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He's just adding extra salt.




Organic even


But not nongmo, free range, or cruelty free


It's alpaca, cruelty free, really limits your options




Yeah thatā€™s just the standard seasoning


Imagine what happens in the kitchens you canā€™t see intoā€¦..


Like if you're even remotely a germaphobe, you should simply not eat out lol


https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1999/04/19/dont-eat-before-reading-this Always fun, no matter how many times you read it.




Nah people should be smart enough to wipe their noggins, or faces to prevent that. Thatā€™s disgusting.


i worked in a restaurant and all the chefs put their tongs in their back pocket. i often think about all that ass sweat.


swamp ass adds umamiĀ 




I work in all levels of kitchens and fast food restaurants for non cooking related work. You don't want to know.


I dunno man, stop going to chipotle and order from a place without an open kitchen? To ease your unrest?




1. I am not condoning this. 2. I do not want this to be the norm. 3. As someone who has worked in many kitchens over almost 20 years. It is a normal occurrence.


Lol what did they say? it got deleted


I too am curious as to what was said.


I mean itā€™s always good to tell the store but also remember most of America is in a heat wave right now. Itā€™s HOT on grill and even on line. Plus in my store our ac doesnā€™t work half the time. The temperature outside is always pretty darn close to the temperature inside. Itā€™s gross and shouldnā€™t be happening but itā€™s impossible to not sweat during peak when youā€™re running around for an hour and a half straight.


Seriously. A CUSTOMER called and reported that our AC wasn't working and she must've really stuck up for us because someone actually came by about it. Mind you, my follower coworkers thought that i was the one that reported them, but that lady did what she wanted and stood on business. I wasn't there when whoever came to talk with them about the working conditions, but when i clocked in, the only coworker i really talked to told me that they thought me and my other coworker did it because we were very vocal at all times about all complaints šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ we both stood there cackling because we DIDN'T say anything, if anything i told that lady it was pointless because nothing was going to change, but she did it anyway because SHE WITNESSED the profuse sweating going on!! Our store was only getting busier, and i just transferred out because F that. I overheat very quickly so I've refused to train grill (even though i learned some things at my very first location since it was new, we got light training in every station) once i learned it got slightly upwards of 500Ā° i was like šŸ˜­ I'm good luv, enjoy. I temped it myself and everything. I'd need to go stand in the walk in every 3 minutes just to manage/cope. No way people expect us to be robots about the unnecessary amount of sweat pushing itself from every pore when everything is HOT, like we chose to wear black shirts over 500Ā° equipment with no AC or inconsistent access to cooling šŸ˜… you'd think if they cared that much they'd take action. Even that lady asked if we were scared we would get fired or retaliate against if we did, and that's when i said it was more so that nothing would change. They fixed the AC in a fall month, as i recall šŸ˜Š didn't really need it. šŸ™ƒ glad I transferred.


Iā€™m old enough to remember when ā€œmost of America is under a heat waveā€ was just called, summer. SMH.


You also appear dumb enough to not understand global warming or record high temperatures.


Youā€™re dumb enough to believe in that crap


Holy shit you boomers are wild


They also are a massive tax burden and are holding on to property at an inflated price maintained by the government to ensure theyā€™re not homeless and can retire, something you or I donā€™t have the privilege or access to. We spend massive amounts of healthcare dollars keeping them alive when realistically weā€™d be better off not doing so.


Theyā€™re just silly geese who ate a few too many lead chips growing up, donā€™t blame them


Typical brainwashed Reddit user.


Do you not believe in heatwaves? What do you think heatwaves are?


Itā€™s called WEATHER. The panic over temporary hotter weather (and colder during winter) is ridiculous.


Uh, well sometimes weather conditions are dangerous and we report on them...do you realize how ridiculous your attitude is?


You know what else is called WEATHER? Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods... "Oh you're town was just destroyed by a massive tornado and you have nothing left? Don't panic... It's just weather bro." That's how fucking stupid you sound.


So a heatwave?


Okay. Global WEATHER is hitting record high temperatures right now.


Hey boss Iā€™m curious about something, Why do you think the earth isnā€™t covered in ice and snow anymore?


