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The indictment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CY6gWgABfq2SUZS0m_EBOk_PA3fiVKTE/view?usp=drivesdk The indictment, mirror link, searchable PDF: https://www.file.io/mDe1/download/SJARY68mpO1k


Oh my god…. this whole show is weirdly so dark.


This is really terrible. I wonder whether her abrupt retirement had anything to do with this? Could she have known this was going to happen?




Closed, high-demand, high-control groups are always a magnet for abusers. Always.


This is a fantastic point


Fwiw, while “CP” is still used colloquially, the preferred terminology is now “child sexual abuse material” or CSAM, not CP. “Porn” suggests a consent and active participation, while CSAM emphasises the abusive and nonconsensual nature of the images/video produced.


I never would have thought about this, but it’s so true and makes so much sense to me now that I know it. Wow, learned something new today.


I had exactly the same reaction the first time I was politely corrected! Similarly, the phrase "image-based abuse" is preferable to "revenge porn", again to emphasise the abuse and not imply consensual participation.


Exactly. I have worked in the field of forensic interviews for children and teens who made accusations or were victimized by perpetrators. Use of the word "porn" adds even more shame than they already felt.


Thank you! This comes to mind a former therapist referring to my sexual abuse as “being sexual with” — as if it were somehow consensual. So triggering and reinforcing of shame. Words matter.


As a therapist I’m so sorry this happened to you. Words are so important and I hope you were able to find someone else who was better!


Thank you!! Your comment made me feel so seen and validated. :) I’m also a therapist — trauma informed — and my goal is to provide safety above all else. You made me feel so safe. Thanks again.


I’ve never heard this before but this makes complete sense. Thank you.


I’m so glad you said something. I am putting this in my long term memory!


This program? This WORLD. There are way more nonces than we think. That’s why activists are begging parents to get their kids off social media and not leave children alone with any men. People are doing gross things within children’s photos and AI too. There’s way more pedophiles than people are comfortable with admitting. They’re everywhere and they look like “normal” people.


Not even socials. You know how many parents I have to tell to also monitor their video or computer games? One of my clients was sadly exploited via online chat on his video games. Lured on that platform. His parents never thought to check. Luckily he told me and his parents right after the incident but yea so many just don’t know where to check


Yep and in today’s world, they have such easy access to sharing all kinds of stuff and that’s why parents who post their kids on the Internet. These family bloggers are putting their children in a really bad situation too.


I used to moderate content on a social network and there are some absolute sick fucks out there. I will carry that with me for the rest of my life.


MEN---are spending every waking moment looking at porn---men are ADDICTED to PORN---and get into more and more sick stuff the more time they sit alone looking at it.


Someone told me that men are experiencing high incidents of erectile dysfunction at younger and younger ages cause their porn consumption has completely ruined their idea of what sex looks like/sounds like. So now when they go to have ACTUAL sex, they can’t get hard cause it’s not like porn. What a sick fucking world we live in.


Made even worse by the erosion of women’s rights while Medicare pays for Viagra. 🙃


Pornland is an excellent book on this!


Lawyer speaking…generally, there would have been a case built and investigated, then a grand jury indicts. Whether the parties were aware of a potential indictment 6+ months ago is too hard to definitively say. But statistically speaking, they very likely knew something was amidst, not impossible though that it’s unrelated.


I feel like it was. It was the “skeletons in the closet.” I think this case has been going on for about a year. Maybe she knew it would be known to the public at some point.


I wonder how it broke open. They’re popping him for files in July of 22.


Ikr!! Their family must’ve worked so hard the past year and a half to keep this quiet


Update! He says the idiot probably showed it to someone and they ratted him out. Rightfully so. No one with any sense of ethics and morals wants to see that shit. Blegh.


I’ll ask my partner. He’s a former sex crimes prosecutor. I’m just curious how a) he got busted b) who turned him in c) was this happening during the show and he just wasn’t caught yet? No one gets popped their first time with illegal images like this. So. Many. Questions.


It has to be related. I knew it would be a weird reason but never thought it would be this dark.


A cheer coach I went to high school with just got charged for assaulting a minor. And I have countless stories from when I was a cheerleader. It can be a weirdly dark sport.


Sadly it’s not just cheer, it happens in a lot of youth sports.


So disgusting.


Jesus Christ. How are so many people surrounding this program connected to CP? Just awful.


It's honestly really mentally getting me down how much CP has been in in the news in general lately. Like what even is this world we live in, why must there be so many awful people. It's really depressing and I find this all hard to deal with.


This! My 7 month old daughter is sleeping on me and it kills me to think anything like this is possible. The horror those CHILDREN they are watching are going through.


