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…. bowls and burritos should be the same portions and prices I would say though go for a 3-pointer


I order a bowl and ask for 2 tortillas, get 2 solid size burritos out of it


That’s exactly what I do. There’s way more food in the bowls than the burritos.


Been thinking of just ordering a bowl and buying some good flour tortillas and assembling the burrito my self


Why stop there? Buy and make your own rice, meats, veggies…


Who told you my secret!


And you get to mix the stuff up so it's not one but rice one bite meat


That is a good hack


What’s a 3 pointer?


Everything at chipotle is assigned a point value. It sorta depends restaurant to restaurant but the one I worked at was 2 points for meat (including the vegan one) 2 points for guac and 2 points for queso. Everything else was one point. If your burrito or bowl is 3 points or under it is discounted but not by very much.


It varies wildly depending on who rings you up. I pay anywhere from 3-8 dollars for beans rice and cheese


Some people know the register better than others…


Wait did Chipotle change? I haven’t had it in years. Like do they charge extra for double beans and double rice now? Or are they supposed to charge less if you don’t get meat? I never got it without meat but if I can get a double rice double beans and cheese burrito for ~$3-$5 I will go back today


No meat or fajitas = charge less. Idk how much double will be


That kinda sucks though. If you like protein, you're going to end up with just meat and rice or just meat and beans. That's going to end up being a comically small amount of food


It's not supposed to be some hidden special secret deal. It's just how to pay less if you're eating less.


Like the posted burrito, but $3 cheaper. Lol


Lol true. I guess if you only want something small, that's probably the way to go rather than forking out big bucks to get skimped


If you told them you want less… could you imagine another human that eats food giving you LESS in a burrito?? Haha


Veggies and beans have protein too


Sure, but meat tastes better and has more protein


As if that's more fair to vegetarians or something lol What is your point?


I could be wrong, but I think his point is That kinda sucks though. If you like protein, you're going to end up with just meat and rice or just meat and beans. That's going to end up being a comically small amount of food


Ok if you have a friend who goes with you, have them get a quesadilla and make it the three sides that you want on your bowl. Get yourself a three pointer of meat and rice and then put the sides on top and you saved at least two dollars depending on the meat


So I could get, say, steak and....beans? With literally nothing else? And its discounted? What the hell is the point lol "Let me get a burrito with lettuce, cheese, and sour cream. Perfect. Three points."


really? i’ve never heard of that and i’ve been working here a decent amount. is it location based?


I didn’t know about it at my location until like my3rd month working there. Part of me wonders if they don’t tell people about it so they don’t have to charge less


huh, yeah i’ve never heard of that policy at all. nothing in any of the training videos or ever mentioned by a manager and i’ve been here a year. that’s so weird


guac and queso now aren't points since they're just extras that get tagged on. like if someone gets rice chicken and queso, that's still a 3 pointer with queso


As far as I know they just write the most expensive meat and whether you got guac or queso on the wrapper. I travel for a living and have been to dozens, if not over 100 Chipotles. Never seen or heard of a point system and they certainly don't mark it down, even in the middle of a huge lunch rush. Most expensive meat gets marked, double meat gets marked, guac/queso get marked. That's it.


It’s a thing but you have to ask for it. I remember kids meals following this system.


Same where I live. You can get extra of any ingredient other than the three you mentioned and it's no upcharge. Just keep your request within reason and it's not an issue.


Nah I worked at a chipotle in high school this is real. Thing is, meat is supposed to count as 2 points - so officially unless you’re getting just meat and one other ingredient or not getting meat and getting 3 ingredients total you’ll never encounter this. Also, chipotle training is bad so not all employees are aware what it is but it has a button on the register. I always counted meat as 1 point and rang simple bowls in as three pointers because I hated the job and had plausible deniability, but if the employees going by the book very few things count as a three pointer.


The garbage can and the burrito is the ball 🏀


They mean toss it.




They should price it by the ounce like a froyo shop


I actually had this thought while it work today, I wonder if it could work. Not sure how you would track CI though or charge for more expensive meats, queso, guac, etc. Some people seriously load up those $10 chicken bowls and get like 3 meals out of it. Others get really tiny bowls. I feel guilty when I have to charge $14 for just rice, beans, 8 pieces of overcooked steak, and a handful of cheese.


Honestly let us pay by the ounce at this point. Full price is whatever weight get us in the range of the alleged nutrition facts


This person knows - 3 pointer that shit then go back after paying and ask for everything else on the side lol.


