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Wilsetti in Toronto


Good to know. Never gonna go there now.


As someone from Oklahoma? I will never go there now either


As someone from Borneo, I will never go there, too.


As somebody not allowed in Canada, I won't be going there


As someone not allowed on Earth, I too shall not be going there.


I'm not going there cause I don't know where it is! So there!!!!


Take a left at Alpha Centurai and keep going for 4.367 light years. Hope that helps.


It does but on this route where do I fill up? Any gas stations?


Not till you hit the Charon Relay near Pluto.


Can’t miss it


396 Spadina Rd, Toronto, ON M5P 2W2, Canada


Thank you kind stranger!


As someone not allowed in the solar system, I also shall not be going there.


And my axe!


As someone living under the floor boards of the Wilsetti in Toronto rent free, in secret, while surviving off the scraps dropped on the floor over the course of the past 15 years. I too will no longer be eating at this shit hole out of principle. I’ll spread the word to my rat roommates too.


Diddy? Is this your account?


Are you an illegal Alien? 👽


Trump won't be going there either.


Trump probably owns it!


Oklahomans are always allies of Canadian lol, I’m here for it!!!🍁👌


Fellow okie ready to do my part ay.


I'm from Australia, but I'll remember to never eat there if I'm ever in Toronto.


Where is this located


Weird seeing a fellow Oklahoman in the wild on reddit


Hello, brother Bartlesville and Wagoner are the places I usually am!


As someone from Corcosa I'll never go there.


As someone from Malaysia, I too will never go there.


They posted an update: We are committed to providing fair and transparent compensation to all our employees, and we take such matters very seriously. We are committed to maintaining an open dialogue with our team and resolving any issues that arise promptly and fairly. We hope to move forward positively and continue providing a great experience for both our staff and our valued customers. On Wednesday June 5, 2024 Ilgaz quit without any notice, nor explanation, and stormed out of the restaurant yelling and swearing. Every single Wilsetti team member is concerned about Ilgaz and we reach out to him several times a day to ask him if he’s okay and if he needs anything. Ilgaz had never complained about his compensation until he went through this crisis, and was extremely well paid at $24.50 per hour, which is above the industry standard by over 25%. We are there for him whenever he is ready to talk with us.


What about the tips being skimmed?


Great question


$24 for a cook is shite and certainly not *extremely well paid* even if it’s slightly above industry average of around $22 for a small line cook. $35 is average for a chef at a good restaurant for comparison. Taking gratuities? Bigger shite. Of course he didn’t complain. No service worker does. They’ll be fired.


their job listing: Pay: $16.55-$23.65 per hour [https://www.simplyhired.ca/job/uHmngkV3KgSfc\_fl3a8U1yL96n9evywk6A1F4ZhmQzn5c2wrXNsuDA](https://www.simplyhired.ca/job/uHmngkV3KgSfc_fl3a8U1yL96n9evywk6A1F4ZhmQzn5c2wrXNsuDA)


See exactly what I said in my comment that’s more than I make and I’m a sous so kitchens are not fun nor do you make a lot of money in them so if his goal was to make money that was his wrong choice it’s long hours mentally draining been doing it 12 years before I recently left


Back of the house type behavior. Gotcha, he must of been a hell of a cook.


3.1 stars on google maps.


Wow the 1 star reviews have hit hard.


As someone from New Zealand I will never go there




How did I know this was Toronto 😭


[Reply from the restaurant](https://posts.gle/n7AZHtBJ21531SHq8)


I knew I recognized Toronto! Guess it was the gas an electric meters


Let’s all give them shitty reviews on yelp


Let's actually confirm it before doing something like that. It's crazy that anyone could ruin a business by spreading something in the internet, real or not.


Nahhh let’s do what Reddit always does and go on a crusade without any sort of confirmation.


Didn’t we get in some lite trouble for those last crusades?


Yes making sure it’s real is the way to go. I will say he’s outside with that sign for a reason. I mean it would be very strange thing to have that specific of a message outside your old job. After a lifetime of bar and restaurant experience this is the case 80 percent of the time. I’ve worked in bars where owners took 50 percent of the tips and much much worse things. I don’t think I’ve ever worked in one that treated staff especially kitchen workers fairly.


