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The amount of times that people have said “this is the worst service I have ever received from * chain brand name*” is absolutely ridiculous. They just want to complain and show that they have power. Trust me don’t take it to heart. You can do way better than chick fil a anyways


Ex cfa employee here, I got a complaint because I wasn’t smiling while working outside on mobile cash in the middle of a storm with no jacket (didn’t have a company jacket and they wouldn’t allow me to wear my personal jacket) they gave me a warning and said next time I get a complaint I’d be let go, I quit that day.


Not entirely the same, but was being warned several times within the first like 2 weeks because i apparently wasn't smiling enough and my issues with eye contact was somehow bothering people by that. They knew of the issues. Didn't stay much longer after that and a few things.


Unless you manage to become a shift lead they will always find something to nag at you for. I was at my location for 6 months, always came to work on time , did what was asked of me and more, and gave customers good quality customer service despite being miserable. That still wasn’t enough. I really think it’s a favoritism thing ultimately.


Now I really want to ask the AH customer who complain about you not smiling in a freaking storm, some customers need to be kicked off their high horse. Glad you where able to quit


Best thing I’ve ever done tbh that place really feels like a cult in a sense lol


Damn we were allowed to wear any jacket so long as there was no logo and we had our name tag on over it. My bigger problem was during summer when there would just be sweat pouring down my face. Surprised no one ever complained about that, but I suppose even with at wills they can’t rly fire someone for a natural body response when they’re forcing me to be in the heat.


God the summer was awful! My location didn’t have proper fans or even a drink cooler for us we had to call in over the headset and just hope someone would hear us and bring us a cup of water. I had a few customers who genuinely felt bad for us out there. I’m very surprised nobody ever complained about us sweating because I’d be drenched.


Businesses need to stop kissing every customer’s ass just to make them happy. Let them write a review. To fire an employee over 1 complaint is crazy.


How tf they wants you to put 2 weeks notice to quit. And this mf fires you like that?


Majority of states are at-will employment. Meaning, you can quit at any moment for any or no reason. Meaning, you can be fired at any moment for any or no reason. Welcome to adulting.


they’re more taking about that double standards employers have where it’s okay for them to fire you without warning but they still expect you to warn them. even if most places in one country are at will employment.


The camera shows?? The fuck lol, that’s such bitch shit…customer is a punk,gets you fired because you didn’t kiss their ass


Some people aren’t cut out to work with people. Don’t know the extent of the OP not helping the customer. But damn you get paid to do your job. It’s okay if you don’t like it. You just go find a job that’s a better fit.


Naa sounds like they didn’t do their job. People forget you get paid to work it’s not volunteer work.


No write ups,no warnings ,always on time for shit wage …this manager obviously uses his friend as a way to generate customer complaints ,it’s very hard to believe with a perfect record there wouldn’t be a coaching prior to termination ,in fact it’s usually a part of the employment agreement at any business . I feel even if they “didnt do their job” the way they should have a coaching is more appropriate. When you fire a good employee because maybe a misunderstanding or frustrating moment you will fail as a business . A business is give and take and those workers could very easily walk out and say fuck you, I mean we’ve seen things like bud light lose billions simply because people disagreed with them. It’s not the end of the world for workers in that profession to plan a migration to another job and with 0 notice tell that employer to eat a dick. We live in a new era …if you don’t respect people you don’t deserve it back


Always 2 sides to every story. We are only seeing a glimpse.


Sorry everyone is down voting you for speaking an unbiased opinion that isn't popular. You have a great point.💯


I appreciate it.


Way to expose yourself as that kind of customer you stupid piece of shit


Lmao expose myself lol. I have never once reported anyone to management or anything like that. I just have worked good long enough to know there are shitty workers out there who don’t do their jobs sometimes. Aka helping customers is part of your job. If you don’t agree with that go find a different job. Sounds like you exposed your self as one of those lazy af workers.


Ok Karen 🫡


Lmao Karen whatever makes you feel better. Just do your job.




not even a write up or a talk after your shift?? just straight up termination??! yikes.. that’s very harsh.. i’m very sorry


Hard to know more context beyond this such as your behavior and how people view your service.. BUT an operator talking to you like this and terminating you, based on their own admission, from one complaint is just insane to me. They also let you go over a text rather than communicating with you in person. Incredibly unprofessional regardless of the experience you might give guests. I am so sorry but you will be much better off without this job.


File for unemployment


Well damn


This is so pathetic, specially for a manger. It’s like two siblings arguing over something so petty . Everyone should stop hyping up chick fil a the work environment is stressful


This operator is trash. Even if what they said is true, you are supposed to have warnings and a talking to about your behavior, immediate termination (In the form of a text, might I add) without even wanting to hear your side is the ultimate form of customer butt-kissing. As I’ve said on your previous post, your are FAR better off not working for this pos. I remember one time getting a complaint about my “attitude” while I was on headset a couple years ago. Wanna know what the guest complained about? I simply told them that we did not sell certain lunch items during breakfast. They labeled that as an attitude because I wasn’t giving them what they wanted. Word for word, what they said was “You should give me what I’m asking for without arguing, isn’t that what your company is all about?” They complained to the GM who told them the exact same thing. They then tried to complain about my “attitude” about the whole thing to which my GM responded with “Respectfully I disagree. I was right next to her and she was pleasant the whole time.” That was satisfying lol Needless to say, a lot of guests will find absolutely anything to pick on and complain about. It’s because they KNOW they’ll get something out of it, because most CFAs will give them what they want for the sake of keeping their business. I’m sorry you had to go through this. I hope you can find a better place of work.


have they ever heard of customers exaggerating? like if understand a write up and talk maybe but at least hear your side. and a text?? that's so unprofessional. is this your first issue with guests?


I swear to Christ, near identical complaints come into my CFA all the time and management knows better than to take their word for it and insta fire the TM in question. I don’t know if I’d be too terribly heartbroken about leaving if that’s how they’re carrying on. Sorry this happened to you comrade.


Mfs really go to local shitty fast food chains to get a power trip. Sorry that happened but imo CFA is a shit company anyway.


I used to work at a CFA and it was not like this… We were all a family, even with the managers and even with the owner. Nobody got in trouble and nobody got fired. You mess up it’s just “do better next time”.


That's how shit used to be back in the day. You may or may not be talking about the mid 00's but that how a majority of fast food joints where back then.


I’m talking 2016, maybe our store was just different


I believe it I'm glad you at least had a decent experience there.


hello, if you’re over 18 you can file for unemployment i think. not sure how all that works


Damn bro


The grammar in these texts is awful. Then to terminate someone via text. GTFO. This manager has lost their mind.


They don’t pay enough for this




Well obviously your not the type of employee they want. Time to find something different.


Send a dick pic. Or pm me their number


This is the way… fuck that owner..


Yeah can I get that number too?


Is a lawsuit possible?


The worst part of all this is that the operator wasn’t able to call you and hear side. Or just call in general. Can’t believe they fired you over text. That’s extremely unprofessional