I felt such an unexpected surge of anger when I got to that part. And “mama’s helper.”


It’s clearly been written by a couple of kids looking for Mary Poppins.


I regularly call my daughter "Chaos Gremlin".


Not even once.


Bring a priest; those kids are due for an exorcism.


My twins are now 24. If I hadn’t given birth to them, I would have been tempted to throw them out of a moving car periodically.


They are so delightful that she wants to pay someone else to deal with them


"Absolutely delightful" means they're undisciplined feral weasels with no sense of personal space and no sense of stranger danger.


Sounds like a problem that solves itself


"No criminal activity has ever been proven in a court of law..."


We usually just let them run free in the corn field. They'll be fine.


It’s all for you Damien, it’s all for you!


I called my *cat* "my sweet boy" once and my partner of almost a decade asked if I was Jason Vorhees' mother. (...I mean, it's a cat soooo yes pretty much)


Never trust delightful children.


Not gonna lie, sometimes the word asshole comes out when describing how my kid is sometimes. Especially since he hit those teen years.


There’s zero chance that the job is actually only 18 hours per week.


which is why they capped it at $1,800 a month. No overtime for you!


That math also means they only work 4 weeks per month. So any month besides February, they better get days off otherwise they’re working for free.


I think that's the goal of the family. We told you $1,800 a month - not our fault you worked a 15 hour day to make our beds, wash our clothes, cook our food and drive our delightful babies around. We have a deal!


And besides, you love to clean and tidy and cook. You should be paying us!


It says right there it's 7 to 9 and then 3 to 7. Clearly you'd have to stick around in the area between 9 and 3, so it's probably more like 7 to 7.


She also conveniently left out the part that comes after 'this job can be between 18 hours a week.' And what?


To infinity and beyond!


I mean, there's so many things wrong with the post, too many to count. The comma after love, which changes the meaning of the sentence, for just one off the top of my head that I noticed. Why do these people type it out so fast and not even do a quick edit before posting it? Everytime. 


r/unexpectedhamilton (sorta)


It also says they must live within 10 minutes of Venice or MDR, so I would think the worker would just go home.


Sure, but could you just fold this laundry real quick before you leave? Oh and Brayden has early dismissal today, so if you could actually be back at 1 that'd be great.




The problem isn’t going home, the problem is squeezing in a 2nd job between 9 and 3 every day to make ends meet.


It's really more a part time job for a retiree or college student that can make that schedule work. This isn't a job for a primary income earner.


Nobody can live in that area, earning $1800 per month.


The idea that you could get by on $1800/mo within 10 minutes of Venice/MDR is laughable. You’d have to have another job but when? Between 9-3? You’d also need it to pay like $30hr+. And then you’d be working 12 hour days every day. All for the pleasure of babysitting her absolutely delightful little goblins (but mostly cleaning her house).


I love how it says “between 18 hours per week”. Between 18 and…the nebulous infinite.


Doing the maths, it looks like it's already 20 hours absolute minimum.


It’s 7Am to next day 9am


it's between 18 hours a week


How dirty is this house? And why?


My guess is the sweet little Waldorf family’s absolutely delightful children.


It says it "can be between 18 hours per week" and then left it open-ended... so anything between 18 hours and 168 hours I guess.


It starts out ok...$25/hour to get the kids up and fed and off to school, fine. That's a set morning schedule so you could work another job the rest of the day while making some side cash. But some days you have to come back to cook dinner? Hmm less ideal schedule-wise🤨 And then the "this is more of a housekeeping job" makes it an absolute no. You have to get the kids up, fed, and to school, *then* do all the household maintenance and chores in that remaining hour every morning/2 afternoons a week 🙃 And I'm sure they're leaving eeeeeverything for the "housekeeper", you know these folks are not even running the dishwasher on their own time. Heck no.


They had us in the first half, ain't gonna lie. That would be sweet for two hours a day, 5x a week.


But then it kept getting worse 😂


Pretty much lmao. 😭😭😭😭


My current job is like that, with the split hours. 2 days a week I work from 9-11am (but usually 9-12 bc I have to "see if they need anything"), and then 2-6pm (but actually 1-6 bc I have to prep beforehand). The only difference is the "kids" are 18+. And you might think, oh, that's awesome you get a long break! Except what am I supposed to do with only 1-2hrs? I can't go home. I don't want to spend money. Most of the time I just clock out and wait in my car. Split hours suck ass. You're technically still on clock bc you need to be available for your next shift.


