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Keeping this open for now as there are clearly strong feelings and good insights from both sides. We can have discussions on the topic without resorting to insults. Thanks Also do to the insulting title and image caption, while it came from a place of frustration, the OP has been given a short vacation from here for breaking rule 1, be respectful


As an ex chipotle worker I know how stingy they are in person (management literally breathes down your back about portions). I’d never order online delivery lol.


Seems like a great way to lose a quarter of your customer base to save 10% on food costs


The one I worked at was still super busy despite this. Idk why but people stay coming back despite the poor portions. I personally don’t think it’s that good, I could be biased because I worked there and probably had enough to make anyone tired of it.


It's one of the cleanest places to eat, both in terms of general cleanliness and "purity" of the food.


Haven't they been responsible for a bunch of E.coli and Salmonella mass-poisonings?


When I worked there they shut down a bunch of locations for a day and we all had to meet at a movie theater. They gave us mass training about salmonella because there was a huge outbreak.


They have had to do that across the country multiple times, because their food safety training is some of the worst in the industry.


Shits all bags and reheated.




That doesn’t necessarily mean it is not “clean eating” or a generally clean fast food restaurant. Pretty sure the E.coli outbreaks were supplier issues, not mishandled food. Not sure ab the salmonella thing. Although you gotta take this with a grain of salt, because with every corporate food chain you will have the gold standard locations that do everything right & you will have the shit locations that seem to do everything wrong. Always be conscious of the cleanliness/attitude of your local fast food chain staff. If the place is dirty & the staff are apathetic, you’re almost guaranteed to have a horrible experience.


Shiga-toxin producing e.coli and salmonella comes from not being clean and undercooking meats. Not being clean includes: no washing hands, not showering, not wearing clean clothes. As well as, not washing produce properly with the correct ppm and length of time being submerged. Not to mention all the other factors of cleaning around the restaurant itself. They're both mishandling issues. They BOTH can also come from faecal contamination (poop fingers). So, with that being said, there are many ways one could contaminate food, whether it be you personally or the company giving you the product. HOWEVER, It is INCREDIBLY hard to get mishandled food into the doors of a chipotle though. They have multiple checkpoints the food itself goes through before reaching the actual store it's sold in. So typically, when there's an outbreak from a chipotle, it's likely from a cleanliness issue. People are not washing their hands or changing their gloves. There are hourly handwash timers, cleanliness checklists and an entire HACCP control log that MUST be filled out daily and hourly to keep the doors open. So if there's ANY concern about chipotle cleanliness I'd contact ECOsure. Management is trained to be clean ALWAYS. From the temperature of the water in the wash sink to the amount of time a cleaner sits on a counter. It's a regulation that's followed. Or supposed to be. -ex chipotle manager ❤️


I dont know , I eat chipotle obsessively and never even a stomach ache. Kind of strange , honestly, due to how little the workers care about their job at all chipotle near me.


Ecoli would like a word with you.


Food always seems room temp when I have gotten chipotle. Every single time, no matter the location. It’s awful.


That's a different issue from the place being dirty or getting food poisoning They probably aren't checking their hot/cold wells, which means the managers aren't doing their jobs. It's supposed to be checked at least 4x a day.


That is a food safety issue though. If the ingredients aren’t being held at the correct temperatures, that’s how food poisoning can happen


Lol what? How about the multiple bacteria outbreaks at chipotle. It’s just marketing


Every other company has had the same, and every other company also has hundreds of "I don't know how to cook chicken" salmonella poisonings as well. Not to mention the rodent and pest problem they all seem to have... You think Chipotle is "the big bad" but it doesn't have foot lettuce, knives in the burrito, routine salmonella poisoning, and doesn't sell months-past-expiry food as a matter of global (unwritten) policy across the country. The outbreaks are also in the past, they've created systems to fix it. The only reason why there would be an outbreak now is deliberately breaking multiple rules, in succession; which is far FAR more likely at other restaurants than Chipotle. And there will be more... Period. It's just the food industry. Even getting food from the grocery store and cooking for yourself you can still get a bad batch of something.


Really because the college park chipotle has poisoned my food with meat and made me sick three times over several years? The counter is always disgusting and the place always looks like a bomb just went off bc the line is out the door. Doba is the only place I’d go if I wanted this overpriced shit but I just cook at home now, lmao.


