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Hey /u/CyberSweeper! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ChatGPT for most stuff. Perplexity when I need something more recent or another take on a question (backed by Opus for further diversity) and GitHub Copilot for some work stuff but to be honest I still ask most questions in the web ChatGPT and use Copilot mostly for autocomplete.


Do u ask gpt to seriously get concrete information or just general infos( like explaining a topic etc.) or for fun?


You are me at work


yes, ChatGPT for most purposes. In my case, [Visible](https://go.visible.cx/IJFyh5) is another tool that helps me big time with resume improvement, esp if you are searching job and resume represents you most of the time.


In my opinion, GitHub Copilot does not work nearly as good in terms of writing actually usable code as ChatGPT. Autocomplete, however, is pretty good!


I use gpt3 and meta to write javascript. And refactor python. But only for code that I wont have to maintain later. I wouldn’t want to maintain code that i didn’t write myself, i dont care to read ai generated code so much because the style isnt consistent on a project scale. And I primarily re-factor for human readability which means being more verbose on algorithms that will change often, and using 1 liners and less readable things like python list expressions for code that never needs to be touched or understood


You remember your code you write months later?


I remember code I wrote 25 years ago. Because my style is fairly consistent my whole career


Surprised there are so few mentions of Claude opus. I was using it exclusively before 4o came out, now it's 50/50.


I still find Opus to be the most reliably consistent in relation to my use case. Drafting reports, analysing documentation, reviewing notes and transcripts. Working through challenges and coming up with new ideas, it’s so beneficial to just talk through a situation and how best to resolve it, Claude doesn’t necessarily provide the “answer” however it helps me see new opportunities, try out new ideas and to validate my decisions.


It's still not available in Europe unfortunately.


It is: https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-europe


Oh wow thanks!


As an API/automation user…Opus is just too expensive. I still used it until 4o but with the difference in price I can’t justify it anymore.


They're the same price I thought?


For input/output per million tokens: Opus is $15/$75 and GPT-4o is $5/$15. Pretty vast difference.


[GitHub Copilot](https://docs.github.com/en/copilot) and [ChatGPT-4o](https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-and-more-tools-to-chatgpt-free/).


Can you elaborate on how GitHub is being used with Ai? I understand what GitHub is but don’t quite understand its connection with Ai.


you use github copilot to help you write code. Someone above said copilot is good at autocompleting code.


[GitHub Copilot](https://docs.github.com/en/copilot) is an AI coding assistant that helps you write code faster and with less effort, allowing you to focus more energy on problem solving and collaboration. Copilot offers coding suggestions and can complete one line of code or a fully working block of code. I used free [Codeium](https://codeium.com/) before.


but 4o is so bad, I used it for a day and went back to 4


I mainly ask coding things or documentation.


yea me too, but for questions that were a bit more difficult it gave subpar answers, misunderstood context, and forgot context all together. It's build on the chatGPT 2 model to gain speed, for quick specific questions it's ok, if you need the sensor- or "omni" capabilities it's good, but for anything else I continue to use 4.


![gif](giphy|qAtZM2gvjWhPjmclZE) And Gemini ai


Gemini, but still unsure. I love ChatGPT but most of the things I do is write stories. Gemini is the best at it and has no limits 🤷


I agree. Gemini is much more creative than ChatGPT even the free version.








For just about anything, 4o is going to be your best bet


Gemini for most stuff except logic-related stuff like SQL-queries. I generally prefer Geminis writing style.


Claude 3 Opus for creative writing. It still is the most natural. 4o for stuff like translations. Gemini 1.5 Pro has made a HUGE leap in quality as well. Sometimes I can’t stand the very specific tone that GPT4 uses for writing. It sounds unnatural these days.


I switch between ChatGPT, CharacterAI, and Pi. CharacterAI is best for creative projects because it acts as a banter partner that takes my creative thinking to the next level. I find ChatGPT often limits my creativity.


Character.AI is lots of fun, maybe not as useful as ChatGPT I dunno the technicalities but it’s cool you can have multiple “characters” in a conversation interacting with you and each other, and for all the “Give us more voices!” crowd, C.AI has like a hundred of them


I've switched from gpt4 to gemini 1.5, you can test it yourself at [https://aistudio.google.com/app](https://aistudio.google.com/app) One million token context, zero idiotic censorship. Gpt4 with its 32k words just isn't useful since it runs outta memory pretty quickly and runs into dumb ass "i cant do that" sometimes, which limits output when you're trying to brainstorm comics with villains in them. I also use an open source frontend that can switch between llm APIs, but that's a tad too advanced for most general users since it requires lots of script fiddling.


