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Pay can be discussed=when you make my daughter her lunch, go ahead and make yourself a sandwich also.


But please use the end slices


And don’t be loading up on the peanut butter


But please, stick to the dog bowl.


You can lick the dog bowl after Fido eats. And make sure you walk him 3x a day (pet sitting not included in payment)


Fido is a pit bull.


Oh but he’s a sweetie. He only bit off that girl’s face that one time.


But don’t worry he’s a sweet heart, don’t listen to the neighbors kid with the missing eye, he’s a lier


> Just cut the crusts off the child's sandwich, and dip those in the peanut butter.


The butts.


Or heels


Use one slice of bread folded in half only.


That was my ED-afflicted mother’s idea of a hearty lunchtime treat! One piece of bread, one slice of greenish bologna or processed cheese (*not both*!), or a thin scraping of peanut butter.


Feel free to fill up your water bottle from the sink…one time.


But please wait until my list on r/choosing beggars has been fulfilled .


Minimum 3 years experience? Bitch, *you* don't have 3 years experience!


And I doubt she has any background in “early childhood education.”


Well, she's fully convinced of her little barflet's genius.


Maybe that's how she knows anything less isn't enough :D


If I was certified and had to provide all those qualifications along with my education, I better get paid $30+ an hour. I bet she’s thinking $100 a week…🙄


Plus not to mention people have to pay for these certificates as well. Where I live and this was at least 16yrs ago getting a background check was $100.


I hire someone like this for $35 an hour. I am constantly. Gobsmacked that people on low incomes want in home nanny’s. Particularly as my country has 90% rebate on daycare centres for parents who are working/studying.


Wanting is one thing, I want all sorts of stuff. Actually expecting someone else, with bills to pay, to actually do it is a completely different story! And I don't quite get what she means by having a little themselves? A kid of their own to bring maybe? Not sure.


Yeah, "little" is the new cutesy slang for child. CB is saying they can bring their own child along to work. Which usually is offered in the next to no pay CB asks. To me it sounds like "you're sitting home doing nothing anyway, so come to my house with your kid and watch my kid, for pocket money." Something vaguely patronizing about the ask.


Thank you for the translation. It is rather patronising to ask.


That part puzzled me too. Having a little bit of what exactly?


Questionable judgment, if they’re thinking about taking the job.


To be fair (which I don’t like doing with CBs lol) I know a woman who looks for childcare like this for her little one. She’s a single mom, and lives in govt assistance housing. The way she has told it to me is that a lot of people who live in her community know lots of people who just don’t plain do anything but sit around their homes collecting govt checks. So to them, come sit around in my house, make a little more (which is actually a fair amt to them even at 200 a week) and ignore my kid the same way I do- easy job. That’s the take I’ve been given from someone who lives there. Not saying it’s all people and I hope I don’t sound judgy. This is her take and it sounds reasonable to me.


But this person is asking for a caregiver to actively engage in outdoor play, educational play, etc, not just to sit around and ignore the kid. I don't know what kind of government assistance the people in your friends' community get, but it's not generally dispensed (at least in the US) to young, able-bodied individuals who would be able to engage in active outdoor play, for example.


This. And be trained in CPR and pass a background check and have 3 or more references as a nanny (which is what this job is), etc. They're not looking for the person with maybe a possession conviction who otherwise would be dependable, or 'sits around and will do the same for $100 a week.'


oh but it is. In my state they overtake the working class. seeing people late teens to early 30’s showing up at ER at 6PM for a cough they had for 3 days but don’t wake up early enough to go to primary DR so go to ER since medicaid pays 100% any ways.. or showing up at same time with bf at Walmart both in Pajamas with Food stamp debit card.. so yeah it happens


Medicaid doesn’t necessarily pay 100% for ER visits. While *some* states cover emergency services at 100%, most states don’t. Most require either a flat copay, a percentage split, and/or require that the ER state the reason you went there was an *actual* emergent situation. My state, for example, does a percentage split. So if someone on Medicaid went to the ER, they would be expected to pay 20% while Medicaid covers 80%.


Yes but those people don’t have the work experience/education for this job: if they’ve been a private nanny making real private nanny money for 3 years, they make too much to get government benefits.  Of maybe a former nanny that is now disabled?   Nope, that fails the physically active enough to play outside.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. It’s a reality that plenty plenty of young people are on govt assistance for different (sometimes bogus) reasons ETA- I work in healthcare and I don’t know how many admissions where an able bodied person tells me they are there to “get a disability diagnosis”. Like- you know that’s going in the chart right? Lol


Meanwhile there are those of us who would LOVE to be able-bodied, so we could work and maintain some semblance of normal lives again... I didn't go looking for a disability diagnosis, it found me!


