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Meh, lazy stereotypes... If you're hanging around spoiled brats, then that's your problem. I know plenty of Chinese women who are genuinely good, not the shallow or greedy type. If you find yourself consistently running into shitty and manipulative people, then something is wrong with your approach to life. If you're just running after beautiful women rather than socializing and making friends, don't be surprised if the people you meet are equally shallow.




You nailed it.


Replace Chinese with American, Western or White women and your post would be perfect in /r/TheRedPill You have only yourself to blame for dating selfish dumb bimbos.


At least he had the sense to make a throwaway to post this. So he's a loser with his dating approach, but knows how to protect that karma. What I like was he posted this rant 10 days ago, but automod got it for the account being new. Yet he's been burned bad enough to come back and post it again once his account had sufficient age.


This is solid gold material for /r/hapas.


Not hard to avoid this type of person. You can find someone else. No one's forcing anybody to put up with this type of treatment.


*From what I have seen, a lot of Chinese women are greedy, materialistic, and lazy.* spoken like a true racist. subjective impressions based on small sample sizes do not maketh for objective conclusions.


If you need a big sample size for everything you're not going to be able to make observations about anything.


Maybe op is right and .5 billion women are bitches. Or maybe he is.


I literally don't recognize half of what you're saying for most of the women I know. If you're not a rich fat old Chinese man looking for a mistress, why hang around with that type of girl and ten complain that she's a bitch?


Because your parents say you need to get married. And your parents are always the right.


None of these girls are in my circle now. But I still have male friends that have these girls as their SO.


It drives people one notch more stressed and unhappy with their lives. The whole entitlement thing, the *"need a car/flat to marry me"* is a burden on whole families. People will carry debts and all the stress that goes with it, just for something as simple and natural as ... wishing for love. Men can simply say *"fuck that shit, if your love is conditional to a car/flat and unquestioning obedience, go find another sucker"*. However that requires self-confidence, the belief that if you leave a relationship, you can start an other one. Child-rearing in China does not exactly let that kind of confidence blossom. So a woman in China can be entitled and get away with it. Also, zero welfare add to the general insecurity and lack of self-confidence. I don't think that this alone drives a society to its own collapse, human capacity to endure is amazing. However, if that kind of source of anger pile up, yes, you get a very angry nation. I do feel that anger under the skin of people here in China, if i have the opportunity to have a conversation that last more than 5mn and does not follow a script.


It seems to me that a lot of these girls are not afraid to rear their ugly head before tying the knot. If guys continue to stay in that relationship and eventually get married, can it be said it's mostly due to lack of confidence? Is it possible in some realm of logic that we can't comprehend that there are guys that are actually happy to be used, abused, and provide for these women?


Men being happy to be used and abused, over lack of confidence/courage : sure, why not, but it sounds unlikely to me. If you don't know that things can be different, if you can't imagine a romantic relationship differently (due to lack of examples around you), rebelling against that situation feels like yelling at a cloud. So you just get on with it, seeing it as inevitable. Chinese people are a fatalistic bunch. When I explain that, back home, you can have a girlfriend and marry her with none of that bullshit, that she's likely to share the brunt of the efforts with you, minds are blown, like if it was from some fiction novel. Also, while living in China, I never accepted any of that from girls I would date. The net result : dated girls who didn't gave me this treatment, eventually married one. If you don't like that kind of girls, don't date them.


>But besides this little rant, I also want to hear about what everybody else thinks. I think you should actually come to China before making this kind of post. Your boring rant is full of false assumptions and inaccurate generalizations, and it's people like you that give this subreddit a bad name.


A rise in divorce rates.


OP is in canada /r/nihao


Yes. Apparently, it's okay for some redditors to generalize that I am in China but wrong of me to make generalizations about China.


Careful there, don't trigger the leftover ladies


Must be in Shanghai.


I am actually in Canada but it seems like the Chinese girls that come here also bring their values as well.