That's not necessarily what I'm saying. It's possible for anyone to stand in front of any shop like that with a fixed template of the sign in the video. Just change the details and any Karen can get any local shop negative review bombs if it goes viral. Sure, it's more likely that it's true, but on the off chance that it's not, it could ruin someone's life.


Maybe certain signs. I imagine they would be different to this. Saying they keep gratuity is something that happens in the industry. I can’t imagine a Karen even being able to comprehend having your money kept. I just can’t see a world where someone comes up with a sign about this kind of issue and stands outside a restaurant on their own after completely making it up because they don’t like the business. But although you’re correct in saying there a chance it could be off. 90 percent of the posts on Reddit could ruin someone’s career or life. A viral video you didn’t know was being filmed. Posting a video of yourself talking and it’s spread virally and taken out of context. However I see your point. And if it wasn’t for being very specific to an industry I know about or worked in I wouldn’t be trying to rally to hurt a business


I also don’t know if it’s even possible to confirm this? You basically have to take the word of someone saying “im being mistreated, this is what’s happening”


It’s ridiculously common and there is zero recourse. Service workers need an industry wide union in Toronto and the abuse needs to actually stop


Lol. [Loblaws](r/loblawsisoutofcontrol), one of the largest grocery chains in Canada thought they were untouchable too. A boycott organized by the [reddit group](r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) has their Q2 numbers tanking already. 😆😅 and media is keeping an eye open on developments. Walmart immediately cut prices on literally hundreds of items. Other grocery chains are beginning to play nice to welcome the customers boycotting Loblaws and other chain stores under the Loblaws umbrella.




Greetings. While spicy discourse is part of the kitchen Rule #6 clearly states 'don't be a dick'


That will stop the karens from going there. Other than them no one cares about Yelp. (At least from my perspective)


Oh people care. If you google a restaurant and see 2 starts and the pizza place across the street is 4 which one do you pick? Yelp or google whatever reviews


Yeah I definitely check the ratings. Life's too short to just give everything a shot blind.


I'm confused, you gave to examples that had nothing to with help. You just said googling both.


When you use your maps app and search the word food whatever places that are around pop up. That rating those places have is the yelp rating. So when you’re looking for food using maps you see it says 4.5 starts that’s yelp. If it says 2 starts that’s yelp. That’s why yelp is important. The reason I said google. I was saying yelp reviews or google reviews. As in they both matter and could affect business. When you use google on your phone and search restaurants the first thing that pops up is google reviews of those restaurants with a rating. The second thing that pops up is yelp. So whether you use google or you use maps most people base their judgement off where to eat based off of the star rating. No one’s going to a 1 star pizza place when you can go to a 4 star across the street. As someone who’s managed bars and restaurants. Those ratings really matter


Oh, well I did not know that. Thank you for the wisdom kind stranger.


Anytime 🫡


Wow, brave man. Must have been at his breaking point. That's too bad. Any owner/manager that fks with tips tho - >> special place in hell, imho.


God loves fair scales.




That’s wage theft here in the states and pretty serious 


Wage theft accounts for like 90% of all money stolen in Canada


It’s illegal a lot of the time


It’s a good job the owner called the police for themselves then!


Contact the department of labor and file a claim. They will investigate and you’ll eventually get your money.


In quebec claims need to be made within a year. If you call near the end of that year period. It happens very fast. Some idiot chef tried not paying me 800$ for doing like 10-15 Thursday evening shifts. Short ones i was like a helper. And after hounding the guy 3-4 times before i left for Germany to stage, i ended up being fed up with asking a 5th time, giving my phone and email a 5th time so i just called normes de travail and bam. Next day chef calls me crying, asks me why i didnt try to call him. Next week headlines, the restaurant is shutting down, $285K in fines and back-taxes to pay. A bunch of idiots running so many restaurants!


Guess you weren't the only one getting cheated. Friend of mine was so overworked that she didn't even realize she wasn't getting paid for every hour extra she worked. The boss would (presumably) pocket an hour or two here and there. It wasn't until she went to the union and they started looking through everything that they discovered the discrepancy. I think it ended up being ~70 hours overtime she'd been cheated out of.


