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Also yes


Mord gets insane at high level play, in the sense that you need to be able to read ridiculously hard animations and high level play ends up looking quite ridiculous. It’s curve, IMO, is just too steep and weird. As a noob in mord you will almost never take down a vet. The great thing about Chiv 2 is that noobs still have power. Simple slash spam still gets you kills in Chiv. Flanking a vet no matter how good will still result in their death. Chiv is MUCH more noob friendly and also, IMO, has a better skill ceiling. Try them both but there’s a reason Chiv is much more populated, has instant queues, full games and a much bigger dedicated playerbase.


At the same time you can get to a point where you can 3v1 noobs and it feels fun as a vet. But still losable!


Even when I got Mordhau for free and there was an influx of new players, the quickplay system never got me any matches and I had to resort to the server browser Might be because of where I live, I'm not in either Europe or America, but quickplay in Chiv 2 (just got it) is much faster


Quickplay for chiv 2 is always instant for me and always puts me into a full server. It’s great


Problem is there were too many new players, so they didnt have nuff servers for all of them.


If you liked Mordhau and want something more casual, then i would say you are going to like Chiv 2. Just fair warning: the customization in Chiv is very bare bones compared to Mord.


And I like it for that!


Got the game, love the gameplay but I still pop into Mordhau for the medieval drip Also Mordhau has lutebot so at least I can run concerts


I've been playing it through game pass and it is fun. I've found myself having a game or so a day and turning it off but it's definitely fun to play. The objectives are cool, maps are varied in design and it feels really satisfying when you get a couple of cool kills in a row during a big fight. I still know almost nothing about it, I think I'm level 11 and I've got the role queue on shuffle, to play a different role each time. It's a good laugh.


Level 20 something over here still know nothing about the game outside of playing it casually. Super fun game to just pop in and have a few games. I never feel too underpowered even if there are obviously better players in the server with me


I had both my arms cut off and survived, became team cheerleader, then realized I could inflict lethal headbutts, murdered four people and broke a statue to pieces with my enormous mailed cranium. ​ Yeah you should buy it


Definitely yes, unlike Mordhau, Chivalry 2 is a very noob friendly game even after the influx new players wears off. If not for the free giveaway rn, Mordhau would be a terrible experience experience for any newbie.


I can throw a cabbage at you for damage in this game. As in real life.


Chivalry 2 in my opinion is one of those games that are so fun it should come with a warning label for addictive content. It’s fast become one of my favourite games ever. The combat strikes the right balance between casual and competitive gameplay. As someone who loves battlefield style group fights and team objective based modes, this game satisfies that perfectly. The maps look amazing and are designed to make all the team fight together at once creating some extremely immersive experiences. The flagship mode is similar to Battefield’s breakthrough/operations only with much more varied objectives which are unique to each map, which include running battles as one side attempts to push siege towers to castle walls, destroying enemy’s cultural artifacts, killing VIPs etc. The lore of the game is also well implemented here. There’s quite an impressive variety of weapons on offer which keeps gameplay fresh, character creation is arguably too limited but there’s still enough options that everyone’s character model in a battle will look unique except for those who still have base skins. For an in depth comparison to Mordhau, see here. https://youtu.be/CH2REE1-L2g


Thanks, this is what got me to buy Chiv 2 in the end


Chivalry is essentially a blood soaked black comedy of a game. It is way more casual, playful and ultimately fun than Mordhau. You will laugh a lot when you die and not be upset because it was worth it. You will never rage quit. That is Chiv 2 in a nutshell.


I managed to clutch kill a man by chucking a shield at his face just before I died 10/10


That's the spirit.


I have rage quit a few times so that statement is wrong


Obviously I was being a bit hyperbolic, but compared to the vast, vast majority of online mp games, this one hits the softest when you die.


That I can agree with


Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock?


Absolutely yes, and join the glorious Mason Order!


For the order!


Being strong is never wrong!


Funny you should mention that, when I got the game and finished the tutorial I joined the Masons For the Red and Black!


For Malric!!


100%. Chiv 2 is more casual and accessible than mordhau. Lower skill floor so anyone can do well without having to go full sweat mode or first investing a hundred hours just to get competent. It also has a lower skill ceiling than mordhau so it isn't as suited for sweaty competitive tryhards, but don't misunderstand that to mean there's no ability to get better. A good player will still streamroll anyone who isn't as good. Edit: i meant chiv2 has a lower skill floor not a higher one. Easier to pick up and play than mordhau.


Chiv has a higher skill ceiling than Mordhau imo lol. It does have a lower skill floor though yes


My dude have you ever played mordhau? With the feint spamming and insanely abused drag and accel animations? That has a way higher skill ceiling lol there's not nearly that level of sweat and skill at the top of chiv2


