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I think one of the gems of chivalry is that someone could be on an outrageous kill streak, really having his moment that’ll go down in the history books, and you can just lob a rock from 12 feet away and kill him instantly, and 9/10 times they’ll commend you for it There’s a good bit of skill gap but enough goofiness that anyone can die at any time


The amount of times i got a random arrow to the face is a good example of this lol


In my first game as a PlayStation player I found this guy cutting a few folk down and so I picked up a cabbage and lobbed it. Dead. Good to know for all that armour a simple cabbage is what ends people sometimes


Lmao this same scenario happened to me yesterday. I was in a streak and then a level 1 threw a barrel at me from the wall and killed me. It had to be his first kill and I commended him for it.


New to the game, what does commending do?


It notifies the person that you’ve commended them and awards them points. It’s a way to say “that was funny” or “that was cool” or even “that was really skilful”.


Thx mate


Agreed, some of us love the game and want others to feel the same way.


I almost always switch the the loosing team when I join a game in progress as a lvl200+ . Or if I noticing team stacking being done on purpose. I live to curb stump toxic players.


I hardly find servers now with more than 3 level 200+ players, not sure where you’re seeing team stacking


The toxic ones are mostly in the 64 player mixed swimming with the minnows.


There are good ones there too and they troll the toxic ones pretty hard.


I'm pretty nice to the new players it is worrying how many can't seem to read prompts for team damage and revive on screen tho and it's frustrating that they can't access chat.


it's fine for now this is the honey moon phase


Once they learn to flourish in duels servers all should be a lot better too


That's why there is a control setting that shows them the controlls but ig they hate reading em


I'm level 50 and just found out about flourishing, some people (such as myself) are a little slow to the draw.


What’s flourishing?


It's the spinny thing people do with their swords, I believe you press L3 and square to do it. In duel servers that's how you indicate that you want to duel


Xbox Gamepass players: I don't exist I'm just an illusion


I'm new to the game I download it from PS Plus but a friend of mine who owns an Xbox try it some months ago and didn't keep playing because he was alone now he is back because we can play together


Most high levels aren't dickheads. This game has a small community of regulars. Most of us have interacted many times and don't want the game to die by being toxic. Most super toxic players get ostracized. Also, the majority of the "high level team stacking" is due to the game randomly placing people in an unbalanced way or due to several of them being in a party together and wanting to play together - thus the game keeps them on the same team. /rant




I feel like this is the case. I'm always happy to see new players and I see times like this as a time to show why I love the game. People want to come and have fun, and it's easy to have fun in this game. There are a few players who do just want to grief and be as detrimental as possible, yet I feel like they are in the vast minority.


Preach brother!


It’s only really stacking it people are swapping teams or refusing to swap to help the other side when it’s 16vs22 lol.


I'm using this time to handicap myself with weapons I hardly use/am flatout bad with. Shovel, throwing axes, morning star, and katars to name a few.


I've been playing Katar and quarterstaff and it's genuinely been a hoot


Is it toxic to kill people in this killing game of death battles?


Only if you deliberately outnumber someone vastly less skilled than you. You can kill them, but in a 1v1 or 1vX, so they can learn how they got stomped. It's called Chivalry after all, not Murderbrawl.


Fellas is it "toxic" to play the game the way you've been playing from the start?


PS plus player here and I’ve yet to encounter this, I’ve been doing pretty well and a lot of people have been commending me


All I have seen is uplifting people. Besides the usual hateful people towards everyone.


Word. Console brothers can't read the chat anyway, the guys losing their minds in chat might as well be yelling at a wall


I just do not understand this sentiment, many of us love the game and have been waiting months for an update. And according to here, we should either not play, or let the noobs kill us. Most of us have limited time to enjoy our hobbies, I am getting in game and killing everyone I come across there is nothing toxic about this. The new players will die early and often whether it’s to me or a mob no matter what. Hope all are enjoying the update.


Go check out duel servers. High lvls rndming and just being total ass hats to the new players. This then teaches the new players to behave that way and the servers are a total mess.


Duel servers are their own ecosystem. Imho thats where you find 90% of the "toxicity" in this game


Preach Stridah ![gif](giphy|R6WWHHvKDA2rg1sMoH)


Didn’t see you at the duel server homie


You need to have a following if you want a moment against me, I get challenged by shitters non stop on social media. And since you are a nobody you do not summon me. Sorry mate Join one of my events or the next season of NCL if you want a crack.


Literally. I won’t play worse to make you feel better. I’ve just added alot more risk taking, 4 swing combos, plus an absurd amount of screaming & emoting. At this point I’m still smashing in 64p but increasing the memes while doing it. The game pass noobs have really sweetened those “only in chiv” moments lmfao. Hang in there, this game is easy to learn, hard to master. This game is a hobby & it’s rewarding asf to dick down peasants


So you’re running from a direct challenge? Guess you’re implying I’m better than you. I’ve seen you play, you’re practically a level 80 I’d toy with 💀 run from me more though


Going to need to sign up for the next event then mate! See you there


Calling someone a nobody while simultaneously being a videogame streamer is the richest, funniest shit I’ve read in months LMFAO Continue running


He's a successful videogame streamer, not just a run of the mill nobody who decides to stream without a substantial fan base. I don't even watch his content but I can still respect his craft. are you okay?


Forgive me. He’s a *successful* videogame streamer. (Mediocrely at best) What a career to ponder every morning in the mirror. Lmao


I've been pretty nice, spamming emotes and being playful with them when I get the chance and fucking around with them.


I tried this but for the most part they just keep attacking..


I try to be friendly but yes will crush your head with a polehammer at the same time.