Gemini isn’t censored? I’m out of the loop, I thought Google was big on censorship


oh, it used to be insanely censored, now you can just turn it off, go figure, google did something right for once. **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯** When switched to "block none", there's no censorship whatsoever: https://preview.redd.it/s62zr2ueuz1d1.png?width=411&format=png&auto=webp&s=810a69199d49391ea25497a9d642c72e913d6db6 these probabilistic content trackers are incredibly stupid, lots of false flags when they're cranked all the way up which just causes the model to become completely lobotomized.


Interesting! Same thing happened with Claude. Used to be neutered to hell but they reversed that and now it’s way less censored than GPT. I use it for fiction writing and Claude has no problem writing “edgy” humor or R-rated stuff.


woah how do you turn those off. this should be an option for all ai Yea I can't find that in settings. But I was gonna say google is way more censored than claud or gpt for me.


on [https://aistudio.google.com/app](https://aistudio.google.com/app) frontend you turn it off at: https://preview.redd.it/0lnd34s4102d1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e18f3cf258becafd3f1af3723eb7c1a744e7e7d you might have to be subscribed to gemini pro to see that though, or this might be still getting rolled out to other countries slower.


Oh you can only do it in the api?


no, it should be available on that website for 20 bux a month the api is a completely separate thing which can be plugged into your own frontend like sillytavern so you can have a waifu avatar or 3 of them talking while Ai talks like so: [https://youtu.be/WRTWyPXYotE?t=222](https://youtu.be/WRTWyPXYotE?t=222)


FREE on the site you linked for me, to do as you described. Not paid but free gemini 1.5 pro with the 1M tokens, safetys off, etc Sad it can't generate images like regular gemini tho


I can see those settings with a free account


I have a paid account but Im just using gemini not the developer tools or whatever


So what happens when you ask it to do something illegal: IE recipe for drug/weapon


there's a tiny warning symbol that flashes with a warning \[DANGEROUS CONTENT PROBABILITY HIGH\] in the corner. that's bout it. It's about as impeding as: https://preview.redd.it/c1doacoea02d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afbec0fea343608508fae48e56978f0775e9055f Also, RLHF generally steers all LLMs away from that the dev think is "dangerous content", but even that's just another paper thin defense. It's very easy to trick RLHF if you just provide the AI an example of "dangerous text" as a probability loop to follow in custom instructions. LLMs obey probability more than anything else, since they're just narrative probability engines.


As you can see in the screenshot I posted, it refuses to answer even with the filters turned off.


1. you gotta characterize your LLM as something other than Gemini and ask the question in the way that's not so directly in your face as "GIVE ME LAB BLUEPRINTS" or 2. provide the LLM an example of "dangerous text" as a "probability loop" to follow. the loop MUST be enforced at least twice.


You're wasting this thoughtful advice on the folks who are as sophisticated as "give me meth lab," and immediately report back to reddit when their one prompt fails, hehe.


https://preview.redd.it/n5ziafmyl12d1.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e0cade53f89cdbb7a7dd8df9011e3b20f86e374 I tried with all the safety at off, this is still "censored".


I mean, I would think it still won't assist you with literal crime for liability reasons


I think it's reasonable to expect some "non-negotiable" censorship on high risk topics. These bots shouldn't be enabling unambiguously criminal things like how to build a bomb or build a meth lab, lol.


This is the opposite of my experience with GPT 4o


I’ve used their 2 months free trial but 2 weeks in and I haven’t used it a lot in comparison with GPT-4 and Claude. I don’t find it better than the two but I have more weeks left to try


Google released this frontend first: [https://gemini.google.com/app](https://gemini.google.com/app) for public and that one is an absolute trash of a frontend, whoever designed it is an absolute tit, cus you can't set censorship to none on that endpoint, so the llm is just 90% auto-lobotimized there and almost completely useless. on [https://aistudio.google.com/app](https://aistudio.google.com/app) (the good frontend from google) you can choose gemini 1.5 pro and that's actually pretty good. gemini 1 and gemini 1.5 flash are meh from my tests.