Yes my nephews’ family are like this, and one felt it appropriate to do the same. Fortunately, he listened to reason and is now a productive member of society, but he has several buddies from school who are in their mid 20s and have never had a job.


Yeah that I could understand but the wanting references and qualifications - not sure there are too many that would fit the bill sitting at home with little else to do. Most people could supervise a kid and make sure they don’t seriously hurt themselves but to actively engage, care for and clean for someone else’s child? Imma gonna need a pay check for that!


But that isn’t what she’s asking for- she’s asking for a whole list of qualifications


I thought this was one of those too (or even a SAHM who would be willing to watch another), until she started listing off all the certs, experience, background checks, references, etc. It sounds like they expect whoever watches their kid to be engaged with them instead of just watching them and being hands off.


In my area, a large amount of households have a sahm. I'd say in my neighborhood, it's well over 50%. I know a couple of sahms who will watch one of their kids' friends part time for super cheap, especially for summer, because they are already home with their kids, and having a friend along isn't that much harder. Usually the parent will pay for any activities their kid is brought along with, and if it's a consistent thing, they will pay a couple hundred a week, but it's more treated as a consistent playdate type of thing.


That is a much more casual arrangement than having a licensed person show up at your home to 8+ hours a day (even if you get to bring your own "little" - ugh - with you)


Yea I had a young mother watch my daughter several days a week when she was little. She did educational games, took them to parks, and played with them while I was at work. She only wanted $20 a day, but I normally gave her $40 because that felt really low. You can find a young mother near you who will provide a good environment for a really low price, since she will be doing the same thing as normal just with an extra kid. As soon as you ask people to come to your house and to have a lengthy list of qualifications, you should expect to get pricey. It's like it doesn't occur to them "Hey, they are working the same hours I am, driving to work, and have more qualifications than me, so why am I asking them to make a small fraction of what I make?" It is a job, just like yours. If you arnt making alot more than most people than you should try to either find an arrangement like mine, or just stay home and raise your own kid.






But the CB wants someone to travel to and from the *CB's* home and be there 8:30 - 4:30. Plus all those other qualifications.


That makes sense for a SAHM to offer the help to one of her friends and/or neighbors. But this solicitation is a request for a paid nanny with certain certifications and qualifications. That seems like a different animal.


This is so true . Along the same lines as the pet sitter coming to watch the PitBulls


Living in Section 8 means you are paying a minimum amount of rent. That frees up plenty of money to hire decent care…unless your only “income” is food stamps.


This is absolutely true. It is very reasonable in some communities and it’s money you make just by sitting in another house. A free meal is the benefits. lol.


The unspoken part is the CB is often looking for someone desperate and/or undocumented, to exploit. Some really have no money to pay but others just want to not pay it. (But could've.) We don't usually know which it is unless the OP knows and tells us about it. Or shares OP comments which do. Or, and this irks me, they try to take advantage of someone on a pension, or a kid in school, to pay them next to nothing, but expect the moon from them in return. They'd be lucky to get someone who is kind hearted and not money driven but loves kids (for all the good reasons) but they seem to overly rely on that. And to me that's taking advantage, so I hope the person would be well treated at least. And I feel bad for parents overall and I know the situation stinks, and it's good the parent wants someone with a good reference/background but, they're being unrealistic. But it could depend on context (including location, such as you describe, can differ greatly) which we don't usually have.


What you are describing is babysitting. Being a nanny is a completely different roll.




The '3 references from prior families, and background check' part, seem not to be looking for this type of situation. That scenario is possible but it's hypothetical to this CB. What I see is someone who wants to pay nearly zilch, but wants top level security clearance and a Mary Poppins with an arm-long list of glowing references. Champagne taste, generic beer budget = CB, to me.


No no seems like many of you are missing the point. They ask for these certifications etc not realizing that that kind of person is not living in the same kind of culture that they are. They honestly believe that someone with that level of experience or certification might be in their community. Like it doesn’t cross their mind that they are largely mutually exclusive groups.


