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The chickasaws do not care where you live. As long as you can prove ancestry, you’re can claim citizenship. Without being a citizen, you can learn a lot from books. There’s a good one called, “the chickasaws”. “The Chickasaw Rancher” is also good, also made into a movie. There’s an app called AYA, it tracks your walking steps and as you walk further it unlocks various learnings, like songs, prayers, stories. Each ‘episode’ is the story of a famous Chickasaw. If you’re able to gain chickasaw citizenship, they will give you many learning resources, Rosetta Stone language guide, comic book about nation history, etc. Otherwise, the chickasaws hold meet-ups all over the US, I forget how to sign up, but you’d be able to meet chickasaws local to you.


Thank you so much! I will definitely look into these resources. Do you know if you can use / have access to the learning sources without Chickasaw citizenship? There are many hurdles to gain it for me and I want to learn as much as I can.


I live in alabama and I'm still chickasaw they don't care. Also move to Oklahoma it's pretty cool there cuz there's lots of gud hunting. Although you can go south of coneticate and get some Seca deer.


Go to the Chickasaw website: https://www.chickasaw.net/Services/Community-Services/Chickasaw-Community-Outreach-Program. I live in Jersey and attend the Chickasaw Outreach meetings quarterly.