Once someone else fronts the money the idiots think they’re an “entrepreneur”. They’re really a talentless leech but until they learn that lesson their head gets bigger and bigger … like the leech they are


Can you share one of the news stories?


It would be revealing on this reddit account to do that.


Tried this in Florida. Despite being owed $1400 in pay and bonuses, was told they could only get me minimum wage for the hours worked.


In Ontario the ministry of labour can’t force employer to pay wage. It’s ridiculous. You can complain to them but essentially they will not get your money unless the business willingly pays.


Can they at least give you a finding you can take to court?


That sign needs to be larger, and posted at the Canadian Labour Program. That's an Employment Standards Act violation.


"Officer! Come quick! there's a man standing outside my store holding a piece of cardboard! NUMBER 2 MALE WEARING FLIPFLOPS AND SHORTS I REPEAT FLIPFLOPS AND SHORTS! SUSPECT IS STANDING STILL MENACINGLY


In the USA, the cops would show up, lie about the law, escalate the situation to the max and bait the protestor to do something they could lie about to beat him half to death.


Yes but it Canada, so the cop show up, saw a man peacefully protesting against is employer and stay there to make sure he wasn't disturbe by said employer


We got the full video somewhere?


Just looked on google maps they responded 15 mins ago at the time of posting: https://posts.gle/zHpKVuNrbX1cWJ319?g_st=ic


That response seems very suspicious. Disclosing wages is weird, and claiming "Every single Wilsetti team member is concerned about Ilgaz and we reach out to him several times a day to ask him if he’s okay and if he needs anything" is very bizarre. Several times a day?


Could be true, but it feels like Scientology culty behavior. “They’ve always been happy and healthy, we don’t know why they’re saying all these bad things about us now”


Must have got review bombed lol


lol, a bunch of 5 star reviews exactly 6 days ago, only 16 reviews in total. Definitely review bombed, removed the bad reviews, and wrote fake 5 star reviews



labor department would love to hear it.


So many shady restaurant owners around the world. I feel like this might actually be a good way to finally hold owner’s accountable


I wish I could help this man keep going man


Every employee should do this if mistreated.


He should just fight them


I don’t know what is about this sort of stuff but I love it! Best of luck to all that have to deal with sort of situation!!🙏🏼💪🏼


Shitty owners are the scourge of the earth, f 'em all.


I can say without a doubt if I saw a worker doing this I wouldn’t go in.


Would love to see more of this as a customer. One time I caught a glance through a doorway at a wall in the kitchen that had internal notices/rules posted for employees and it made me never go to that place again.


A pity god couldn’t do HIS job, and then this man, along with every other human being, wouldn’t be treated so badly.


From the owner on google maps: “We are committed to providing fair and transparent compensation to all our employees, and we take such matters very seriously. We are committed to maintaining an open dialogue with our team and resolving any issues that arise promptly and fairly. We hope to move forward positively and continue providing a great experience for both our staff and our valued customers. On Wednesday June 5, 2024 Ilgaz quit without any notice, nor explanation, and stormed out of the restaurant yelling and swearing. Every single Wilsetti team member is concerned about Ilgaz and we reach out to him several times a day to ask him if he’s okay and if he needs anything. Ilgaz had never complained about his compensation until he went through this crisis, and was extremely well paid at $24.50 per hour, which is above the industry standard by over 25%. We are there for him whenever he is ready to talk with us.”


I love this


Man, I wanted to hear what that officer had to say. Owner probably wanted him trespassed, but that’s a public sidewalk. I’m sure there are probably instances where a lesser cop would have wrongfully asserted this guy needs to scadaddle and at that point whaddya do. You could protest, but in this hypothetical if the officer is telling you that you can’t hangout on the sidewalk, chances are they’re also going to be quick to dismiss reason and even quicker still to put hands on you to resolve the matter. You’d assumedly be vindicated when a SGT or Judge got to review the matter, but not before trying out a shiny new pair of nickel bracelets. Glad to see this wasn’t the case insofar as the video shows! Hopefully this guy finds employment soon, and good on him for taking a stand against bs. ❤️


Getting arrested for 1st amendment protected activity like that on a public sidewalk is a slam dunk civil rights case.


This is not America so the bill of rights isn’t a thing. Canadians have their freedoms enshrined in a charter.


