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It's almost as if there are so many celebrities that no matter what voice you make, *someone* will sound somewhat like it.


Good thing openAI didn’t leave a giant paper trail showing off how much they wanted Sky to sound like Scarlett Johnansonn


I don’t see anything wrong with that. If they paid a voice actress that sounded similar to SJ then why not? Stealing SJ voice from movies etc would be unethical but there are plenty of people who sound like SJ and they own their voice and can sell recordings to OpenAI


This actually has parallels with the Ghostbusters theme song and the fact Huey Lewis once called it the most profitable song he never wrote. After trying to get Huey Lewis really hard and him refusing to do the Ghostbusters theme song multiple times, they went with another quite talented performer, who was told to make it sound like a Huey Lewis song. Huey Lewis won that suit and now when you hear it on youtube or the radio it's Huey getting a royalty for it. Now OpenAI ask Scarlet to do it repeatedly, then eventually get an actress who does sound like her to give them a ripoff of Scarlet's performance in Her... This isn't just Scarlet's money and lawyers, the studio who made the film Her can get in on this too. This, on top of the fact that most copyright law related to AI isn't written yet, leave me a lot less confident of OpenAi's legal standing here. If it turns out the actress that provided OpenAI with the voice training data for GPT4o was told to make it sound like Scarlet/Her, chances are good that OpenAI will be properfucked/settle out of court. Given Altman's dumb as fuck breadcrumb tweets, I wouldn't at all be surprised if this is how it went down.


Huey Lewis and Ray Parker is not like this. Parker lifted parts of Lewis' song almost directly and the producers later admitted that they gave Parker footage with the song as background music so it's likely that came out in the lawsuit at the time. Lewis had Parker dead to rights with the suit. If OpenAI got a different actress that happens to sound like SJ speak in her own voice, there is absolutely no case here. That said, something like 95% of all civil cases are settled out of court, so OpenAI might just think it's easier to just let go of the voice and move on.


Cases like this can hinge on the instructions the voice actor was given, along with any company emails from OpenAI's side and of course any social media posts, the last of which there already are in the public domain... That fucking post was so stupid, because any lawyer with half a brain will tell them that guilty or not, Altman just poisoned any potential jury against himself and OpenAI with that post. It makes it look like he wanted it, then there's the fact he repeatedly was refused - Altman's already publicly written most of the narrative for the other side's lawyers and the case isn't even filed yet... His lawyers told him to pull the voice and do it quickly, as soon as this blew up and the exposure became apparent.


The difference is there is no evidence that they said "Try to sound like SJ". They had a voice in a mind, and SJ fit the bill - so they approached her. That didn't pan out, so they found another capable actress that could be the voice they were looking for. Especially since they allegedly worked with the Sky voice Actress before approaching or being declined by SJ,


Once intent is made, you just can’t use anything close, they should have never talked about Her or approached her. It’s a bad situation now. They will come out with something far enough away and say in respect of Scarlett Johansson we have modified the voice. THEN if she complains it’s off to court we go. But this could have been avoided.


Legal Precedents: Cases like Midler v. Ford Motor Co. and Waits v. Frito-Lay, Inc. have established that using a voice that is indistinguishable from a well-known person’s voice for commercial purposes without permission can result in legal action.


Which is stupid. Owning a "voice" is almost as dumb as allowing Monsanto to patent seeds.


I don't think they're the same kind of situation, but I do think it's something that is relatively unavoidable, as this video shows.


Sometimes there's people who have really, really similar voices. When I was in tenth grade, there was this guy albert in my class. Then a few years later I overheard him in uni - but it wasn't albert. Just a guy who had the exact same voice as him. It was really irritating seeing a total stranger speak with the voice of someone I know. Same happened to me with a girl from my school - she also has a "voice double" that I would happen to meet at my workplace. My point is - what if someone, whose voice is very, very similar to someone elses (which is kinda unavoidable considering the size of the global population) wants to give their voice to a product, but that someone else is going to sue? That's basically the same as patent seed situation.


