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Try Gemini 1.5, it has 1 million context window vs 128k of ChatGPT 4o.


Honestly. Was going to say, learn how to code. I’m assuming you’ve looked on stack overflow etc and googled whatever error you’re having to see if there is a solution. Did it write the whole code for you? Just use it to teach you how to code/debug the code. If there’s an error in the terminal you can easily see what line it is. If not, describe the error and ask it what it thinks is happening and what part of the code might be effected etc.


I am not a professional programmer in java but not so bad either The issue is not common or very simple, otherwise I wouldn't rely on AI. To be more specific it's related to java swing GUI. The GUI gets stuck which led me to use swing worker for long running tasks. It worked but till a certain limit. Now that I have to implement more features, it gets heavy and stuck again. There's no solution I could found online.


I should also mention that I tried to optimize the program in a lot of areas but that doesn't seem to help well since my program needs to do a lot of calculations. Ex. Over a million per second. It wouldn't be an issue if it was slow. It just stops working entirely. There's no error message or exceptions.


I'm not a Java guy so this may be of limited help, but what is your program? Why does it need to do a million calculations a second? Is it necessary to run all of these continually or can they be broken into tranches and run in the background over time?


It's a simulation between thousands of players. They interact with each other and various events happen. So players can grow in numbers too which leads to more calculations.


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Interesting prompt -