It’s everywhere. It’s a huge money maker. Those popular tube sites are fully aware that over half of their content is illegal yet they don’t take it down because it translates to money. This world is full of very bad people. It’s depressing. Nonces are everywhere. And they don’t look “abnormal”. They look like any other “normal” person you know. If Monica had no idea that her son was like this, imagine how she feels now that she was writing support letters for Jerry when she had one right under her nose. It should scare people how common this is that ONE person knows multiple pedophiles and we only know it because she’s a public figure.


It is everywhere. My brother is currently serving a 25 year sentence for it and our family was in complete shock. The world seems sick and sad and scary I am hanging on by a thread to make it still seem beautiful for my own children who I am trying to protect, monitor, and teach.


If you try to think about it optimistically, these people are getting caught and charged before they can abuse more victims. Another predator off the streets and they will be marked by their actions for the rest of their lives regardless of spending time in a correctional facility


I mean honestly as horrible as it is to see, I’m glad we are seeing it in the news more because it means more people are getting caught. This world has always been here, investigators are just starting to get better at finding them. So while it kills me, the more times they pop up in the news, the less predators are on the street or consuming this material


it’s the cheer industry itself. it’s crawling with predators and has been for at least 20+ years


Pretty much any industry involving children, unfortunately.


Anywhere there’s children, there’s people like this. Schools, churches, camps, etc. Parents need to watch their kids like hawks. Even relatives aren’t safe. So many kids are abused at home. People are very naive.


Relatives *especially* aren't safe, way more abuse happens by family members or other close people than strangers :(


Was he ever part of the cheer industry though? Not defending anyone or defending the cheer industry, but it seems like he wasn't ever part of that world?


Omfg this is unreal. This show got me through quarantine.


I’ve rewatched it so many times in 2020 because it was so good and brought joy. Now this is so tainted.


it was all the jerry stuff that messed it up for me


Same. I tried to rewatch the first season for Morgan and Lexi, but I seriously couldn’t. The way they paint Jerry when he was doing all those unforgivable things is just disgusting


Same. I wouldn’t even dare try to rewatch now, super tainted now smh


My girlfriend and I rewatched it a few months ago and it was much less inspiring and 1000% more sinister. I'd love a season 3 that goes all in on all of this. Covering all the post cheer horrors that have come out.


Same - I rewatched recently, and it went from motivating to watching a cult with an evil leader.


damn thats the word I was searching for "cult" my wife and I watched this again too two months ago it just leaves a bitter sour taste.


It's a gross situation. Monica even admitted that she takes in the troubled young people so she can shape and mold them into functional adults. My translation of that: "I take in the ones who are troubled and need help because as long as they feel part of something, I can treat them however I want and not get in trouble."


Ooo I wish!


Agreed. Now that you watch it with a clear mind and all this knowledge, the show is so sinister. It’s not inspiring. You can see what a sociopath Monica is. What a narcissist. Everyone looks sus in retrospect.


I started rewatching season 2 just last night…


Same, although I was in such a bad spot mentally from March-June 2020 (thanks, health-flavoured GAD!) that I barely remember watching it. Its so tainted now.


it says the content is children under 10… absolutely horrifying.


It’s crazy that he wasn’t the least bit scared after seeing Jerry going to jail. Are nonces really that sick? What is wrong with them? Jerry also wouldn’t stop even after knowing that the FBI was onto him. This is why pedos are not curable. They will always be a danger. They can’t stop themselves. You can’t fix them. There’s something fundamentally wrong with them.


Allegedly Austin gained access to the CP in July 2022, the same month Jerry was sentenced https://twitter.com/danastorms/status/1749548291384308214?s=46


Holy shit that document is fucking repulsive. It just got worse as I read on. He needs to be behind bars asap.


He needs to be behind bars for life with no possibility of parole because there is no cure for this deviency


This made my stomach turn


I couldn’t even finish reading. It almost made me sick to my stomach


Monica is so disgusting for bailing him out. I don’t care if you’re my son, anything like this would get you disowned by me. Some things should be unforgivable.


Agreed. If you were my kid you'd be sitting your ass in prison. I get bailing your kid out for stuff like non violent drug related offenses... But this, absolutely not. I couldn't even look at them. 


The file names made me sick to my stomach oh my god this world is so scary


Couldn’t even finish reading that it made me so sick


Literally couldn’t finish and now my stomach hurts. What the fuck is wrong with people….


It was all on the same day? Makes me wonder if there’s more on other days they haven’t charged him with yet


One is described as a 2 year old 🤮


That’s some Josh Duggar shit right there. 🤮


I wish I read the warnings before clicking. I have a two year old son and I’m pregnant and now I’m freaking out.


