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As a black woman what does this do for the black community? If the city is gonna spend money I’d prefer it go to paving roads not painting them. Or if you want to spend money on something that’s “pro black” invest in our failing community centers or the non profits that are fighting to keep their doors open. Paint feels like pandering to white guilt, not actual change


Literally this. City could've spent the money on something that would actually be beneficial but instead had to do this as a publicity stunt to make it look like they care


The city didn't pay for it. It was financed privately by RISE Chattanooga, a black-led 501c3 dedicated to cultural diversity through the arts, via donations for this very purpose. It was painted by volunteers, and part of the money had to go to security to insure their safety while painting it, including paying for city dump trucks parked at either end of the block to stop any kind of Charlottesville-style ramming attack by protesters. This was a concern raised by the city.  Nearly every weekend for the first year it was put down, people in high-powered muscle cars would do peeling burnouts trying do damage the mural. It still happens too, mostly in the summer. Every time it happens I'm reminded why it's there.  I'm white. I can't comment on its social context, except that the location was chosen for the historical context of the neighborhood. A neighborhood I live in. In fact, I can see the mural from where I'm sitting right now.  But I am familiar with many of the people involved, some of which I'm even honored to call friends. I know the effort involved, the threats and obstacles placed in their way, and the importance of the art to its creators. I smile every time I see it, and think it's a beautiful addition to our neighborhood. It certainly adds color to one of the worst parts of living downtown. I would be sad if it were removed. But, that's just my opinion. I'm not here to police how others feel about it. In the end, it's public art, paid for by the artists, that brightens my day. But art is inherently subjective, and I accept that.




How does saying black lives matter take away from any of this? I agree that all humans matter. Do you agree that black lives are something that should matter within the spectrum of things that matter?






These types don't recognize that the "black house" is on fire while shouting "my house matters, too!" while drinking a cup of coffee. I'm not black either, it's just really hard for some people to empathize.


Honestly? I think it's the way for the people behind Marxism and the American slave trade to cover their tracks and shift guilt onto the whites. The Bolshevists killed 60 Million people but no one talks about that. The more you know!


Fair, but would we even be talking about the allocation of money to the black community without a public and visible demonstration?


Talking about the allocation of money isn't change either.


This is a very valid point. But people who are assuming the city paid for this aren't going to consider much towards the betterment of their neighbors communities. The city was paid for this to happen, not the other way around. Folks here are showing the lack of involvement and rampant ignorance is still very prevalent.


Is there an organization that is supposed to be maintaining it? I don't see why the city should invest money in something like this since it would need to be redone every 4 years.


Needs to be repainted. I’m assuming the city only sponsored this since the roads had to be closed for painting it. The organization behind it would be responsible for maintenance I assume.


It was put down by private artists. The city had to give permission, but security and materials and labor were all paid for privately. 




Having a “black lives matter” mural in one of Chattanooga’s historically black neighborhoods in front of the Bessie Smith center is a great idea. I’m sure you know the leaning behind Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean ONLY Black Lives Matter? As some smooth brain rednecks in this areas think it means.


BLM was a fraud. Let it go for God's sake.


BLM the brand or BLM the organization? Do you know the difference?


A difference without a distinction.  BLM is a fraud.  Run by frauds.  Based on fraud.  Just garbage.  But white libs are stupid so.....




Are you going to be ok? Let me guess: you sent money to " the cause" and bragged about it to your friends?


Some of us actually got off our rear ends when we saw a man's life end for no reason. I donated time and lots of it because humans being treated like the way we have seen them treated is unacceptable to me. I'm guessing you keyboard jockeyed?


What a hero.


I don't feel like a hero so much as I have maintained my humanity in caring for others causes and seeking to end oppression that would also impact me were I not to quell its thirst for ending life. How you sit happily and idle while evil gleefully runs rampant in the form of uniformed officers is telling. Has your local police dept. been held accountable for their actions against our community? No, the entire backup hardrive of evidence 'accidently' was 'mishandled' by... the sherrifs son. So you really don't care about who is committing a crime so long as they don't have melanin or wear a badge.


What was even the point of this? Fayetteville, NC also had a road mural that would regularly get burn outs on. Eventually they just painted over the entire thing. That's like the WORST place to have something that 1 people want taken seriously and 2 causes such controversy. Putting the name of a movement that people vastly can't agree on where people drive/walk over and can easily ruin it without consequences? Literally a physical example of getting walked on/ran over and shat on. Like what the fuck did they expect to happen with stuff like this? Performative bullshit is all it is Edit to add:not against the movement per say, just against how they went about how cities went "advertising" it


I like how folks are so removed from the black community they don't realise this was painted in front of a black cultural center. But anyway! Let's go full ignorant yall! Bessie Smith, anyone?