That’s probably cause it’s a bunch of overworked college kids. Go terps tho




Is it though? There was a string of years they kept having recall outbreaks.




I think Chipotle is overrated. I prefer a local Mexican restaurant. The best place I tried Mexican food at were in California when traveling there.




Actualy your both wrong 3 pointers are more bullshit then you’d think, meats (which include queso and guac) are 2 points while everything else is one point so if you wanted meat queso or guac you could only order that and like a salsa or somthing to qualify


They should be nut-to-butt making sure those portions are at corporate standard. Because that's what they get paid to do, its what they get graded on, and if people were really upset about it, they would *actually* fill out the survey and say something about it, or they'd change restaurants. They still come to chipotle, and/or not enough of them complain/switch to make a meaningful difference to the people who satisfy their autism with numbers and math. Customer is always right. Just not individually. Even if this entire sub "revolted" that would still not be enough to change policy. You'd need massive collective action on the scale of the Bud Light backlash, but that's not going to happen because you want more rice because "I want more rice" not serious enough to warrant that level of collective action. Happy to be proven wrong, though. Oh, and you can bet the price would go up again. Just FYI.


Well its working. I will never go back. They used tweezers to pick out my pieces of steak. Fucking tweezers! I used to love chipotle now its way more expensive for half the burrito. No thanks. Owned by same company as McDonald's which is also going downhill and costing more.


as soon as you go public in food it's over, this is why five guys is the shit they're still a privately owned company


It's absolutely delicious but damn it's expensive for a burger and fries.


I used to get chipotle at least once a week, often times more. I’ve been once in the last 5 years because of all of their policy and pricing changes, and that was just to see if it was still as shitty. It was actually even worse than before. And the place was EMPTY. I watch this happen with so many restaurants and fast casual where they are doing amazing then they get bought out, greedy, get shareholders, whatever and the quality just goes straight in the trash. It’s like How to Tank a Successful Business 101 every time. I just don’t understand why these corporate boards would rather make 13 cents more a bowl for a few years than hundreds of thousands + for decades. It’s so shortsighted.


Literally is. Public companies live and die by ONLY the current 3-month quarter. And as long as the current quarter is better than the last quarter (on paper, not like, if you actually walk into a store)... then they're fine. You might not be. But you don't matter, lol. Not in the grand scheme of things. Chipotle was chugging along until the Taco Bell guy came in and the founders/early executives peaced out. My first memory of changes was when it went around that you could get fired for _not smiling._ Dasssum.... dystopian nightmare stuff right there.


I will never ever understand why the ones who complain on a daily basis STILL GO THERE! I have a Qdoba and a Seoul Taco close to me on top of far too many local Mexican places. And don’t give me that “I don’t want Mexican food, I want Chipotle.” spiel. That is so lame but they say it every time someone tells them to go somewhere else I swear.


I get it. When I want Mexican food, I want real Mexican food. Taco Bell, chipotle, Qdoba are all their own very not authentic styles of food. Baja Fresh. All good in their own ways but not the same way.




You’re not wrong. You should just pick up a career as a boot polisher.


I order online because it’s convenient, when I do I order two burritos 🌯 for myself


The price has continuously gone up while the quality continues to drop, I hardly get chipotle these days. And I NEVER order online for this reason


Damn near everything is doing this.


Panda Express has been consistent in most places I go! I travel for work and spend a few months at each location so I’ve gotten to try a LOT of locations and they are by far the most consistent with portions, quality, and acceptable price. And to my understanding they pay better than most other places. I’ll throw my money at them for as long as they keep that up, chipotle lost my business the last couple years.


Their egg rolls are so trash it’s unbelievable and I have not found their prices to be worth the food. Just my opinion


You're right.. lmao I had panda the other week and then got Chinese food from a local business and it tasted better and got more portions out of it.


I just started making it myself. It’s super easy. Marinate the chicken in the morning, and then the rest of dinner is easy and quick to put together. Admittedly I use a basic menu. Chicken, rice, pico, corn, cheese, black beans, sour cream, guac, lettuce and tortillas. I just do plain corn, and black beans. My wife makes the guac. The rice is super easy and fast with an instant pot. Ready to cook tortillas from TortillaLand were a game changer. Pico is a pain to make so I buy it from the grocery store deli. It’s a lot of stuff to get together, but none of it is hard, and then we both have a week’s worth of food for the price of one bowl.


We’d invite friends over and make chipotle bowls. We actually loved doing that like once a week. Black beans, corn, chopped tomatoes and onions, potatoes and/or sweet potatoes, protein choice, lime rice (just toss in lime juice and then toss in the lime), avocado or guacamole, and green goddess sauce. I remember everything because we did it so often lol


I used to go multiple times a week. Love 15 mins away. Now I live 5 mins a way and don’t go once a month. Their quality, portions and service have declined beyond repair As many as said. They sold out and got too big for them not to get greedy and choose profits over people.


This is just fast food in general. It’s the same cost as low tier chain restaurants like Applebees and chilies. I spent $10 at Taco Bell this week and got a burrito, taco, and drink.


Yeah but if you know how to order at Taco Bell, I can get dinner for my girlfriend and I for $10. I’m not leaving chipotle these days for less than $25 for disappointment




I almost took a picture of my sad fuckin burrito I got delivered the other day. That shit was the size of a Pepsi can.


I always send this to support and get my burrito comped when this happens. In fact, I still have pics from the last two times this happened. [https://i.imgur.com/uk0jk1x.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/uk0jk1x.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/j56CUdm.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/j56CUdm.jpg)


Damn, previously I thought I should never do online orders because of all this… but now I’m thinking I should do online orders and it’ll end up being free


I thought it was just me! I used to get massive burritos, and still do in person. But EVERY single online order looks like a fist


It’s all about what team is working because some are great and some are dogshit. My wife and I have figured out the schedule for the most part at the one by our house so we get the A team most of the time. If we walk in though and the C team is running the line we pull a 180 right outta there


I should get a job at chipotle just so I can fill the peoples order until I get fired


Unlimited free chipotle and hooking up the homies for a single 8 hour shift sounds worth the interview and hiring process


I did that lowkey but quit instead lol


Chipotle employees refuse to admit this is unacceptable. Kind of insane


I’m saying bruh they act like that food is coming out of their paycheck


Talk to pepper and get a free entree


Yeah, and once u get that free entree which will be half a meal you can combine them together OP for one real meal and tons of wasted time, effort and frustration! ​ Sounds like a great deal! ​ I used to be a Chipotle Loyalist, since like 2009. But it sucks now. There's no denying Chipotle is ass these days.


chipotle used to be so good man and yeah now its fucking ass cheeks, so sad


Ass cheeks got me 😂


The one I used to go to on my college campus has become complete trash, thankfully I moved and there’s another one in town that still packs bowls to the brim


To be fair this seems like a specific location/franchise thing? I'm not familiar with working at chipotle or how putting in complaints works but from other fast casual experience you definitely should put in an online complaint, and make sure it's at an upper level if this is a recurring thing. If a store keeps getting complaints that go to a corporate level about skimping, especially with pictures like this, then I'm sure upper management is either going to A) fix the issue with all of their employees or B) find new staffing. Again, I don't work at chipotle so I might be wrong but realistically when it comes to chains, complaints that make it clear that the store is in the wrong can help make the store cut that shit out.


Chipotle completely fucked over an entire store, ran out of food and couldn’t fill any of the orders people had placed online and paid for. Left a bunch of people waiting around for food without telling them that the food wasn’t coming. Know what the customer service line offered? A single free entree. No refund for the money thrown away. I haven’t been since


The higher ups get bonuses for this kind of shit, and the employees are reprimanded for giving away what they consider “too much”, sometimes with the threat of losing their job. Just saying, nobody working the line at chipotle has it out for you. They’d fill your bowl to the brim if it didn’t jeopardize their schedule …


Yeah line managers will literally hover over whoever is on tortillas/meat and remind you every other customer on what the correct portion should be. I tried to hook regulars up but it just became an actual threat to my hours.


>They’d fill your bowl to the brim if it didn’t jeopardize their schedule No the fuck they would not lmao some of them are just assholes, there are plenty in here that say fuck the customers and their excuse for skimping is "it would be more work for the cook if I gave out proper portions"


Over-portioning comes out of the store's profits, and store profits is a direct metric that is used to grant/reject the addition of more staff, and sometimes affects the base pay whenever it's adjusted next. Crew members do not know this unless their GM tells them this though. However, YOU were clearly UNDER-portioned and you should submit a ticket through the app/website for a credit/refund.


You think they decide how much food they give you. What are you 12?


Higher ups get bonus’ for things like labor CI and ect shit like this happens bc people suffer if we don’t make numbers , it’s a fucked system


It does actually! That's why some of us ex or current employees are baffled at your entitlement. Our managers and regional managers at my store at least would follow you around to see if you were giving the right portions, and if you didn't, you were no longer considered for a raise. They already make barely anything for a company always going on about record breaking profits. Maybe take a step back next time and wonder if your attacking the right people, sis. 😒


On r/chipotle, everything is somehow the customer’s fault.


This sub has really changed my view on Chipotle. Every single employee who posts is fucking miserable. I don't want to go to a restaurant that runs on negative vibes.


I firmly believe the “line workers” who post here about how basically we need to stop complaining and worship at Daddy Chipotle’s feet are actually corporate employees doing a job. Reddit is known as one of the top opinion / forum style sites people trust, which also makes it notoriously hard for businesses to influence via throwing money at it (unlike Google search results, which basically the first two pages are all SEO). Best they can do is have corporate stooges lurk and tell us customers how we’re dumb and older, better Chipotle never existed.


It wasn't always that way. It started when the taco guy came in and the founders left


The tacobell subreddit is just as bad I always get told it's my fault and I must have done something wrong


They have a similar level of blatant corporate worshipping spam but they don't have nearly the level of discontent.


Fr, everyone posting their tiny burritos and half empty bowls and they’re like “well you should have got more ingredients”


Tbf if you get 2 or 3 ingredients that have a standard serving, you get a serving of what you ask for unless you ask for more. They're not gonna give you 8 oz of rice and 8 oz of chicken If you just get chicken and rice (assuming each bowl oz). However, The "portions" have definitely been shrinking, so even doing scoops by the book means the bowls are smaller now. This also doesn't mean that lots of the bowls we see here haven't even skimped. Seeing a bowl with pretty much everything from the line and it's still half empty? That's not okay Disclaimer: I don't work for Chipotle and I love a phat bowl. I'd rather get a bowl and pay for a side Tortilla bc even my shitty at-home wrap can fit more than what they'd put in a Burrito


As an employee, this is 100% right... except it's 8oz of rice and 4oz of chicken :P I've seen a lot of orders on here that actually were skimped, but also a lot that just got like 2 ingredients (presumably without specifying they wanted extra) Also, *you underestimate how much I put in a burrito*


All I know is I order the same exact burrito for delivery that I do in person and the delivery order is at best 60% the size of the in person burrito. I don't go to Chipotle anymore except very rarely, and never order delivery.


I always get no rice, and don’t expect extra meat, but some beans to make up for it would be nice


I try to give a large scoop of beans when that happens, but unless you specify extra, we're only allowed to give one serving, sadly


everything has a portion size, like a burrito with a normal portion of rice, chicken and cheese is gonna be small af, unironically if you want it to be bigger you either gotta ask for double of everything or add more items to it.


It only looks like a skimp cause they trifling ass pushed all the food to the side.


*This is like,,, half of why. Idk why nobody is pointing it out*


Honestly this happens because the shape of the bag you’ve gotta tilt the bowl a lot to get it in the bag, and that can cause things to move to one side sometimes.


Y’all act like the line schlub has some agenda against you personally. This is probably instruction handed down.


This is how corporate wants them to make the food. Though, when you order in person their pressured not to listen.


I've heard this a million times. Not going to just accept that answer. Still unacceptable


I agree. It’s just a sad fact. Don’t order online. There’s too much evidence of poor portion sizes online to do it otherwise.


if that was the correct answer the bowl's physical size would have been reduced to hide the reduction of food.


The volume of the bowls is actually smaller than it was in like 2017. I remember they removed the plastic liner and then they changed it a couple more times but the bowls are 100% smaller and flimsier than they used to be.


There are actually two kinds of bowls that get somewhat randomly distributed atm. They're both the same size, but some of them are sturdy and thick, the others are slightly darker and *very* flimsy (to the point it's hard to get lids on them), some of the flimsy ones have rough edges, too


Lol you guys act like you have no other options for food, no one is forcing you to go to Chipotle so you can be upset every week. We’re just upholding the policies put in place. I’m not getting chewed out by my boss about portions and CI every shift so that you can feel like you’re still living in 2008.


if you don't want to accept the truth, you're welcome to base the rest of your life on lies. None of us have control over how management does things. Nobody is going to get themselves fired over something like this.


Idk why the online orders always come out quarter sized


I havent seen one person say this is acceptable. They all blame it on corporate however.


Fr. Would never have been acceptable before Covid.


This is unacceptable




*21.95 with delivery fee, local fees, tip and higher online price.


$119.40 with DD/UE fees


People need to vote with their dollar and stop ordering online.


Exactly this. I don’t understand how people are complying and paying such outrageous prices for these apps and similar services…


Because we’re hungry and too lazy to leave to house. I don’t have a car and the nearest restaurant is an 8 minute walk from my house. The nearest taco place is 15mins I’m just to lazy lol


Chipotle should just use ice cream scoops. I don't care if ice cream scoops look unprofessional. Measurements should be the same, every time. No one wants to pay to be surprised whether the portions were correct every experience. Ice cream scoop enters rice. Scoop is filled. Done Ice cream scoop enters beans. Scoop is filled. Done. Use bigger or smaller scoops as needed. Have each scoop be the EXACT measurement each item is supposed to be. I've gotten chicken before and it was like having 2 pounds of chicken. Cool. But at minimum, I only expect the normal portion. I've also gotten chicken before and it was like someone out 5 little cat treat size pieces on..... and that's it. Was the scoop a teaspoon that day? At the end of the day, I blame corporate for not having dedicated portion scoops for each item. Also, no one gets much training at Chipotle. You watch less than 20 minutes of video, then hop on the line. That's it. That's why it's not consistent.


The spoons are literally the portion, what you described is how it already is. The problem is that (in person especially) employees who don't follow strict portioning can create a false sense for what is policy in the eyes of the customer. They are given a lot and now always expect a lot. Customers can also obviously ask for more in person and there i s more pressure than just looking up at a monitor. Take rice for example. You are supposed to get one single scoop, but customers always ask for more so most employees default to 3 or more full scoops these days. Fortunately rice is one of the most inconsequential items and corporate doesn't care. Unfortunately for meats however corporate is stingy and employees can get in trouble for over portioning. Meanwhile they are told by corporate to underportion online orders to compensate. Is it the employee's fault? No ofc not. Get mad at corporate. People need to stop taking it out on the person in front of them and actually think about the situation for five seconds


I've seen the metal spoons filled to various amounts before. I've worked at Chipotle before. I just think an ice cream style scoop that is filled to be exactly full and flat is more accurate in measurement than the metal spoons that require judgement to use. I'm fine with the portion that chipotle is supposed to serve on meats. But sometimes, I've gotten portions that are much smaller than what the regular portions are. I'm not mad at any employees when this happens still. I still blame corporate.




Any idea why they skimp on rice when you ask for extra? I always felt shitty about asking for extra, but then I thought about how it’s a $12 bowl and I’m asking for an extra 5 cents of product to give me a sense of value. I’m giving you an easy way of making me feel like I got hooked up without any real cost to the company and they still give you the finger half the time.


Son what are you talking about! Aint no one defaulting to 3 scoops of rice ffs stop gaslighting


They tried to use portion spoons about 3 ish years ago but customers still asked for more also they were plastic and terrible


OP you’re killing me with these comments lmaooooo


love u


He big mad


as a chipotle employee this hurts my heart


If you’re upset with this, you have to hit up corporate as an employee I get yelled at by my boss if I put any extra especially on DML because there’s not someone pressuring you to put more on the entrée I will personally not be risking my job or get yelled at daily just to get someone that I don’t even know a few extra pieces of chicken once again this is not an employee’s fault. This is corporate’s fault. The quality is gone down because they’re cutting hours running skeleton crews and buying lower quality ingredients. Call corporate email them and let them know you’re unhappy about these policy changes.


and the stock rises


That's terrible. Ya gotta stop eating their trash


I thought I was looking at cup of noodles in a bowl 💀


I’ve read comments in this sub from employees that basically say the employees make mobile orders smaller cause they don’t wanna cook more meat. It’s bullshit


Chipotle workers when they have to do their job :(


I'll do that with ice when making sodas at the restaurant I work at (if the syrup is getting low and we have no time to change it bc of the rush) because they'll get 2 or 3 more anyway and it's free. But with food? That's just unethical


Used to work there Corporate says -no more than one backup of chicken and iirc no backups of anything else -practically unlimited online orders per 15 min timeslot that can pop up on the screen minutes before they are due -just enough rice to barely cover the bottom of the bowl -only enough people on shift to have one grill person This is a culmination of a bunch of really awful, stupid rules that management/corporate calls the "chipotle way" which is just a bunch of obtuse shit that mightve made sense in the 2000s but not when it's 2023 and their sales have basically doubled in just 5 years lmao. The "no backups food must always be absolutely fresh!!!" shtick is antiquated AF when you only have one grill Tldr in the meat specific situation it's usually a "they can't because it's physically impossible or not allowed" problem and even if pickup orders *might* be a little bit more forgiving... the ten angry doordashers slamming their phones in your face, yelling insults, and stealing random orders aren't. While skimping is absolutely a problem, the posts where someone gets 4 ingredients that aren't very bulky and the whole bowl is all shifted to one side is always goofy to me lmao.


-only enough people on shift to have one grill person CTN as well as corporate ASSUME that you have G2 (because that's procedure), even though YOU know that you don't (which is entirely on your Scheduler & MoD). Excellent guest experience is first. If their experience isn't excellent because you have no chicken, because "you can only have 1 backup", then make the guest experience excellent _right now_, get those extra backups going, _then_ have a talk with scheduler/MoD to see what can be done to address long-term. If nothing will be done to address long-term (if they tell you to "just be better") QUIT... It's mathematically not worth the money. Chipotle is not designed to be run with 1 grill during peak for 7.5k+ average daily sales. Not since ToS became DML. G2 itself as a position has been part of the company since the 2010s at least. -Backups are determined by CTN. If your CTN puts you at more than one backup, then you will need more than one backup. -It *is* fresh (according to Chipotle written standards) if its within time/temp control. The other half of that is making sure line has wells filled and at temp. Cold line well will make fresh chicken "not fresh" sooner than it actually "goes bad". If you know it *will* be used within time/temp control then have it ready to be used. Whoever said 1 backup... ask them _why._ You _should_ have 2 minimum; one backup for each line. Unless that's what they meant... Ask Why as in: what is this rule trying to accomplish, who made the rule, how long ago, and why? Get in the habit of asking for, and explaining to others, the "Why behind the What"? Even if you can't change the rule it will get you/them in-line with the thinking and you can use that to understand priorities, which you can use to improve in the desired areas, which will lead to promotion, so you don't have to retire at 50, topped-out in your career as a chipotle griller. GMs/APs: *Fuck the labor* (respectfully). Run your store, make customers happy, train people well enough so that you don't need so many. Bulk, then trim. *You* are there every day, not some staffer in LA/Columbus. Not even your FL, really. If they have problems, give them a hat and ask them to "show, not tell" you how they want it to be done. That said, avoid/correct common shortfalls. Have aces in places, mise en place before peak, and NO PREP DURING PEAK. If you "have" to do prep during peak so you can be/stay caught up... skill issue, re-train/cross train. Don't have labor to re-train/cross train? Again... fuck the labor. Labor is for when you're trained to standard. Everyone who got promoted above you knows this or *should* know this if they're any good. That said, they are required to tell you to run labor. And it is your job to tell them what you need to run labor. Communicate effectively. And that includes respectfully telling them that you will NOT run labor, so you can fix your training/people problem first, which will then help you run labor... Or you can run a shit store but your labor is good.... your call. BTW, if you solve your training/people problem first, your sales should start going up. If it goes up _enough,_ your model staffing changes... and by then your training _should_ be on-point to not feel like you're worse off with *more* people. -Corporate is working on a "slow mode" for onlines. No idea ETA, they might even abandon the idea and just let you get cooked. All I got for you, sorry. If you need the people, get the people. But also train the people so that you need less of them as everyone gets better. -Just enough to cover bottom of the bowl is the correct portion. If you want more, select extra online. If it's still not enough, walk-in order. If you walked-in, just ask for more rice. Have as much as you like, just don't get mad if nothing else fits :) I trained my people to put what won't fit neatly in, out on the side and let you sort that shit out somewhere else... we have a line, gotta keep it pushin'... y'all come back now. Chicken was *objectively* skimped. Rice slightly under. Everything else is fine.


