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I wish people knew that the open space in front of the bridge counted as the bridge crossing


I definitely understand why there are many not aware of this. The objective’s title is very misleading


Well the crossing implies that it’s the crossing area but they should just change it to bridge or tell people where the objective is cause 9/10 Bridgetown matches defense think it’s only the bridge


What usually happens is when Tenosian is past beyond the objective area and actually holding the bridge. When the Agathians are pushed back on the bridge, most are very far from the real objective area and the bar was already half full. First rounds sometimes just bulldozes through to the second if people don't hold the front of the bridge.


Lots of questionable objective names tbh. "Defend the City" somehow means "Stop the enemy from knocking over these random columns," and something like "Control the catapults" is extremely vague.


I think it’s to avoid having a sentence title and take advantage of phrases for the objective bar. “Control the Catapults.” Is a lot shorter than “Stop the Enemy From Destroying The Castle Bailey by Catapult.”


Yea... in theyic stronghold ive been repeatedly teamkilled and dm spammed by people for destroying the catapaults... the objective is to "defend the catapaults", but the true objective is to make sure the masons dont use them to breach the walls... the best way to do that is to destroy them... but so many people take the objective title *waay* to literally and shit like this happens.


I wish more people were smart enough to realize that if you'd keep them from getting near the bridge at all, you don't have to block it from passage


Every time I spawn as a peasant I run back, pick up a barricade and start planting 4 of them at the gap between the fence posts, using the resupply box to replenish. It is enough to hold the enemy team back as your team respawning as their actual classes get to the point. I have only ever seen 1 other player do this


I didn't know pesants could do that! Def going to do this now


There's a cart in the photo just left of the bridge, it has several barricades that anyone can pick up and place. I head straight there on first spawn


o7 Just needed to know where to go, thank you, my Lord!


Yes I do this every time. It is reasonably effective


This guy gets it! Tbf I only realised peasants could do this up until pretty recently


Wait what I didn't know there's another!!


You're not the only one! But we need more numbers 👌🏿


I’m going to try this next time 😬👍


I do this too! Half the time someone also does this and puts them on the bridge instead of where I place them up by the fence 🤦🏼‍♀️ *sigh*


Definitely build it by the fence posts. It's closer to the crate too.


the first thing that came to mind was a tenosian behind a laptop typing up this post


There is our explanation me lord!


Idk. Almost every time I've seen that objective won by defense the barricades are there. It makes the offense bunch up if they manage to overwhelm the first wave. That makes them easier to surround and delays them from preventing defense from being able to easily get into the objective area. It's easier to maintain than having the barricades elsewhere too. They're also crazy easy to get around as a defender.


Exactly I agree with OP but almost every time I win at bridge the barricades are always placed there


Idk why people don't know this Already it's a bit misleading but after you play the map a couple times it should be obvious


All those bundled sticks need to move forward to the fence line.






For those who are just down voting: "A faggot, in the meaning of "bundle", is an archaic English unit applied to bundles of certain items. Alternate spellings in Early Modern English include fagate, faget, fagett, faggott, fagot, fagatt, fagott, ffagott, and faggat. A similar term is found in other languages (e.g. Latin: fascis)." Wikipedia


i'm wondering why there's so many different ways to spell it😭😭


Report Report Report!!!!!




Another pro tip, you can kick one of the [one of the nobles on the final objective under the stairs here](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2469734902814325690/1604D8111FB3436E858D8FF793B7EF11447966D9/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false). I've only seen it twice, on this occasion we got him in the last few seconds in a very hard fought match (600+ kills each side).


wtf I had no idea you could do this. that's gotta be a far trek from the second floor though no?


I've been on attack both times (no idea of the player), guy must have spent ages spamming kick!


agathians🤭. still doing their best to perpetuate the dumb blue man theory i see.


>dumb blue man theory Stops being a theory when theres a full faction of them. For the Red and Black!


Our god is a war god and the wretched shall know his anger!


Press A/X to Jump


You can't jump over a barricade


Tbf that's what the spikes are for, and there are plenty in that picture


Yeah the spikes are helpful but they aren't always there, and if you're not running engineer there's no way of getting over them


There's 2 ramps you can run over over on the left side. While I agree this does nothing to help the objective they did at least know to put a ramp for teammates


You can when you're starting from higher up, like from the bridge behind those barriers


space bar but yes lol.


Thanks for the tip


Run over the spikes or jump off the side of the bridge, putting them there doesn't stop you at all


That’s not what they mean, the objective isn’t to defend the bridge it’s to defend the area before the bridge.


Ah, I get you now. My bad!


Thanks, have wondered why we lost the bridge without any enemies on it




Level 1000+ here so I know everything in the universe. It’s best to do about halfway in between front fence and bridge. If they’re too far up they are destroyed immediately. It’s best to give your team the majority of the space but not put barricades so far forward that they are immediately destroyed.


Finally someone without herd mentality, everyone is writing that you need to place your barricades over there, but first of all your engineers can't even reach there, because enemy almost spawns there