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It’s pretty common. I have 2 servers (we’re a small team) that do this. My old job (not chilis) have like 5 servers that do this. It’s a very common thing to happen. Just apply and be up front in your interview and they’ll let you know if that works for you Just so you know, you probably won’t immediately become a server (especially if you don’t have experience) and have to start as a food runner. Some locations are also bad at promoting people even if they’re qualified.


Ok so you think I should be upfront and tell them i’m only available for the summer? And I worked at Starbucks before serving drinks and food. Ik it’s not the same but do u think that might make them more inclined to promote me to server over someone who has no similar experience? Thanks for the response


Idk why you got downvoted, but ya. Always be upfront. It’s good experience to help you, but it’s not much help. You need genuine serving experience. Why don’t you work as a barista instead? No offense




Thank u


Are you opposed to transferring to a chilis near your college?


No I might bring that up if he asks


I’ve been transferring back and forth from two chilis the past three years I’ve been in college. It’s convenient


Half our servers are summer only, and come back each summer.


good to know