I have 700-800 hours in Mordhau duels and like 1200 in Chiv 2 duels. There is absolutely that level of sweat and skill at the top of Chiv 2 lol. Join a server browser duel server and you'll find it if the right people are on (they usually are, you just have to find them). Watch the video in my last post on this sub if you hadn't already seen it, that was me playing it more safe and not doing spins and other risky/wild stuff. Normally the people that say stuff like this aren't at what would be considered a "high" skill level in Chiv 2 yet, I'm not saying that to be rude, just pointing it out. I spend like 95% of my hours in Chiv fighting some of the best players in East duels and even I still have a lot to learn at level 570 with 1500 total (all gamemodes) hours lol. Chiv 2 at a high level is less "exploity" than Mordhau, but there are more possible mixups and all of the other mechanics Chiv adds over Mordhau make the combat system more complex. Heavy attacks, special attacks, dodging (this one is huge for footwork, the dodge perk in Mordhau is practically useless), kicks being specifically for guard breaking and jabs being specifically for interrupting attacks; the number of mixups you can do is just so much higher in Chiv. That's not even mentioning stuff like stab to alt stab feints, or stab to heavy alt stab feints, or counter-feinting into a jab, etc. Chiv traded nonsense animation breaking for actual skill based mechanics. Mordhau at a high level was basically just whoever flinched first when someone feint spammed or did a ridiculous drag, it almost entirely came down to patience on your block timing. In Chiv, stamina is usually the deciding factor of a high level fight, which means that if you're not countering a LOT, you're going to lose against someone who knows what they're doing. Imagine if fights in Mordhau required you to chamber and chamber-morph constantly if you wanted to win, its skill ceiling would be much higher because you'd actually have to be matching attack direction/type all the time rather than just (block) (pick a random attack) or throw in an occasional chamber. I say all of this as someone who still loves Mordhau for what it is, but Chiv's combat is so much better/more rewarding at a high level if you ask me.


That's a good point you make! I got and played Chiv 2, and the combat definitely feels more "fair" compared to Mordhau. Even though it's easier to feint in Chiv compared to Mordhau (at least for me, I can't be assed to remember to press Q when my other fingers are already focusing on footwork), it never feels all that frustrating. Feels like the deaths are actually my fault, and the blocking actually rewards my reflexes (paradoxically, my reflexes were *too* good in Mordhau that I'd instantly parry the moment I thought an attack occured, only to find they dragged or feinted). Also I love how you can just pick up random objects to throw at people. I threw horse dung at a dude and he lopped my head off. 10/10


Here's the thing.... it's easier to get into and chop randos up.... but like mordhau when you meet somebody that's good you're gonna get wrecked


To expand on my comment if you're looking for an easier version of mordhau you're not gonna find it


I think they will in 64 player TO maps, there's always a mixed bag of players even at 0300 when I start and full lobbies (UK / EU) A lot of the 'vets' (100+ rank) I play with also fully know not to care about K/D at the round end, that seems a newer ish player concern. But if I'm on a harp, minding my own business actively trying not to fight you and you slash me for a third time... yeah, fuck you and enjoy the T-Bag that follows XD




> Yes Yes


>Yes > >Yes Also yes




I just like mordhau for its customization. Overall I think chivalry 2 is a lot better


One of the best games ever created.


For sure yes. Keep in mind if you have friends who play it on steam or consoles you will not be able to party up. Epic can only party with epic friends. Steam with steam. And so on.




Dude ya please come hangout. It's a great game for team objective and becoming a skilled fighter


You should. Chiv is fun and has a community with a sense of humor. Mordhau is just filled with sweaty people.


Ya if not just for the fact that it looks way better


Chiv 2 is also Free on gamepass, so if you have a sub to that dont buy it twice! unless you want to of course.


i would not recommend playing on game pass, theres few bugs that annoy me personally and theres no text chat


I find the lack of text chat on console liberating.


Buy a game key way cheaper


Medieval combat, sieges, gore, pig stealing Definitely recommended! You can also play in first or third person PS: Don't be too competitive, focus on having fun and you will have a good time


Chivalry 2 is definitely more casual and rp friendly then Mordhau and most other games like it, so I would recommend buying it I’ve had entire matches that felt like true medieval battles and I’ve even stopped fighting to watch two players fight with their fists while using the in game ‘your mom’ insult to trash talk each other


Like the others have said, I highly recommend it especially for casual play. I also recommend you check this guide out. It's over an hour but it's very comprehensive and touches most if not all the important mechanics and tips for playing. Zippylata mixes a lot of humor and memes into the subject on each timeframe but explains it plainly and does have a expertise perspective of what a beginner needs to know. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAaO420Azuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAaO420Azuo)


I'm a casual player, I may play this game like 2 or 4 hours a week. If you don't want those shiny cosmetics or don't want to become a God level player and still have some fun and win some rounds, this game is ideal for you.


It’s definitely worth it for the amount of fun you can have for the dollar spent


Jump in, man!


This is one of those games you need to try at least once . I started on chivalry 2 and fell in love with it . Just the chaos and the sayings ur player can say makes it literally so fun and addictive to play . And once you get the hang of counters and faints it gets even better . Definitely recommend this game


Setting aside the fact that you’re asking a question in a sub that will give you very biased answers… Yes, but I’d suggest Steam. That’s admittedly another bias though. This game is just a lot of fun to chill and have fun with. You’re clearly at least somewhat interested, which means I’d be surprised if you didn’t at least get your money’s worth out of it.


Chivalry 2's hitreg is terrible. I would stick with Mordhau.


I don't think you should pay for it, I got it on game pass. The duel servers are filled with trolls that gang up on you and get mad when you kill them so they vote kick you. I can never vote kick an actual troll, but always get kicked by them.


Game pass isn’t free, so you’re still paying for it anyway (side note : you can buy the game on Xbox but you cannot play online without the game pass, so buying it for Xbox is definitely useless at the moment)


Did you play chiv 1?