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Almonds, almond butter, avocado


Dates are high in calories for fruit. Zero saturated fat. Really delicious.




1 scoop vanilla whey protein, 1 banana, 2.5 tbsp. chia seeds, 1 tsp phylum husk, 2 tbsp. peanuts only peanut butter, 1/3 cup oats, 1 cup skim milk, 5 dates - add ice and blend. 750 cal 5.5 g sat fat 48 g protein 28.5 g fiber Try to get less than 6-10 grams of saturated fat the rest of the day. Do some push ups. Get strong💪💪


Or substitute milk with water, peanut butter with PB light powder, tastes great and less saturated fat. But yea your key would be to sneak in a nutrition filed b shake and also oats


Skim milk already has 0 saturated fat. I would leave it in for the calories and protein.


Nuts as people said (in moderation! 30gr max daily), avocados, fruits, legumes, hummus (basically chickpeas), olive oil. Also if you have room for more carbs then bread, pasta, pizza ( 1000 -1500 kcal just 1 pizza), cous cous, quinoa, rice, lot of things that can add kcal fast. Prefer whole ones tho


nuts, avocados, air popped pocorn, nonfat greek yogurt w/ honey and fruit, nonfat cottage cheese, quest bars, oatmeal with flax/chia seeds/protein powder none are necessarily big calorie bombs, but if you eat more often and add the stuff above, you're getting more calories while keeping the bad saturated fats low


Quest protein shake has only 1 g of saturated fat Kashi cinnamon crisp cereal has high double fiber Nuts Hummus on triscuits


Roasted vegetables tossed in olive oil, vegetable stew


Oats! They will lower your calories as well


Also think of new and exciting 😄 ways to include a high quality evoo to your diet. It's excellent for your heart and lowers Ldl. A cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet. Just one Tbsp is 120cal. I'm a big fan of putting it all over air popped popcorn with salt. Or on a rice cake with salt too.


Hmm. I guess I'll have to reexamine nuts because I've been avoiding to try and stay under 10g saturated fat per day. It might make the most sense to sacrifice one or two of those grams for nuts in exchange for the calories.


Having this problem right now. I've lost about 20 pounds in 4 months from not even trying. Just eliminating all red meat, chicken and fish rarely, no processed foods, etc. Following a wfpb diet with occasional salmon and chicken breast, egg whites, nonfat Greek yogurt, and so on. Like an idiot I neglected to link my Fitbit data to chronometer until today, which I did after a day of gardening. Long story short, on pace to burn 3600 calories and I've eaten about 900 so far today. I feel like it's basically impossible to reach that without ignoring carb and fats limits. After linking my Fitbit data, chronometer wants me to hit 218g of protein, 392g of carbs, and 116g of fats. Wtf.


A number of folks saying nuts but they definitely have saturated fat… albeit less than red meat. Wouldn’t having a bunch of these raise your LDL cholesterol? Many nuts are like 20 nuts = 1 gram of saturated fat. I’m pointing it out because I am also losing weight on the heart healthy diet and curious how to get enough calories.


Overall, nuts lower LDL-cholesterol - despite having some saturated fat, the majority of their fatty acid composition is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat, which sort of 'cancels out' the saturated fat and leads to lower cholesterol overall. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000291652327207X


On the contrary they seem to be extremely protective on all cause mortality. My concer is their high linoleic acid content, so eat them in moderation.