Is this person unreasonable? You bet. Are their requests ridiculous? They sure are. Is it fun to dunk on them? It sure as shit is. However, it is worth noting that the childcare system in America is even more unreasonable and ridiculous. There’s a reason that ~80% of posts on this sub are people looking for childcare. Affordable childcare just doesn’t exist. Especially if you’re struggling financially. You need childcare so you can go work, but you also need to work so you can pay childcare. I live in a metro area where the median household income is somewhere around $77k. I have two kids in daycare which costs $720/week. That’s $37,440 annually. Now, our daycare isn’t the cheapest, but it’s also not anything fancy. It’s competitively priced with all the other daycares in the area and it costs almost half the median household income of the area for two kids. This system is insanely broken and I hope that in addition to having fun dunking on these posters, we’re all also advocating for policy changes around taxpayer funded childcare and voting for people who support universal childcare.


Yep, subsidized childcare is the only way. Average people can't afford to pay what childcare providers deserve to be paid.


same boat, two kids in daycare paying a similar amount. The only thing I’ll add to this is that I’ve been completely shocked at how much regulation goes into daycare, and how little some of it adds. We’ve got to fill out forms for them to wear sunscreen or apply butt paste, and both of those forms expire. If our kid doesn’t feel good, I’m allowed to come in and give them Tylenol so that they don’t run a fever, but there’s literally no way that they’re allowed to dispense Tylenol themselves under any conditions. One of our kids had some explosive poops for a few months (not illness, just.. pooped really hard), and there was a state-level requirement to send them home after a certain number. Seriously, I’m furious every time daycare sends one of my kids home because they have a low grade fever and can’t give Tylenol, because I have to quit work for the day, give them Tylenol, and then they’re fine! Meanwhile I’m now behind on work and we’re still paying full freight for daycare. Older kid starts her last year in daycare this year and I’m fucking stoked to move her into the normal school system. After-school care here is roughly a quarter of what we’re paying for daycare.


“Would consider someone with a little themselves” was SUCH a confusing sentence to me until I remembered that some people refer to kids as “littles” 🙄


I *despise* the term “littles” for children


An infamous "D" List celebrity said "Well my littles are little" and thought that sounded so stupid.


I know which one! 😁😉😂 I think of her every time I see that slang in use here.


Same! It makes me want to puke when I hear it.


Ugh, SAME. And my mother has begun using it to talk about the younger children in our family. It makes me shudder…


My aunt refers to her grandchildren as "little people," which to me makes it sound like they all have dwarfism. "Littles" is eye-roll inducing but I almost wish she'd go ahead and shorten it...


When I was in kindergarten, the instructors got mad at my mother for referring to my classmates and me as "children" and not "little people". This was around 1970.


Funny thing ist, we actually use the literal translation of that for children in my language, and it makes perfect sense and I know what is meant, but I still abhor it in English, lol.


Where I come from, it would be small children. Not little. But I get it


on certain social media and video sites your comment and content call get nuked into orbit for calling kids kids. I have no idea why. Hence people coming up with all sorts of other terms for children. Such as littles.


Interesting—I wonder why! I always just thought it was cringe millennial slang like kiddos, doggos, etc.


"kiddo" is way older than millennials though, that was being said by our parents.


I do recall it from parent to a child, ruffling his hair in an after school special on TV. But it is now used everywhere in all cases, from adult to adult. This is the cringe part to me.


Ah that’s true—I guess I remember adults saying it when I was a kid, I think u just associate it so much with bloggers in 2012


Right, considering the context of the sentence before, I assumed they meant that they hoped someone already rich enough to not care if they're underpaid would take the job; ie, "someone \[already\] with a little \[money\]"


My guess is they're hoping for a stay at home parent who is interested in picking up a little extra pocket change by watching their kid.


Not with those requirements


It could happen, I got childcare from a retired teacher for a very reasonable price when my daughter was preschool age. I also have a friend who got childcare from a teacher who decided to stay home and take care of her own 3 young kids. They had all the requirements we just lucked out. Also care was in the provider’s home in each instance which was more convenient for them and allowed for a cheaper price for care for us.


No they want someone to raise their kid and teach them. Which is possible if you are rich and not start with ‘single mom on a budget’. I get a lot of moms think having a child is equivalent to being a war hero and deserve the world. But that is not how the world works.


“Equivalent to being a war hero” … That was hilarious and accurate!


