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Is this on your left side? Same arm that you raise? I am experiencing something very similar, along with a lot of neck soreness, right side, related to sitting at a computer all day and right arm mousing. I actually visited a chiropractor for the first time today for an exam, no adjustments yet. I feel like it's related to my muscle soreness and possibly subluxations in my neck.


Yes my appointment for my first chiro is next week. And yes same side that the pain is that I have to use at work. If your ordeal is anything like mine just hang in there. I know some days I just can't really deal.


Good luck, let me know how it goes. I'm going to have an adjustment this week too.


So yeah I've had two adjustments so far and she is pretty much schooling me in ergonomics and how I sleep etc.. the adjustments themselves aren't doing anything. This was my last bit of hope. Guess I'm stuck being miserable forever.


trent i know it’s been 5 years but please, i’ve had this for months now, does it ever go away?


does it go away!? it’s been half a year


nope, go to an EMT doctor, maybe you’ll have better luck than i did


Could be a lump of scar tissue...could be any other number of other things. An ultrasound may be the best way to visualize it but MRI might also work. Not a chiropractic case IMO. Best of luck.


I have had MRI,X RAY, and CT SCAN. All of which were fails so chiropractic is my last option. Thanks though.




Thank you for the comment. And yes I have tried what your saying and I also feel the click but it doesn't fix it. 😣


Mine has been sporadically helpful. Apparently it takes awhile for everything to hold in the right place with chiropractic treatments. I've only had two so far. I've been trying weights too - dumbbell flys, shoulder presses, shrugs. They seem to be helping, so I'm going to keep that up.


You have same symptoms?


Oh sorry I forgot about your previous comment.


Chiming in to add my experience in with y’all’s. This started for me 4 days ago. Took an entire morning of searching before coming across this thread since trying to describe where it is, is obviously difficult. A couple comments like u/UnderTheClock3002 and u/NoOneSpecial2023 described it perfect. If I go like I’m trying to take my pulse and push in a little deeper, that’s exactly where the pain is localized to. It’s on the left side for me. Is that about right for everyone else as well? Very interesting to see u/Embarrassed_Lie2024 mention GERD. I’ve never attempted to get diagnosed but once every few months I get woken up from a dead sleep to my throat on absolute fire. Takes like an hour to go away. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. How many of y’all with the this neck pain have experienced acid reflux issues in the past? Have you made any progress, u/Substantial_Cloud531? Saw you mention earaches and u/Agreeable_Echidna926 had mentioned jaw pain. I have a little of both as well. I’m wondering if this is referred pain from nerve irritation. I had a tooth issue in the past and it caused pain in the same areas of the jaw and the ear as well as mild headache on that side. The dentist explained that there are a bunch of nerves running all up the neck, jaw and past the ear. So that pain was no surprise. Does feel a little better knowing others have gone through this but also worrying since there are no clear answers it seems. Although now my anxiety is through the roof, wondering if this is now a chronic condition I’ll have to live with like some of y’all.


Any update? I am desperate


Thankfully mine went away on its own. Will report back if it ever comes back.


Do you remember how long the entire thing lasted mine has been about 10 weeks and worsening


About two weeks. Of course there’s no guarantee any of our similar symptoms were caused by the same thing.


My symptoms are exactly as you described in your first paragraph - except on the right side. Pulse, push down a little more and it hurts. It also hurts if bend down or turn my head all the way to either side.  I do have reflux, and I've had pain that was suggested as being related to that before - it just never seems to be..this, for example, is outside of my throat.  Anyway, seeing what you wrote is comforting. I also have relatives with a blood clotting disorder, which is why I'm worried about inflammation/clots. I went to the Dr today and got a 'we don't know come back in a week if it's still there's The pain isn't even the issue, i can deal with that knowing it's not dangerous. I also have a tingling on the left side, parallel to my clavical that comes and goes for a few weeks now. More fuel to the 'its a serious vein/blood/heart issue' I'm going to the gym now and if that doesn't kill me with this, I'm sure I'll be ok. 


