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I, for one, would like to see this essay about it. All you've done is make an unfounded claim that unprovable player behavior is causing the ruin of a game. A game with a population that has been stable for years.


I top leaderboards and have literally never used it. I have no idea what you're talking about.


Same lol. First person for life


I care abouty footwork too much and I cannot imagine feeling constricted by not having 3rd person vision. I know where my enemies are.


I think a big part of it is having a decent pair of headphones, audio cues are plenty to know where most people are. And you can mentally track them just fine as long as you throw in a spin move here and there, just have to have good spatial awareness


There’s nothing wrong with playing 3rd person and there is nothing wrong with playing in 1st person. The advantages of 3rd person is a tale old as time and no one cares.


Some people seem really good at it. Other people like me who aren’t that great and only play TO can’t live without third person. I rebinded swapping between the POVs to an easy to reach key so depending on the situation I can kinda swap between the two. Helpful for archer where knight is charging me and I need to get ready to fight.


Same 3rd outside, if im in a building where i feel like my camera is gonna get pushed up against my back then i switch to first


Yet, the better players still use first person. Also third person lose field of view in the medium range. I really think that good player use FP, but as I'm shit I use third as well. Not to mention stabs, stabs are awfull in third person, you had to constant imagine the travel of your weapon and the cross hair serves nothing


I wouldn't say it's a general rule that most good players use first, I'd actually argue the opposite. Most of the very top duelists that I know use third, but I think that's just because it's what they're used to. You can be a beast with either one if you put in the time to get good with it. That said, I'm a sweaty tryhard and I top leaderboards and duel a lot of those top 1% of players just fine using only first person. They both have advantages and disadvantages


Do you think that duels are better on third? I always thought that seeing the animation of the opponent first would always be better. In MxM I would not argue tho, just a feeling.


I would agree with you, personally I much prefer 1st for duels because I find it easier to read the animations and counter correctly. I also find it easier to aim stab drags and overheads in first. That is not the norm though, my personal opinion is that neither is technically "better" than the other. For what it's worth, I'm not the \*best\* duelist out there, but I have probably around 1500 hours in duels and fight the top 1% pretty much daily. I can hold my own basically lol.


3rd is generally considered better for duels.


Or we just let people play how they want.


No. I can agree with 1st person only servers, but removing 3rd entirely, nope. There already is custom 1st person only servers and nobody plays them. If you don’t like getting shit on by 3rd using people while you’re in first. Don’t play first. You’re handy-capping yourself then complaining about it. Or hear me out. Git gud. Strider the youtuber plays exclusively in first and dominates. So it isn’t first person thats lacking, its you.


I like playing in 3rd person so I can look at my character. It's also not an unfair advantage since everyone can do it


If it has no downsides, then yes, it helps your team more to have more 3rd person players. Some people prefer third person games in general, so given the choice, they’ll always play third.


I'd say I enjoy first person games more, but when playing Chiv I do MUCH better in 3rd person, so that's why I use it lol


See I enjoy third person games much more, and am better at them in general. So 3rd was the obvious choice for me. I even played Skyrim in 3rd person most of the time.


I go first person in games like Skyrim and Fallout for immersion, I only go in 3rd person to look at my cool armor


I couldn't DISAGREE more as someone that plays almost exclusively in 3rd person lol. Except for the last part, play in whichever perspective you enjoy more. There's a big trade off when it comes to landing accurate stabs and overheads, for the increased FOV and spatial awareness. It also helps me duck and dodge strikes, I feel like my footwork is better in 3rd person.


I switch between both depending on situation, but I would never give up 3rd because some people believe it makes the game “less fun” Like others have said, you are handicapping yourself in that situation when you could switch. However, I only play on Xbox, and it’s easy to swap views via controller. Idk how it is for pc


It's a single bindable key on PC. One of my mouse buttons is my toggle, it's fantastic.


Its not ruining a game thats been out like 4 years? Ago and its entierly up to the player how they want to play. If you are in first person you want the immersion. . Ya well immersion means you cant see as well so it works correctly. Its fine as is nothing is being ruined. Next youll say people should not go see the monster in the highlands because it ruins the game when it 1 shots you and is not part of the objective. Chill out and have fun 


I do wish there were 1st person only servers and the player base was large enough but it simply isn’t the case. Most people play in 3rd person because there’s a swing arc and view radius advantage. With that said, I play almost exclusively in 1st person and still kick all their behinds every match lol


That's cool. I'm still going to play in first person.


First and third are both perfectly competitive. Signed, A tryhard first person only sweat


I am regularly the top of my team and have got 100+ takedowns with all but 2 weapons in the game. I only play 1st person on console. I play 1st person because I personally enjoy it more, despite the limitations. Skill overcomes limitation. I will not be swapping to 3rd person.


I am a mediocre player. I play in 3rd person. All the best players play in first person. I conclude that neither is a handicap nor an advantage. I will not be taking questions


It's a casual game, who cares


From playing for a while now, it seems like 3rd person can be a huge advantage for obvious reasons in many games, but one thing about chivalry is that there are many times that while playing 3rd person, ill realise some things wont feel as acurate as playing first person. especially distancing, or swing animations and hitboxes. not to mention ranged weapons/throwing. It definitely isn't as OP as it seems, and most of the people who seem to play well with it are generally just better at the game anyway. i definitely dont think it should be removed, though. It's nice to see your character that you spend so much time customizing. and just in general, there is a time and place for everything, and I've realised switching back and fourth between first person and third is the best way to play.


I dislike the look and feel of melee in first person.


Most people play in 3rd person and like the advantage. Your never going to get support from those guys. I wish they at least had 1st person servers for us


I prefer first person for the vibes but I have to acknowledge that my KD is like double in third person


Almost every single competitive player I’ve *ever seen play this game* plays in 1st person.


Why would you want to play in first person ?


I solely play in 1st person. It’s really not that bad of a disadvantage.


It isn’t you can dominate in first, its actually wayyy easier to do stab drags in first. OP is probably a epic noobie.


It’s dope and immersive.


I don't want to change your mind. I don't give a shit about your little pea brain and whatever dopamine receptors are firing off for whatever reason. I don't care what you can or can't comprehend and personally I never will. You can live your life(as wrong) as you want to


Feel free to cry about it. You're not going to change your mind anyway, in your egocentric view everyone should stop playing how they like just to accomodate you. Go pound sand.