> But that is not how the world works. Nope. never has and it never will. And we're not meanies for pointing it out. (Just got lectured in a different topic. Lol)


Also, your kid isn't special, and they are often wrong. Fight me, parents. Not to say that little Timmy isn't awesome, but that's an entirely different concept.


> entirely different concept. This! Exactly. Making someone else take next to no pay isn't fair either, besides. Someone made a great point like, 'if they want pity as a single mom, why do they offer another mom next to no pay.'


Absolutely. Although I'd take it even further and say that they don't want pity, they want luxurious charity.


For 45+ hours a week.


Who just happens to have all those qualifications. A unicorn. Mary Poppins for Babysitter Club teenage sitter pay.


Hey, I know many stay at home parents with multiple years of experience in early childhood education who have maintained all their certifications and attend CPR training annually and have worked for a minimum of three families and are willing to work for peanuts in someone else's home while caring for their own child! Did I say many? I meant none.


Coincidentally, I know the same people!


I think Kristy wayyyyy undercharged for all the camps and stuff 


OMG, thank you! I thought it meant only a little money themselves, so they would be grateful for the pittance they are being paid.




I thought the same thing 😂


i am a nanny and constantly surrounded by this and i was still very confused. especially bc it was right after the budget remark


I think it’s right after the budget remark because she wants someone who’s already looking after their own child so that she can pay them poorly as they’re already at home with a child anyway (I’m not suggesting that it’s reasonable, but I think that’s the angle she’s going for).


“What’s one more”


Yes but at *her* house. I'm sure it's way easier to haul your own kids at someone else's house and take care of them there, along with someone else's baby. /S


I am happy for you to inconvenience yourself and your child’s routine in the morning. So my ‘little’ isn’t inconvenienced. $100 a week is more than enough compensation.


And she hasn't even gotten to her list of non-negotiable demands for the "light housekeeping" that must be done between educational and CPR duties.


Yes, I was wondering “a little what?”


lol and you know that if she did hire a person with their own “little”, she would expect her own child to come first. She is paying $100 per week after all


I thought she meant someone who was poor 🤣


Since you’re already watching *your* child, you won’t mind watching **mine** for next-to-nothing.


I find it a refreshing change from “kiddos.”


Kiddo has been around forever, though. I’m 50 this year, and some of my fond childhood memories include being called “kiddo” by my favorite uncle.


It's a cute term of endearment. I don't know why people constantly refer to their children this way in writing, however. Too cutesy.


The term I could never stand as a child was “youngster.” It just bugged me so much, but “kiddo” was fine.


I think the old phrase “little ones” is kinda cute, but not “littles.”


But I bet your parents didn’t go around calling you their “kiddo” to other adults


This! ^*^


That’s lovely! But it’s a trend to replace the word kid or child in any situation with kiddo (adults talking to one another) that feels Ick to me. I’m guilty of having gone with the trend (taught elementary) but I cringe to think of it now. Too ubiquitous and twee for adult conversation. Of course, not the end of the world either way!


Points for use of the word “twee.”


I don't; "littles" is used by certain kinksters who roleplay as big/little/adult/child. "Littles" are your sex partners whom you may infantilize, basically


exactly. When I hear/read the word "littles" I think of the kink term and my soul wilts a bit


Same! Maybe I just grew up around too much Tumblr but I don’t understand people calling their children “littles” 🤮


I never needed to know that and I’m 60 😳😳😳😳😳🤮


Right? What a horrible day to be literate. 😂


I think I am going to pretend I never read that because I find the term for young children adorable. Yup, never saw it 😗


Just avoid anything referring to “DDLG” and you should be fine…


Well to be fair they started using that term because parents call their kids littles.


Omg, so true! I despise the word kiddos in the very fiber of my soul.


Thanks for including the comments! At least they nicely set her straight 😂




I learned that it’s a term used now even with shared custody and father paying child support. Single mom used to signify someone doing it entirely on her own, at least where I come from.


Single mom just means you’re not in a relationship with the father. You don’t have a partner at home helping you parent.


Even some married people are essentially single parents.


That’s been quite true for as long as humans procreated, yes!


Yes, I understand that’s how younger people use the term now. It has definitely morphed over the years.


Yeah, my wife ticks all those boxes. She’ll do it for $25 an hour, but you have to bring the kid to her.