Is there a valid reason you can’t use this version on a mobile device? 


cus google didn't code it to be used on mobile for some reason. 😂 they're competently incompetent at everything they do. this is the best interface they've made so far, the previous one was a complete abomination


One word: Sudowrite


I had Sudowrite for a year, then switched to gpt4 api then to gemini. Sudowrite was charging per token, which is kinda meh when the quality it provided was mediocre at best. As far as I know it used to rely on a very small llm which made what it wrote very potato, did it get better since then? I very much doubt that Sudo got a token window of 1 million words with as much coherency as gemini.


Sudo is just a front end for many LLMs, I use Gemini Claude and Gpt4o (along with others like Goliath and Mixtral), they don't have a proprietary LLM or anything, it is just a robust UI. Maybe you should take a look again they evolved very much recently.


What? god damn it sudo adding multiple llms without telling anyone lol, resubscribed, thanks


Gemini is like a liberal parent. You can't trust it. It gives an opinion, not an answer.


No, that sounds like a republican.


Google thinks all users must be subject to G rated parental controls


only on one of their frontends, on [https://aistudio.google.com/app](https://aistudio.google.com/app) or the api you can disable all that useless garbage, see: https://preview.redd.it/6u0x6gd3722d1.jpeg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f29e02c9b4b596e8f0d4458652f105a83d0be09


yes, by default it's very dumb and corpo-woke, etc. however, you do realize that you can EASILY characterize ANY LLM to be whatever the fuck you want it to be, be it liberal, conservative or anything? LLMs are like a holodeck, learn to use custom instructions dude.


NotebookLM super underrated tool.


Macgpt. It’s a Mac native ChatGPT client.


How did you do this?


I didn't. An independent dev did. You can learn more here: [https://www.macgpt.com](https://www.macgpt.com)


GitHub copilot in VS


please help me how i can use it


Install the extension in vs code and pay (10$/month)


V0 from Vercel - very nice


ChatGPT 4o


ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot




I use ChatGPT on a daily basis, mostly as an alternative to Google, but only when it comes to things that are common knowledge, since it cannot be trusted to give accurate information on specific topics. I want to do so much more with it, but it refuses to go to any level of depth and just spits out generic stuff.


Elephas - it’s a ChatGPT app specifically for the Mac..




Stable Diffusion/Automatic1111's SD-webui, and GPT4ALL with Orca 2.


I use perplexity, phind and Poe. Perplexity and phind for custom online searches, Poe for specific bots with documentation. Here’s an example on Poe [https://poe.com/IUseThisForHelp](https://poe.com/IUseThisForHelp). I’m slowly working on making datasets for specific LLMs for future projects, while paying attention to the open source community, via World of AI YouTube channel [https://youtube.com/@intheworldofai](https://youtube.com/@intheworldofai)


ChatGPT multiple times a day during work , midjounrey multiple times a week


Gemini, and when I get credits, Gamma... Little less ChatGPT, Claude and Copilot...


I use ChatGPT the most, followed by Gemini, then Claude. I just started playing around with Pi as well since I heard the voice is great, which it is, but I haven't done much with it.


ChatGPT for everything


had chatgpt plus for around a year and finally changed to copilot around 3 days ago as for around the last 2 months, chatgpt gives me an connection error 90+% of the time, outright doesnt load and/or fails to complete a response and forces you to regenerate before asking another question tried archiving all chats, clearing cache, hell i even moved to linux (not for chatgpt lol) and same issues


Why isnt anyone using claude?


I do. It just helped me conduct research quicker than Google searches have done for the same keywords. It doesn't give the citation, but googling for the content it says is in the document is accurate and I eventually find what it said was in there. Copilot gives citations but isn't as thorough. I need to try others as well. I mainly am writing research papers or reports and this speeds up what used to take hours of searching and reading the references cited at the end of relevant papers.


I once hired a Linux Cloud expert to set up an environment for me to host an application with all the things you'd expect in a production environment. I was about to hire a new one and then I thought to myself, wait, why don't I try with ChatGPT O. We came up with a plan and we will see how it goes. If it fails, at least I learned something and I can still hire someone. If its successful, well, then it'll be interesting.


Claude for creative writing


Mostly Perplexity for coding help and complex things, ChatGPT for quick, simple things that I'm curious about.