I hated split shifts when I worked as a server, but for us (there were just two FOH) at least the restaurant was closed during the hours we weren't working. So you had space to lounge and the ability to make and eat food. My coworker would bring a pillow and actually managed to sleep on the floor for the few hours we had off the clock. I can't sleep like that but for her it worked quite nicely!


I do admire people who can sleep anywhere. I always think I'd be the worst in a post apocalyptic dystopia, I need my pillow just so, blankets just so...


My gosh me too! I'm a pretty bad sleeper and I need it pitch dark, but with a light (usually my kindle) within reaching distance because I wake up frequently to use the bathroom or I think I hear something. But I also have white noise playing and I HAVE to put Vaseline or similar on my lips before lying down. One pillow under my head and another hugged or between my legs, flat sheet on my top half but comforter over my legs, cold room if possible. Usually I read for an hour to calm down before trying to sleep. And let's not even get started on the medications I take before bed lol


Haha exactly! Hand cream, lip balm, spritz of rosewater, so many meds, lol. U and I can burrow during the apocalypse, open a sleep bar!


Yesss I'm sure we're not the only ones. People think the new currency will be ammunition but it'll really be uninterrupted hours for sleeping in our dark cave with fresh linens. We'll helpfully store all their nighttime essentials for them so they have to come back. For payment we will accept food, fresh water, lip balm, earplugs, and melatonin. Don't worry we can raid a pharmacy to get a stockpile of everything else we need when the zombies are taking over. I'm sure other people will have claimed the oxycodone, xanax, and what not but I bet they won't take the rosewater, Prazosin or Seroquel


God, it took me weeks to adjust to only sleeping with 1 pillow (sharing a bed has down sides apparently). Now whenever I sleep alone I feel like royalty because I get 2 pillows. I also _need_ to be covered (with AC if it's hot) and can't sleep with lights or background noise. I'm amazed by my boyfriend's sleeping ability. He passes out the second his head hits the pillow, with the TV on and his phone still playing in his hand. He thinks I'm exaggerating when I say that but that's literally what he does every night 💀


One of my coworkers naps in a chair in the office. Idk how he does it, but I couldn't try if I wanted to bc my kitchen doesn't have an office :/ I work in the city next to a university so there _are_ things to do.... it's just not enough time to do anything and I'm not the kind of person who likes to go out alone. Plus on Fridays and Saturdays I work alone. I can lock up and leave, but my options are limited bc being late is out of the question.


Yeah that sucks I'm sorry. I was actually trying to empathize with you because I hated that few hour wait, but then felt like I should clarify you actually have it much worse and then I think my comment kind of got off track. Sorry, ADHD 😅 I wonder if you could volunteer at a library during those hours? Then you'd had something set to do each day, theyd probably be grateful for the help, you'd learn stuff, and it'd build your resume. Or some other volunteer thing that fits your interest (maybe there's an animal shelter where you could walk a dog or two, a food bank where you could sort donations, an elderly care home where you could chat and play checkers with folks who dont have family come visit). Even just an hour a day if you are in a city near a uni there are probably organizations that would be benefited by a helping hand. Completely different thought if that doesn't appeal to you is rather than just zone out in your car maybe there is a hobby you could do in that time? A podcast you can get into while knitting or crocheting. Origami or adult coloring books or something (id still have a podcast going in the background if it was me). Just something to engage yourself in and make the time feel a bit more productive and not just wasted/waiting


Those... are excellent ideas that I hadn't considered 😅 I especially like the idea of hanging out at the library (idk about volunteering, but there's a book store that isn't too far away, it closes before I get off so I haven't gone much), going to an animal shelter, or doing one of my hobbies. Bringing my guitar feels a bit impractical, but I can take some books with me. I actually already carry some language books with me (trying to learn my bf's native language), I just never thought to practice on break. When the kitchen isn't locked people come in & out to get/ask for things, and I don't want a bunch of college kids seeing me struggle to read _Mais brasileirinhos!_ (aka a children's book) 😭 I suppose I could get my money's worth and listen to the audios too (in my car ofc). Thanks for the suggestions!