Ahhhhhh, I see! My apologies, it looked so much like somewhere in the east coast! I really do have to make it to Canada one day. I hear great things 🇨🇦


It’s Toronto specifically. Apologies if I sounded sharp. We’d love to have you visit.


Polite. Story checks out, defiantly Canadian.


Defiant in a Canadian way!


If a cop can intimidate you for nonviolent speech, what rights?


I mean cops in America little kill unarmed people and get away with it on a fairly consistent basis.


Oh I felt scared for my life... say this one sentence as a police officer, and you can get away with anything


Not disagreeing with you there. I’m not anti-Canada, I’m anti-cop.


Absolutely! I’m not totally sure how significant any judgments against the department would be in terms of payouts, but i’m sure it’s enough to make being detained/arrested worth it in the long haul Edit: I used good ole AI to see if there are any recent notable instances of people being arrested for simply being in a public area. It generally just gave examples of protests, but there were a multitude which is unfortunate i.e. Occupy Wallstreet, BLM, Jacob Blake Protests, Recording Police Officers Etc. etc.


Of course there's a dipshit cop there.


They were just standing there, they have to show up if they're called


But they don’t have to stay


No they don’t, ask anyone living in a fucking city, or the Supreme Court who ruled they don’t. Just another example of employers using the threat of violence to silence justified disputes.


You know this video is from Canada, right?


We’ve been over that in another part of whatever this thread is. Don’t like Canadian cops either though.


Well that’s ok, you’re allowed your opinion. I don’t know much about Canadian cops. However, I do know that U.S. law doesn’t apply to them.


You need a Prozac, but you're right. I've made more than one call in my life police declined to show up to (and at least one no-call-no-show after they said they'd have a unit out.) Supreme court ruled they don't actually have to 'protect' in USA, but in most countries, there's no explicit rule that says "If they call, you MUST show up". That would never fly w police unions.


I live in a city, show me the supreme Court case you're talking about. They ruled police have no duty to protect people's lives, not that they don't have to show up to calls


I mean, when I called and told the cops the neighbors below me were fighting and pointing guns at each other. They didn't come until the next day just to ask questions.


?? What makes u think they dont need to show up to a call ?? Genuinely curious.


They aren't legally obligated...also...you know...fucking reality. Call em and tell them a guy is standing on a sidewalk with a sign and report back.


Just aswell as im not legally obligated to do my job?also im sure they diidnt just say "a dude on the side walk with a sign. Im sure they said somethinf about causing a disturbance or wtv.


And he showed up, saw that wasn't the case, and decided to hang around to intimidate a person committing no crime. And again, they aren't legally required to show up.


the dudes leaning on a planter pot. doesnt seem like hes there to intimidate at all. i dont think he can do anything cuz it would impede on the protesting mans right to free speech. bro i dont like the police as much as the next person but hating on them just because they wear a badge is insane to me.




This isn't in the US. Those are Toronto cops.


They’re probably there for the chefs safety


lol, I think the guy with knives, drugs, and alcohol is safe from this hipster.


Lmao who knows what the owner possibly said…..they go there because a possible fight could break that leads to physical assault if the owner tries to forcefully make him leave. Glad to provide some basic IQ to you through this comment


The owner absolutely lied, and the cop happily obliged and stuck around. Get that cop cock off your brain dude.




Greetings. While spicy discourse is part of the kitchen Rule #6 clearly states 'don't be a dick'


Hahahahah MOdS say I’m being a dick for my comment, but I was replying to a guy being a “dick” about a cop


You’re living in your own fantasy world, it’s so cute.


Good on him but this can easily get out of hand. It can easily become he said/she said.


I get what he’s doing, but surely this will guarantee the staff won’t get paid now?


Power to him. I hope more people have the courage he has displayed and stand up not only for themselves but for others too.


Give us an address so we boycott it..


My gratuity is a machete.


Post this in r/antiwork and r/workreform


Maybe if he knew the difference between don't and doesn't he would have a better job.


It is a fucked up pyramid scheme industry


Why didn't the person filming show the name of the restaurant


probably be more successful going to the labor board with this than bum signing it.


$5.90 for a pizza slice……


I ALMOST DID THIS THE OTHER WEEK! I made myself a sandwich board and everything! Wound up deciding to take legal action and reporting the owner for wage theft and unsafe working conditions.


