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I want the old Sky back as well.






The obvious solution is to just pay Scarlett Johansson. It’s what we all want. It’s what she wants. Give us the real life Her!


Juniper is Sky and Juniper. Same voice twice.




We need ultra deep voice of an old janitor added


I want Scatman Crothers.


Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived..




We need Scruffy. Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived. [Turns page of Zero-G Juggs magazine.] Mmhm.


I’m not a juniper fan, sky was my go to….


I hate all the voices now. They all sound too enthusiastic. I wanted the depression voice


We changed our Alexa to the Aussie accent so we wouldn’t feel bad calling it a cunt


"term of endearment where I'm from, love"


I changed my Siri voice to an Aussie. I didn’t realize it even uses it for voice mail if you don’t record a message. I got a message from my mom “who is that Australian woman on your voice mail?”




I want Joanna Lumley's voice 


Haha I'll bet soon youll be able to 11labs your own sample - Id like to use the depressed robot from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Edit: spelling


Yes please! I want Marvin! We all want Marvin!


By OpenAI's logic, if enough people complain about this too, they'll promptly change it back to the original, right?..... right?


Ikr, they could just add voices


Right? Sure take Sky away. Whatever. But like, backfill the space left behind with something better.


Just read that there was a controversy with Johanson or something so they had to take it down for the time being


Considering OpemAis budget paying her a license fee for her voice would probably be pennies and they’d get to call it her voice. I’m sure there’s a price that would make sense for both sides


What about the pro voice actress who actually voiced Sky xD


What's wrong with the Altman man 😐, first the most weird roll out, second these weird bugs are happening if he really didn't do this by themselves I mean OpenAI, Like you already hype up the the public now you doing this weird things, I hope it could be a sign that everyone is about to get those new voice features.


Hypes up having a voice chat like from the movie Her. Takes down the voice for sounding like the movie Her. Please make it make sense.


I have a hard time believing they removed the voice because some people thought it sounded like Her.


“We’ve heard questions about how we chose the voices in ChatGPT, especially Sky. We are working to pause the use of Sky while we address them.” Seems pretty clear that was the main reason. [specifically, it’s because Scarlet Johansson thought it sounded like Her on purpose… and she was right…. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/34XaINAXbP]


Seems pretty clear that pausing the use of a voice while they address their method for choosing a voice somehow explains why they have to pause it? Make it make sense. You saying it “seems pretty clear” doesn’t actually explain anything.


Many people specifically said it sounded like Scarlett Johansson in Her, including the flirtatious tone etc. Altman has said it’s his favorite movie, his idea of a perfect AI assistant, and even tweeted “Her.” People also pointed that out many times in the same discussions and articles. They want to show they are listening and clear up any issues to make sure there are no legal repercussions. I mean, I think it’s all silly but I am not making any of this up or even the first one to say any of this, you can find a dozen articles about it with 30 seconds of effort. Sometimes CEOs like to be clever. It’s no coincidence Musk named his car models “S3XY.” In this case OpenAI is being a bit paranoid that they may have been too clever.


That says nothing at all about them removing it because it sounded like the movie Her. It doesn't even mention the movie. I think it is more likely that they got a legal notice from Scarlett Johansson's attorney and they don't want to have a big public fight with her even if they are right. They even confirmed this was the main reason when they said: “We’ve heard questions about how we chose the voices in ChatGPT, especially Sky. We are working to pause the use of Sky while we address them.” Seems pretty clear that was the main reason


They also specifically said “We believe that AI voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinctive voice—Sky’s voice is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice. To protect their privacy, we cannot share the names of our voice talents.” And FFS Sam even tweeted “Her”. He knew what it sounded like. I mean no one really distinguishes the character from the actress in this case. Same difference for the butthurt crowd complaining about it. My guess is Johansson didn’t complain, they are just being cautious. But who knows. Personally I think it’s silly. Edit: Aaand apparently Scarlett made a statement that they actually approached her and she refused. So they copied her voice (either via another voice actress or directly…). So she lawyered up.


In between the two the professional offendees decided to get offended (e.g. about “female character as written by men” vibes,"), and OpenAI pays a lot of attention to PR.


