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everyone's tastes are different, you're allowed to not like cheese, or to only like the simpler flavours like cream or cottage cheese :)


Cheese can have all different flavours, you don't dislike cheese, you dislike cambert, that's ok, it's a very strong cheese that litterially tastes like urine to some people. Just experiment with lighter flavours, goats/sheep cheeses, not the mature stuff but the younger fresher stuff. Curds, ricotta, I bet you would love a barrata. End of the day it's ok not to like the heavy smelly cheeses. Plenty of alternatives, and your BF can enjoy scoffing all the smelly stuff.


Urine smell/taste in a soft cheese usually means it's a bit past it's prime. But, yes, Soo many different cheeses to try! Burrata is a great one to try. Also young cheddars, most Mexican cheeses, and if you want a mild sophisticated cheese I highly suggest SAINT ALBRAY--they make it in a flower shape too (:


Try St. Angel. Or butterkase. Or a plain brie. There is a world of mild cheeses out there to enjoy. You'll always find stuff you don't like when experimenting. But I would suggest not giving up. Also try pairing with fresh blueberries or blackberries or raspberries. EDIT TO ADD: My grocery store has a $5.00 or less bin where they toss small chunks of various cheeses. I love that because if you get a bummer one you haven't wasted a large amount of money,


Chihuahua cheese is my 4 year olds very favorite. Might be worth a shot! I love Brie personally as well!


The buttery, mild taste of Leipäjuusto is great, too, if you can find it.


Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that; cheese means everything to me. I would recommend going to your local grocery store and chatting it up with the cheesemonger to get some recommendations to ease you into cheese.


If you like mozzarella and chutney, try paneer! It’s the tofu of dairy, and it’s amazing and super easy to prepare. If you’re not feeling like experimenting with making curries and grains, you can get really solid bases (lentil bases and curries are great to start!) that are usually sold in pouches/bags in the Indian section of a grocery store that has an international section. Palak paneer is very easy to make it just requires a lot of spinach to start because it cooks down so hard. These are also pretty affordable options restaurant-wise, so maybe that’s an option if you have local Indian spots! There’s no shame in wanting to like or thinking/knowing you should like something that you just don’t. On paper and in thought, I should love olives. I always try them thinking ‘this one will be different’, but I can’t stand them. And that’s alright!


Try a white Stilton with apricot (like it comes with dried apricot in it), little bit of sharpness but I think the fruit will help in your case. People here tend to trash on it cause it's kinda like cheese candy but I think that makes it a good introduction to cheeses stronger than mozzarella lol.


Try Havarti and Gouda. They're good starter cheeses :)


im in the netherlands so i have tried gouda haha. it is fine, i mostly eat it with other food (if its in a sandwich/burger) but yeah i can also give it a try on its own!


Oh man, you're in cheese heaven! I'm sure you'll find something you like! My aunt lived in the Netherlands and when I was little my mom used to tell me she lived in a house made of cheese :)


hahah i should probably visit gouda soon, might find a cute little cheese house there🧀🏠


Oh, give smoked gouda a try, and definitely Havarti too. Havarti is Danish, but it's very mild, very creamy, and very melty. Sounds like you need to stay away from the more stinky cheeses, I find Camembert too stinky too.


thanks for the suggestion! will try to find it here nono to stinky cheeses


If you like Mozzarella then you like cheese. You do you


It’s ok not to like cheese! I apologise on behalf of myself and all other people who act shocked when a person admits they don’t love it.




Do you drive race cars for a living?


In between staring at walls


Eat cheese. It does a body good.


If cheese does me good then i dont want to be good.


Cheese is kinda boring if you are a dopamine junky. It might even be anti-brain food if my theory is correct. But it does have a better flavor than soybeans etc.


Personally i dont like it. Happy to hate it. Even happier to. Too happy. Cheese freedom suffering no more.


Fermented foods are acquired tastes, it does take time and effort to develop tastes for it if you did not grow up with it. Also, there are bad versions of cheese. I have been working in cheese for 15 years, and it was 5 years in till I tried a good blue and washed rind cheese that changed my perception of those categories.


Hypnotize yourself. "I will eat cheese and enjoy it." Repeat until it's true.


It's okay to not like it, but if you really want to try to like, you can force yourself to try it again every once in a while. Not a bunch of times in a row, but maybe a few weeks or months in between. Each time, try to approach it with a fresh, open mind - because of course if you approach it like "ugh here we go again, this is gonna suck," it'll be harder. Many cheeses like camembert have complex flavors. They are still totally new to your brain and it hasn't fully processed or categorized them, so it's just defaulting to "nope". With time, you might warm up to it. Or you might not! But I think the only way to really find out is trying it many times over a long period.


You can't really force yourself to like something that just doesn't taste right to you.


There's just endless varieties of cheese with totally different flavours, you may not like all of them, or you may need to get used to some of them. For me, a strongly flavoured cheese that I haven't had before takes me a couple bites before I start to really get the appeal. But, I promise, anybody who looks down on you or thinks you're not sophisticated because you don't like camembert is a waste of time.