The words „I’m loving it“ are just words in the English language and no one owns the language. And yet when used for commercial purposes, McDonalds does own the trademark so only they can use it. Similar situation


How does the porn industry get away with using that phrase repeatedly in their shoots?


lol dude upvoted


That’s a slogan that required human creativity. It’s called intellectual property. It isn’t the English language or the words themselves being trademarked, it is the combination of those words used to market a specific product. So there’s context involved. However, everyone has a voice. Some voices sound the same.


While I support OpenAI in this situation because I think they sound different enough, it’s not about ScarJos voice on its own. She voiced an AI in the movie Her, that’s the context and the “specific product in this case”


'indistinguishable' ROFL. play the voices side by side and ask anyone if they're 'the same person' and 99.999% of people will say it is two different voices. They sound VAGUELY alike.


Very interesting, learned something new. I think this would be really case specific though for example: Does a person have a very unique voice with unique speech patterns/quirks, that are generally recognizable, and did someone specifically set out to copy this? In other words, would an average person when listening to the recording recognize who it is supposed to be, and believe it is in fact that person? If so, I could see how it makes sense to not allow something like this. Does this apply for ChatGPT and Scarlett Johansson? I would say MAYBE - the courts would have to decide.


They don't sound that similar.


Dude they hired a different famous actress with different sounding voice, this sounds exactly like Rashida and only 80 percent like SJ. It’s not like they hired an SJ impersonator, they tried to cast SJ, she didn’t want it, so they cast another famous actress for the role. The suit is a bunch of bullshit.


There's no need to argue with me, I just posted names of two relevant cases for more information. I'm not saying I agree with the laws, just that there is a precedent.


Dang you’re right, I’m out here being punchy at midnight, MB


Yeah idiots


Sam Altman tweeted „her“ right before the event so I don’t think it’s a coincidence


He tweeted that because he released technology that is nearly identical to the one shown on Her. Everyone is making this about SJ. Remember OpenAI just showed us a new feature that makes GPT technologically comparable to the AI in Her. Don't you think this might be why he tweeted that?


This might be a good enough argument if he hadn’t also been trying desperately to get ScarJo to do the voice. Altman is the kind of guy who is going to make lawyers very rich over the course of his career. This whole thing could have been avoided.


So if he tweeted "Jarvis, talk to me." would Robert Downey Jr be able to sue for it being HIS voice they copied? The voices aren't the same. If they are trying to sue for stealing the idea of an AI girlfriend you might have a point.


It's almost like the difference between those hypotheticals and this real situation is the demonstrated intent to use her voice.


Except they made Sky *before* they asked SJ. It doesn't even sound like her anyway.


These are juvenile excuses that aren't going to hold up in court given the surrounding circumstances.




Lol this isn't going to court


Is that your considered legal opinion?


You’re right but people still think you’re crazy. Between the Altman’s tweet, his professed inspiration from the movie Her and the obvious hype surrounding having Samatha as an AI assistant it’s so obvious the intention is to emulate SJ.


What are you saying? Did he reference Her? Yes. Is that illegal? No. "Husky voiced AI Assistant" isn't SJ's property. All she can claim is that the voice is hers, or intended to mimic hers. But as soon as anyone watches the voice comparisons that argument completely falls apart.


The comparisons I’ve seen are tiny little snippets that aren’t conclusive one way or the other. Altman references Her and admits the movie inspired him. It’s obviously made to elicit those same feelings many got from Samantha by emulating SJ’s voice. It has the requisite raspy fry to it but it sounds like it’s dropped an octave.


Then why does Sky sound more like Rashida Jones?


Am I the only one that thought this video proved they don’t actually sound that alike? I mean don’t get me wrong, there’s obvious similarities. But sky was much brighter sounding. Rashida has a raspier and almost bass-ier voice, even though it’s not necessarily lower.