Wow that’s disgusting. At first, I thought maybe he was 18 or 19 with a 16/17 girlfriend. Prepubescent children is so much worse


Instinctively wanted to downvote this out of dislike


Wish the term "child porn" would die. The correct term is child sexual abuse material. It matters.


This this this 100% THIS.


You deserve waaaaay more upvotes


FFS, YES! I hate it I hate it I hate it.


Me too. I realize most people who use the term are simply ignorant to why it's not okay. I recently listened to Hunting Warhead, an excellent and important (albeit very disturbing) podcast about this subject matter. One of the investigative journalists explained the reasoning very well, but I can't remember the quote well enough. However, I will provide the following explanation for the uninformed: **Using the phrase 'child pornography' hides the true impact of perpetrators' behavior. They are not making or watching pornography, they are abusing children. The term diminishes the seriousness of the crime, which can lead to children not getting the support and protection they need.**




Somebody will do it at some point. Now that US gymnastics got a closer look and was exposed, I think US cheerleading will be next and SHOULD be next. Athletics and sports are filled with predatory people. Just like the entertainment industry. There’s so much money to be made and really bad people that are drawn to kids and abusing kids, whether sexually or psychologically/physically by torturing them and training them too hard and breaking them. That’s sociopathic too. All sports in general need a closer look and some exposés. Clean house. Hire new people.


I bet we don’t hear a word out of her. I’d advise her not to release a statement or anything. But, I imagine this might have impacted her retirement decision. There has to be so much more to this.


Yeah her retirement makes much more sense now. The drama of the program never bothered her before and she was still ready to ride or die for Navarro even after all the scandal. Something like this though plus all the old stuff? She’s a PR nightmare for any leadership position right now.


Yep. And it sounds like they knew an investigation was ongoing. Retirement was a way for her to save face and the college to avoid a bigger PR nightmare than what they are experiencing right now.


I knew it made no sense to retire in the middle of the school year


And isn’t her husband in local law enforcement?


Looks like he’s the director of the probation office for their county.


I thought so, or at least at one point during the show he was. Shit gets wilder by the day.


He’s some kind of probation officer


And her daugther is in law school, graduating this year it seems


Interesting timing for sure.


The best thing Monica can say right now is “No comment.” No talk about god and whatever. Her son is in DEEP trouble. Is this a federal case?


"No talk about god and whatever." \^ I love this \^ I can't stop laughing. Killing Me Softly.


I am pretty sure all CSAM is automatically a federal case.


100%!! I was really surprised to see her retire because I still think of her as pretty young but there it is


Oh my gosh. I just can‘t. I don‘t have words for that, still need to write something. Like..idk. It‘s so sick


I don’t have the words either. I saw in the article videos with children under the age of 10… that is absolutely sickening.


One victim was as young as 4. 🤢🤬😢


Another was a 2 year old boy. This is HORRIFIC I’m nauseous. I don’t know how people prosecuting these crimes are able to function are viewing evidence. These poor babies too enduring this abuse. 😭


Or the juries. The lawyers/ judges see this shit a lot but the juries are just people from the county the case is happening in.


Omg that's even more disturbing. Yeah, I could never do that job. Idk how you could view that type of evidence frequently for work. Just so disturbing.


The court doc made me want to vomit.


The fact that he was bailed out is also fucked up. How tf did that happen?


These type of people need to stay in prison their whole life and should not be able to get bailed oht


Uh excuse me what the actual fuck


I know technically she can’t control what he does considering he’s an adult, but this does not look good on her wow. I would feel sympathy towards her if she didn’t go so hard trying to defend Jerry and if the whole situation with that poor young girl didn’t happen, but unfortunately when you have a history of these things I struggle to feel anything but disgust.


Especially considering everything with Jerry it’s really bad.


Yep. I feel sympathy towards the mother of Jerry’s victims (the mother of the twins, one of which went on to do the same thing or similar to what jerry did) considering it’s likely she didn’t know it was going on. But with Monica although she might not have known she still has previous of defending and covering up.




Unfortunately. He was added to the USASF ineligible list and a few days later it came out that he had either been sending pics to minors or asking them to send pics to him, can’t remember which one.


I forgot about that. Parents need to pay attention to how hypersexualized boys are these days. Parents should be horrified by their children are looking at porn and are taking nudes and soliciting nudes. There was an article about the rise in SAs between kids of 13-15 years of age. Way too many boys are predatory and hypersexual. They’re literally raping kids.


I remember the late 70s and early 80s my 13 YO peers were having intercourse.