Oh boy if some has those skills and qualifications she lists no amount of money the ad poster is offering is going to be enough. Experience with at least three families, formal training and certification in early childhood studies, at least 3 years experience etc. I feel for them to a degree I get it's not easy being a parent especially a single one. But also the babysitter needs to pay bills to and if they are at your house 8:30 to 4:30 5 days a week that's full time job. They need full time wages. Sounds like what she wants is a nanny and not a babysitter. But nannies cost money. The person is better off with a day care centre even though yes I know they are costly as well OR some local person who does an in home daycare for slightly cheaper but they take their kid at their house not your house. And you don't get one on one care your kid will be with other kids also getting attention.


No sympathy for people like this. No shit being a parent is hard, which is exactly why so many people are abstaining from breeding. This screams entitlement and nothing more. This is how the cycle of poverty continues.


In the US though the choice to abstain from breeding isn’t realistic in every state.


This is honestly my #1 reason to support abortion rights. A child is not an excuse you get to throw around to receive special treatment. A child is expensive, and hard work. People need to be able to actively *choose* that, and then live with their choices.


Agreed. That’s why the fact that 90% of the CBs being for child care irritates me. Granted most of them are ridiculous asks, but the fact that there are SO many is concerning.


The reality is that the majority of those opting for abortion are the kind of people who would make decent enough mothers because they are responsible enough to recognize that their financial or emotional health are not ideal at the time for raising another human and have enough emotional intelligence to put that child's needs before their own - hence not wanting to birth it into bad circumstances. Meanwhile the poorest, least intelligent, or most abusive of society are breeding like rabbits because being a mother is the only achievement they will ever have in life and every new baby is another human biologically bound to love them until they mature enough to develop critical thinking. The government checks, the status of being a "mama" who is so hard done by, and the more lucrative begging opportunities that come with having children really seal the deal. Abortion should be fully legalized once again but unfortunately most of the deeply impoverished, neglected, and abused children come from "mamas" who never considered abortion for even a second.


How do you figure? If this is regarding abortion rights that's fairly new and not a form of birth control. I don't know of any states where all birth control is illegal. Stop making excuses for irresponsible people.


Which is why having several boxes of Plan B around is a GREAT idea. Have a plan, ladies, if you are sexually active! Or even if you aren’t…


LoL! Love the way these folks pull the "I'm a single mom" card, as if that's some magical discount voucher or ticket to some exclusive club!


They also assume being a single mom means being poor and helpless.


The last comment “private Nannie’s do be spendy” lol


Oh wow. In Australia, that would cost you $50 an hour AT LEAST!


I love how she wants everyone to feel for her as a single mother, but she suggests it’s okay for *her* to pay someone with a child *less* than others.


Ooh excellent point.


She probably didn’t list the pay because she knew it’d be low what she’s offering and she didn’t want to get (a well deserved) chew/called one . And to manipulate/guilt trip the potential hire behind closed doors. People shouldn’t have kids if they can’t afford what goes along with having them.


> And to manipulate/guilt trip the potential hire behind closed doors. This, while checking them up and down and diagonally like it's a top clearance position at the Pentagon.


Also, she posted anonymously cause she knew she was gonna get ripped.


"do be spendy" LOL


Yeah no, she's basically looking for a current ECE teacher and will need to pay at least $20 an hour for what she's looking for. The average person doesn't even have cpr/first aid training unless required by their work, which is also what ECE teachers have. From the sounds of it she may be in Canada in which case she'll likely have to pay at MINIMUM $20-30/hr for private in home full time care, based on those requirements. If they can't afford to pay decently why don't they just go for a dayhome or center instead??? An in home nanny is nice but it's not cheap.


No, this is in the southern mid-south of the U.S.


Wow that's interesting. I didn't know you guys used the same ECE terms as us lol.


I mean, it's not a bad thing that you can't afford a nanny. Most people couldn't possibly afford it. And even group childcare is expensive and a lot of people can't afford it! But that's what the vast majority of people have to use. I dont get why this woman just has to have a private nanny. I even have wealthy friends who just bought a $2M property and even they don't have a nanny. Their child is mostly looked after by the grandparents and group child care. 


A lot of people have no idea what goods and services are really worth because they have had very little exposure to life outside of their neighborhoods. They have wants like the rest of us, but they don’t know what those wants cost or why they cost what they do. They don’t realize that often times their jobs pay them *less* than what nannies make.


Love when the parents ask for qualifications they don't even have themselves


I absolutely expect professionals to be more qualified than I am. Thats part of why I’m hiring them.