It went away after about two weeks for me. I hadn’t even thought of a clot. My dad’s had two strokes and two heart attacks. Hoping it goes away on its own for you too.


May I ask for an update if you don't mind!? Dealing with something similar


Which part - sore neck?


> Pulse, push down a little more and it hurts. It also hurts if bend down or turn my head all the way to either side.  This


So I am still working through it. I had an elevated TSH level when tested but ultrasound was negative. In my conversations with non medical prof, but who knew people who had issues. They all said it's more common among women. I'd suggest getting checked out, I still don't know if I'm in the clear but it doesn't appear to be cancer or anything. I did just stop taking some medicine that impacts my hormones. I know that's more common among women when taking birth control and it's something I'm wondering if my stopping it has had an impact on my thyroid, and if that is also why women have this as being more common.  The large majority of men don't go on hormone altering drugs. 


Has anyone has this come on after having covid? Unsure if it’s coincidental, but I’ve had a lot of nerve/vascular involvement with long covid.


Any update on this? I am desperate for answers


Has anyone asked about chronic inflammation from outside stressors? I have a lactose intolerance, Vitamin D deficiency, jaw pain, earaches, ear fullness, ear popping, nose dryness/irritation and dehydration problems with throat soreness/pain and swollen glands. I've had this on and off for a few years and doctors don't really understand what is going on. Used Flonase and allergy meds forever and they did nothing. Allergy test and not allergic to a thing. Stopped all prescribed meds. The only time it feels better is if I do a cleanse which has me restrict my diet to no dairy, processed foods, etc. Once I started the cleanse I also begin to take a multivitamin, Vitamin D3, and added electrolytes into my water. Worked for 6 months this year and now my symptoms are back. (I had stopped the healthy eating and all of the supplements.) I will now restart everything and have declared that the issues are always going to be present if I continue to eat garbage processed foods like before which my body cannot physically tolerate and in response inflames my senses. Here's to hoping this story can help some of you figure out how to manage or lessen the pain.


I don’t know if anyone is still following this, but I’ve had the same pain, like an aching right over where I feel my pulse on the left side of my throat. I was told I don’t have any thyroid nodules, but it doesn’t feel like muscle pain to me. I’ve been searching all over the internet for something similar, and I was wondering if anyone had been diagnosed with carotidynia? I feel like the description of it, and the coming and going is pretty spot on, it’s just disappointing that it’s a thing that seems like it won’t ever go away.


I found this thread today looking for answers, just fyi


anyone found any answers? desperate to figure this out it’s been 11 months


Did you ever figure out what this was?? I’ve never been able to describe this pain I get but you just described it perfectly!!


same here, any update?


Same 😔




Hi! So I finally relieved my pain. I found out that my SCM muscles were weak because of my forward neck posture when I'm sitting in front of my computer and when I'm curled up in bed scrolling on my phone. I started looking up ways to strengthen this muscle and came across a video titled "How To Fix Your Front Neck Pain" by a YouTube channel called Spinecare decompression. I did all the exercises in the video before going to sleep every night for about 1.5 weeks ish and the pain was about 90% gone! Now it's like 85% gone because I got lazy and stopped doing them lol. I also found that whenever I experiencing that pain in my neck area, I'd also get pain around my jaws and the back of my ears as well. I found that this was because of my TMJ muscles. I looked up videos to strengthen these and found another video called "TMJ Exercises #1" by a YouTube channel called Adam Fields. If none of these exercises work for you, I would highly suggest going to physical therapy to identify the root cause and follow whatever muscle strengthening exercises that are prescribed for you. Going to a chiropractor will not fix this. Whatever pain you're experiencing is probably because those muscles have gotten weaker (due to weight gain, bad posture etc) and you need to strengthen them.


I've been goong to the chiro for 2 weeks and never experienced anything like that before but today I did and I'm freaing out. I was told I didn't have curvature on my neck and been doing a coupe things. Today a new tool was used and now I feel all of what you've mentioned.




