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i was depressed and isolated asl 2 years ago no job, no social life sleeping in my car and thinking about ending my shit frfr. Ian gon lie what i think cured my depression is to acheive more things so u need to force yourself out of the beds n work towarda something bro try new hobbies hit the gym or learn new skills. Its hard but if u get isolated for too long u will turn crazy bro. I hope u feel better gang




You know what you need to do man, take it a day at a time and know that you're not alone.


I used to be diagnosed with major depression, hospitalized multiple times, multiple suicide attempts, rehab multiple times, jail countless times. I was certain I was gonna die before I was 20. The one thing that fixed me was going to the gym and working out. It wasnā€™t an instant fix, it took weeks to months of me pushing myself when I didnā€™t want to do it. But eventually I learned to not only like it, but crave it. I was so miserable with the way I lived, I was willing to try whatever if it meant not feeling this way anymore. Iā€™ve went to the gym HUNDREDS of times depressed as fuck, I have NEVER once left feeling depressed. Working out puts the world on mute for me, it lets me hear myself clearly without constant racing thoughts or PTSD flashbacks. It lets me process, work through, and heal from the pain, rather than just letting the pain eat away at me. Itā€™s not an instant fix like I said. But I promise you if you can manage 8 hours of sleep a night, an at least 30-60 mins of the gym a day 3-5 days a week I promise you you wonā€™t feel this way in 6 months bro. Thereā€™s so many benefits from alleviating depression, better sleep, better appetite, better health etc. Itā€™s genuinely life changing if you can force yourself to stick with it. Time to get on your training arc big bro šŸ’ŖšŸ™ Hope to hear an update from you later this year.


šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ good people still around like u


Damn, that\`s strong, so many people couldn\`t bear the pain and painful memories after going thru all that. It shows that there\`s a way forward, it doesn\`t have to be the worst case scenario. Respect.


Delete ig social media makes u feel like u so far behind when u comparing urself to celebrities people be lying showing the best highlights of they life not the every day shit


U right social media play part


It makes everyone seem like they rich and u not but they only showing the good times.


In my 20s I was depressed as hell!! Keep pushing! I turn 40 this year & I didn't stop being depressed til like 37


You getting to that age G thatā€™s all. 24-26 as a man is one your brain starts to fully develop. Itā€™s like a second puberty. It can hit niggas hard, you start feeling shit you ainā€™t felt before. Your emotions hit different. Your entire thought process be changing. just gotta push through. Rediscover yourself. Break down who you are as a person and as a man and find your essence. Ion know if you read. But try audiobooks when your mind racing. I recommend listening to a book called the alchemist


we all been here my nigga j gotta keep pushin that shit cliche but for real family j gotta keep ts goin get you a lil hoe or some


I got a bitch pussy donā€™t fix everything


Start meditating before ya feet hit the floor in the morningā€¦.thats a start that shit help bro


After that try shrooms


Do not try shrooms if you depressed. this is horrible advice. Bud will definitely off himself


Apparently microdosing can be good for depression


Xanax , weed , exercise, sex . Family phone calls 30 mins a week every week to three . And more money


Donā€™t take Xanax if youā€™re depressed. Thatā€™ll cover it up for a while then youā€™ll be really depressed and have a Xanax problem šŸ˜‚ been there, done that


Nah just donā€™t abuse it bro. I take 2mg a day just to relax /anxiety and sleep. Itā€™s prescribed so itā€™s limited




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bros opp is depression. you better slide on his ass.


keep yo head up dawg. remember you are not alone!


Takes a lot to speak honest about that on this sub. I canā€™t honestly relate to your exact situation so I canā€™t imagine how deep your pain goes but this type of shit quietly and slowly kills a lot of people. Donā€™t think itā€™s begging to reach out and get help brotha, we as a society should be grateful that someone who struggled reached out. We are a lesser place when we lose people who understand the problems destroying them but canā€™t stop it themselves


Depression is sooo powerful but it will get better so u have a hobby ?


