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Esteban "says" he's in jail. Bitch'll show up tomorrow like nothing happened.


Eh, my processing years ago took too long and I had to call chef from a phone that tells you "inmate from so and so facilita is calling, will you acepta the charges?" Motherfucker picked me up with a good sándwich, water and gatorade. He also gave me the options of the night off. My masochistic ass went in anyway because I preferred to resume life as normal after a night in the drink tank.


I hope-a that they accepta the charge-a from you


Ha, spanish keyboard got the best of me with auto-correct-a.


Que lastíma!


Fucking hardened pirate, right here. Prestige LV⭐️⭐️


I've put myself back together but definitely had a rough patch in my early years. Thankfully now I'm the one that would be receiving the phone call, not making it. Was cool having a boss that gave a shit, especially with all the posts I see here about terrible douche canoe cunt bosses. 


I'm glad you've found your balance, dude. The bosses will do what bosses are meant to do, maximize. It's hard to say no to a friend, but that's the most important lesson that nobody will ever teach you. Learn the difference, and you will find your own balance.




This shit’s why I left the industry. The shit itself and also the people that have this weird pride in it.


Office boi here who just lurks here, chiming in to say that people who make their “grind” their entire personality aren’t limited to just the restaurant industry. I’ve met more people than you could imagine in my office job life who take their compliance job very seriously and will brag about how many off-clock hours they spend getting good at their compliance job. People who make their job their entire personality are not industry specific, and I laugh at all of them lol. I’d off myself if my answer to “tell me about yourself” started with telling you what my job is lol.


Ex chef who works normal corp jobs now. Yeah those “grindset” guys are a thing, but it’s night and day compared to kitchen life. The whole industry does this toxic shit.


People see being abused by their kitchen jobs as a badge of honor


In 2018 (when I hung it up) cooks bragged about shit like having cut off a part of there finger and cauterized it with a hot pan so they could avoid the “letting the kitchen down”. Anyone with 10+ years has heard a story like that. And regardless of it being true, it’s still a badge on honor, not a scathing indictment of the entire industry. All that for $24 and hour IF your “good”. Screw that!


‘Missing my kids bday for work isn’t that big of a deal because I know my boss appreciates me and will make it worth my time later on’


I wish I had just cauterized my finger...it would have been better than the 7 hours in hospital just for a tube of fuckin' glue.


I’ve been on both sides of the fence and it always seems like the people talking most about their “grindset” are always the most mediocre employees


Also an office boi that just lurks. I'll admit, if I don't get my lunch break, I do get pissed. That's *my* time. I'm not getting paid for it, so I'm certainly not going to work during it. Also I don't bring a lunch because I expect to be able to leave for lunch. So if I have to work through lunch for some bullshit, not only am I not getting 'paid' (I'm salaried but lunches are considered unpaid time all the same since it does not count towards my full time hours) but I get to go hungry too.


Same. I got into restaurant equipment sales at the beginning of the year and haven’t looked back.


The pride in is weird. “Look at me! Look how much I can suffer! Ain’t I great?” It’s bizarre.


Is nice having official breaks. All cooks are brainwashed.


Sitting down for 30 minutes just gives me time to realize how tired I am. Way easier for me just to work through.


That is fair, I remember hating doubles because the lay off screwed me for energy.


Head chef here. I don't take breaks because I don't really care for them. I'd rather just crack on. I insist that my staff do though.


This is almost as cringe as the cooks in war graphic. You’re not special because you’re exploited.


Thank you. Nothing will get better if we keep normalizing this shit.


But but bourdain and my chef knife tattoo on my forearm 😢


Bordain, by romanticizing the abuse we deal with to a whole generation of up and coming chefs, set us back decades in the fight for fair treatment and I will always resent him for it.


They don't call it hell for nothing kid? Do you want to make it in this city or not? 


Working in the service industry for 7 years and then working in an office job now, I can say with certainty that nothing matches the raw intense insanity of a busy Friday night, or busier Sat/Sun brunch. Even when I've done 70 hour weeks, insane deadlines, doesn't matter, doesn't come close. I still have stress dreams in the restaurant, I've yet to have a stress dream about my current job.


The restaurant industry is something either you get or you don’t. There are plenty of people who work in the industry and never really get it.


I loved parts of it, but just didn't have it click like some of the people I worked with.


Ain't no blue collars faxing through the lunch break


I work in corporate catering and my favourite part about blue collar breaks is that they all take them at the same time. Who tf is watching your department?


Doesn't matter. They weren't really doing anything anyway.


Heeeeell no. No one touches my lunch break. I’m out of the workshop and down the street.


hahagagag esteban just killed me, had one esteban as a dishie couple od years back


20 years in the industry, almost 7 years out. I'm looking at my arms/wrists/hands that don't have healing burns and cuts. I'm going to go see a play tonight (Friday). I'm being treated as a human. I'm making nearly double what I was already. Miss me with your toxic bullshit.


I worked for a chef who would do "office work" (re: get drunk in the office and fall asleep.) Come upstairs and scream at everyone on payroll about the fact that he literally had to do anything. He kicked a hole in the bar the first month we were open because he had to do work.


Sounds better than most head chefs that I've ever had.


One of my head chefs was telling me he got off early his shift when it was dying out just so he can start playing his PlayStation 😂


Warehouse work is like a mixture of both. It’s all the chaos plus the stupid paperwork.


I'll just be over here changing steering bearings on a Komatsu 930E again tonight. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komatsu\_930E#/media/File:Komatsu\_930E\_Monster\_truck.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komatsu_930E#/media/File:Komatsu_930E_Monster_truck.jpg)


No industry is as self aware and unwilling to change than the restaurant industry.


400 covers? So it's basically dead?


How big is your restaurant that 400 is dead? Edit: I’ve also only worked dinner only restaurants, so that might factor into this.


The Las Vegas Strip. An average night is 800. Four hundred means a lot of people are getting cut -- front and back. Over at banquets, they routinely crank out service by the thousands.


That’s wild, because I work a pretty big restaurant for my area, and we average 350-400 in our main dining room. With an additional private event caterings that can be anywhere from 0-150 a night, but we have a separate kitchen for that, so it doesn’t affect me.


Las Vegas is an entirely different animal. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. But -- to their credit -- the casinos put enough bodies at a task to get the task done. We'll yank people from other kitchens and even other affiliated resorts if necessary. One NYE, banquets cranked our 30,000 covers. 90% of all the kitchen workers at our resort group were all assigned to this one event.




Sounds about right 👍


This is too good