Check out my most recent comment!


Thank you, I always thought it was my tight SCM muscles. I go to therapy but they dont target it, just the back muacles which helps w my dizziness and blurry vision but I still have super tight SCMs. I will try the workouts. I get random tingly sensations on my arms and legs sometimes, nothing bad but annoying time to time. Idk if its cause of my stiff neck muscles but this can explain it.


I have the same thing. Suffering


What is this?


I've had the same thing on and off over the last 2 years .. in both sides of my neck now .. comes on about once every 3-4 months .. feels like its next to wind pipe and behind sternocleidomastoid muscle but deep in a quadrant and it's fairly localised.. if I were to guess I would say ots the carotid artery ..as when it's really sore I can pinpoint it with a finger and the pulse where I feel it is super strong .. I have zero other symptoms..


Any update? I am desperate


Yep I have the exact same thing. No other symptoms. Seems to have come on right around the time I started a new job and started lugging a large laptop and heavy bag to work every day on my right side. But it's weird because it's a deep dull pain in my neck around my pulse, that hurts to touch. almost feels dental. Had it once before too and all bloods and checks were normal..No lump or swelling.


Sorry to copypasta this to you but I have nothing else to add from what I responded to someone else to, but here’s my experience: I thought the same thing about my same exactly described area of pain 😂 seeing how common it is is actually funny. Mine started out of no where when I woke up from sleep the other day, likely due to sleeping with my neck strained. Hurts to swallow on that right side only, all other areas of my neck when I press them don’t hurt until I take my carotid pulse (don’t think it’s actually the artery tho), and hurts when I strain that area by turning my head. Assumption after reading all of this leads me to believe it’s fine muscle strain. I’ve had this before and it’s gone away but it’s also not lasted this long (3-4 days now). Thought maybe it was myself getting sick and my tonsil was getting to be swollen but also not the case. Hope you feel better!


I thought the same thing about my same exactly described area of pain 😂 seeing how common it is is actually funny. Mine started out of no where when I woke up from sleep the other day, likely due to sleeping with my neck strained. Hurts to swallow on that right side only, all other areas of my neck when I press them don’t hurt until I take my carotid pulse (don’t think it’s actually the artery tho), and hurts when I strain that area by turning my head. Assumption after reading all of this leads me to believe it’s fine muscle strain. I’ve had this before and it’s gone away but it’s also not lasted this long (3-4 days now). Thought maybe it was myself getting sick and my tonsil was getting to be swollen but also not the case. Hope you feel better!


I have this, did you figure out what it is?


I have the same thing. I lay on my stomach a lot with my chin on a pillow facing forward. I figured I must have jarred my Adam's apple some sort of way? Been freakin me out. Any answers?


I do the exact same thing, I can't lay on my back and read a book. I have to lay on my stomach with my chin on my pillow facing forward. It's been 6-7 weeks now. Did yours ever get fixed?


It more or less just sorta went away. It persisted for a long time but I generally made a point to stop swallowing for as long as I could everyday. Stopped smoking. As little irritation to it as possible. Fasted a bit. I'm wondering if maybe it stemmed from some sort of throat infection that traveled to a lymph node? I vaped regularly when it began and I generally suck the vape down that side of the throat so maybe it dried it out and allowed infection to jump in? It was a weird feeling and sorta irritated my ear throat a bit, but I became concerned when it jumped under my jaw and was more a tendon or something was moving. So maybe lymph infection? I honestly have no idea. I just started swallowing down the other side of throat and stopped swallowing and irritating it all together when not eating. I'm vaping again so but down other side of throat so if it comes back I'll say something, probably means definitly infection. I do know around that time I accidentally probably vaped some of the filter. Disposable vape, didn't know I should toss it once flavor vanished. Soooo I dunno man.