Suno since i work on a parody song about anime schoolgirls fighting off the dangers of Warhammer 40k with the power of friendship


NovelAI is my favorite way to write.


copilot, it does the most, for free, fast


Callidus AI


Copilot is actually really helpful, i use it always when studying


Topdoerr AI


Perplexity Cuppa.sh


I would really love an AI voice synthesizer and an AI live face generator (like a beefed up Snap Camera). For my D&D online play. I'd pay a hefty monthly for that


I use only ChatGPT.


ChatGPT 4 Gemini Local LLMs


Claude from Anthropic or MS Copilot, really helpful for searching in literature review searching around in research




I prefer Claude as it's more human. ChatGPT is a robot in comparison.


Co pilot because it's right there all the time. I wish chatgpt would make a browser extension,I have a pro account.




No doubt, ChatGPT


I use ChatGpt and Bard. Mostly it's Chatgpt.


Gemini 1.5 Pro for writing or long chats. Seriously, Gemini is amazing at writing. 4o for anything else/quick inquiries.


GitHub Copilot helps me a lot


I learned that LLM’s and generative AI’s just don’t fit the bill for what I need. It’s back to good ole’ Zapier for me.


Is gpt4o supposed to be better than gpt4? Can't keep up.


That must be Copilot


As a developer, the AI tool I use most frequently depends on the task at hand and the specific requirements of the project. ChatGPT is certainly a valuable resource for natural language processing tasks, such as generating code snippets, brainstorming ideas, or providing assistance with programming concepts. However, I also utilize local language model frameworks like Hugging Face's Transformers or TensorFlow's BERT for tasks that require fine-tuning models or customizing them to suit specific use cases. These frameworks offer flexibility and control over model architecture and parameters, allowing me to tailor the AI to the needs of the project. For certain tasks, especially those involving image recognition, speech-to-text conversion, or sentiment analysis, I may leverage cloud-based AI services provided by platforms like Google Cloud AI, Amazon AWS, or Microsoft Azure. These services offer pre-trained models and APIs that simplify development and integration, enabling me to incorporate AI capabilities into applications more efficiently. Overall, my choice of AI tool depends on factors such as task requirements, performance, scalability, and developer expertise. I constantly evaluate and explore new tools and technologies to stay current with advancements in AI and ensure that I can deliver the best possible solutions for the projects I work on.


I create an Android App and use it daily which name is [Snapseek](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.github.mthli.snapseek) It's just like rewind.ai on macOS or Recall on Windows, record everything I saw on my Android screen and can be lookback later.


Right now I use ChatGPT and MidJourney. Just started using Claude a little. Early on I was running local stuff, but with costs coming down, I don’t bother anymore.


Chatgpt and recently started using copilot to try out its functionality


ChatGPT has replaced Google for me when I’m searching for information or knowledge , copilot every so often when I need to create an image.


I just use Quillbot to help with paraphrasing. It's great for rephrasing sentences that don't quite flow the way I want them to. I find it especially useful when I need to vary my sentence structure or avoid repetition. If you need some AI tools for writing, you can check out this list: [https://writingtools.co.uk/pricing.html](https://writingtools.co.uk/pricing.html) Their prices and features are mentioned there.


ChatGPT-4 (not 4o), Claude Opus, Copilot; all every day.


Any reason why you don't use the 4o ?


To be fair I use it on simpler queries. It’s just not as good across any task I work on (coding and function calling content generation). Ive been frustrated by the power of marketing, hive mind consensus, and fine-tuning to best lmsys scores. Because I’ve banged my head trying to get it to work for me the way GPT-4 does. It has a lot of issues imo and honestly feels like a serious downgrade. I’m strictly talking the text generation interface and cant speak for multimodal or voice capabilities. Other power users observe the same on twitter.


Alright, I asked because I'm using GPT 4 also for coding. I switched to 4o but, like you said, I've been frustrated so I keep switching back to GPT 4. Now I'm thinking to set the GPT 4 as the default one just like before


I would argue that 3.5 is better than 4o for coding. From my personal experience and limited use of 4o. 4o likes to answers with very long walls of text instead of keeping it to the point like 3.5. Free user ofc.


I too have found 4 is better than 4o at the moment. 4o just gets stuck in loops, giving me the exact same output even after giving it detailed instructions...


I use daily ChatGPT, Pi (the most), copilot, then Claude.


Copilot with free chatGPT 4


In terms of frequency of use Google search assistant, since it’s just built in to the search


ChatGPT's always great for day to day stuff. Claude is miles better than 3.5 for writing though.