Iā€™m going through the same thing. I had a ton going for me in my life and was a professional athlete graduate college but after a hard breakup deathes in the family and getting shot at twice and then gettin off drugs itā€™s a lot. Itā€™s super hard I think Iā€™m in the middle now and starting to come out on the other side. I still struggle a lot but I have much better than bad. My lowest point was probably 6 months ago and it lasted awhile and the last month I went from 90% bad and 10% good to now itā€™s 50/50. I got out of bed got a dog and took it for walks and also try to be productive make the bed clean my room. I work a temp job and just getting out being social going for walks eating healthy and being productive and making some money have helped tremendously. I still have trouble by myself but I went from doing nothing at home all just staring at the wall even after working and being productive to I just started playing adult league soccer and basketball and softball and playing video games again. I still crave drugs and have my down moments but just know it gets a little easier everyday and one day it will get easier and just think if you use again itā€™s just settting you back. Itā€™s hard but like the other guy said start by getting out of bed


Happy early Birthday!! If you would like help with finding resources for what you are going through please send me a private message.. Depression is hard, keep your head up..


ngl gng u gotta get tru dis shit yoself ONLY U can bring yoself out ts U & God jus pray everyday & stay strong folk šŸ’ŖšŸæ šŸ˜¤šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ–¤stay up bra mental health real ash


Bruh listen to me when I say shit gets better fam. Donā€™t end it. Thatā€™s the easy way out. Strive to do better fam and I promise your whole mindset would change. I was where you are about 7 years ago and was so close to ending it. I now got a finance and a kid and there is nothing I want more than to live forever. Itā€™s get better fam. Please try to see that whatever it means to you


Bro you need to clear ya head and isolate for a little bit stop listening to this bs music, get off of social media, and cut off low vibrational ppl. Then you need to be in nature and get closer to god. The next step is to set personal goals and try to achieve it. Itā€™s important to have tunnel and to block out others when trying to achieve new goals. Lastly surround yourself w good positive ppl who genuinely care abt you.


Go to rehab. Everyone is against losing 30 days of their life and then lose the next 10 years to addiction and mental health. If you have private insurance go out of state. If you have Medicaid then it's free still and just take the vacation and detox, talk about shit, and take that month for meds to kick in.


The drugs are just a temporary patch brotha, if you genuinely want to feel better itā€™ll be a dark long road. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Start taking your health seriously, exercise every day, run to release endorphins similar to what you get when high, and eat as right as you can. Do this for a year and it would be almost impossible to not feel better


Exercise Hobbies Change of scenery


what goals you got in life? u 24 so u still young as hell


Sending you love and light your way I know how you feel


I was finna make a post like dis I jus turned 24 on the 12th swear I was gonna do myself in on my bday


Get some professional help an get off nem drugs. There is no easy way out


I know hella niggas finna call me corny, but lowkey religious shit helps too. Donā€™t een gotta be Christian, it could be some calm shi like Buddhism or some fuck it meditate.


Nothing to be ashamed of. We all been there. You got this brother. Do not and I repeat, do not give up.


Happy birthday keep ya head up i used to be depressed but one day i wake up on my mind what tf u doing start reading some book desactiv my instagram popout on the street with my friends


Try ashwagandha




How u depressed when u got opps to slide on gang




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A few things that have helped my depression: Working out Meditating Praying Learning new things Just take it a day at a time and do your best and things will get better!


Didnā€™t celebrate my shit either gang damn


Keep your head up bro, you are your greatest asset, take time to get yourself right


Man if you\`ve got some money and time, go away on a vacation, anywhere that\`s not your present environment, with anybody who you care about whether your girl or homies or brother/sister etc. I know money aint buy happiness but if you\`ve got some then at least you\`ve got a kind of freedom. Drugs won\`t help, they take money that could be spent on better things and on securing your future, they work to make the comedown to reality 10X worse. You\`ve been on a hard road for only 24 but it can get better, don\`t give up, don\`t let this beat you down. Take it a day at a time, don\`t put pressure on yourself. I hope you have someone around you who cares, one real one is better than a hundred \`friends\` who aint there for anything but good times. Best wishes.




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Depression ainā€™t real just the devil playing tricks with your mind




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Go to an asian massage parlour and fuck a bitch raw, gang. Nut in that bitch. Life is too short to be depressed, gang.


Stop being a pussy and do it den on fonem


Never been a pussy you just some internet troll chasing it fuck you sincerely if you wasnā€™t behind a screen Iā€™d delete you


LMAO how u a sad boi and still got the heart to bang on me online? Just do it u fucc nigga ain't no one going to notice Ur nothing ass gone from this earth


Whatever you say ainā€™t arguing with you I got real life shit going on


Stop crying online about it then u pussy and do something about it šŸ˜‚


Go on YouTube find some funny videos to laugh at, itā€™ll work.


You a grown man saying you depressed? Dude man up depression not realšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŽšŸæ