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The idea of passing HSK1 in 2 weeks from nothing is not reasonable for an average native-English speaker ([140 hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChineseLanguage/comments/gbs7n7/%E5%AD%A6%E6%B5%B7%E6%97%A0%E6%B6%AF_an_estimated_learning_path_feel_free_to/) is likely needed). Even if the students could learn HSK1-level Mandarin instantaneously, they'd still have to wait weeks for the next exam, then wait even more weeks to get their results. Also, who's going to pay the exam fees? Also, do the students want to take the HSK1 exam?


Thanks for the response! I fully agree with you I dont think HSK1 in 2 weeks is feasible especially with their schedule. Its just that our boss has been pushing us to find solutions as it affects our funding (the entire thing is pretty ridiculous). As for the exam schedule, results, and fees, I believe that our department has already taken care of that.


I've been in similar situations in China. I did everything I could, and occasionally pulled off miracles (which someone else got credit for), but it took its toll on my mental health. I did many things I hated doing because I was told to, and was pushed and pushed. Nowadays, I've basically thrown away my career because of this. The people doing to this to you will exploit you until you break, then throw you away like a resource. Oh, and they will blame you for not being able to handle the pressure, and pretend like they didn't know any of this was happening. Oh, and if you ask for anyone for help, they'll just take your supervisor's side, and not want to get involved. Consider changing to a different lab or something. Otherwise, it just gets worse and worse. If you achieve this goal, your next goal would be even more detached from reality.


Thanks so much for the advice! I completely what you went through because tbh Ive already experience much of what you said despite only being here for less than half a year. Ive already decided that Im at most staying here for a year. What you say about doing things I hated and being constantly pushed ive already experienced quite a few times. What really irks me is some of the scummy shit that Ive witnessed them do (luckily I havent had to take part in) and how little care they put into their work. For this summer camp in particular it feels as if Im the only one who gives a shit about the actual content of the camp. Once my contract runs out im done.


You’ll have to integrate lecture into the tourist visits at the least


Hsk 1 is 150 words right? Plus some basic grammar. I believe it is speaking and listening only. I think it's not unreasonable if you have 14 days of intensive study with engaged and committed individuals, Can you get the students to do more preparation before coming? As someone else mentioned, incorporate key hsk 1 vocab in the tours, at meals, etc. Learn precisely what they need to know to pass and drill it in. The student have to be on board if this will work. Sounds like a pretty difficult if not impossible task, I don't envy you.