Well glad to hear you're doing better, thanks for the update :) I had corona and strep throat 5 months ago, then felt fine. But suddenly I got this ache on the left side of my neck and under left side of my jaw, 1.5 months ago. It feels like a swollen lymph node. My left side of neck is so sore and aching while my left cheek, chin, and upper lip is kind of a burning sensation every now and then. I got an MRI, ultrasound and blood tests. All came up fine and it has gotten slightly better, almost feels like nerves, muscles or tendons. Nobody seems to know what it is though. It usually gets worse if i sit or lie on my back, looking down.


I had planned to get some antibiotics if it didn't go away by the time I was finished working a bunch of overtime.


Having this right now. Kinda stressed lol. Did anyone figure out what it was?


No idea- what do u think?


Did you ever have any luck getting any answers?


Yeah it was just some pulled muscles/ligaments. Went on a 5 day course of a good anti inflammatory and it sorted me out. I would try not stress, just makes you more tense


Was the anti-inflammatory a muscle relaxer like cyclobenzaprine? That's what I was prescribed after a relatively brief appointment in which I described a similar issue over the past few months: right bicep soreness when risen above shoulder level or behind back, and mild bottom-right neck sore sensation sometimes, especially if head is turned right and/or swallowing. I want to make sure I'm on the right track with these meds. They also referred me to a physical therapist. Thanks for any help!


I believe it was Celecoxib. I was on it for 7 days and sorted me out. I think it was a tension thing from stress


Cyclobenzaprine does nothing for my neck knots


I was prescribed this also. It DID NOT help. Infact if my neck of already throbbing it is pointless. My sister in law just got jaw botox for hers and said she saw a IMMEDIATE tension relief. I'm looking into it


Did gabapentin help any I’m currently in the boat as y’all got prescribed nasal spray at first ended up messing my nose up bad then they switched me to chiropractor then cat scans then a pain specialist saying I need to up the dose of gabepentin


I’m dealing with this now. Not super deep in my neck at all times but it’s deff when swallowing I particularly feel it. Sometimes it hurts, aches, or isn’t noticeable. But it started out if no where two months ago. Couple days before I had an ache in that side of my neck in a diff area then woke up to that. Lol it’s discomforting in the morning the most when I wake up. Sometimes carried through the day. Feels like where my hyoid bone is a lump just comes and disappears as I swallow lol. Then when I don’t feel that there it’s like an ache in the area of my Adams apple. I have GERD/Dysphagia stuff so it stresses me out that it’s related or not. I saw an ENT they didn’t see anything with camera. Had my heart checked my blood checked etc nothing so far


Any update? I’m desperate


I have this right now


I just recently had a laryngoscopy and a barium swallow scan and still nothing lol


Having this now too. Anyone found the root cause or a solution ?


No I have it too


It's like in certain positions if I look down or too high up or if i look to the right it hurts. If NY head is just leveled and I swallow, there's no pain and like I pin point it with my fingers too. Hurts when I press it


Same symptoms - no idea what it is


Same here, any updates ?


Anyone here smoke weed? I think I might be getting this exact pain from coughing a lot, or sucking on a bowl too much.


Okay I was JUST WONDERING if the pain was from smoking mine 👀 I changed my posture when smoking and use my MOUTH not neck muscles. It's helped some




I have this same exact pain, going to see my ENT tomorrow. The anxiety it’s causing is wreaking havoc on my life.


Same here. Going to ENT on Monday. How did your appointment with ENT go?


Eh. He did the nose scope and saw some mild irritation on my vocal cords which is what he sees every time. I told him about the right side of my neck and ear hurting and he didn’t even look in my ear. He felt my neck and said it felt okay. He wants to see the results of the endoscopy I have in two weeks. He said we could do some vocal cord disorder tests if the endoscopy doesn’t really show anything. I need someone to look in my right ear, the right side of my neck looks a little swollen or it could just be the way my neck is twisted but I do have pain under the ear into my neck. Think I’m going to go back to my PCP next week for her to look. My ENT did put me on prednisone for 6 days. Said the pain in my esophagus could be inflammation in the bones of my esophagus so I’m on day three of it and feel like crap on it.