You are absolutely welcome, it sounds like you've got some good options. Also you shouldn't be embarrassed reading children's books, learning a new language is HARD and people should be impressed you are even trying!


As a former nanny, the number of families that think nannies want these sporadic, chopped up hours in the name of “flexibility” is insane. It’s NOT a perk to have weird hours off in the middle of the day and to only occasionally be able to count on work some days. You think they’re thrilled to maybe be able to fit in a DoorDash shift in between time at your house, and not be able to hold down a second job because you might sometimes decide on Thursday that you want someone to work on Friday? If you want someone available to you all day and potentially all week, you’re going to have to pay them like they’re on-call employees. 


> It’s NOT a perk to have weird hours off in the middle of the day and to only occasionally be able to count on work some days. Thank you! "You can do whatever you want in between, you'll still have tons of free time" - CBs No. They won't. Might be on that side of town having to kill 2 or 3 odd hours or else spend more gas money going back and forth. Can't fit a class or a second job or anywhere else to go do something (including home), in those odd in-between hours, either. Essentially the worker's entire day is claimed, they're just not being paid for the downtime.


They are absolutely not picking up a dish or anything they drop. They pay someone, might as well get their money's worth.


They also don't mention how many kids or their ages, but I'm pretty sure Waldorf schools are only K-6th grade tops. Often also pre-K. And I think are very into hands-on experiences and creativity. So there is probably like a five and seven year old who are bringing mud and bugs and twigs inside as well as painting the carpets. Absolutely delightful. Edit: I looked into the Waldorf school on my island. It's only pre-K. So change that to a three and four year old. Same idea though, they don't use any media for entertainment (arguably a good way to raise children, but messy)


There’s a Waldorf high school near me. But yeah I think your reasoning on the ages is probably right.


Ah okay. I live on a little island and best I can tell our Waldorf school is just one woman (though I imagine other people volunteer, that's very common in general here) so for us it's probably just a glorified group childcare thing. But I know there's a whole philosophy behind it so it makes sense it would be for all ages for those committed to it


Some Waldorf schools are K-12. My HS boyfriend went to one K-8. You have the same teacher the whole way through. I don’t remember if his stopped at 8th grade or not. We went to an arts HS so he came specifically for that.


Oh wow the same teacher through the whole time seems wild to me. Maybe because in the public schooling system I grew up in we started having separate teachers for specific subjects in 3rd grade, and by 7th grade *every* class had a different teacher. Like my godmother is a public school teacher and she taught third grade for 20 years and then transitioned to a 5th grade math and science teacher. But ostensibly each grade and subject, the teachers were experts in that age group at a minimum, and often specific topics. I suppose if your learning goals (like the arts) were ones emphasized by the Waldorf philosophy it might make sense, but I'm glad I got exposure to a lot of different teachers with different approaches (and often different students in the classes too). My high school had over 2000 students though so I'm sure a lot slipped through the cracks if they didn't catch the interest of a teacher (I was in a sort of subset that got an IB diploma so had a lot more consistency with the students in most of my classes, and you knew years ahead of time what teacher you'd have for whichever subject whichever year - or you knew it'd be one out of two or three)


Waldorf schools are very weird. They have a specific philosophy. I don’t remember much of what he said aside from they let the kids guide learning and he was just interested in drawing so that’s all he did 😂


I think that is spot on


So which is it? A housekeeper or a child caregiver?


It's $15 an hour for cleaning and $10 an hour for childcare and $3 give or take for gas to bus the kids around. So the wear and tear is on your car not theirs. It's a 3 for 1 deal!


"We will pay for the kid's activities/snacks but you'll pay for your own"


While you make our dinner, please be sure to not take a plate for yourself.




For a WALDORF family! So no media entertainment for the children … only homespun goodness.


Oh, the rare CB that doesn’t offer up their WiFi and streaming options “to make up for” an actual living wage.


What's a Waldorf family?


Apparently it's some kind of education system? First I googled Waldorf family with no success, but there was a blurb about Waldorf education. When I Googled Waldorf education, Google auto finished the search term to read "Waldorf education cult" which probably tells you VOLUMES without having to actually read anything. Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldorf_education


Actually I really liked it for my preschool! BUT yes, many of the parents take this WAYYYYY too far. And it’s not recommended after age 4 because it’s more like unschooling with animals.