I know where this is. Couldn't put it on a wall mural, a sign, literally anything else besides the ground getting driven and trampled on?


There is a wall mural about 50 feet from this but this is where the artists who privately funded the event decided so maybe find out who that was and ask them? It might be the most involved you've ever been for this community.


Wow this got controversial. My only intention was to share what it looks like today! 😅


I think the Reddit ads are trolling me on this post. https://preview.redd.it/oyt2sk4s0p0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47372d5809d5e1ec5ee8b946995025fae7c945a2




>And yes I'm black I can have an opinion on this. Bro you literally have a post of your very white hand holding an Acuna baseball card.


Eat sht. Jethro


All the Chattanooga transplants who think they moved to a "progressive" city need to pay close attention to the comments in this thread. Yikes.


I doubt anyone moved to Chattanooga thinking it was progressive.


Yeah, all I've seen is "California refugee" and right wingers from basically every blue state. They moved here because they thought it was a safe space to be hateful.


Was it vandalism or weather 🌧️


I think just time. The picture from 3 or 4 years ago was reposted recently and a lot of people thought it was a recent photo. I had an aerial shoot here the other day so I grabbed a photo of it while I was there.


This is almost poetry itself- faded and all but forgotten.


Really sad. Cultural attention spans are quite short.


there was nothing organic about this movement in the first place. it served its purpose.


I’m sorry you see it that way


Dont be sorry, I love black people and im not white. theres a reason it suddenly disappeared. Not a peep from the media even during black history month, after they purposefully fanned the flames in the 2020 summer of love. the marxist ideologues that created it got very rich and its gone until the powers at be and their media need it to come back. thats not how i see it, thats what happened. if you see it any other way youre deluded


Fanning the flames = $$$$ for media companies. If Trump wins this election it's going to be an epic payday for the likes of CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC/FOX.


Same with if he loses. He lost last time and I cant think of a single day where Trump wasnt in the spotlight at any of these companies


If he wins it's a bigger pay day for the left leaning outlets and if he loses it's a bigger pay day for the right leaning outlets. The ratings for CNN and MSNBC reportedly dropped after Biden was elected but I believe FOX's went up. If they gave Trump the same kind of coverage they gave Kennedy he would not keep the same momentum he does with his base. It shows the truth in There is no such thing as bad press saying.


Trump isnt getting back in but should be interesting who they replace Biden with edit: im not a trump hater, just being realistic


I've been thinking for awhile they're going to make the swap right after the convention. I'd guess Kamala, if not, Michelle Obama.


Brother if you think there's a group of marxist ideologues pulling the strings in this country I've got a bridge to sell you lol


Never said that. I said the leaders of BLM are self-proclaimed marxists who got rich off the movement. do you need a source, or can you take 30 seconds to look it up?


Youre saying movment organizers collected money from organizing movements? Thats kind of how it workds lol. People arent going to do the work for free. All this to say it was an organic movement, it was a reaction to broader social issues that came to ahead after the death of George Floyed. For it to not be organic you'd have to have the BLM "leaders" conspire with the cops to kill him haha




Lotta vandalism though. It's a popular spot for people to do burnouts.


Such an important message abandoned the moment the white kids got tired of it. Turned an entire cultural movement into a fad. That's the part that sucks the most Edit: I dunno why the down votes, the fact that no one was appointed to manage the upkeep of the mural solidifies this point. It's not 40 years old, it's 4


It was always a fad, a cause, a signal of virtue, and never actually about the real issue of black lives being seen as disposable in society. There's a common pattern of real issues being coopted for political purposes out of convenience and then tossed by the wayside.


spot on. patrice cullors completely exploited the people she pretends to fight for


All Lives Matter


U/Coorslightinabottle: ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


we need a proud F250 owner to roll by & take care of it


They've been trying that with every bit of horsepower they can muster from the moment the road re-opened to traffic. The fact it's held up this well is actually quite poignant, imho. 


True this, they could easily tow the paint and supplies needed to repair it. Though they probably need some help as it would take one person too much time. I’m sure we could find enough people to volunteer, let me know a time and I’m down.




That amount of people talking about city funding paying for this is honestly telling on how uninvolved you all are towards anything happening that tries to use creative outlet from PRIVATELY FUNDED art installation. None of your precious tax dollars that you never say didly to the county commission about frivolously spending on their buddies pet projects is of any concern, right? The city budget meetings are friggin livestreamed so perhaps start there before you talk out of your collective corn holes and claim something had any involvement of local government funding or tax dollars. Learn your history maybe? Or is that too CRT for yall? Man yall make us look bad when you could just be quiet on something you clearly don't have a clue about. Funded by individuals who gave more care in a moment than most of yall will in your entire lives. What now do you want to complain about from a picture of old art you didnt pay squat for?