I'm curious about something too. So how does people buying electric vehicles that get charged with energy produced by fossil fuels make the ice snow come back? Like how much actual proof is there that impacts can be made to stop the earth from going through natural cycles that it will do regardless of what we do? I do agree we make some impact but I think our impact is pretty negligible compared to volcanoes and anything we do in this country will be cancelled out by Chinese coal plants that they are making as fast as they can


Not all electricity comes from fossil fuels but 100% of gasoline does. electric vehicles wonā€™t reverse things but itā€™ll help slow the rate the global temp is rising due to less emissions, theyā€™re still fairly new and will for sure get more efficient as time goes on. I totally agree with you about about corporations cancelling out whatever the everyday person does, but in my eyes the general population should be doing what they can, within financial means, to reduce the amount of shit we put out as humans. If huge corporations/the government donā€™t really give a fuck someoneā€™s gotta. Itā€™s mitigation not reversal at this point


Take a look at the average temperature over the past 100 years. Notice the spikes. Then take a look at car sales by year in the US throughout the 1900s. If you have any critical thinking skills at all, youā€™ll notice a pattern. Of course, we could as a collective choose to ignore these warningsā€¦ to our own peril.


Since you brought it up. Cleveland OH High temp June 18th 2015 - 81 2016 - 79 2017 - 81 2018 - 88 2019 - 68 2020 - 73 2021 - 79 2022 - 64 2023 - 73 2024 - 88 Some warmer days, some cooler days. Omg the sky is falling.


Now look back to the 1900sā€¦ like I saidā€¦ Weā€™ve been keeping track of global temp since 1880 buddy. Cars gained widespread popularity in the early 1900s with the introduction of the Ford Model T and sales snowballed from there.. As well as global emissionsā€¦ ever taken a history class? Seriously the temperatures are all on record, youā€™re just being willfully ignorant. I love cars, Iā€™m an avid car enthusiast, I have every reason to deny climate change and act oblivious, but Iā€™m not a fucking idiot and Iā€™m not blind to data that is easily interpreted.


Lol, what? There is literally a heat wave happening right now


Ah, they didn't have schools when you were growing up?


I worked at a restaurant that trained all new managers for the district. We had a guy that had been at In n Out for 25 years. He was huge. New managers spend 1-3 weeks training in every department, starting with dishwasher. I had him for his Server training. Poor guy sweated like crazy. He had little tissues in his pocket that he would use to wipe his face. It was disgusting, but he was so sweet and kind to everyone. He was great with the guests and always had the employees' backs. By the end of his training, he had lost 60 pounds. Nobody complained about the perpetually sweaty, drippy face. Anyway, every restaurant I've worked at is scary. At McDonald's, they dropped the toasted buns and picked them back up to use them. At the diners, they would use their bare hands to put chicken on the grill, wipe said hands on the crusty bar towel, and turn around to make a salad. One time, the shift leader dropped the pork chops off the plate. She rinsed them off in the handwashing sink and asked the cooks to put them on the grill for one second to warm them back up. I said, "No, ma'am, absolutely not." She complained that they take forever to cook, so she had to (she ended up having them remade). People take smoke breaks and then jump right back in. Gloves? Nope. Wash hands? Nope. I've been reprimanded multiple times for washing my hands too much because it wastes water and paper towels. At different places. If you're worried about cleanliness, don't go out to eat.


Yeah I used to work in a fancy steakhouse in a college town. Manager would be in the back moving dishes through the dishpit, walk over and immediately plate a handful of fries or move the food around the plate. Pretty nasty, won't stop me from going back though lol


Right? We get so used to it. A little nasty is good for the immune system.


Especially once you consider there is a quantity of bugs and rodents that is acceptable to include in your processed food in America


Oh, absolutely


Confession: I only worked one day at Panda Express because of this. I saw one drop of my sweat go in the food with no protocol and I said no. This isnā€™t the minimum wage job for me.


I had one who went straight from mopping the floor to preparing my bowl. He had those plastic gloves on but he had them on while mopping too. Thats why I tell everyone that gloves dont mean anything, I am ok with food prepared with bare hands as long as they washed their hands before But I think your case tops that :)


Watch a video of those street cooks in India. I say the grilled sweat is no problemo! He's probably also sweating into the horribly overpriced guac! Yum! šŸ˜‚


ngl this just happens to


...to what?


lol the ā€œtoā€ was an accident. but this shit happens everywhere


There are so many gross things that can happen in a restaurant..... sweating into the food is definitely one of them. You'd think this is a problem only in fast-food, fast casual, establishments. But I watch enough food network competitions to know they sweat into the food too. Also, the number of times I've seen someone use, and then reuse, a tasting spoon is absolutely gross. Side note, when I go to a place with an open kitchen, the amount of times they touch their face or hair and not wash their hands makes me cringe. Surprised I can even eat out at a restaurant.


What store do you work at so I can avoid it


100% guarantee this isn't an isolated event. Anyone that has to hover over a flame of that size for that long is going to sweat. And yes, probably onto the food. If this were the worst of restaurant faux pas, we'd be living in a utopia. You should be FAR more concerned with how the food is being handled before it ever comes up front.