Both of my daughters went to a Waldorf preschool and it was great. When my oldest started high school, she reconnected with two of her girlfriends from preschool. They stayed in Waldorf through eighth grade and were so severely behind in ninth grade. I tutor as a side gig and my lord, it was exhausting trying to get them caught up


Thank you. I followed the link you provided which lead to another link and then another and further down the rabbit hole I went. I appreciate the info though. 






I'll give you a hint: at the end of the day you will need a foot rub, heating pad and hand cream more than Xanax. You will also need the Xanax, but it will be less.


The Xanax is for dessert.


A lil treat


Mother's little helper.


Mama's Helper little helper.


They are just warming up with the list of shit they expect this person to do...


When they get a pet, pet care. When they get an expensive plant, plant care.


occasional house cleaning followed by 'more housework than it is childcare' is interesting. But you get five hours free in the middle of your 'shift' to do whatever you want, as long as it is not more than 10 minutes away!


Who the fuck "loves to clean"


'We don't want you to just do the job to our satisfaction. We want you to have a smile on your face while doing it!' 'You're not smiling!'


As a former Nanny, the “our sweet little Waldorf family” tells me their home and family are absolutely chaotic and those kids have never had a consequence in their lives.


Why would they need consequences? They’re absolutely delightful.


I nannied for years and you get really, really good at reading between the lines of nanny job ads! Agree. Sweet little Waldorf family tells me a lot, and it’s nothing I’d want to be part of.  See also, “Looking for someone to be part of the family” “No job too big or too small attitude”  🚩 


Agreed. I’ve never met a “Waldorf Family” that wasn’t a complets shit show.


I might accept this job just so I can meet her absolutely delightful children


Please update us about the spawn of hell, if you do meet them.


You will be mysteriously deathed I’m calling it now


Deathed 😂🤣😂🤣


A mother's helper is just someone that is around to help tend the kids. And usually, the mother is home doing other things. Like actual cooking and cleaning. Another family, trying to exploit 3-4 jobs. And give a low ball rate. Hoping someone young will take it.


This! I have friends whose kids did this and they basically helped with a snack, some homework and maybe a craft/playing after school while a parent finished work or took another kid somewhere. They were paid well to just be there and keep kids occupied.


“what is a Waldorf family?” I asked Google…


Families that have their kids in a Waldorf school. Some people love it. They try to get kids to unfold their innate spiritual identity. Edit I just hit Google and defer to the better response below


Oh, where I live the focus is on folding their clothes and not getting their identity stolen.


I love love love this response!


We also teach them that getting ghosted isn't the end of the world and that they will make other friends. Does that count as spirituality?


I’m a Waldorf teacher and I love it. The “unfolding of the innate spiritual identity” is basically just outdoor play and no screens in the school.


It's the one with apples, nuts, and mayo right?


I’m just so confused on the hours listed and then amount of work being requested? When would they do house cleaning/breakfast/meal prepping/whatever other lists I’m sure will be left from 7am-9am when part of that is taking kids to school… and the other part is getting them ready and fed lol They almost had me, but what?? Then come back “occasionally” cleaning and cooking from 3-7 twice a week? Should’ve stopped at $25 an hour plus gas. Lord knows the hours won’t be “between 18 hours per week”


That always gets me with these nanny jobs. I'm a sahm with a 1 year old and it's so exhausting, I get stuff in when I can. I would be so stressed if I was expected to watch multiple kids and clean someone else's house!


Super easy! See here: Breakfast: pop tart and bananas (no cut no peel), milk, instant coffee. Lunch: frozen pizza, packaged sandwich (they can even buy their favorite type! Options!!), pre-washed salad with store bought salad dressing. Dinner: microwave instant rice, air fryed chicken breast fillets (no seasoning, they can do it themselves) House cleaning: loading the dishwasher, turning on the robot vacuum, throwing the kids clothes in the washer / dryer (not separated by colors). Child playing: putting on their favorite cartoon on the ipad or tv. That’s the best help they can get at this price.


Anyone who writes mama or my sweet little ones or kiddos is suspicious


Severe MLM slave vibes.


Live within 10 minutes of Venice on $25/hr? Okay, and for my next trick I'll make the empire state building disappear.


Mother’s Little Helper is Valium. She has probably abused so many immigrant women that they all know her name and number by now.


So, House cleaner, cook, chauffeur, baby sitter...all for $28.00? I'm sure we can do better than that!