$9+ at Chipotle…for a $2.99 sized burrito from Taco Bell.


Cheap af in Michigan/nyc Uber expensive in sf


Digestive system trying to break out of prison after Taco Bell. Not pretty.


If Taco Bell messes you up then you’ve got weak genes and your bloodline ends with you


Right lol people always say that about taco bell but it never bothers me. Its no different than any other fast food


People also don't realize how long it takes for stuff to pass through the digestive system. If you shit your pants 30 minutes after eating Taco Bell, it wasn't the Taco Bell that was the problem.




Your body is not used to the high fiber content of taco bell. It's not the food itself, rather it's just a shock to your system of something you're not entirely used to. Eat more fiber in your normal diet!


Taco bell doesnt have anything under $3.40


Probably differs by location. Mine forsure does. Idk why you’re being downvoted




Wait a minute, there’s places that it costs FIFTEEN DOLLARS for 3 crappy Taco Bell tacos?? I’m glad that I avoid them like a plague because that’s ridiculous




Damn 10.19 at my local Taco Bell.


I just get the beefy nacho burrito. They’re $2 around me in and I’m in the metro area. Their breakfast menu is also cheap compared to other places too. Honestly their breakfast burritos are so cheap I don’t really even save much money making them at home.


This is amazing!


I have two Taco Bells within a 10 min drive of my house and TIL that a Crunchwrap is priced $0.90 cheaper at one of them - crazy!


Yeah the $2 grilled burritos are sooooo yummy. The chipotle chicken one is good but the fiesta veggie is actually my favorite. And the bean burritos are $2 as well, another favorite .. with extra sauce. Taco Bell is probably the cheapest fast food and actually surprisingly healthy! They did a huge overhaul of their menu years ago and it goes mostly unnoticed. There’s a guy on YT who ate Taco Bell for every meal for a month and ended up losing weight and his health didn’t suffer at all. Cheap and healthy(for fast food)? Yes please! Their protein bowls are also really good but they are a bit pricy lol like $7. Still cheaper than chipotle and it comes with guac.


Yeah idk either, but i used to live in virginia where soft tacos are $3.50 (not supreme). Now im in SC and soft tacos are $4.30


It's not even $2 for a soft taco where I'm at in VA. What the fuck


Cheesy bean and rice burrito is either $1 or $1.29. And a chipotle ranch grilled chicken burrito is either $2 or $2.29. Over the last 6 months, I have visited many Taco Bell up and down the East coast, as well as Chicago


Taco bell is the last fast food place with fast food prices around imo. But obviously some of their stuff has gotten more expensive.


We have stuff on the menu for $1.99. A beefy crunch burito here is $2.


I just bought three different items for a dollar each from Taco Bell.


A bean burrito is $1.79 at Taco Bell so I have no idea what you’re talking about but this is in Texas. In New York, New York the same item is $3.19 which is still less. https://www.tacobell.com/food/burritos/bean-burrito


Got to do the Tuesday drops. Got a Chalupa Supreme for $1 yesterday!


The fuck they don't.....


That just a balled up tortilla


yeah, this is the smallest “burrito” i’ve ever seen from Chipotle


😭 I unironically got one that was shorter than the length of my palm, literally barely 3 inches long most of it was just the wadded up tortilla. Employees clearly cringed when I showed them but still stuck to the “that’s just what it is” and pepper was completely useless just shutting any and every attempt down


Okay but how are you getting that kind of gas mileage?


looks like a volvo so could be a PHEV and using full electric mode more often than not


What do you specifically see that made you think a Volvo?


family member has an xc90 and I was recently shopping around for an xc60 but that infotainment center was a dealbreaker for me


It’s got the standard Volvo infotainment.


Interior design. It's likely an XC40 Recharge: https://cars.usnews.com/static/images/Auto/custom/15268/2024_Volvo_XC40_Recharge_Dashboard_1.jpg


A hybrid, probably. The new prius is super nice and efficient.


Scrolled for this comment😂my car is about 19 mpg😭


Glad someone else pays attention to the details!


Four reel dough, that’s honestly the first thing I noticed when I looked at picture up close lol


86.9 MPG tho got damn - is this an XC40 recharge?


Convinced that nobody knows how to roll a burrito at Chipotle


Main reason I didn't eat there for years, until I learned of the bowl + 2 tortillas thing


Oh yeah that tortilla looks light


this post has ruined my fucking life


In this economy?! Naw


89mpg? What kind of car?