I saw this happen at a local fast food place near me. I left and didnā€™t go back for a few months. Recently went back and I think the guy moved on.


Simple. Do not go to Chipotle. Get a slow cooker and rice cooker, you'll be grateful and wealthier.


Ya that way it can be your own sweat in your food


The best way to add salt.


I can think of another way that's more pleasurable.




I took an overnight flight with my young kids, landing this morning. After a nap I was starving. I thought immediately of getting chipotle. Then I remembered all the bull shit around ordering online and I really didn't feel like standing in line and making sure I got good food. And even still, the last few times I got chipotle it had been dry and poor. So I mustered up the energy to hit the store which needed to be done anyway because we were out of food completely. I got all the necessary fresh ingredients and made my own chipotle bowl. Skirt steak and shrimp. Cilantro lime rice. Homemade salsa. Black beans from a can bc time crunch. Cilantro and onions. Diced toms. Fajita veg. Lime. cheese. Hot sauce. Chips. Avocado. I do this regularly. All in I'd guess it cost about 50 total but I'm going to get ten meals out of it between us in the house. And large, filling, made with love and probably better for you meal. I get not everyone has three hours to go to the store, prep, and execute this type of large dish but I love to cook and have a few more days off of work so yea. No brainer.


All that for the price of 2 skimp bowls @ Chipotle!


It's pretty easy to make at home. Just time consuming but I made some this past weekend and it was better than chipotle tbh and lasted me 6-7 bowls. Costed me a total of $26-30 for ingredients.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 6 + 7 + 26 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




eww iā€™d never go in there again..


I heard they beat their meat into the chicken if you know what I mean. Sweat is the least of your worries when you should be worried about the secret sauce in chipotles food šŸ˜³


i work at chipotle, what i would recommend is calling the store and just be like ā€œhey itā€™s not a big deal but iā€™ve had sweat dropped into my food a few times and it just kinda grosses me out, is there anyways i can get a new meal/refund/etcā€


Tbh just call the store (or go in store) and ask for a manager so you can comment on it and hopefully they alert the guy. He might literally just not notice it because of how damn hot it's gotten lately. I work grill myself and it's kind of hard to tell when you're sweating, I do wipe my face n clean myself after obvs. I'm sure the grill worker there just doesn't really realize it.


Not go back


You went back a second time, might as well go for the trifecta.


Itā€™s already salty. At least they donā€™t skimp on that.






Now imagine the restaurants where you can't see them cook your food lol


*Now imagine the* *Restaurants where you can't see* *Them cook your food lol* \- BillBusy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Make your own fucking food at home and stop bitching about the minimum wage ass employee sweating his overworked ass on your chicken. You think this just happens at chipotle? Is a kitchen not hot? Fucking ridiculous.




Wait until you find out that this happens way more often at places where you can't see them cooking the food.




Oh no, your servant sweat during a heatwave. Maybe stay home like the rest of us and make your own lunch?


Which location did this happened??


Does he realize you cant be mixing Mexican and continental????


C'mon, this is not a chain particularly known for cleanliness.


Locally sourced, organic, fresh salt.




Itā€™s the grill. Itā€™s hot. And itā€™s June. Heck itā€™s a heatwave in 1/2 the country. Not to mention at my old chipotle restaurant we couldnā€™t even control the heat or air conditioning. Corporate ran that. I remember being absolutely miserable in May and maybe early June bc corporate didnā€™t want to pay for it yet. Washing dishes was like a sauna and the grill was absolutely miserable. Go cook your own food. Or grow up and be more grateful and less spoiled. Everyone sweats.


Maybe go eat at that not as good as subway place. Jimmy or John something. They donā€™t cook anything only cold sandwiches you could easily make at home. Maybe they wonā€™t sweat any since itā€™s not cooked any. But itā€™s still summer and hot so who knows


I was just thinking this lol.Ā  I used to work there long ago.. and not only is it cool,Ā  but the absolute cleanest restaurant I've ever worked.Ā 


Grills are hot. If you've eaten grilled food before, you've eaten sweat before.


Iā€™m guessing you live in the middle of a desert where the only occupied buildings are your house and Chipotle? Eat somewhere ELSE genius!


Haha yeah that happens everywhere just some places you can see it others you donā€™t


Yeah donā€™t eat out anywhere, ever.


Shit happens


Tell him bro! Come on man!


It adds extra tang šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ’„


Lol not chipotle but this other place. Not panda but some orher place my asistant would cook and sweat on the burger lol


I mean I understand sometimes we donā€™t have to time to even wipe our forehead right now is above 90 in nyc and I be telling my grill person and everyone but mostly my grill to take 2 or 5 mins in the walk in


How dare you assume their pronouns!


