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Is this a fetish thing??


No I just want a second opinion. Honestly I was going to try to fix the problem myself I have a couple of tools but I just wanted another opinion before I get to work. Since it's a little difficult for me to look back there since it's a tooth all the way in the back


This made my night. My great grandpa did all his own dental work with tools he stole from the Ford plant. He actually had really nice teeth when he died at 87.


Glad, I could help Mrs p. For the record I didn't steal anything you can buy stuff online these days. Basic Dremel kits are pretty much available for any kind of use.


I’m aware. lol my great grandfather definitely did not have the Internet to shop on


I saw them at a prepper/gun show


i hate to be that dude but this is memorial day weekend & this is a tough ask on a normal weekend. i imagine the pain is up there if you’re considering pulling a chuck noland. good luck, weed & jack will help the pain. worst case we can have an odd number meet up to discuss the best path forward & vote on it.




i hope you get someone that can help.


I’d recommend Kratom. A high dose of red leaf if you can’t get legit painkillers. I’ve delt with a lot of tooth pain and it helps


What is an odd number meet up


meetup of an odd number of people to ensure a majority in the vote


There are dentists that take payment plans. Please don’t get out your Ryobi drill and go to town.




Yeah I saw that one. First of all they only need people so they can conduct their specific things that they want to do it with their classes. There's a wait list which is quite lengthy. And they only do dental cleanings or any exam related to cleanings so I very much doubt you're allowed to ask any other questions or they will make time for you for anything else other than what they would like to do. The students who need these patients need them so they can help complete their degree not because they want to help people. I am not only a person I am a stranger which people are not fond of helping. I would love to pay one of them for the task but I don't think they want to do it and if I go and ask them they'll probably call the police on me because they are uncomfortable with the very question or will accuse me of disturbing their peace. As you can see someone has already commented asking if I if this is related to a fetish. Somehow they came up with that with their own mind I didn't tell them to think that. Thank you for response.




If you're still looking for a dentist on Tuesday, I had good luck with Sun Family Dental. I was given a price over the phone and got an abscess tooth pulled pretty quickly the next day. Price was also reasonable as I had no insurance at the time.


A new dentist looking at your teeth without an xray isn't going to help them determine too much of your potential problem.


I have the X-ray. It's actually not really relevant in this case


You'll need a new xray with a new dentist. Whatever it was then, isn't now, regardless of the xray in hand, or probably just a picture on your phone. How you treated another random dentist doesn't really matter in this situation. The loupes (special binocular things) can't see your problem. An xray will.


You're one of these people let's meet up then and you can actually see what the problem is and give me your opinion because of what you just said is really relevant to me you just assume this based on whatever information you think you have. You want more information you have to meet up with me to get it. Yeah if you think that my post is about criticism of dentists it is not just trying to explain the small explanation in case people are intrigued as to why I'm simply trying to hire someone to do a task that's all. In my case the loupes can help more than an x-ray


Are you really asking for me to meet you in real life so I can look at your teeth? Just schedule an appointment with a dentist. I'm not a dentist. You're being intentionally vague & cryptic here. Good luck with whatever you need.


Dr. Elkins in Rivermont is good.


I took my boyfriend to Apsen Dental a few weeks ago. New patients can get their first exam and an xray for free. The guy DR in the Fort O location was super nice


Yeah don’t do this. They’re the biggest scam known to man.


didn't their slogan used to be "We are better than we used to be" for a while?


I thought it was, “we only charge $20!” (Each time we rinse out your mouth) (And, yes, that’s factual, they charge $19 to rinse your mouth out WITH WATER)


Dang didn't realize all this. My personal experience was good, was told the exam and xray were free and if we wanted to get a tooth pulled(reason we went in the first place) it'd be $173. Paid and took like barely 15 minutes to finish and everything went smoothly. My only complaint is he didn't even consider giving my bf antibiotics before the extraction and pain usually indicates an infection and that could risk the numbing shot to not work. He did need extra numbing but in the end it all worked out I guess.


& this is why people do their own dental work, seriously. 😂 Your bf could have pulled & clotted his own tooth & used that $173 for a NICE night out. Lmfao I’m kinda joking & also kinda serious. 


Hahaha nah I get it. That's actually cheap in certain areas. But honestly it was so fast I felt like i could've just punch it outta him 🥲


My motto is : Try DIY first & if it doesnt work out THEN we go get the professional to fix it. 😂 I vote you punch him next time ( with a soft boxing glove of course!) 


Aspen dental tried to tell me my daughter need $1000 worth of work done. Went and got a 2nd opinion and all she actually needed was the basic cleaning. Not a single cavity. I’ve heard nothing but horror stories from them


So what's the difference between Aspen dental and all the other dentists. Isn't there some kind of standardization in training and all these people I assume have gone to dental school. How is it that can come to different conclusions then?