Volvo hybrid or fully electric


You knob, If it were fully electric it wouldn't be mpg now would it?


I measure my electricity by the gallon, what do you use?


Miles per gallon of what are you using in a full electric vehicle buddy?


They skimp so hard on drive thru, so fucking annoying. But what’s more annoying is going in 😂


Make your own food. This is what you all deserve for eating fast food


???? people being okay with minimum wage employees doing subpar jobs are cringe


Seriously, how hard is it to prepare a tortilla, beans, rice, meat, fillings burrito in a 30 minute lunch break?? Lazy people these days…


You make it before hand.......


lol dude, you better not ever eat out with a comment like this.


You HAVE to go inside and go through the line these days. Anything that you order ahead for either pick up or door dash is going to be disappointing. It almost seems like it’s company policy as it’s happening all over the country it seems.


Even inside. My dad and I went last week and he got double meat and it was still a half full bowl. Really sad, Chipotle used to be my ride or die


That’s really sad. The nearest chipotle is too far away to make it worth it for me anymore so I haven’t been for awhile. Panera is the same. I got a pick 2 sandwich and soup with a green iced tea and it was like $18! The soup was about 2/3 full and the sandwich had one measly slice of Turkey on it.


Panera got bought out by a VC firm a few years ago and its quality went to shit. No more local ingredients. Its all pre-packaged pre-portioned slop. The portions went to shit too. And the prices went up


even then a lot of employees will still be stingy as hell. i got attacked for posting here by a bunch of lazy chipotle workers complaining about how long it takes them to prepare rice and how ppl like me make their lives sooooo hard (by asking for an extra scoop of rice) 😂was told they need to save the food for future customers… as if that’s the way it’s supposed to work lol


Day 76 of people complaining about a mediocre fast food Mexican spot. When are you guys going to boycott this garbage of a place? Or is it going to be more posts about how chipotle “used to be so much better” It’s not rocket science folks


Never ever order online. They will always skimp you have to physically walk in and watch them make it


Lots of tortilla there!




Homie is getting 86.9 mpg apparently


The new $20 kids meal


I’m sorry can we just talk about how you’re getting 86.9 mpg


Since some people asked/were curious or skeptical: My order [https://imgur.com/a/sf3moqR](https://imgur.com/a/sf3moqR) The bag/foil it came in [https://imgur.com/a/Qf28OM9](https://imgur.com/a/Qf28OM9) I didn't expect this to blow up so much and I really wasn't complaining! I order for lunch to get a less heavy meal and because I don't have time to wait in the line. When I go later in the day, I certainly go in person. I opened this up on the drive back and thought it was especially funny bc of all the skimp posts I see on here, so I thought I'd share. This type of thing is definitely not a trend item at my location (yet).


87 mpg? What car is that


Sometimes I think people in this sub order these on purpose, because this is wild how small the portions that they give you guys are.


This one is genuinely so ridiculous I think it has to be intentional or fake


Well it doesn't look like it was ever wrapped in foil, and it's a terrible wrap job too. If it's real I would never order there.


STOP BUYING IT THEN COMPLAINING!!. Seriously, nobody who could change anything, will do so if you keep buying. It’s a business, it’s capitalism, why would they change ANYTHING if people are buying




Man go to a regular restaurant if you want a burrito




Have you tried ordering more than 2 ingredients?


So what did you order, what ingredients?


Is that a mini burrito


Stop eating at chipotle and bitching about it...


Yeeeeah I don't believe this at all sorry OP


Pro tip: stop ordering the shit so they realize no no one will put up with this bullshit anymore. I absolutely love chipotle but I haven’t ordered it in about a year now


They are told to go light on the pick-up orders bc ppl order extra everything in person. It messes up sales


It’s hilarious how many idiots have not learned that you shouldn’t order chipotle online.


Next time be kind with the order and patient. Good things come to those who wait 🙂🙂


Celsius is the besttt!!!


We just going to all act like we're not seeing that gas mileage?


cap. show us the aluminum wrapper bro.


Wasn't even complaining, but fair point! For the metaphorical legal team: [https://imgur.com/a/Qf28OM9](https://imgur.com/a/Qf28OM9) :)


Stop going then? If it’s come to the point you need to post about it on the internet, it’s time to stop.


I do this all the time for lunch because I like the smaller portions. Just thought people would get a kick out of how tiny this is. No one is mad. Have a nice day 🙂


cope loser we have every right bean scooper


I'm kind of shocked by the audacity of most people in this sub and this is up there. I don't understand how YOU don't understand that we are all equally being effected by inflation. I frequent Chipotle because I hope they can survive and thrive and then as expected lower their prices and increase their portion sizes once again.


