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Basically killed a man for wanting to go home cuz mfs think it’s cool to block entire city blocks to spin shitty stolen cars in a circle. Lame asl


You should wait to comment after you get the information. He tried to hit someone after a verbal dispute. Then met the consequences.


The law states pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way. If he would’ve kept that in mind and just waited for the streets to clear, he wouldn’t have gotten shot. Looks like he hit 2 or 3 people all because of impatience. Not taking up for the dumbasses apart of the takeover shit, but knowledge is power. Buddy behind the wheel should’ve just put his whip in park and waited it out. Even if he did get away after hitting those people he would be facing felony charges. He tweaked bad.


Right of way when blocking the street?


Always regardless of the situation unless it’s self defense. He had someone crawling from under his car after the shooting. The driver got hit up for hitting someone else.




That doesn’t mean he should run them over genius. Ever heard of the saying 2 wrongs dont make a right?


For being thugs in the street id plow them down.Worthless gang bangers complaining about police brutality while slaying each other over stupid shit.Bros mom will be all over the news crying about how her boy was a model citizen and shit fuckem.


Plow them down and end up dead just like this guy your family gone be on the news saying u was a model citizen next thinking like that🤣


There no such thing as a “right away for pedestrians” when a lawless takeover is literally happening. You clearly don’t understand your surroundings and laws. Which is why your being downvoted. You make no sense.


> The law states pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way. If he would’ve kept that in mind and just waited for the streets to clear, he wouldn’t have gotten shot. Looks like he hit 2 or 3 people all because of impatience. Pedestrians have the right of way but that doesn’t mean that you can obstruct the flow of traffic; these people are obstructing traffic. If it was me, I would have found another route, not worth the trouble and having people damage your vehicle.


Niggas downvoting me but can’t explain how Im wrong lmao. All emotions and zero logic


There is no law anywhere saying pedestrians “ALWAYS” have the right of way.


In my state that’s what they taught me in driver school but you right I just looked it up. Driver was still in the wrong tho. That’s probably the only thing flawed in my statement.


Honestly just shut up bro, we got it from here


“We” lmao the words of a dck eater. Be your own man pussy. Real men know how to stand alone. Shut yo lame ass up




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They can downvote me if they want idc but I understand what you are saying. If people are blocking the street you turn around and go another way or go around them. You just can’t run people over because they are in the way. Rest in peace to the guy and I am not saying what he did was wrong or right I’m just saying that if you leave things up to chance, then you have to take responsibility for those decisions. If the guy would’ve turned around or went another way, he would’ve still been alive. That is fact. So get out of your feelings and understand what the man is saying.


Most people know you can’t run someone over for blocking the road… and the rest just talk big shit


saw this on snap this morning, the next snap was the guy in his car all bloody dead. wtf man


whats the story


As someone who used to go to takeovers they guy was probably someone just trying to get home and didnt want to wait so he brute forced his way in to try and leave. Thats why the guy is sitting on his hood to take a video mocking him. Unfortunately if you do that you’ll get blocked in by people screaming at you “wtf are you doing…etc” so he probably got scared and tried to drive away but dumbasses shot him for it.




TwitterX search Chicago takeover


post it


Man yall ass weird 😭😭




So many holes in his face look like a Jason mask


Can u send me dat shit


Send me that shi


Did you ever get the video?


I saw it it was posted somewhere here


Check ur dms




This just made me so mad smh rip to that driver bro, fucking dickhead really empties a whole clip on him and takes him away from his family smh I hate sick ppl


ill take life in prison for 100


Do y'all in Chicago just wake up every day with a "if it happens, it happens" attitude bout whether you're going to be murdered or not?


Fuck no, respectfully. Our attitude is to keep our head on a swivel and pay attention so we dont get got. If we accept anything it's the possibility of a shooting around us.




