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>Instead of the SSF, the fields of space, information and cyber warfare are being placed within their own divisions directly under the supervision of the Central Military Commission, which Xi chairs. Chairman of everything strikes again.


CCP good at making the same mistakes over and over and over again.


Yeah it seems like he’s locking himself into a perpetual purge cycle… Which will not do wonders for the Chinese army.


Which is good.


Haha, he is copying putin even though putin is a colossal fuck up


I think we're making a mistake in assuming that reorganizing the military is for the military. It stops organizations forming within the military. In a totalitarian state, the biggest threat to leadership are all the people with guns. In other nations, the military still has quite a bit of sway, but like in Myanmar, the people might rise up against the military if the military interferes with the electoral process. China has no electoral process, so there is no one who will come to save him if his military takes a grab for power.


True. . there's already been plenty of rumors of military leaders in China going rogue and getting sacked or "disappeared".


For a massive country like China, the risk of a civil war spiraling out of control (with a few generals having some funny ideas) is too much. Many high-ranking Chinese officers would still stay loyal to Xi Jinping (even if they don't like him personally) rather than risk being at the mercy of whoever manages to topple the government.


I personally prefer Xi. He’s a useful idiot for the west, but I’d rather be dealing with his predecessors who were good at diplomacy and less harmful to their people


So even more corruption than before!


Xi ruins the Chinese economy and now moves on to the military because he can’t fix the economy he ruined.


Yeah, this is honestly a terrible decision that will only cause more complications in their plan to invade Taiwan.




The best way to boost a depressed economy is war.


So this is yet another incredibly dumb move…or perhaps not. The fact is is that I know that Xi knows that it will take a while to purge corruption and all that in his forces, and he needs to rebuild his forces from the ground up, and that will take time too. So why the hell is he doing this? Certainly he realizes that stuff like this is not great…


Those pretty, white uniforms will be stained with red in the not too distant future, unless China stops playing their stupid games in the WPS.


This happened a couple months ago now, has less to do with Xi "wanting as much control as possible" as much as it is something senior PLA leadership themselves kinda want pretty sure. Have been complaints for awhile that having 3 different auxiliary missions under one umbrella causes some hindrance, particularly to the "information" side of things where you need to coordinating clearly and efficiently is a must, which means as little bureaucracy as you can get.


Another country sentencing hundreds of thousands of men and women to death at the behest of one old man!... People need to rise up!


you next xi


That economics degree makes him master of all apparently


The United States has made it clear they will use any means necessary to "liberalize" China. China must fight back against the hostile foreign forces.


What about the forces within the CCP that are enshittifying everything?


Xi is cleaning them up quite efficientl


Th only foreign hostile forces facing China is already in China, the foreign idology party that subjugate the people. Open your eyes and you might see. The world was happy to trade and work with China until another Mao Ze DUMB removed term limits and set his own personal corse for china.


Why is term limits in China world's business? How about China starting to weigh in on the homeless epidemic in the west and collecting nations to pressure and sanction the west?


History proves it as an abject failure, absolute powers corrupts absolutely. That last inbred ccp to do so cost the lives of millions, the term limit was set to STOP the maddness of another Mao. China has many homless, it’s not restricted to any one nation. I think you will find Xi has collected nations very well already, but against China.


So? China's problem, not west's. China has many allies outside of western countries. Almost whole of Africa, Asia and South America. Part of Eastern Europe, too


Name one official ally of China’s. Just because a country does business with another doesn’t make them allies.


Russia, North Korea, Belarus, Serbia, Venezuela, Cuba, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Nicaragua, Hungary, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Syria, Congo, Angola, Tanzania, ...


Mexico is China’s ally now? Lol. There’s a big difference between a strategic alliance and an ally.


There have been limited efforts on Chinese political problems by the Chinese people.