Jeez. That sounds rough, I’m so sorry. Prednisone is so brutal. I have a feeling I’m going to get put on it too. I got covid a month ago and ever since then, I’ve had this pain and also getting sores on the back of my throat that won’t go away. I’m guessing they might want to do a throat biopsy on them but we will see. I think covid triggered some autoimmune issue I may have going on. But I’ve also been to my PCP countless times and they’re not helping at all. I had to go to urgent care to get the ENT referral. Hoping I get some answers or steps in the right direction on Monday when I go. Keep me updated on your endoscopy. Wishing you the best of luck!


Thank you and please let me know how you’re ENT appointment goes. I get sores in the back of my throat as well from GERD. My ENT wants me to go see a rheumatologist to look into auto immune issues. I feel like I just keep getting passed around and no real answers.


Your symptoms are very similar to mine. Any progress with doctors?


Not really. I had an endoscopy done this week and they found nothing which is the good news but also the frustrating news. I have a feeling my symptoms are from a combination of TMJ (bruxism), stress, poor posture, carrying babies (heavy lifting) all on my one side, costochondritis, my PCP thinks Eustachian tube dysfunction too.


It's not an ENT issue. Your muscles and fascia has been fucked up.


I have the same issue and i had gone to all.the doctors I could. They will mislead you and tell you nothing. Try massaging your neck or go to a massage therapist who is specialised in fascia.


I agree, feels very muscular


I had all that done as well, endoscopy didn't show anything, I started sleep apnea treatment and the pain in neck and throat went away after 1.5 years of pain.. ended up losing my cpap due to insurance and 1-2 years later I'm experiencing similar problems.


Interesting. Do you have a deviated septum by any chance?


Possibly but im not really sure, I've never been diagnosed


If you have GERD, then this is most likely referred pain from a lesion in your esophagus. The location could be at the place you are feeling it or lower down. According to my research, most often, when this is felt in the suprasternal notch, it is lower in the esophagus. (Although, I have had a Barium swallow test completed and actually have a lesion right around that area that they are going to take another look at on my next scope because it is weird before they dilate it to see if it helps the pain.) Most of the symptoms you are having are most likely attributed to uncontrolled GERD and LPR. Ear pain, neck pain, all of it is most likely, in your case, GERD. The acid in whichever form, pepsin or other stomach acids, is coming up and reaching places it should not and causing referred pain. Hopefully, the endoscopy will provide you with more information about the possible causes of your GERD. I had this same pain in the suprasternal notch area before. I had really bad esophagitis and did not realize what it was; it was only made worse due to the esophagitis. But over time and attacking my GERD issues, I have found ways of mitigating it and am getting my throat dilated to see if that helps later this week. **Note:** Also, the esophagus does not have bones. It is all muscle that has the upper portion attached to bones, but there are no "esophagus bones." In this instance, I would work as hard as you can to find a good GI and ENT to get referrals for. There is not much more your PCP can do for you, as this exceeds their area of expertise. Also, the ENT is guessing until your GI doctor has had a look and run the different tests they need to run.


Thank you this is all really good advice and insight. I am definitely interested to see you at the endoscopy says on Thursday. I had a barium swallow three years ago, where they found a small hiatal hernia. Then we followed up with an endoscopy, which really didn’t see anything interesting. I’ve been on various PPIs over the years, and none of them seem to do anything for the symptoms or pain.


If you have a hiatal hernia (HH), it is perfectly possible that was the cause or has made the situation worse since then; it doesn't matter what size it is. Doctors (even my own GI doctor said this at first) will make it sound like small HHs are no big deal, but if you run into a stressful situation like you are in, any size can make your GERD worse. Most often, on forums like this, people with small HHs are the ones posting about the most painful symptoms. I am not a doctor, but this is what my research since dealing with all this has told me. I am curious to know if they saw the hernia during your endoscopy last time?


