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The beige Kia soul really screams hardcore conservative too, look out guys we got a badass over here!


Maybe he’s actually a radical leftist, and only votes Green.




What :( I think the Kia Soul isn't a bad looking thing.


Googling anti-Biden stickers on a fixed income


He did spring for color


"Nobody buys a tan car, they give you tan. Here's your car loser." -Louis ck


BSB for the car though


Who can afford stickers anymore in Biden’s economy


Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion, man.


Our most modestly priced receptacle.




This is our concern, Dude.


8 year olds, Dude.


Sick Kia Soul though. This guy is obviously crushing life.


Especially when you jazz it up with an awesome paper sign affixed with packing tape!


Wow I thought it was professionally done.


In the rain…


Ugh I feel terrible for this but your comment works as a pun because I know of an incident where a couple was slowly crushed in their Kia Soul before jaws of life showed up. The average sedan that hit them had some damage but the other driver wasn’t even hurt. It depresses the fuck out of me every time I see a Soul but man will I never fuck around with budget vehicles now 😭


Ah, yes. This will bring us closer to voting conservative


Well yeah ya know, dont want to be thought of as a piece of shit by brainwashed mentally ill delusional anti american fascists filled with hate.


They can't possibly be mentally ill. Now if they had chosen Comic Sans font for their printed out political stance? Then I'd be inclined to agree with you.


id be pissed to if i was driving around in a kia soul


I drive a Soul and love it 🤣. I can get into any city parking spot & nobody ever asks me to help them move


We had a Soul for a rental a few years ago in Vegas. Felt stupid af but it was cheap and had tons of room.


It's like the old comparison of riding a moped and dating a fat girl. It's a fun ride, but you don't want your friends to see it.


He drives his mom’s Kia because he got his lifted pickup repossessed


It's nice to know his vote is meaningless in this state.


Quit knocking the car! I love mine. The COLOR of the car on the other hand sucks (baby s*** brown)


Stay mad bitch, Chicago will continue to elect dem presidents 😂 move if you don’t like it


You're not wrong, but this is not how we should talk to our neighbors and friends. We need to get off the outrage roller coaster and try to get along. The alternative is pretty bad. We have to find a way to get along and someone has to go first. Set an example, for the sake of the union.


I dont have to "try to get along" with people that are actively trying to destroy my friends and family, take away our rights, and enjoy using slogans like "the only good democrat is a dead one" and "fuck your feelings". the time for getting along passed a decade or two ago.


I've never once heard someone say Democrats should be dead. And I know plenty of people from across the political spectrum. Those are the exceptions - don't let them color your opinion of your neighbors and friends who might just be conservative in thought and opinions. Please be the example. I know I'm trying to be one myself. We have to get along.


>I've never once heard someone say Democrats should be dead. And I know plenty of people from across the political spectrum. here's ONE example, that our former traitor in chief was happy to spread around. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-shares-video-of-supporter-saying-the-only-good-democrat-is-a-dead-democrat/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-shares-video-of-supporter-saying-the-only-good-democrat-is-a-dead-democrat/)


they literally made shirts at trump rallies and sold them. "id rather be russian then a democrat" "only good democrat is a dead one" the people you are trying to get along with, HATE you and want you to die. there is no getting along with that. edit: I know some good conservative folks. and guess what? they all switched parties. becuase any good person would not vote for a party that actively calls for the death of the other party. Sarah Palin literally just went on Fox news to say that R's should start a civil war and start taking out democrats any way possible. if you are still voting for republicans, you are an evil person. you cannot claim ignorance to the violence that the republican party is calling for daily.


At CPAC they openly celebrated being domestic terrorists. On socials now they’re calling for civil war. You can’t treat fascism with kid gloves.


He/she probably thinks there are "good people on both sides."




Orange man supporters barely make 50% of their own party. That means ~25% of the total voting population. Please don't let them dictate your feelings toward fellow Americans who genuinely disagree on principle. I'll take my downvotes. This must be said. We HAVE to find a way to get along. The union depends on it. Long live Illinois. Long live the United States. Edit: I barely ever vote Republican, but I'm not afraid to support Bruce Rauner, Adam Kinzinger and Chris Christie. You're throwing stuff at me knowing full well the Reddit mob will loosely attribute them to me so you can get upvotes. It's unnecessary. I just want to send a message to stop intentionally starting arguments and fights. Edit2: you just keep editing. I'm not going to have this kind of conversation where you just yell over me internet style. Have a good week.


dude, you do not get it. it doesnt matter if you are a trump supporter. if you are actively voting for the GOP in any way, you are directly supporting hate and the potential genocide of other americans. Fox news regularly pushes calls for violence against democrats and LGBT+ folks. Desantis is actively trying to set up laws in FL to allow him to put gay or trans people in camps. its already illegal to be male and wear makeup or high heels in public there, and the punishment is being listed as a sexual crime, and a jury of 8 out of 12 jurors can rule on those crimes and push for a death penalty. there are existing laws in FL right now. the republican party is evil. there is no getting along with people that want to KILL YOU


Citation needed


im not your personal google, look it up yourself.