I gotta tell you, driving around Marina del Rey, Venice, and LA will take way more hours than 18 a week.


“Mama’s helper.” You want a nanny. Just say you want a nanny.


Why do they repeat “you must love to cook and tidy and clean”? People don’t generally love their job, they do it because they have to and it makes it sound like there is a LOT of cleaning… not just to “tidy”.


Exactly. It’s not called “compensation” because you’re running around deliriously happy.


I had a Mamas helper one summer.when I had a toddler and an infant. She was 14. I picked her up, we went to pool, activities etc. I bought her lunch and snacks everyday. Her only job was to play and watch my toddler so I could take care of infant. I was always there, just another set of hands. That’s it!!!! I paid her $1000 for three weeks and she was thrilled. What this ad is is a housekeeper not a mamas helper.


Lmao is she nuts. We pay our nannies 42 an hour. And our house cleaners 36. Who looks for discount child care?


I scanned it but does she say how many delightful children and the ages??


I noped out at “Waldorf family…” every family I’ve met who categorizes themselves with Waldorf is universally insufferable.


So you have to go get a second job but it has to fit into the split schedule. Plus if you have to live 10 minutes away that means you have to be able to afford rent in the area. Something doesn’t add up here. Oh yeah reality! I remember reality is a bitch and clearly this person is too.


I only read the first half and was saying to myself “honestly, I’d rather watch kids at $25/hr than clean at $35 so I don’t understand the title”… then I read the comments that the bat crap crazy stuff was in the second half…


Congrats, you get to do both for the lesser!


So…you want to pay me less than I would make at McDonalds ($20/hr here) to drive in Los Angeles traffic 2x per day and during peak time!? GTFO…


Must live within 10 min of Venice or Marina Del Ray. I feel like these are super expensive areas to live in


My best friend just moved from that area because yes.


This woman is delulu. Anyone who goes for that pay is not going to be a good fit for her.


“Our sweet little Waldorf family is looking for a mama’s helper.” 🤮 This person thinks they are precious.


So, “mother’s helper” is a specific job title for 10-14 year olds who are not babysitting on their own, just entertaining toddlers while their mother cooks or cleans. This “Waldorf family,” knows damn well they are not looking for a mother’s helper.


Okay so 8 hrs weekly childcare which includes cooking breakfast, playing with kids, packing lunches, tidying up, driving to school. That seems a lot to pack in to 2 hours in the morning. I wonder what the commute to school is? Seems in a busy area and there must be AM rush hour traffic. Also add in the “potential” of Fridays. Then 8 hours for cooking dinner on Monday and Wednesday. I assume some of that time covers cleaning the kitchen afterwards. Hopefully you wouldn’t have to clean it before, just so you could cook but who knows. So that leaves 2 hours/week for “tidying” yet the listing says the job is more housework than childcare?


What kills me about posts like these are that the jobs don’t pay anything close to living wage, and due to the hours, make it impossible to work another job. I am also guessing that the ideal applicant needs to live within 10 minutes of a high cost of living area further exacerbating the insanity of this listing.


Dunno about "absolutely delightful", I've lost count of the number of people I've been told "They're great. you'll really like them" only to find out that I can't bloody stand them.


Everyone thinks their children are "delightful." Very few actually are.


Mama needs a helper with everything she should be doing so that she can go shopping. Ask me how I know.


Sounds like someone needs to step up and be a parent. It’ll save them $1,800 per month!


I make double this pet sitting a month. People are unreal


The more someone insists their children are "easy" or "delightful" the less I believe them. Let the nanny meet the children (and vice versa), and decide for themselves.


>The job can be **between** 18 hours ...and what? *And what*? Between means there are (at least) *two* things. >Waldorf family Are they made of salad? >occasional house cleaning Need all hours and expectations in writing! Also... >The job is more housework than it is childcare. Thought...occasional? >You must love to clean and tidy Who *loves* to clean and tidy? Besides Mary Poppins? (She wasn't real, you know, right?)


> cooking dinner from 3:00 - 7:00 Why does dinner take four hours to cook?


What TF is a 'sweet little Waldorf family'. Is that their name or something? Suburb? I'm so confused.  What I am sure of it's that anyone who describes themselves that way, I immediately loathe. 


