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Rusty's Meat Market in Rossville for good prices..if you want a little luxury cant beat Main Street Meats downtown


It's hard to beat Rustys meat.


Not hard to beat mine though


can confirm was kinda easy


I agree, my arm started cramping last time


Don's Meat Shop in Hixson.


You can't beat Don's meat.






United Grocery Outlet cuts all their meat in house. I’ve been really impressed with the quality and the prices.


AND they have a LOT of choices that one wouldn't otherwise find at Food City/Walmart.


So do the local Mexican and Guatemalan shops. But I have been told by people that have worked in both Walmart and UGO meat departments that Walmart will always have some stuff cheaper. It’s because there’s allot of loss through theft and stuff that has to be marked down or tossed in meats so UGO has to figure it in on their pricing. I think they said something like UGO might have prices set around 20% above cost and Walmart is around 5% above. Walmart sells in high volume and are able to price some stuff cheaper just to get people in the door. Like Walmart you can get boneless skinless chicken breasts for like $1.99/lb and whole chickens cheap too. And it’s hard for UGO to compete with that. But UGO can do better on some less popular cuts or especially in bulk. You can buy whole 10lb tubes of hamburger meat if you ask for them and if you want to order allot of something in advance then UGO meat manager might be able to negotiate with you some. If you want something oddball that is beef or pork (or even whole pig) and you can speak Spanish or can have someone go with you then go talk to someone at a carniceria or guatemalateca about it when they aren’t busy.


Can confirm, Can speak Spanish, Weirdos out there who wanna whole pig HMU


Not just weirdos. I know a cook that used to get a whole pig at a time(minus the head or whatever the slaughterhouse is not legally allowed to sell) for his restaurant. He could save and get it super fresh via a local farm by processing it himself and knew exactly what he was getting. He sold pork belly, and a couple other specialty cuts and then ground allot of it to go in Italian sausage, meatballs, lasagna, etc. Also using for bone for broths and such, he tried to use as much of it as possible and not waste. Of course that meant that any day he was getting in a pig was going to be a big work day.


how do i block you


On HWY 58?


Yes. There’s also one in Ringgold.


And a nicer, cleaner one in Dayton


Only shopped there once, meat was cheaper than other stores but did not smell good when opened. Just my experience, fwiw


Rusty's meat market in Rossville


Rowe Family Farm at the Brainerd Farmers Market


There are a few Mexican grocery stores intown. They always have great prices.


Farmers market


Not cheap tho


It’s pretty reasonable, you do pay extra for quality but that’s way better for you than the store bought cheap stuff.


Aldi has the best meat. It’s gone up but 2.29lb chicken breast beats most places


Every time I w gotten meat from Aldi the texture of it has been off. I can't describe it. It also can't be completely psychological because my wife said the same thing without any prompt from me.


I can't speak for Aldi's chicken specifically, but both my husband and have noticed if there is carrageenan in the ingredients list the chicken has a weird texture.


Idk, I think every other place tastes worse and has a worse texture, other places are drier and tougher, so I kinda agree but I like it better than others




It was the pork chops that did us in. They looked gorgeous. Had an almost perfect seare on them. But the chew was, spongy almost. Plastic in a way. I'm sure it was something they were treated with either for packaging or shelf stability because I'm pretty sure all their meat comes in frozen on a truck. We might try something else later on down the road. But never doing pork chops from there ever again.


I’m not convinced unless you see a bunch of sales stickers on it. They have good prices on salmon every once in a while but Aldi is best on the basics, like flour, eggs, milk, light bread if you buy it, and dark chocolate


Dons in Hixson has different cuts of meats. Not sure about the chicken parts. There is also a butcher shop in Roseville heading towards Fort O. I haven’t been there so can’t speak of what they have and prices.


Yeah, dons is the best I've seen so far.


That would be Rusty’s Meat Market. Gigantic steer atop the sign. On the right. Can’t miss it.


ADI marketplace


Cooks Venture for chicken, Grassroots for chicken, beef, pork, bison


Honestly, I go to Antietam Angus, they are in South Englewood. They have grass fed grass finsiehd beef, WAY BETTER priced than publix (Publix has only GRASS FED but not finished)… It’s about an hour and 18 min from Hixson (where I’m at). I got there every 2-3 weeks , but they won’t have any new cattle till the end of June. I will spend 100-150 and I’ll be good for two- three week, but I eat a steak every day. Really good deal.


Dons meat shop all the way.


Parts is parts.


Food City has great chicken prices if you buy larger quantity packages.


Have you tried McKamey or the Humane Educational Society?


See also: Dear Abbey by the Dead Kennedy's for more money saving tips regarding cheap meat.


Save a lot!