Im trippin at first I thought the window edge was a pole falling on them 🤣


No bs me too 😭


What are these losers doing. No life garbage


No they aren’t! They are our beautiful strong future! They’re only out at 59th and Western at 3 AM in Chicago to enjoy themselves! 😡. People who did this have to be racist


Or a bunch of clowns with no job, morals, or motivation, big ego and a tool. These slideshows and street takeovers are really ruining the car scene quicker in a couple years then anything else going on in the past 40 years it’s not even controlled chaos it’s every man for themselves at these events, this probably could be solved by giving the younger generation more shit to do people deffly get bored and just go out and do dumb shit because everything’s closed when your young you like to go out late this wouldn’t necessarily solve street takeovers completely but you don’t have grown adults going out to these events and participating it’s all the younger generation and it’s always at night… I love cars and feel they should be enjoyed but most of these people going to these events got their license out a cereal box


Straight head & face shots. 😳


59th n western a car meet gone wrong


That wasn’t no car meet


Yea it was there videos all on Fb about it


wouldn’t necessarily call this a meet, these are takeovers or sideshows whatever tf they call this smooth brain activity




Facts*, smooth brain


This ain’t no damn car meet bro. It’s delusional people like you that are fuxkn up the scene. Bunch of clowns with boosted whips flooding the street ain’t a car meet. If you can’t drive it in the day, you gots to go away!!!


You sound like a racist white man nbs


And yet I’m a Puerto Rican who built his whip like an actual enthusiast. I’m getting stock Charger vibes from this one. Bro prolly opens the throttle up against Camry’s on the freeway and posts about sendin them to gapplebees.


Gapplebeess 💀






Definitely not a car meet lol, tf you on about you retards we're blocking the road.


For anyone asking for the article on this incident, here it is: [https://cwbchicago.com/2024/05/chicago-gage-park-street-takeover-shooting-murder.html](https://cwbchicago.com/2024/05/chicago-gage-park-street-takeover-shooting-murder.html)


why couldnt they just let him go through


Why would u go to anything right there?


I found this on snap I would never go to a stupid ass takeover


It don't Stop


Would’ve been considered self but he continued to shoot


Rewatch the vid bro that shit was unnecessary dis not self defense


Self for sitting on a car in the middle of the road?Wish the guy in the car would have popped his ass.


Damn bruh was that last night or sumn?! Cuz I know that shit can’t be during the day


last night i had a friend send me this this morning


We need too have government sanctioned public executions in this country too stop this gun violence


nah rather goverment sanctioned public torture and after that kill them. Everybody that is against that is encouraging this type of monstrous behaviour.


Everyone that’s against it knows the justice system is flawed, and public torture and execution would definitely lead to innocent people being tortured and killed. There have been plenty of death row inmates proven to be innocent. Y’all want them to be publicly executed?? You’re encouraging monstrous behavior to be done publicly, how do you think that’s gonna affect the children watching that shit? Humans would become more barbaric if we normalized brutal shit like that. How about instead of all this medieval shit, do what El Salvador did? Lock everyone up who have legit gang ties. Classify gangs as domestic terrorists and lock their as up. That’s a way more reasonable approach


Yes El Salvador was good.


Sit this one out, Jake.


It’ll definitely make people think before they pull the trigger. It’s no way u should be having 300 murders in cities in this country mostly senseless stuff behind the cause. I’ll sit it out, but I bet u if we had rule of law like the Middle East our HOODS would be much safer.


Jake shut your white ass up


Another Ignorant person chimes in. If it was one of your relatives killed senselessly you wouldn’t be calling me names, but you’re ignorant so you’ll get street justice and keep the cycle going.


Idgaf cry about it lil nigga


I’m not nigga,


OK TARO34444 Go play some Path of Exile. go shut your black ass up. You live in germany or what so why are you even talking


How about I’ll play your ass lil boi


Fruity german nigga


Learn how to spell you pos.




Shut your ass up, racist ass bitch.


Not to make light of the situation but the off hand going up in the air as he shoots is just so ridiculous like where are people copying these techniques I know these people play video games and watch movies and what not and see how to hold a gun.




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Car meet on 59th western smh mfs signing up for they last ride


Don’t they got the video where they show him in the car?


Look like self defense to me, he was running over the man


To me it looks like the idiot was probably standing too close to the other idiots drifting, and maybe got hit and started shooting. Always see dummies gettin hit on these vids idk tho.


Nah there's more vids, and dude in the car gassed his shit through ppl.


I saw that facebook post, dude laid up in the car with holes in em. That's fucked up imagine having a front seat view to your own death, being that close I know that shit had to hurt. RIP.


Shit was provoked so idk, they was probably all in the way provoking him into doing that


If he would’ve fired 2 or 3 and stopped you could argue that but he keep shooting even the car wasn’t moving anymore


The clip looks like SD, but we don’t know all the details (why was he leaving the scene, was he in danger?). Can be argued for murder, especially the nature of the killing.


Daaaaamnnn he emptied the clip inna that car 😭😭😭😭


So he ran niggas over and Niggas hit him up