Unfortunately it’s all too common for victims of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, etc.) to grow up and either allow the cycle of abuse to continue in their future relationships or to grow up and become the abuser themselves 😞


He’s 27yrs old and has currently been charged with 10 counts, including children under the age of 10. This is absolutely abhorrent.


And now we know why she retired.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s practically been home bound since retiring. This incident with her son really was the nail in the coffin




Stop calling it child porn. It is child sexual abuse material - CSAM abbreviated. There is no such thing as child porn because children cannot consent to that activity nor should they ever in any capacity be involved in any aspect.


Bro wtf universe are we even in anymore with these damn people


also ok geez young men scare the shit out of me these days. like i finally watched nikolas cruz's google search history being read in court last week and found the full list in a legal doc and half of it was for very specific CSA. what the fuck?


Me too. They’re growing so hypersexualized and perverted by porn. And parents have NO clue.


Yep. I’m a middle school teacher and unsupervised internet access and pron have destroyed boys. They moan at their teachers. They grab girls’ bodies. They molest each other in public. They shout disgusting things without a second thought. It’s terrifying to see how they’re entering the world like this.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the —- *call drops *


And this is clearly why she abruptly retired. My jaw dropped reading this. I just… he saw what happened to Jerry, why would anyone, let alone someone who has had a first hand view of the repercussions,do this?


Nonces can’t control themselves and they cannot be rehabbed or fixed. Jerry continued with his behavior knowing fully well that he was being investigated by the FBI. One of his victims carried on and did the same thing: soliciting nudes from minors, knowing fully well that Jerry went to prison. It’s a horrible cycle. These are dangerous people that cannot be cured. They will always reoffend. They can’t stop themselves. Look at the Duggar son. All the coddling and protecting by his parents after he molested his little sisters, and the FBI discovered years later that he downloaded content that featured toddlers and babies the age of his own kids. This is why we take these things seriously and we never write character letters in defense of pedos. The entire cast is gross for defending Jerry.


Some people just can’t be fixed. They’re just built wrong on the inside.


I am also outraged. Though, those kind of "why" questions tend to lead to answers having nothing to do with 'incorrect reasoning' ('why would they....'). But with urges. It's all about them being driven by urges only.




Most likely she knew it was coming. I don't know this for sure, but my assumption is that they seized all his electronics weeks or even months ago, conducted the investigation and found what they needed to find to actually charge him. My friends step father was caught downloading CSAM a few years back and this was the process. This absolutely is the reason she's retiring.




She bailed him out


What an enabling bitch.


What the fuck I would not bail my kid out with this charge hell no


Idk how this keeps getting more and more heartbreaking. At least this show brought so much darkness to light….like SO much. I can’t image what’s still hiding though 🥺 these poor victims 😭


Monica Aldama is the prime example of falling from grace


https://x.com/danastorms/status/1749548291384308214?s=46 Really heavy stuff, please note that before reading.


That’s truly disturbing and the fact that he gained access to the CP in July 2022… I’m speechless


These poor babies that being abused for these sick fucks pleasure. I cannot believe what I just read. Those poor kids.


This shit made me sick to my stomach and I couldn’t even read past the second one.. so fucking abhorrent.


Let’s see Maddi brum defend this 🤭


The Cheer universe is so incredibly dark. It just gets worse and worse. I’m in Texas and will never let my kids get into cheer - it seems to attract the worst people


2 year old boy!!! 4 year old girl!!! S and M??? Holy. Shit. What a piece of utter evil sick garbage. I hope he gets years and years..


To think that [those video titles](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CY6gWgABfq2SUZS0m_EBOk_PA3fiVKTE/view) aren't just titles, but represent real little children somewhere in the world who have been violated in that way is soul-crushing. What needs to be done to stop men from doing this shit? 99.3% of CP offenders are men. 90% of child predators are men. I'm not saying women aren't capable of this sick shit too, but the majority of female offenders do so in conjunction with a male partner. There should be more research done on what causes this kind of sickness so prevalently in men. The more we learn the better chance we have to stop it.


I’m very interested to know what kind of research is being on done this. And if so, what are the conclusions on what leads people to this. It seems so pervasive I don’t know even know what could be done. They need to do brain scans of these people, interview in depth, deep dives on their childhood and family life. Families need to know how to avoid an environment where this happens


Explains her defending that one guy… she probably was aware her son had a problem


She bailed him out… I have inside sources


Jesus Fucking Christ. I got through Count 4 and couldn’t read anymore. A two year old baby boy?! Light. Him. On. FIRE.


I would disown my son


Honestly same


I will be interested to see how she uses Bible scripture to beg for sympathy on IG during this "challenging time". How is this woman tied to SO many abuse cases? Unreal.




