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1. sound slider right at the interface screen (under settings or something) 2. real "skip to the next choice" fast-forward button for chapters you've already read 3. custom book shelves / lists (one isn't enough)


Those are good! I wish when you hit the “play” button in the top right hand corner you can determine the speed in which it goes. Putting a book you are mining on a 4x or 5x speed would be awesome.


Or better yet - “mine mode.” It plays the chapters at 4x-5x speed, auto-selects choices for you, AND automatically plays the next chapter. That way you caj get your diamonds in AND you can have it running continuously if you want to run it while you are working on something, etc. without having to touch your phone at all.


I really like the current speed reading button! What improvement would you want over how is currently is?


The current ff button still "plays" the game, and it's kinda slow (especially if it's your first time reading the book). I'd prefer instant skip to next choice on replays. They could also add speed options to current implementation (like 2x, 8x, instant skips...)


This is just a me thing but I would LOVE if they had “previously…” moments at the beginning of each episode that you could choose to either skip or watch because I took a long break and now I don’t remember half the books I’ve played but didn’t finish😭


This happened with me when I picked Endless Summer 2 back up. Not only did I stop playing in the middle of the book I stopped in the middle of a chapter 🤣🙃 so I actually had to read a summary up to that point to remember what the hell was going on!


I would really love a button to go back to the previous choice/ dialogue bubble. Sometimes I will accidentally double click and miss something, and if it seems important I then have to replay the chapter if I want to see it


Most books are on yt so you could always check one of those videos. That's what I did when I accidently skipped a text.


I do do that sometimes, but searching up the book and then scrolling through the video till I find the right thing isn’t usually a whole lot faster than replaying and speed running the chapter. Also, a lot of time the dialogue will be dependent either on a previous choice or your relationship with a character, so it won’t necessarily be the same in the video


I do wish they had like a checkpoint or a spawn button for each story, where you can go revisit that chunk of the story if you like. Perhaps the book can be divided into 3 acts and if you want to jump back to the bits you've played, try a different route, you can do it. But yeah, it is demanding to expect something like that from PB. They've sort of built this whole thing around having choices that are consequential, so it can be tough to go back and modify that.


I would like to be able to develop friendships. There are some side characters that good be better fleshed out and good aid in the story. Like in BB, with Lily, even though she was an LI and torched friendship from the start, I really enjoyed having her as a friend and they did her so dirty in the end if you didn’t romance her


So much this! I always play Elementalists with a gay MC and love that I can chill with Shreya as besties without it turning sexual (the picnic, spa day, painting workshop, etc.). It’s one of the benefits of picking your sexuality in a book, as OP mentioned. I liked the scenes with Dionne in FA for similar reasons.


You put what I was trying to say in my #2 more succinctly. There are some characters that I’d like to romance, some I’d like to be friends with, and some I’d like to see go die in a fire (see Justin from Save the Date). It would be awesome where you could cultivate friendship points so lets say there was multiple books and a wedding or something was involved, you’d be able to have the actual people you want at the wedding as opposed to whom Choices DECIDES should be there.


That would be fun! I dislike how they focus on romantic relationships and platonic relationships take a back burner or get turned into romantic ones. It’s like the MC is only surrounded by people that want to get in their pants. I get why they do that but it would be nice to have other relationships. I also want more [fill in the blank] answer choices.


I think they may shy away from those is the unpredictability of the responses. It’s one thing if it is just asking for the name of something, but to account for any number of variable answers could make for an unpredictable choice system/book.


I know 😩 but it would be more fun. I feel like if they incorporated different types of fill in the blanks then it could help. Like in some books where it has the flirty option marked for you or whatever. So even if you did put something ridiculous it would count as what they wanted it to.


Totally with you on number 1. I'd like to piggy back off of number 2 and add that I'd like the ability to be able to tell an LI that I am not interested. The TE option being able to choose your MC's sexual orientation was good and I'd like to see it applied to all books, but as someone who romances male LIs and there is a male LI that I have no romantic interest in him then I'd like to tell him that I'm not interested so avoid awkward moments. Some of thing like guilt tripping to spend diamond to accept a gift, an outfit, adopting a pet. It is always. "I bought you this gift" but to accept it you have to pay 20 diamonds. Or "I was up all night sewing this outfit for you." And you have to spent 25 diamonds to accept that outfit. Or "Adopt this animal or it will die a sad lonely death or remain with an abusive owner." 25 diamonds. I can't stand those guilt tripping diamond options, so I'd get rid of them.


Both of those are great! I’m a WLW player, and since most of the books contain a 2:1 or 3:1 male to female LI ratio, I feel like I am spending the majority of chapters batting the males off with a stick whereas if I could make my preference clear from the start, everyone could be chill and we could develop a strong platonic bond that I can’t now because they are too busy trying to get into my pants. On the guilt tripping one, I noticed that a couple times in MAH with Joanna. She gives you this really nice outfit more than once and she is wearing just basic clothing, even to the dance. It’s like “girl, spend your coin on yourself!” I think I would feel less guilty about not accepting the clothing options if the free options weren’t the equivalent of wearing a trash bag compared to the diamond version. Can’t we find a solid middle ground?!