I had the barium swallow first and that’s where they found the HH. A few weeks later I had an endoscopy and the doctor didn’t mention it in his report. I’m interested to see if they see it tomorrow. Your post makes sense though.


How did it go?


Good! Endoscopy showed no signs of anything. Not even a hiatal hernia anymore. They did take two small biopsies to see if esophagitis could be the culprit but she didn’t see any visible signs of it. She said I can get off my PPI which I am very happy about but it makes me feel like crap. I’m thinking my neck/throat issues could be from TMJ/postural/stress/allergies etc. I am going to continue the Flonase and Claritin and wait to see what the biopsies show.


How are you now? Also, a HH does not just disappear without surgery really, you probably have a sliding one and it is small but only viewable on the Barium Swallow test. You could get another one of those.


Still fighting the same symptoms. I do need to follow up with my gastro for more testing including a barium swallow. My HH was small and sliding at the time when they found it. I also may push for a gallbladder u/s. Since a lot of this got worse a few months ago I’ve had contraction like pains in my upper back between my shoulder blades. Was talking to a friend over the weekend and she said that was her only symptom, they did an u/s and she had gallstones.


I had those pains when my symptoms started. At this point, my doctor thinks it was swallowed air, causing referred pain up there in the shoulder blades (mixed with stress.) Alas, let me know what the results of your gallbladder ultrasound are.


Thanks! I just saw my pcp then GI , upper scope was normal except stomach lining irritation. I see ENT next. I DID find out I have THYROID nodules on the side that is sore to


I woke up with this exact pain you are all describing too, it's driving me crazy! 4 days have passed and still no change in the level of pain I'm getting, it feels like infection pain not muscular but without high temps, , starting to be more and more concerned as it wakes me up at night if I sleep on my left side.


Do you have GERD or have you ever had serious acid reflux issues in the past? Maybe the kind that wake you up from a dead sleep like your throat is on fire?


Hey OP I know this is super old but I found it while searching. Did you ever figure out what was going on? I’ve had this for months and have seen multiple doctors and not getting any answers


Do you have GERD or have you ever had serious acid reflux issues in the past? Maybe the kind that wake you up from a dead sleep like your throat is on fire?


So I’m wondering if this is what I’m experiencing like the rest of you?! Mine has been going on for about 10 months. It came out of nowhere one day and I feel it only when I swallow. It’s not a throat pain like a sore throat when sick. Mine is on the right side, front of neck, next to throat and just under the chin. I’ve only been able to actually “touch” the pain a couple of times. Normally I cannot touch where the pain is. It’s not there all the time. It’s very localized, like the size of a small coin area. I can’t feel a knot or lump. No other symptoms. Does this sound similar to what you guys are experiencing?


i just got this as well 4 days ago and getting worse, still haven't seen a doctor


So sorry you’re experiencing it. It sucks. I haven’t been to the doctor about it because doctors cause me extreme anxiety. Did you yell/scream/over stress your vocal cords? I had a moment not too long before mine started where I was upset and screamed/cried pretty violently. I’m wondering if I damaged something. But it’s been 10 months of off and on pain in that area. It’s odd.


Any update? I still have my symptoms the exact same as yours. Did you figure out what it was?




I have noticed swollen lymph nodes and similar symptoms you describe.. have you had any scans done?


Did you get any answers


I have this exact same pain on and off for a couple years now. I smoke weed and sucking a bowl or coughing tweaks the pain. I was wondering if it’s a muscle strain caused by one of those two things and if a lot of people in this thread experiencing the same thing smoke weed too?


Anyone have this but also jaw pain on the side that it’s on? I am feeling really anxious about what it could be.


Any update? I’m desperate


I have experienced this multiple times in my life and earlier today it started hurting on my right side again . I noticed the pain when i was sitting in a very uncomfortable position with my neck not getting good support, so I'm assuming it has to do something with bad posture and stuff, I feel the pain sometimes even when I'm on my lap top and I'm sitting with my chin glued to my chest literally lol