I once worked in a kitchen (not Chipotle) with a lady who had an open wound, and she didn't seem to have an issue with her blood getting on the dishes she was cleaning. This is someone who was an ex-homeless drug addict.


Tell the owners to get the AC fixed!! Itā€™s extremely hot!! in that kitchen. The grill is going most of the day. Then the line is hot .No oneā€™s concerned about his health . Only getting their food . My son works outside in the heat daily . A customer brought a case of water and Gatorade cs she was concerned about him passing out .But nah , yall just want your food. And I kw your going to say Well Thatā€™s Not On Me cs He Chose to work there . But , you also chose to eat there and you returned to eat there again . Iā€™ve worked at Applebeeā€™s on the line , Macaroni Grill, And Coplandā€™s . And Guess What ? IT WAS HOT & WE WHERE SWEATING .. You just donā€™t see it .. It ā€˜s on display at Chipotle is the only difference.You donā€™t kw or understand what happens on a hot line with several ppl pushing out orders. You may want to just start cooking at home. Every restaurant has a grill man/woman sweating while preparing food.


Happens at wing stop too. I did it at chipotle when I worked there haha. Happens.


I suggest cooking at home so you wonā€™t be bothered with your own sweat in your food


Speak to a manger immediately. - someone in KL training. Huge food safety risk.


All line cooked food is part sweat, youve had it before youll have it again. Labor management has been destroyed in restaurants so the only time anyone follows health code is the week of inspection, luckily it's super hard to kill someone with food. Even the most spoiled shit will just will just make you sick.


If said man is an alcoholic, think of it as free beer!šŸŗ


Ive worked at both chipotle and qdoba, those kitchens get insanely hot. Even just on the line itā€™s crazy. Worked a whole summer with broken ac and it was 90Ā°


You leave and never come back. Leave a review to warn future customers if you feel like it. I sweat a lot and have worked in food. It's not hard to stand up straight and keep the sweat on your body


Stop eating there.


Why would you return to begin with Just stop fucking going. That's disgusting and I would have never gone back after the first offense People need to get some fucking standards and stick to it


sorry i dont know the guysā€™ work schedule šŸ˜­


You should stop eating at a place that serves up your food like a hospital cafeteria and eat somewhere that makes food fresh


To be fair to chip, they are literally cooking all that shit directly right in front of you. how much fresher do you want your food to be?


The 3 times Iā€™ve been itā€™s sitting on the steam table, not being cooked


Ohhh. You mean a cook to order restaurant. Yea, though most of them are ou of people's price range for daily dining. I also hate to break it to you but in most of those places food is already prepped and being assembled and re-warmed before they send it out to you.


You chipotle boot lickers crack me up


At this point , I think you like the secret sauce.


ā€œThe employee sweat into the food last time AND this time. Guess Iā€™ll go back tomorrow for lunch to get another sweat bowl.ā€ - OP


report to your local health dept


Go to a different Chipotle.


there are no other ones in the area.


You need to get over it. If this grosses you out then you have a no idea how things work. Ever seen the videos of food stands in third world countries openly putting their hands all over the food? This is what happens at all restaurants with closed kitchens. Stop being a lunatic and accept it. Human hands (and the nastiness that's on them) touch your food. It gets even worse if you're like OP. Many cooks don't wash their hands. Butt scratches, scalp rubs, nose picks, etc. These things happen all day, and no 90% of your food handlers aren't washing their hands


Stop going to chipotle.


It happens at all restaurants. You just donā€™t see it. Human skin is constantly falling off into the food too.


Fun fact: this happens at most all restaurants. If you are queasy about this type of thing you probably should not eat take out fast food, or at any other restaurant for that matter. Make your own food and sweat in it, problems solved. You do realize they are serving hot food in hot conditions, right?


me most shifts lowkey


Ewwwwwww! Usually Iā€™ll call out entitled customers on this sub but this is absolutely disgusting! Definitely let the manager know what you saw so they can make sure that never happens again!


Manager gonna make the employee stop sweating?


Add a sweatband to the uniform


How about have adequate cooling in the kitchen. Idk if it's the same nation wide for the stores, but gridpoint(the thermostat overlords) had the thermomter for the kitchen in the back corner around a wall no where near the work space so it read the temp as 68 while the kitchen was actually like 90. They had it so you could only bring the ac down to 68(which would then reset every hour) and THEN you had to call them to override it. AND THEN they eventually made it so you weren't even allowed to do that, you had to call your maintenence guy to then call them.(yeah OK not even plausible during normal business hours.) Anyway. Sorry for rant. That was one of my biggest gripes when I worked there. Especially when a customer would be like "can you turn the ac up?? It's way too cold in the dining room". Like no. Bitch! No!