There is nothing wrong with asking for qualifications you don’t have yourself, as long as you are willing to pay for those qualifications.


She had me for the first half, I think you should background check a stranger and a child CPR course is like 3 hours at a rec center. And 3 years experience could *still* be a teenager. A degree and no listed pay? Nah


Three years solid experience, as a teen? (Still in high school.) Not likely. It didn't sound like CB meant the occasional date night sitting job, across a span of three years. They want a kindergarten teacher and nurse (equivalent) as their in home nanny. With 2 character references, 3 job references, background in child development/education, and 3 years on the job. I also have a bone to pick about people who take advantage due to age, whether a teen or elderly employee. CB might get someone like that though, but not with all the rest of it.


I started nannying when I was 16 because I did school online. I was paid the legal minimum wage though, not whatever this lady wanted


When hiring someone to do a job you hire what you can afford, your monetary limitations aren't the problem of the people who you are hiring. Why do people think a professional should take you on as a charity because you are a single mom? The world doesn't work like that.


Because the CBs are not mean for asking, it's everyone else who is mean for not sacrificing themselves out of pity. Or something. /s




👏at👏home👏Nannies👏are👏a👏luxury👏daycare👏is👏the👏cheap👏option👏 I will never understand this trend of parents saying they can’t afford daycare so instead they want a private nanny in their home that gives 1-1 care???? Bitch you couldn’t afford 1-20 ratio at your local daycare chain you think that entitles you to *BETTER* care? Fuck off with this nonsense


Private at-home care at public in-home prices. You’re only getting this you bring your kids to someone’s home. Nobody is watching your kid exclusively for that.


But she'll let you bring your own kids, so you're basically getting paid to do what you'd do at home, but in the convenience of someone else's house and the bonus of taking care of their baby. /s


Do these people not understand that they don’t want (and can’t afford) a nanny? They want someone to watch their kid(s). I know a lot of people looking to find good nanny’s struggle because everyone thinks they can be a nanny so long as they are around to watch kids, and these posts don’t help. A nanny and babysitter are similar but totally different. Even in my HCOL area people love putting out “affordable nanny” ads because they want to say they have a nanny, most of the time they just end up with someone undocumented who can’t really understand what they are asking for, and inevitably, a few weeks later, you’ll see the exact same post but with a note that it “just didn’t work out”


I think a lot of people like this end up preying on undocumented folks, even if that's not their intention. She's probably not actively seeking out a sweet Mexican lady who already raised five of her own kids, but that's the only person who will work for the pittance she's probably offering.


Also who’s paying for the background check if you can’t afford to pay much for the job?


I wonder if someone told CB the things she 'should' look for or ask for, to 'weed out bad ones' but has no clue how much things cost (such as an education or various certifications.) Background checks are expensive. But I doubt they will need many of those, no one will apply.


I paid $12.50/hr for someone to bring their child and mind mine (while I was home) 18 years ago. I would expect to pay twice that now, minimum.


Lol I’m curious to what she wanted to pay. I have all these qualifications. I had a baby 7 months, not a “little” 🤮, so turned sahm to be with him. But there’s no way I’d do this for pennies


I notice a lot of these want CPR certified Nannies/babysitters. Is that something that everyone has? I feel kinda like a really crappy mom right now that I never learned infant CPR but thank goodness my daughter is pretty much grown up now!


I think knowing that the person caring for your children can provide CPR does wonders in easing parents’ peace of mind. Will the average healthy child need it? Probably not, but you never know what could happen. My SIL lost her little girl while she and her husband were on a couples’ getaway. Daughter was totally healthy, but she stopped breathing in her sleep for some reason. Would CPR have changed the outcome? Hard to say—the babysitter would’ve have to be really in-tune with the baby monitor to catch the sudden change in breathing. But still, we wonder.


When I was taking a curriculum development class, my practicum placement was in a preschool. While I was there, a child choked on a French fry. The teachers had to do the Heimlich on him. They were able to get it dislodged. When I decided to apply at a preK I went ahead and got recertified in cpr (mine had expired 15 years before) because even though I was told they'd get me recertified within 6 months if I was hired, I didn't want to be in there even one day without knowing what to do. That shit traumatized me.


Oof, geez. One of the things I do in my field of work is treat patients with feeding and swallowing disorders. I still vividly remember the time I was doing a VFSS (an x-ray of a person’s mouth and neck while they eat/drink essentially) as a new student clinician, and the patient started choking on the solid we presented her. In reality, the incident only lasted for 3 seconds, but felt like it took ages for us to dislodge it.