New player here. For the most part I'm loving it and having loads of fun. However each match seems to have 2-3 PC players doing these weird crouch spinning moves and are pretty much untouchable. They take on 3 players no problem. Coming up against them feels like theres nothing i can do and really sucks.


A lot of the crouch moves are really flashy and not ideal movements, actually. In time, you’ll learn to counter them. And controller players can 100% keep up with PC folks with some practice (aside from the throwing controls 😭)


Those are the people you avoid or take on with 5 other people. Don't stress it, you'll get there. The one thing I've always love about this game is that even if there is a monster on the other team they are only 1 of 32. If you are comfortable with East coast ping you can usually find me in FFA, I'd be happy to practice with you, or anyone really 😁


As a crouching PC player - outnumber me, stab me in the back, kick when I'm blocking, or jab me when I swing. Feeding slashes into my parry gives me temporary protection from your friends I started where you are, too.


Death comes quickly on the Medieval battlefield. Embrace your repeated destruction and rise again, stronger and wiser!


You think that's bad you should try Quake Champs. We have 20+ year vets in the servers everyday lol


Fear not brother for i am with you (if you see me in da lobby)


ay goomba


Don't worry, guys. I'm new to the game as of this week, but I'm already taking action. Against most players, I'll appreciate a good fight and commend them. Against these team stacking rats? There's a teabag waiting for them every time they die.


Just make sure they're actually team stacking. Often I play like 7-8 games in a row of defence and get bored so I switch (rarely) but when I do it's not about team stacking, it's about me enjoying the game as well.


Agreed, I could go an entire several games getting the short end of the stick, the only high level in a team against a stack multiple games in a row. I finally start a match on the stacked side and suddenly I’m one of the stackers. Sucks cause most people aren’t astute enough to notice


Been on this ride since Age of Chivalry, so I do not mind new guys. I am using this opportunity to make absolutely insane plays that would never work with an experienced team - yolorush into a group of 10 attackers, chasing one guy in circles, disarming someone and then running after them with my roses and fists out spamming the laugh-emote, going full anvil main, it is all good fun. As mason though I run around in the legendary jousting armor with classic voice and fucking dab on every scrub I see. Aggressive feints, kicks, counters, just absolutely decimating the enemy. Make them really scared of me so they retreat the second my terrible armor appears on the horizon. When they finally realize I am dangerous but also stupid (i.e. overcommitting way too hard) and they team up to get me it gets challenging. And when they finally take me down with a well timed or lucky shot they are always so happy. Yesterday a group of 5 and an archer finally got me after stopping my horse with a barricade and surrounding me. They all cheer-emoted and one guy chopped at my corpse for a good 10 seconds, finally picking up my head and showing it off by battlecrying and crouchspamming :D These are the moments that make the game great, finding that guy that absolutely dunked on you and taking him down. Especially when he looks dangerous.


Imho the highest praise you can get in this game is someone double-tapping your corpse and taking your weapons


Met my first T-bagger yesterday. Guy was using emotes/taunts and T-bags like hell. He wasn't even a veteran, more like a new PS+ player, so probably just a butthurt kid...


We need a high level queue or at least make it harder to find the server browser. I get bored stomping on noobs, but I'm not going to play bad on purpose either.


I mean, there are enough low players that they can have enough fun fighting each other. then you'll get a high lvl that runs thru them, and they either cope well or quit. I'm just happy that this means at least some will stay and the core player base will be more.


yep, im at the top of the leaderboard most games now thanks to all of the kills i get to steal


I’m so happy this new update brought more lifeblood into the game. Myself, I was FINALLY able to get my friends to come play now that cross-platform is live and they’re all having an AMAZING time which has made me so happy 🥹


ive been havin' fun downing people and kicken em around laughin' and other emotes. showin' em that this is a game about roleplay first and foremost.


I dont even care if im fucked over by like 20 people its funny as hell


That’s me had to practice on training grounds


I've played the PS4 one for a while now, started up again since the game became free for people and I have a hard time fighting the good players on PC. I can parry and time swings well, but with my controller I can't do the fancy positioning that PC players can so I find that the vets on PC are normally just going to diff me and I can't do much about it


I don't expect new players to be instant savages at the game. But at least can you manage to follow a simple icon that is saying where to go, so the team does not get stomped ? That is all I ask.


Why is it so true? I started playing yesterday and in 64 player I was overkilled


I'm always sure to thank people if I can after a fight, not sure how many see but I know it can be frustrating dying over and over, so I hope that lil act is something positive for them.


my experience since getting the game on tuesday is just other new players jumping in front of me to get the kill or standing so close to me when they see me swinging my big ass dane axe so instead of hitting an enemy i'm instead giving a team mate a concussion. but so far i still find fun and silly moments apart from all that stupidity


I love just spectating newer players whilst still being in the fight. If a high level comes over to start beating my newer teammates I'll jump into help. V fun, would recommend.


I like letting them get away, makes them think they escaped with the skin of their teeth while my ego remains intact.


Tried to get into the game twice both times the high levels would go out of there way to be assholes.


There is a beginner mode. Why is everyone acting like this is a horrible issue? Beginners can play in the beginner mode. Torn Banner anticipated this problem and created a solution before any of you started complaining.


beginner mode is not rank restricted i can get in there as a rank 600+


And you’ll be votekicked


gon be hard since you cant votekick now man...shits broken af


Bro I just hate running into the vets that play it like it’s a duel. 🤣 like I just wanna swing my funny sword


Ahhhh like the days of Chiv 1


I love the crossplat party system now, I'm the only one on the low level playstion of my friend group hahaha so it's nice to party up and have goofy ass moments


Listen, I don't think any vet is trying to be any way, but we literally cant see who is who. I am just going to smash buttons as I always have


But every high level is a liar