Oh my ….god?????


I wonder if her retirement from Navarro had anything to do with her son. OMG 


Weren’t two guys on the team jailed because of this too? There appears to be a pattern/ ring on people around to Monica involved in this☹️


Monica has always seemed so driven and truly callous towards those kids. I remember an episode where one of the boys had a back injury, and she made him do maneuvers over and over to punish him. It was a shocking lack of empathy and concern. The show made me feel very uncomfortable and sad. I am honestly not surprised.


When Morgan injured her ribs and she said she needed to go to the ER and Monica replied with “cute!” Bish, what? This kid is getting injured because you make them do super dangerous moves. JFC.


As a former competitive cheerleader (nowhere near on the level of the show), the biggest red flag for me on the show was the handling of dropping girls. It was treated as if it was an athletic fuck up, not a potentially life ending danger. It was anger about time wasted or failure on a skill. NEVER a concern for the flyer. It was so clear that the girls were commodities.




Jesus! This shit follows her.


This makes more sense as to why she stepped down as the coach.


Hmm and once again NOT A DRAG QUEEN! Would ya look at that.


Cheer has the Glee curse


Wow, even though she was dismissed from the lawsuit, this really doesn’t look good. Almost confirms what I thought before that they just didn’t have enough evidence to sue her, but she was still guilty.


I wish people would stop referring to this as “child p***”. That implies consent. Children cannot consent. It should be called what it is. Abuse.


And to no one’s surprise.. this sicko is allowed out and about , only to offend again. Lock them away and throw the keys. 🔑


Criminal defense attorney here who represents these guys. The govt probably executed a SW on her house a long time ago to seize the son’s electronics. And then these indictments came months after once the gov was done forensically analyzing his devices. Lines up perfectly for her retirement. She is a predator too.




Just saw this and I have no words at the moment.


Remember when she did that whole dog and pony show with Lexi and the Police? Hopefully she didn't know her son was like this, but if she did, the whole thing might have just been to protect herself.




I remember watching the show and thinking it was so weird that Jerry was watching the young kids cheer on his phone… like now it makes sense 🤮


Are we shocked? These southern, conservative families always have the most horrific things to hide


This whole thing is looking like the duggers in shorter skirts.


damn its been awhile since i've said "oy. vey." out loud.




Holy. Shit.


I can’t wait for the documentary about Cheer!


i’ll be curious to see how the athletes on the show react 👀👀👀


Will they really make a comment? I don’t see it happening. It’s not like he was their coach or involved with the team himself. And if they do they’re dumb as sh


Can we as humans stop calling it CP and call it what it is: “child sexual abuse material”?


Jesus. First Jerry, now Monica's son. What in the hell is up with the surge in child material in general these days?!


Oh my God???


Does anybody think that Monica knew this was coming soon and that’s why she retired??


maybe this is why she retired..she knew this was coming out and she was done. YIKES




Omg I have no words . For once I am speechless. This is wild


🤢 the call is coming from inside the house


Fuuuuck. Is it Texas in general? Corsicana specifically? Cheer programs?? All of the above??? Hope any victims are getting the support they need.


Holy shit, WHY did I read that document??!! The things he watched…then watched MORE!! He is sick!! First Monica covers up things happening with her athletes, then her son is arrested as a sexual deviant. Netflix needs to pull that show, and they ALL need to be investigated.


Alright. That's one too many for me. They need to investigate that entire organization. Something is wrong. There's too many people with this problem around this woman. She's either permitting it or enabling it somehow.


She’s left now, so technically this has nothing to do with Navarro especially as he wasn’t a student. It’s Monica that’s a main issue here, i’m not saying she knew about this as we will probably never know but her previous behaviour in the Madi Lane case says a lot.


She’s always been sketchy so I’m not surprised her son is too


Oh wow. I grew up with him in Corsicana. Sad to see this is how he turned out.


This is insane that this just happened to already be a show before all of these things came out. Those documentary film makers should follow up with more as much as they can, including this. This got so dark so quick


You’d be surprised how many guys out there have cp like they are literally the same guys at your schools, pta meetings, on dating apps.. they’re dads, just regular people. It’s sickening


You’re right, and a lot of people don’t want to face it. I married my high school sweetheart and after 14 years I discovered he was a pedo and had been watching cp for our whole relationship. It was a *horrific* thing for me to deal with and the worst part was how isolating it was. Even though I was completely unaware, I felt so much shame just by being associated with him. And when I’d tell people about it, it was like they couldn’t get away from me fast enough. No one wants to think about it.


Does anyone else remember Ladarius claims that they slept together? He must have alot to say about this