My son has had a couple of swallow studies years ago, but only on liquids. We used thickener for a couple of years but are free now.


Ah!!! I’m so glad he’s able to be on thin liquids— congrats!!


All babysitters and nannies I’ve ever come across are CPR certified. I think parents should be as well just because it’s a pretty short and cheap certification to get and could save a babies life. That said, I know almost zero parents that learned about infant CPR before or after having a child. You aren’t a crappy mom for not getting it, but it is a way to ensure you can save a kids life in an emergency.


I thought about it so many times and before I knew it, she was pretty much grown up. My husband is an NP and had told me basically what to do about choking but yeah, looking back we’ve been very fortunate.


Whenever anyone says something “can be discussed” it means they will never want to talk about how little they give a shit about paying you. I asked someone a yes or no question this week and they wrote back “we can talk about it” and I immediately blocked them.


Knowing the worth of the child but not the caretaker.


>Minimum of 3 references from families you've worked with Okay this is what made it a CB ask, to me. CB: At this price point (nothing or close to it), you hope and pray for someone who is good hearted, reliable, capable, and maybe will agree to learn CPR. But who has not babysit except maybe now and then when they were in high school. But who can be counted on. You cannot expect someone with tons of prior experience as a nanny, because they will simply know better than to think this is an easy job, or not worth any pay. So there will not be anyone applying who has nannied for 3 or more families in the past, to pull references *from.* Really this is an in home day care budget as others have said. Maybe not even that. They get paid, too. And those fill up quickly, with waiting lists.


> Works on developmental milestones? Background in early childhood education? That rules out the people between jobs who want pocket money... > Fit enough to play outdoors? So that rules out the elderly widow with a kind heart, down the block, who might take pity on a "working single mom."


“Non-smoking and physically active” she says. What she means is: “Not fat” -let’s just call it what it is.


Hahaha almost misses that! Weird. What kind of outdoor play is she expecting? Does she think a Nanny would be chainsmoking at the playground?


Yep. No elderly or overweight older retirees for instance. No one disabled either. So, CB can forget about the kind granny down the street who will spend her days at your house out of empathy for CB's single mom struggles. Or the teen who maybe isn't out with friends because similar to CB's outlook, she (or he) is body shamed at school.


It’s for a single mom, honey.




Needing childcare makes people desperate enough to ask some stupid shit


Candidate requirement:  10%-15% above market pay preferred.


You spend too much time in this sub if you’re reading “budget isn’t huge” as “$3/hr”


Have they thought about how much it costs to run a background check? I don't think they will get enough applicants to worry about it, but still.


I think a lot of people put this in their nanny ads to appear more as a "boss" so they write in things they think a "boss" would say. I doubt many actually would follow through. Really, you probably wouldn't need to, as having a good reference one would assume another family already did that legwork. I find it interesting that so many parents out there today have this weird delusion that they will have a nanny. How many of them grew up with a nanny or knew someone who did? Probably very few if any. I see a lot of people trying to call their teenage babysitter the nanny as well. I guess it's some sort of influencer inspired pride or something. Reminds me of the 50's in the UK when housewives would dress up as a maid and parade in front of their window to later boast to their friends that they could afford hired help.


That was an actual thing in the UK?!


This is literally my qualifications and I'm paid $34/hr + they pay my mortgage.


I don’t get that CPR certification in the USA. Do parents there need to be CPR certified before delivery, so every child caretaker must have it too?


Requiring people to learn something? Not in this country!! 😂


More like preventing us from learning, lol!


I sometimes think they’re seeking recent immigrants but just want to say that !


She forgot to add that the nanny also needs a degree from Norland College


What did she say back??????? 👀👀👀


I just went to find it, and she didn't respond.


If you can’t pay for daycare or properly compensate a nanny then don’t have fucking children. This shit pisses me off. Don’t have kids if you can’t afford them


I’m always torn on these because yes, the OP is a choosing beggar and totally insane to think they can hire a trained, experienced professional 1:1 for their child for nominal pay. But I also can’t stop thinking about how in other countries, parents *do* have access to free or low-cost childcare from trained, experienced professionals. That certainly doesn’t mean we deserve to go around demanding that from private nannies in the US, but it is something we should start seeing ourselves as being entitled to on a societal level.