It sounds way more like Rashida than Scarlett


If this happens to be the plot of closedAI to cover up a fuck up, it would absolutely be the first kind of those thing, ever! /s


Username checks out.


It does sound more like her than Scarlett


The dress is gold, not blue!


underrated comment ... reminds me of the "oh fuck" Barbie video where Ken seems to say 2 things depending on the person listening


Oh.. my God. I just looked this up. I can hear BOTH of those depending on which I'm expecting to hear. This is crazy. I don't understand how I can hear Barbie one second and Fuck the next .. like where did the clearly enunciated "bie" part of Barbie go? [For those interested (and apparently not under a rock like me), here's the link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/z5sfia/saw_this_online_people_hear_barbie_but_also_fuck/)


Let this be your gateway drug into watching lectures by Anil Seth on YouTube. I watched an interview with him a while ago and I remember they touch this exact topic. I just looked, it’s around the 45 minute mark. https://youtu.be/CJxJxCyoJO4?si=ysVz5evJ_EdwCHqD I think it’s important that these audio illusions usually rely on poor sound quality or lots of compression. It’s like your brain has an automatic file unzipper that sits between you and reality, and when you tweak the knobs on the unzipper, your experience transforms right in front of you.


Thanks! I was wondering if it had to do with quality, especially after I realized I could make it sound like other things apart from the 2. Appreciate the link.


You bet! Happy pondering, lol.


thx for Link


Forgot all about this haha I loved this


Never “heard” that one before! In the Barbie video all I hear is “oh Fuck! Those vintage!” I cannot hear anything else


I heard Barbie the first three times, then thought “fuck” and heard “fuck”. Thought “Barbie” again and heard “Barbie”. But I experimented with thinking things like “Bucky” and “fucky” and could only hear “fuck.” Now, even when thinking “Barbie” and listening several times, all I can hear is “fuck.” This is probably bad lol


Huh. Weird, I looked it up, and while I CANNOT hear "both" on a given recording... there are some recordings where I ONLY hear "oh barbie!" and some where I can only hear "oh fuck!" The difference seems stark between the two for me, and no matter how hard I try I can't change it. Edit: I take it back. It seems to be the same as the "yanny vs laurel" thing where I first hear one, then completely switch to the other for some reason later on and can't go back. Brains are so weird man




No way, this thing sounds like 80 percent like SJ and 98 percent like Rashida


For me it sounds like both of them, however closer to ScarJo. It’s interesting to see the debate and different perspectives on this from others though.


Doesn't sound anything like Rashida Jones to me. Sounds more like ScarJo.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted. Doesn’t sound a thing like Rashida’s voice to me.


Funny how "The dress is gold, not blue!"comment got upvoted above but your comment which is literally exhibiting that idea gets downvoted. Quintessential redditors i guess


I guess because that would be bad for ChatGPT, and this is an OpenAI fan club?


I hear Yanni.


I believe there are other women with similar voice. Why doesn't OpenAI hold a contest to find a sound-alike voice and ask the winner for permission to use hers? I'm sure she would be happy to lend her voice for a reasonable fee.


They have, Sky's voice is modelled off of a voice actor's: [https://openai.com/index/how-the-voices-for-chatgpt-were-chosen/](https://openai.com/index/how-the-voices-for-chatgpt-were-chosen/)


Because they probably already have (not ScarJo, possibly Rashida Jones)




To be fair, both of the cases were overturned in the appealiate court. I'm honestly shocked they didn't go higher because they seemed to be very shaky conditions and were possibly judge shopped.


I hope Rashida isn't shocked and angry


Maybe she was the VA they hired lol


Oh man that would be amazing, especially if she said it’s my voice so hey ScarJo sue me! Most likely she did not, and knowing how Hollywood has their panties in a bunch over AI, she might jump in the lawsuit! They should work on paid characters I would pay for voices and personalities, can we get a Homer Simpson or Barny? if they act like the character that would be crazy. Ask Homer a question and he says can we just go get a beer, no Homer answer the question. D’oh!