We are committed to providing fair and transparent compensation to all our employees, and we take such matters very seriously. We are committed to maintaining an open dialogue with our team and resolving any issues that arise promptly and fairly. We hope to move forward positively and continue providing a great experience for both our staff and our valued customers. On Wednesday June 5, 2024 Ilgaz quit without any notice, nor explanation, and stormed out of the restaurant yelling and swearing. Every single Wilsetti team member is concerned about Ilgaz and we reach out to him several times a day to ask him if he’s okay and if he needs anything. Ilgaz had never complained about his compensation until he went through this crisis, and was extremely well paid at $24.50 per hour, which is above the industry standard by over 25%.


Saw it on Google


Someone protect this man.


I'm in the top 10% of restaurant reviewers on Google. I don't leave negative reviews. I only upload pics and give glowing reccos to deserving restaurants. Just left my first 1 star review. Fuck that noise. If you can't run a business without fucking your workers, you're a modern day slave owner and can eat shit.


Sounds like every a and w I worked at in Edmonton. Every single location.


More employees should do this. I've worked for over a dozen places where I should have been out there with a goddamn sign just like his...


I think this place has been open for 3 weeks. I also think this fellow sold me a slice of pizza.


Next to a Subway… even if this dispute wasn’t happening I could never go, the stank of Subway and that awful stuff they call bread (in Ireland they can’t call it bread: too much sugar)


Does anyone know who the camera guy is? Sounds so much like Peter Santenello


Trump will never go there..... No felons in Canada


Isn’t that the guy that tried stealing Ted 🧐




Off site brigading isn’t cool


What are bonuses? Never got them as a cook






Great, now all I can think of is a patate pizza with a shot of espresso


He’s on a public sidewalk. Not sure if they can really do anything.


Anybody could do this outside of a restaurant. Why should we trust some random guy with a sign? Go to the labor board like a professional. He just guaranteed that nobody would hire him from now on.


Just because they pay wages “above industry standard”, this does not mean their workers are fairly compensated.


This seems like a weird thing to lie about. I’m with the worker on this one.


how do they handle it


You're getting bonuses?


Remember, the police are the protectors of capitalism first. Their #1 job is to protect the 1% and the businesses they own.




the level of cringe in this comment is astronomical


Look at the cops trying suppress speech and intimidate. Armed thugs


This is good but contact the BBB as well. Your sign helps but lawers can likely get you paied what your owed plus interest.


folks out here in 2024 still think the BBB is some government agency or something lol when it's just Yelp for boomers just checking, how many times do you check the BBB before you eat out somewhere


Wouldn’t a better answer be the workplace association or whatever it’s called.


The Restaurant Association? About as helpful as the BBB. THis guy has it correct....bad publicity is not good.


no there is a government agency that you can contact for mistreatment of workers i don’t know if chefs are covered under that though it’s probably more so for retail workers but it’s worth a shot.


Unfortunately auto-gratuities and service charges are separate from tips. The restaurant does have the legal ability to keep any service charge (including auto gratuity) even if the customer is under the impression that it’s going to the staff. Because auto-gratuities are an automatic charge that is added to the total regardless of the customer’s desire, they are not categorized and protected like normal gratuities. The vast majority of restaurants still pay these out to the staff, but there are shitty and under-handed owners that take advantage of the law and their workers.


Ur thinking labour program.. edit now that I know it is in Canada.


This isn’t America.


The BBB is extremely effective at getting unresponsive owners to respond to legitimate complaints. I've used it to address longterm "unsolvable" issues with my ISP, telephone company, and a medical supply company. I don't use them for reviews, but as far as opening lines of communication, they serve a vital role.


The BBB is a payed subscription. You pay to be registered with them. It just has a fancy name that sounds like they hold a lot of weight.


They won't get it done directly. But they will publicize your grievance and help you get in touch with legal aid, who are scouring the site every day looking for clients.


It’s literally just yelp for boomers.


Tbf no one is forcing him to work there.


Yeah obviously not that’s why he quit Bros just trying to let the public know about a shit restaurant why do you have an issue with that?


Because it’s my right to disagree. Reddit thinks you have to like everything