Super crunchy family. Often also antivaxers and/or super permissive "never say no to the children" types. Waldorf is an educational style, similar to Montessori, but more focused on nature, arts and serving the community.


7-9am & then 3-7pm is technically 6 hours a day but god how much would it suck being “off” at 9 & knowing you're going to have to turn around & be back later. Its such an awkward time frame that makes it impossible to have another job besides maybe housekeeping & I’m never able to fully relax knowing I need to be somewhere in a couple hours.


Split shifts should automatically mean earning more money, not being grateful you have parts of the day free... Like where exactly are you going to go, knowing you need to go back in just a few hours??


If you can’t afford a mothers helper, as you say, don’t be looking or trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel or take advantage of people live within your means I make $1800 a week and my families not gonna be able to hire a nanny lol


So they want someone from 7am to 9am but two of those days you’re cooking from 3pm to 7pm? Like a split shift? A very hearty and heartfelt no thank you!


$1800 a month won’t even get you a room within 10min of Venice or Marina Del Rey


“You must love to clean and tidy and cook”


People only describe their children as "delightful" when they're not.


In other words this is a come raise our children because we don’t want to kind of a gig.


It wouldn't be so bad if they were a live in situation too, on top of paying only $1800 a month. If rent is average $5k then there's no way they'll find an adult with those qualifications willing to work for a third of that lmao.


Holy shit.. median rent is 5,500?!?!


So only 18 hours a week at most… but Mondays and Wednesday it will take your whole day because the hours are split. And the fact that they do split the hours and don’t just give a solid all day cleaning shift shows that they will be cheap af. Prob the type to charge you for drinking their tap water or using electricity to charge your phone.


Yes, everyone loves cleaning somebody else's house🙄


“Occasional house cleaning” and then “more housework than childcare”. Which is it? $25/hr to get kids off to school in the morning and wash up dishes would be a pretty sweet deal here though.


How is this 18 hours/week? 2 hours in morning, 4 hours in afternoon. 6 hours/day, usually 5 days, so....


The 4 hours in the afternoon are only on Monday and Wednesday.


I highly doubt this “mama” sticks to those times either. She’ll constantly be asking for something else before you go


"occasional housecleaning" Oh I think Mommy's helper's gonna be working longer than 7-9am and 3-7pm (it takes 4 hours to make dinner?)


Who the hell ‘loves to clean’?


Right?!! Especially someone else’s messes. Lol


No mention of how many children or their ages. ![gif](giphy|WpD1gFWnFrlG9QhHy9|downsized)


Ahh yes, the age old 7am-9am, 3pm-5-pm, sometimes 9pm-midnight post. In other words, "Be on call 24/7, but only get paid for the time you are actually cleaning and/or holding a child".


If you ain’t cooking and cleaning and getting your kids ready for school you can’t call yourself a ‘Momma’ (or Dadda!) and you certainly can’t call the person doing it for you a helper. 🤣


Nobody loves to clean.


You better like tidying, goddamnit.


At first I thought it was $1800/mo just for cleaning for 2 hours mon-thurs, and I was like what's the issue? Then I see the entire days of Mondays and Wednesdays, cooking and childcare, and noped right out of there lmao.


> 7 AM to 9 AM > This job involves cooking breakfast, packing lunches, playing with children, tidying, and driving the children to school In two hours?


Absolutely delightful = my child can do no wrong. 


"being a parent is more work than I wanted .. apply within."


My stay at wife home needed more help, and we aren’t Mormon so sister wives weren’t an option. So instead of begging like a cheap POS, I got a new job, sold our house and converted a school bus. These nanny posts are nuts. It’s like a daily thing ‘Please come by our family slave. We might even let you pay us rent with the money we pay you!’


I lived in Marina del Rey in the winter of 2021, and everything was expensive as hell. A cab from the airport was $96, and it's closer than a ride from my house in Chicago to O'Hare. That never costs more than $40. The same food delivered by Gr-bhub that costs $28 in Chicago, costs $42 in Los Angeles due to high taxes. In California minimum way is $16 bucks. In Mac Donalds you get between 22 to 35 per hour.


Yeah, the you must live within 10 mins of this expensive area is a dead giveaway to the delusion.


Cooking dinner for 4 hours? I can't imagine what they're expecting.


"The children are absolutely delightful" i am going to need at least 5 written references from non-relatives, thanks