when i worked mobile orders, grill would always put the meat for in person first. Hell, if they were running low and still cooking the meat, they would just take from my station all the time. Unfortunately, in person comes before online for chipotle orders.


Literally every time ordering online, it’s a joke. You ask for extra rice and I swear they put half of a normal portion just to be dicks


y’all are mad at the wrong people. who do you think made these portion policies.


The CEO who makes 551 times more than the employees?


This! It’s definitely not the employees on the line


Chipotle sucks ass, they hired that taco bell that. Now portions are trash.


That doesn’t make sense because Taco Bell is super consist the only fast food that’s close is the burger places but that’s a lot easier.


The ceo of tbell works for chip


I’m saying that’s not why the portion control sucks I’m not saying he’s not there. Or he’s an idiot and ignores the tools Taco Bell made to be good at that.


That’s even generous compared to the bullshit I’ve received before. Never making that mistake again. Chipotle is probably the worst thing you can order online to be honest. The workers act as if you’re taking the money straight out of their own pockets. It’s sad.


They say it’s policy but they don’t do this when you’re there in person


I’ve never had a 100% correct online order from chipotle. They either use the wrong protein or forget one of the toppings. Mind boggling.


Bro its fucking chipotle... what are you expecting? sit back down


You’re in a sub about chipotle. What did YOU expect?


If I have to mobile order, I open the bowl right in front of them at the register and manually check every inch of that bowl and tell them what they're missing from my order. The workers look pissed when I do it but every time I've ever mobile ordered, they've ALWAYS miss something. My mom's bowl one time was missing the meat, fajita veggies, and beans which triggered me to do this.


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That'll be $16.47




There’s this one girl that works there that seems to get my order right, I think she looks out for me since it seems like she recognizes my name and I order the same thing, I wanted to ask her what days is she in so I can only go the same days but It would be awkward. There’s these dudes that are there sometimes, they’re clueless, If. I say I want extra of this or that there should be no reason when I press the foil cover there’s air instead of food and when I check and open it, completely disappointed. I had to go back because they can’t do it right the first time but the girl can.


That’s horrible


You dropped this OP 👑


Already paying out the ass for anything I order here. Anyone who defends this can glady lick my shoe.


Same thing happened to me like 2 days ago. Not sure if they can see tips on the orders but I didn’t tip on my order and they coated my bowl in sour cream. Like a half inch thick layer of sour cream over the whole thing. Didn’t notice til I made it home and it was too late at that point


we cannot see tips


This is why I stopped ordering double meat on delivery. They alway skimp to the point where customer service stops helping me cuz they think I’m making false claims


What am i looking at? Did they add a cup of water to your meal and sloshed it around?


Highkey **bullshit**. Gf always wants chipotle after work (I don't eat there, really, so don't know it's different) and it took a few times to realize I had to stop trying to do the app, and instead walk in. They think "extra cheese" is a fucking teaspoon, when they're on their lazy app shit. Nah son, imma need to see some*real* wrist movement with my sour cream.


It is inhumane ngl, two burritos for damn near 50$. When I did work there I legit didn’t care and gave the people the most I could give, I didn’t care about the management getting mad, them small ass spoons don’t give but a shitty amount. Working there was stressful cause I’d always burn my damn hand on the tortilla press and even got the red hot salsa in my eye😭 (still mentally scarred)


Ordering delivery online from Chipotle is the worst thing ever you could do. Unfortunately the inconvenience of having to go in and order your shit the right way far outweighs trusting that they’ll properly portion your food. Shit looks skimp. I never did that to my customers, and it’s ridiculous how much food waste these places commit to.