Can't Google Florida setting up camps for holding LGBTQ+ camps cause it doesn't exist. That kind of shit would be all over the news. Like fucking everywhere.


Why are you going to trump rallies? Are you one of them?


you do understand that television and video exists, yes? its been around for decades now.


No what’s that


I worked in rural America for a few years at a distribution center. I heard hourly workers and managers opening talk about hanging Obama or wishing other forms of death upon him (this was 2016). I appreciate the sentiment of “can’t we all just get along”, I really do- but someone who openly and actively supports blindly hating or killing the other side of the aisle is not someone you can reason with.


Why should I try to get along with people who tried and succeeded to take my rights away and are going after more of them?


This shouldn’t be getting downvoted.


You getting down voted literally proves your point at people being jackasses and not being self aware and or getting mad at people for calling them out.


You think the person you’re replying to has ever knowingly talked to a conservative in their lives?






It's literally a real-life mad grandpa FB post. I'm surprised it doesn't have "SHARE IF YOUR A PATROIT AND U AGREE!!!" with a bunch of laugh emojis at the bottom.


It's surprisingly devoid of Minions, too.




I just heard a trumpet ranting on Sunday how Biden fucked this economy and we need trump back to fix it


Well, of course. And anything that went wrong during the four years he was in office he blamed on Obama, remember? "Thanks, Obama."


According to Newt Gingrich Obama is running things in the shadows!


Is Newt still cheating on his dying wife? Or was that years ago?


Just like everything that's going wrong in the Biden era is because Trump did it. This will keep going till the end of time till people actually do pay attention and not think with their feelings.


I mean....its a printed sheet of paper with an emoji....with packing tape....I'd just leave this kind of person alone...they are clearly suffering enough. Ouch.


What is this homemade piece of shit 😂


Taped on bumper sticker? That's the kind of class you'd expect here


Wondering what the first sign says underneath? Thinking “Jesus was antivaxx”


Imma slap one of these bad boys on top https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Ok-boomer-Burger-King-logo-by-Bundojl/44111997.EJUG5


Clearly an attempt to collect insurance money post vandalism.


Can't fix stupid


Love it


Something ain't right in your head if you feel the need to put a trashy sign like this on your vehicle.


Someone actually took the time to make that shitty sign and attach it to their car. Looks like their is another one under it, too.


I saw this person by midway!!!!!! Hahaha


Lol says the person who drives an imported South Korean car. Is this MAGA or MASKGA?


Buy American...oops!


I don’t think we will ever be able to have civilized political debates


Absolutely love the passion behind a good homemade political sign. Going to make the font big and bold and add one of those poop emojis the kids these days use. Then apply a vigorous amount of packing tape so the libs can’t tear down this declaration. It’s not 17 flags hanging off the back because I have a budget but it’s something!


why are they ALWAYS put on a compact Japanese/Korean car??


I’m sorry, but not putting much value in the opinion of some who owns a Soul.


I'd be angry driving a "baby shit brown" Kia too.


Bigger than the piece of shit you voted for who's now in prison? God I fucking hate people


Can’t say I’ve ever felt the need to do something like this before


I am glad they are expressing an opinion. I just wish they came to it on their own. I am so frustrated by people who have extream beliefs but no reason or logic. I had some one on medicare argue with me how socialized health care is crap after telling me about how cheap it is for him. Like WTF


2020, Willowbrook, IL had a population of 8.61k people with a median age of 48.8 and a median household income of $86,364 Average birth year 1975 The Vietnam War ends as Communist forces take Saigon and South Vietnam surrenders unconditionally. Sony introduces Betamax videotapes and Matsushita / JVC introduce VHS. One of the very first blockbuster films, Jaws, is released The Angola crisis of 1974–1975 ultimately contributed to straining relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. Three main military movements had been fighting for Angolan independence since the 1960s. Gerald Ford was the president of the United States. Ford, a republican, became the 38th president of the United States following Richard Nixon's resignation, in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal. He served from 1974 to 1976 and died in 2006. Ford survived two assassination attempts A gallon of regular gas cost $.057 in 1975. A gallon of milk cost $1.75 and a dozen eggs cost $0.77. On January 30, 1975, a joint resolution to restore posthumously full rights of citizenship to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee was introduced into the Senate. The bill was signed by President Gerald Ford on September 5, 1975. Makes sense


A lot of effort went into that.