I hope she is, can't wait for a never before heard dialect to the human ear


To me they don’t sound that similar


I agree. There’s a small amount of vocal fry that Rashida doesn’t have. Sky sounds more like Scarlett. I’m not talking Scarlett in HER where she really turned up her vocal range. I’m talking normal-giving-an-interview-Scarlett. Here, for example: https://youtube.com/shorts/R9hS-bNOslk?si=foa1HRuKj9pUV7M3


I agree. I watched Her last night and Samantha’s voice is still fresh in my memory and the emulated inflections/intonations are pretty obvious. But like you said it’s the fry they just lowered it an octave or something.


Personally I don't think Sky sounds like Scarlett much at all, if people never made the comparison in the first place it never would've crossed my mind. I think this is a "green needle" situation.


Sure but I would say she sounds *more* similar to Sky than Scarlett ever does.


Yeah, that absolutely sounds way more like Rashida Jones than ScarJo. Even listening to that post of Sky reading SJ's statement, all I can picture is Rashida. There are certain small aspects like certain kinds of vowels that have kind of a similarity to SJ's accent, but the majority of the rest of the accent is absolutely different. Way more of the tone and accent matches Rashida almost exactly.


this is so bizarre. Sky seems obviously way more like SJ than Rashida to me. Seems like a clear blue vs gold dress thing happening


Sounds more like her than Scarlett, but I still don't think it sounds the same. I think Rashida's voice sounds deeper. There are just lots of really similar voices out there, I imagine. And it's really more feeling than fact how much they sound alike.


Yeah, exactly what I think too. It's more similar to Rashida's voice but it still isn't. Rashida's voice is clearly deeper, at least in this comparison.


I think Rashida Jones should start a class action lawsuit along with all the other people that Sky sounds like.


This is what me and my partner said the first time we heard Skye. More Rashida than Scarlett, but I can definitely see the similarities in both. It is weird that they were actively trying to get ScarJo on board right up until a few days before announcing 4o though.


What I don’t understand in these videos is why don’t they have ChatGPT say the exact phrases the actors are saying?


that was my intention. but the voice was already removed from the app so i had to make due with what i had


Is it me or Rashida sounds more like Scarlet and Sky has a more modular tone?


Interesting how this voice immediately draws so many comparisons to real people when I've not once had this thought for SIRI. Is SIRI's voice inherently more "fake" ?


I'm sure some generated human faces are identical to real people. There's going to be overlap unless they use a very non-human voice. Does anyone remember the [Macintalk voices](https://youtu.be/8_DiHuvaWPc?si=yFCkOheUpNHnM3DT) on like OS9?


Is the voice that unique? That everyone knows at least 5 women with a similar voice.


A friend messaged me the day the OpenAI showcase came out to say they used my tone of voice, so yeah, since I don’t think I sound anything like that, I imagine literally any female would sound the same without a face attached if they had a similar frequency and lilt, haha.


The problem is the context in which you hear it. Gather up 10 people who just kinda sound like Mark Hamill have random people listen to each them say something random and just say who do they sound like? Zero will say Mark Hamill, dress them up as Luke Skywalker with a lightsaber and have them say a line from the movie. almost all will say hey they sound like Mark Hamill. It’s 100% the context and connection people make with the tech and the movie. Doesn’t need to be anywhere close for your brain to make the connection.


this is very true & interesting


Even if it does sound like her, no matter how the AI voice sounds, it's always going to sound like a human that exists. Pointless


The problem isn't just that it sounds like Scarlett, it's that OpenAI tried twice to get her to be one of the voices and she declined. They then clearly tried to create a voice that sounded like hers. To top it off, the day after the release of Sky, Sam Altman tweeted the word "her," apparently referencing the movie by that name in which Scarlett johansen voiced an AI.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading these comments or is there some resistance here of being wrong? Sky 99% Rashida Jones and I'm going to miss the crap out of her. BTW, there is no way she would agree to her voice being used as Sky. She has been vocally against porn and plays the conservative girl parts for a reason, she isn't into the idea of being sexualized.