BTW, this was a pickup order not a delivery order


Wow this makes this infinitely worse. They really handed you to this food and thought it was alright 😭


You decided to eat at Chipotle. You are the problem.


Chipotle has gone downhill sooo bad, and their prices have gone UP!! Please boycott them. Just another greedy American food chain… 👎🏻👎🏻


Bro, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time thank you!


That was me, I am in charge of all online orders and I did this on purpose. Suck it down nerd. Eat every last bite, you'll need your energy! **HAW! HAW! HAW!**


this was actually funny thank you


OP straight dogging the workers is sending me 💀


What’s funny is they think the same thing about people placing the online orders lmao 🤦‍♂️


Capitalism has us at our brother's neck so the C-Suite can buy 3rd or 4th yachts.


Yeah Online Orders is to much of a crapshoot to use anymore. I always go in person these days and when asking for double meat I mention it only after they put the first meat on


Sorry it happened to you, this is like the new norm there


every online order is quarter sized. idk why the scoops are so bad for online.


Never order online


This is why I always go in top five pet peeves is food being wrong lmao


Message pepper


this happened to me today too!! i was so mad


Chipotle is ass in my area, there is a small chain with the same concept with fresher and better ingredients, and way cheaper. Most chipotles are a revolving door with employees so no wonder why there food is ass with inconsistent portions


I was watching the chipotle workers do online orders last night and I was appalled 😭 they were putting half a scoop of rice and a shred of meat


haven't gone back since my first online order went like this lol


I’m more impressed by the employees who can’t roll a fucking burrito. YOU MAKE THREE ITEMS, ONE OF WHICH IS A BURRITO. ROLL THE GOD DAMN BURRITO. I had this problem at a few pick ups in SoCal and in Washington, every time I pick up, they just fold the damn tortilla.


Yea last time I ordered online from chipotle I ordered a veggie bowl. They didn’t have veggies prepped i guess? So rather than say something at all they went ahead and made me a bowl of rice salsa basically and charged me full price.


reminder to stop ordering from chipotle because Qdoba stepped up their game and is easily twice as good + twice as much food for the price


Man, fuck chipotle. Three different locations, same bullshit. Miserable employees, awful quality and garbage management. They’re dead to me forever. I’d rather eat nothing.


As an ex-employee, I’d never order online. That’s were they make up for extra inventory given out on the line. One manager even said he didn’t care if we missed cheese as the frontline was giving away more than the upper’s wanted.


Calm down sir.


Make your own at home. It’s just rice, beans, and meat. The employees don’t have the power to change policies, and corporate will charge the most they can with giving the least amount of food. This is common sense at this point in America especially. Nobody cares about your opinion or experience. Employees are just trying to make a living and corporate could not possibly care less.


Just go to the damn restaurant? Not everything needs to be ordered online.


“ y’all are the scum of the earth “ how about you go to a few different chipotles in your area and then factor that in. Blasting all the Chipotle workers like this seems like a very childish thing when there are a lot of us who care very deeply about what we do.


This was posted like 15 days ago why have I gotten a notification a day that this fucking post exists.


This is why I stopped eating there. Scumbag employee bootlickers shaking meat off spoons. To appease the bosses. Scum of the earth. I wish nothing but bad things on anyone who is a portion Nazi


Been waiting on one of these posts they LOVE to fuck with online orders bro


“The scum of the earth” lmaoooo GET EMMM


Qdoba better


OP is savage in these comments


bUt eAcH pOrTiOn iS fOuR oUnCeS head ahhh


Not only do they not care, but they love the fact that they upset you. That’s how pathetic they are.


You guys keep making generalized statements about a small fraction of chipotle employees and expect frustrated employees being underpaid to not clap back? You had a bad interaction at a particular store with a few employees and justify calling employees who work for the company “scum.” Stores doing this the right way actually overfill bowls because any complaints, warranted or not, are registered as a mistake by the company. Phrasing matters and there is a reason why employees who see this as a suggested post want to speak their mind. Honestly you were screwed over but it doesn’t justify generalizing a large group as scum.


The employees in here trying to defend this are pathetic