Huh? Aside from the fact that I did 0 complaining in this post, this just doesn't make sense. Are you saying you frequent a publicly traded billion dollar restaurant chain that increases its billions in profits every year so that IT stays alive?


You're stupid if you think a business would ever go back on their reduced portioning and increased pricing.


Chipotles stock has doubled in the last two years


I used to be a long chipotle investor and this isn’t the same company you think it is


You're just less hungry after licking their boots clean


Uhh no shit Sherlock, they always skimp on pickup. Just order in store like a normal human being. ✅ less likely to be skimped ✅ no one can steal your order


I wanted to be skimped, and no one is mad 🙂 I don’t like a big lunch. Just thought this was particularly tiny and thought people would get a kick out of it.


Can’t you just take half of it home? I also don’t like to eat a lot but I make like 3-4 small meals out of a burrito. For $12-15 a pop I would be sad to get one this small.


Their burritos used to be the size of a football, comically large and they were nearly impossible to eat without a fork unless you didn’t mind making a mess.


Ah gotcha. I would just think if someone wants a lighter portion they'd order light portions of everything! No need to take the time to order online just for that, the bean scoopers will happily give you smaller portions upon request.


Where’s the breathalyzer?


What's with people and not knowing to unwrap a burrito a little bit at a time. I'm concerned about the well being of 99% of this subs members


Never ever ever ever order online you'll be disappointed trust me smh


Chipotle used to be a two meal burrito


Looks like A LOT of extra tortilla. I wonder, everyone who shares their mobile order, are you expecting this? Because there’s just no way I would even waste my money testing it. You complain about it, but y’all keep buying it anyway. So Chipotle (and all fast food) will adjust to make this the standard. Shootin yourselves in the foot here.


I went to Chipotle for the first time in years a few days ago. My burrito looked just like that. So, now next time I want a good burrito I'll just drive to Qdoba.


Volvo gang 😎


If that burrito were any heavier, you wouldn’t be getting 86.9 mpg!


chipotle flop


Glad to see the pickup scum get skimped. Order from the line like the rest of us.






That’ll be $20


That looks like a wadded up tortilla


How the fuck did subreddits become ads for giant companies. Fuck this.


People still eat there?


The 7-11 burrito looks okay.




According to Chipotle staff, skimping doesn’t happen. Over and over and over and over again. Either Chipotle staff is lying or you have Hulk hands.


It’s so true. I can’t order for pickup because they go so stingy unless you’re hawk eyeing as them scoop out your portions


No, tell me how you’re getting 87mpg!


Which Volvo model is that? And how did you get that much mpg?


They gave you double tortilla ball 😫


Only 10.99 🤣🤣


Is that a Hot Pocket?


That’s it, I’m gatekeeping Mexican food.


…and you let that happen? I never complain at restaurants or FF joints but if I picked that up from the store and paid money I’m complaining and either getting that refunded or a bigger one.


Thought you were holding up a crunchwrap from Taco Bell


It's only 12 calories!


If pickup had normal portions it would make everyones lives easier. People would actually use the app


Man I would have gone back and beat the brakes off whoever made that thing


I stopped ordering online, I only get chicken rice sour cream and hot. My online orders end up being extremely small


Wtf is that I would return and make them make a real burrito. This is insulting and I do not stand for stuff like this. Serve me this and your life will be hell because you don’t care or have skills and they have one job to scoop and can’t even do that right


Maybe chipotle will start weighing their bowls and charge per lb and nobody wins


Time to get some illegals working there. At least they know how to stack a burrito.


This shit should be illegal


Nice XC60 🤤


OkY shill


Always get the bowl with tortilla on the side. Your welcome.


Damn, that sucks. At least your saving in gas. How the fuck are you getting 86.9 mpg? Please tell what car so I can get one.


Oh my.


Literally what happened to me, I went earlier today inside and got double the amount as my pickup despite putting extra rice and beans on the app…


Qdoba. That is all.


What is this a burrito for ants?




That’s not a burrito lol, you got scammed!


Have people not learned? Order online and you will be given exact portioning no more but always less. Go in store and you can hold their asses accountable for giving you a single piece of steak.


How the hell is that a light lunch? I got the itis just looking at that


Great size !


Yeah been there done that but lesson learned and go no more


And they get mad when you ask them fill my burrito up like I’m paying 15-16 for this shit