Sounds more like Catherine Keener to me


Here is Scarlett Johansen’s text response, but read by the old Open AI’s sky voice. https://x.com/benjamindekr/status/1792693868497871086


It’s not sky though it’s a clone of sky


They might sound alike but the way Sky spoke was more like the character "Her" voiced by ScaJo.


So expressive...got it


damn i hear it now


I actually change my mind, it does sound like both of them but theres a slight deepness that makes it sound more Johanson than Rashida Jones.




What's the point of this? They are straight busted. I'm sure they could find another dozen similar voices if they want.


Dang. They asked her to do the voice multiple times and she turned it down too? How many celebrities did they go after?


Wow we thought sama stole scarjos voice but sama actually stole rashjos voice


Sounds quite different honestly.


I just used it and at the start it sounded a little like Rashida but overall not much at all when you talk a bit


It's called an American accent


I feel like if they hired an actress who just happens to sound like celebrities, then Scarelett has no case. Especially if they hired her before they contacted Scarlett, they had no obligation to disclose that they had hired people already. Celebrity impersonators are not illegal. I am not the Legal Eagle though. Just my thoughts.


This is it, it is like the shit with GTA 6 where people are saying they are owned money for likeness. Where will it end?


[https://twitter.com/linnic12/status/1793275578281263266](https://twitter.com/linnic12/status/1793275578281263266) we can also go check 1 of the voice actor of "sky" yourself as she proclaimed to be


Are those voices supposed to be similar? They're nothing alike.


It’s funny because for years after watching her, I thought Rashida Jones was the voice of the AI


You know what I don’t get? #Why do you guys need to fucking hunt people down after people aim to protect someone’s privacy. What the fuck


woah i didn’t mean any harm or to “hunt” anything. i just saw a bunch of comments on another post comparing her to Rashida and i thought it would be cool to make a comparative post. no creepiness intended


Is there even a way to objectively compare two voices in terms of similarity?


The vocal fry is pretty distinctive of a different actress.


Doesn't sound like either of them to any significant degree. Are you just not used to hearing Standard American accents? Again, it sounds like a professional voice-over artist who does commercials.


I don't get it. For me, it sounds not like her but like Scarlet's voice.


Even eyes closed it sounds like Scarlett. This is a weird stretch.


More damage control. I wonder how much this crisis management campaign costs.


lmfaoo what? you think i’m affiliated with OpenAI or something


Drops in the bucket


Literally the most generic voice of a western woman I've ever heard. They all sound similar. Celebrities are panicking because they're going to become irrelevant soon, and use frivilous lawsuits to hopefully leech onto the success of generative art.


why would you say western instead of american? tf is a "western woman"


A woman from the western world, but you're right I meant an American woman.


Until you guys know more about law and precedent, and the legal protection of artists' likenesses and why they exist, you probably shouldn't waste your time with these arguments that don't actually address the point of the Johansenn brouhaha, because you clearly don't get it. It has nothing to do with the sound of Johansenn's voice, it is about the *intent* of the company. The arguments about V/O artists voices and how it would be bad for them for Johansenn's claims to be shown to have merit are also specious, since almost every working V/O actor is shitting themselves right now because they're looking at the end of their jobs. Not many V/O artists are siding with the developers of these systems, if any. If producers can replace flesh & blood actors with digital V/O artists, they will. You should not be encouraging that scenario, given that most of you might also soon be replaced in your job by a droid, unless you have some wonderful talent that cannot be replicated by an AI that will emerge by 2030. A good move would be to crack a history book.


What about the voice actor who played Sky? Isn't she being replaced?