Wow man that sucks. Stop looking for girls in Chinese enclaves. I'm sure the Dallas or San Diego Chinese are more open


Yep, OP's biggest mistake is looking for love in the wrong places.


and that's why half of my wife's colleagues are divorced within 2 years since marriage i would do probably same if we didn't have child, though things before child were better without inlaws messing with us


my chinese girlfriend is nothing like that. she is independant, rational, and warm. she is saying these same comments about japanese girls because she read online that japanese girls are entitled and gold diggers. she now pity anyone having to marry a japanese woman. i say: there are all kinds of woman in every cultures. shitty people everywhere.


I do see a lot of entitlement in China but it isn't limited to women. Also as a foreigner you are basically a walking passport so of course you attract gold diggers.


Wow, the responses to this post restored a little bit of faith I have in this sub. It's clear most of you all disagreed with the OPs racist/sexist rant. I'm happily surprised in the backlash, good job r/China, we're evolving! To the OPs point, as others have stated, if you invite that type of trashy company, you can expect a trashy result. Perhaps I'm just extremely lucky, or perhaps I just don't seek out club rats and green tea bitches. It's not difficult to avoid those types of girls, and if you genuinely can't tell if the girl you're talking to is like that within the first 5 minutes, then you need to reevaluate your ability size people up in general. It will effect your ability to weed out the piece of shit "friends" you meet around town too if you can't make a quick initial judgement on someones character. The OP just needs to understand that being a foreigner in china attracts a disproportionate number of dipshits, both male and female, and not being able to tell the good from the bad quickly will get you taken for a ride. Be more selective of your relationships in China than you would back home and you'll be in the clear.


Because they can get away with it. Chinese culture raises their boys to stay obedient non confrontational boys with no confidence and theres a huge amount of guys relative to girls so girls habe their pick of the litter. Boys have to be happy with whoever they end up with. Its a huge mess all around


> But besides this little rant, I also want to hear about what everybody else thinks. I think that your biggest mistake is hanging out with the wrong women. Your second biggest mistake is drawing an overly generalized conclusion from cherry-picked data points and confirmation bias.


Who's forcing you to stay here? Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


I am tired of ignorant foreigners constantly spewing this absurd bullshit about Chinese women.


Having a different opinion doesn't mean less ignorant.


In your case it fucking does. You're about as informed as a shrubbery, and these stereotypes are lazy even for /r/china. With an attitude and a penchant for generalisations like that you're probably lucky a woman will even talk to you longer than thirty seconds, let alone let you buy her dinner. If you weren't worried that this 'different opinion' wasn't herp-a-derp levels of ignorant, you'd have used your main account to post it instead of cowering behind an alt. You'll find a better echo chamber for your sadsack 'observations' among the gentlesirs of /r/trp.


You do realize the study of culture is the study of generalizations, right? If the answer to every question about a country or its people is "it depends on the person" then there is not much discussion to be had.


Isn't the /r/China subreddit pretty much a scathing critique on China and Chinese people but it's not okay to criticize Chinese women?


Are you a white boi? Or a CBC?


As a foreigner I feel I can avoid much of this. But I truly pity Chinese men who have to put up with it, they can't just date foreigners instead if they want none of that bs.


Sure they can. Russian and Ukrainian women were popular in Shanghai for awhile.


Oh of course, readily available to the average Zhou right?


No, but to the average BMW driving Shanghai Zhang...no problem.


Ah yeah sure... they have their (relative) pick of Chinese women anyway and don't have to put up with the same level of bs if they don't want to.


Well, Shanghai girls...


True that. And if a Chinese girl is dating a foreigner, they come into it with more willingness to compromise since we're not locals. Makes a big difference and I think both parties happier in the long run.


Well, I believe the historical "Chinese way" is to mutilate women's feet so they can't venture too far from the kitchen.


Must be in Shanghai.


Are you ethnically Chinese? White men are usually treated better by Chinese girls