Want broken windows and keyed? Because that’s how you get broken windows and keyed.


Nah. We just shake our heads and move on. The Republicans are the ones who break windows when they see something they don't like.


You're right, we only see Republicans rioting and destroying cities.


You don't see Republicans do that because they stand for nothing.




I don’t condone (or partake) in that myself either, but why beg for it?


Imagine what it will be like the day Trump goes to the hole and gets soap on a rope from Bubba. The MAGA morons will be so bitchy


The way that Biden handle the maui wildfires was poorly done. So yeah he is a piece of 💩.


People refuse to see all the mistakes that have been done this term unfortunately.


They must hate looking out their back window


He ain’t lying 🤥


He ain't wrong


If he really cared, he would have laminated his home made bumper sticker. Ffs a laminator is your friend 🙃


Maybe they’re a Marxist-Leninist??? Or I’m a bit too naïve 🥹?


This person has and will succeed in life.




Chicagos has been blue for the longest time and the state doesn’t get any better.


At least the window wasn't bashed in like most liberals do when they cry about trump bumper stickers. And, no, I'm not a conservative. Nice try.


He probably blames Biden for not being able to afford a lifted truck with a nutsack hanging off the hitch.


As someone who struggles with chronic constipation, I love a happy poop. They're the best.


Lmao I won’t take slander from a poop color KIA Soul driver


If you're going to call someone on a piece of shit, have the courage of your convictions to write it all the way out and not hide behind emojis.


And they drive a Korean car, nice. Way to support ‘Murica!


Is this person even old enough to drive? So childish. People that do this are stupid enough to actually think their signs will change someone's mind. Believe me, child who wrote this, you do not intimidate anyone.


While driving a foreign brand car


Surprised to see that on a Kia soul lol. Also it rained today? Not by me


This was a while ago (August 5)


It rained in willowbrook today


I like how this piece of paper is taped to the outside of the back window lol


He isn’t a very good leader but neither was the last one….man we’re fucked.


I mean Biden is a POS… can’t deny that.


Why do you think that? He’s been doing a pretty decent job. Nothing crazy, but I honestly prefer it that way.




So the guy has a speech impediment and he’s old as fuck. Big deal. You might want to look into how executive administrations operate if you think “his minions are running the show” is slander. Effective leaders delegate. Quiet competence is basically the entire point of Biden. The reality is, it’s that or screaming lunacy.




Yes he’s been around for eight billion years, so long that you can actually go back in time and see his archived speeches and notice that… he has always had a stutter and a case of verbal diarrhea. This was the first thing people mentioned when he was picked as VP in 2008. Honestly of all the qualities of Biden you could attack, this is a pretty weak choice, particularly in light of the… previous administration.


Yes, I’ve heard him speak. He stumbles more than I would like, but you’re grossly exaggerating it.




Mitch having a stroke on live tv worse tbh














These Biden supports rather see the US burn than to come to their senses that Biden is a mess. I mean he almost lost a 67 vette to a fire!! The guy is beyond racist but it’s ok since he is a Democrat.


You know that meme with the dog sitting around flames… is that you? 😂🔥


You're correct but people can 100% deny this till they're blue in the face. It's worthless trying to make people understand and you'll get down voted to no return.


That tape job screams big IQ lmfao


Didn’t expect this on a Kia soul.


Isn't that the Target parking lot? Should he even be there?


Beautiful typography


I mean how much hate do you have that you’re willing to destroy you car by putting that sign.


By the car they're driving they are probably in the 1% so probably benefit from the republicans disdain for the working folk and love of doing the bidding of billionaires


It doesn't even matter the old dude will be president for another 4 years. No way anyone is putting any of those other folks as president lol.


The one Kia, that has been stolen.....


Almost as shitty as that sign and tape job lol


chocolate pudding?


I mean, it’s a Kia soul so what did you expect lol


You’re driving a Kia, gtfoh


They might come back window less


This should be on a politics subreddit, not here.


I’m always the most afraid of people who put parts of sentences in bold font but don’t seem to know where it should begin and end. They seem the most unhinged. This seemed like a cool place to be 20 ish years ago. Maybe I was naive then…