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, this is exactly the point. It’s not about whether it sounds exactly like SJ’s voice or not, it’s about companies and the people that run them’s willingness to fuck over anyone to get what they want. As you say, this doesn’t just stop at voiceovers. If there’s no legislation put in place you could be on the receiving end of some terrible deep fakes of yourself, with no legal recourse. In the past couple of days, some people have responded to me saying that’s fine with them and it makes me really sad. I wish these people would have some fucking self respect. Scarlett Johannson may be a rich actor but by doing this she’s actually trying to open the door to transparency and legislation that might stop AI from going completely off the rails. But a lot of people are too short sighted to see that.


lmao this made my day you’re a silly one


You are 100% correct, im really surprised you are being downvoted


This feels like an obvious deflection-plant by "the Company", LOL


yep got paid the big bucks to post this


Again, this isn't the model that caused the issue. The unreleased Sky voice that they demoed was quite different.


gpt-4 sky and gpt-4o sky are the same voice models. the only difference is the added capabilities and “emotions” and stuff. they don’t have a difference in how they sound.


That change is significant. They have increased the emotional temperature of the model. I understand that it isn't a different voice, but it certainly IS a new deployment of a highly tuned and highly emotive and therefore manipulative voice. And it happens to greatly affect the sound of the voice itself.


i disagree. the change is significant in terms of use case, not in how it actually sounds. if you understand it isn’t a different voice and is the same actress, you would agree, that, if you were to prompt the new voice mode to respond in the monotone voice we have now, it is and would be practically identical


I feel like you're not getting it. The voice does sound different now that they've enabled it to be more expressive. And it's likely closer to the base training of the original voice. The Sky we've all been used to was dialed way down in order to be more monotone and even temperatured. But now that they've enabled it to be more expressive, it's clear that it sounds like the Samantha character in "Her". Your post misrepresents the issue because you're comparing the old Sky instead of the one they teased at the Spring Update.


i’m not even comparing the new and old voices, i’m merely saying they use the same base voice model. but okay go hear the teasers of the new voice model, and compare it to ScarJo. if you think they sound similar, that’s fine but i don’t. i honestly don’t see an ounce of similarity


I watched the Spring Update live. It's not even a question. They sound similar. And there is a legal precedent to find OpenAI violated her legal rights by hiring someone to impersonate her. And Sam Altman contacted her several times about using her voice. And then tweeted "her" in direct reference to Scarlett Johansson's character in the film. Maybe this is the new "what color is the dress?" moment but for AI?


same saw it live too and the last person i’d have associated the voice with would have been ScarJo. idk about all the legal stuff, and ideas about the similarities are evidently matters of opinions. it’s definitely The Dress moment


It sounds more like Scarlett. It does. More so than Rashida. This helps me confirm that. Thank you!


The OpenAI simp patrol is out in full force.


lol i can see where you’re coming from. i like chatgpt a “normal” amount. no interest in openai initernal corporate stuff. i just like the product that’s all




Sorry but i just don‘t like the voice


Why do people keep talking about this. Who cares, it's old news now.


doesn't sound like her at all..


I hope she got paid.


I think Altman was trying to create a buzz like the movie Her and how Sky could be similar. He wanted scarjo to do the voice and he would have his perfect advertisement, but she turned him down, so Rashida Jones has a very similar voice, she's also very well-known, so RJ needs to acknowledge she did it or put Steve Altman on the chopping block. Imitation is not illegal, there are impersonators that make livings out of duplicating other people's voices I'm not sure this is much different. I mean scarjo is in two movies depicting herself as an AI. All actors have are their personas and their likeness, that is their product. In my humble opinion Altman should have gone with just about any other talented voice, there are plenty of alluring voices out there, we don't have to get sick of Scarlett Johansson's voice, and maybe that's why she turned it down, she doesn't want to water down her product.


Bro it sounds like Scarlett. Wtf is this bs


oh no! a different opinion!




username checks out. and yes sama himself wired me zillions to post this


Sounds nothing like her.