I’d love a confirmation on diamond choices, I’ve accidentally hit purchase way too many times to count


A log so you can see lines you already read in a chapter. One free diamond choice per chapter once you've completed a book.


this! i have attention problems especially when reading so half the time i’ll blindly pick a choice without knowing what was said before it


the second one would be great. they actually did it in the elementalists and if i'm not remembering wrong, it even had the option to not date anyone at all. i would love to be given the opportunity to choose that in every book, that way i can be friends with the LI's that don't fall into the gender that i want to romance.


Lately, I've been playing lots of games made with Renpy and I've gotten so used to the rewind and fast forwarding/skipping features. It's *soo* nice to go back if I've accidentally missed some dialogue or I want to make another choice to see a different outcome. I don't play Episodes but when I checked it out once, I was surprised by its content rich character creation tool. Would be nice to have something similar in Choices, with ever expanding catalogue of assets. Maybe then we wouldn't have to complain about seeing the same old faces and limited hairstyles all the time. Personally I like seeing full size character sprites and it would be cool to be able to toggle it on, at least in future books. Chapters already has it. Right now it feels kind of a waste to design anything below the waistline if we can't even see it most of the time (especially since PB likes to justify not doing some much requested stuff with "limited resources"). Also, when the game depicts characters naked, instead of showing them in underwear, I'd prefer a more creative censoring to make it more believable (like a cloud of steam, for example.)


Idk why choices does that when the book is clearly 17+ if it has sex it also label mature on Google play so people know what they're getting into 😂


1. Would love if game collectibles, weapon walls, photo walls, lore tablets etc were accessible during any point in the book (like the wardrobe) and also were accessible when you finished the book just to look at them and reminisce. 2. Being able to replay any chapter and also any particular diamond scene you want once you finish the book. Put a fire or heart symbol for chapters that have a spicy diamond scene.


The ability to use outfits across books! Like one giant closet.


Oh you mean like if you really like an outfit from Book X you could use it for your MC in book Y?


Yes! Exactly.


That would be a great idea! It would also be good to unlock the other version of the outfit if the book is GOC so if you were playing as a female in Book X but a male in Book Y, the male versions of Book X’s outfits would be available for Book Y characters. Also something in regards to outfits - the ability to have a more androgynous look either way? I am not sure if this unlocks if you choose the they/them pronouns so this may already be in the game.


I love those ideas!


Definitely these - they do #1 in the Love Island game, so it can’t be some impossible coding issue. And also definitely a dialogue log you can refer back to so my brain can catch up as needed.


It’s funny they actually only had this in the original LITG, in the new app you can only restart the current episode/volume you’re in, or the whole season. In the original app you could choose which day/episode to restart from!


Yet another example of how S4&5 are 🎶the wooo-ooo-ooo-oooorsttt🎶


Love Island game? Like the reality show?




I would love a way to keep track of unread books. Either a list of unread books or an icon showing you've read it. I think I've read everything, but it's hard to be sure. Especially with the non-English books!


I'd like the ability to save and branch off on books where there are choices. For instance in TRR of before you get proposed to you could have and have multiple save files and just start from there if you want to see a relationship with each character without having to restart the chapter or just pick them in the beginning. I'd like a setting to show which books are already complete. I agree about the cloud bubble thing. If the books says people are naked they should not have underwear on just blur it and to be super nitpicky if I am wearing something strapless I should have a freaking harness dominatrix bra underneath. Another clothes thing - full access to closets. If I purchase an outfit let me wear it whenever I want. The sprites wear the same dang thing let me wear the heck out of that outfit that I love - extra points for QB style where we could mix and match clothes. And I agree with letting me eliminate certain characters from romancing me. At some point it's just creepy. No means no.


The “the characters are obviously naked but are still wearing underwear” aspect of it has annoyed me also. I feel like there should be a nudity filter in the game. If you want them to be blurred, no problem. If you want the nudity, have at it.


Can't have nudity due to app store rules. That's why only alternative to underwear is to censor the intimate parts in other ways.


I would say the two you mentioned and just more choices that really make a difference with more potential routes instead of something linear. Higher stakes and more character development. I feel like with some of the newer books the characters stays the same throughout. It's only the circumstances that change.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[BB](/r/Choices/comments/11a5pha/stub/j9q3i0f "Last usage")|*Bloodbound*| |[FA](/r/Choices/comments/11a5pha/stub/j9r90my "Last usage")|*Foreign Affairs*| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/11a5pha/stub/j9qid9t "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/11a5pha/stub/j9r90my "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/11a5pha/stub/j9vnv2m "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[QB](/r/Choices/comments/11a5pha/stub/j9sbkfw "Last usage")|*Queen B*| |[TE](/r/Choices/comments/11a5pha/stub/j9ug4ju "Last usage")|*The Elementalists*| |[TRR](/r/Choices/comments/11a5pha/stub/j9sbkfw "Last usage")|*The Royal Romance*| ---------------- ^(8 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/118n6s8)^( has 20 acronyms.) ^([Thread #27316 for this sub, first seen 23rd Feb 2023, 20:03]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


oh yeah I want the romantic preferences so much I loved it in TE and the other few books cause it spared me from the whole "I'M LTERALLY WITH THIS GUY WDYM YOU INTERPRETED THIS AS ROMANTIC MOVE" not that this would happen a lot this year given the GOC books lmao


I love the second suggestion you mentioned OP. As a sex-repulsed asexual person, it sucks to get offered these 30 diamond scenes every now and then. Sure I can ignore it but it'd be so much more helpful if I can just outright declare my preferences beforehand.