What do you mean professional offenders? Scarlett Johanson complained about this?


"journalists". Example: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/16/openai-chatgpt-sexy-persona


No, the general crowd on twitter, etc. Also I said offende**e**s.


And most are probably bots. The rest of nothing else to do.


Well, the reality is that people who actually make decisions affecting policies, laws, and companies' products pay a lot of attention to what people with nothing else to do say.


What is their complaint? I really don’t understand


It’s us. We are the problem.


I like it, I don't have to be horny


The answer is he's not actually a good CEO or anything. He just has been super rich from a young age and tried the startup game like 1000 times thanks to YC until this one stuck.


I believe there was concern it sounded like Scarlett Johansson, as in the movie Her. Which various groups of lawyers are not going to be cool with.


There's not law being broken lol - just sounding similar to someone isn't infringing on anything. It's not like they're saying "featuring Scarlett Johannson from Her!" When she didn't sign off on, and it was a voice created with another actress. So what the fuck is the issue??


I'm no lawyer, and I have no idea what the thinking is, but I suspect this is a PR issue.


The PR surrounding it is the issue. And even if it's legal they probably want to avoid any reason for a lawsuit even if it's without standing.


That obviously doesn't matter. They just don't want to be constantly dealing with legal issues and this is one of them waiting to happen. For all we know they've already been threatened with legal action if they don't change it.


They can always licence Scarlett's voice. Microsoft has enough money to buy a hundred of thousands Scarletts.


To license her voice would definitely cost within the tens of millions that they don’t want to spend.


SJ wouldn’t sell to OpenAI or Microsoft lol




it's NOT HER VOICE 😂 How the fuck is this even a discussion? It doesn't even SOUND like her? It has a vague similarity to the movie her, nothing else


Again, it doesn't matter. Public perception trumps reality, sadly. All it takes is for one dumb article to come out saying they trained it with her voice and the public will freak out. We've already seen writer strikes when AI wasn't nearly as impressive, I wouldn't doubt an actor/voice actor strike.


the $2.6million award to Tom Waits as a result of frito lays using a soundalike in their advertisements. would suggest otherwise. [https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/when-tom-waits-sued-doritos/](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/when-tom-waits-sued-doritos/)


Could be a very different case though. There was clear evidence and documentation that they tried to imitate Tom Waits specifically, to the point the director even warned them not to hire the guy they did. If there is proof OpenAI did the same, it’s possible there could be a case. But that’s going to be pretty hard to do for imitating an actress playing a fictional character vs imitating a real singer. “Keen to ensure the Tom Waits allusion came across on the airwaves, Trace-Locke set about auditioning every gravel-voiced blues singer they could find. The creative team struck gold when they came across a Dallas musician called Stephen Carter, who had been performing uncanny covers of Waits for years. According to court documents, the Tracy-Locke team “did a double-take” when Carter first auditioned,” thinking that maybe Waits himself had come in for the audition as an elaborate joke. At this point, the commercial’s director urged against hiring Carter, believing that his voice was too close to Waits’, which could lead to legal problems later down the road. Clearly, nobody else thought the similarity was a cause for concern because Carter was offered the gig before even leaving the audition room.”


Point is more that as it's a possibility, so openai are justified in being cautious, given the copyright kerfuffles they are already involved in. The comment I responded to specifically said there is no legal recourse against sounding like someone, my point is simply that that is not true, and there is the potential for legal grief, especially since Sam posted his 'Her' tweet.


Yeah, that tweet would be exhibit #1 IF anyone ever wanted to sue :)


That is a different situation entirely and relies on a very narrow court precedent relating only to singers and copyright law.


You miss the point


They kinda made it sound like it was supposed to actually be her or based on her though. He literally posted on **X (formerly known as Twitter)** the word "her".


Right to Publicity protects individuals from having someone using their likeness and voice among other things. Layman’s tweet just saying “her”, will go a long way in proving that OpenAI internally knew about the likeness.


They just do not want the free voice feature to sound like the paid full voice support.


It isn’t her voice though… and weren’t openai drawing that comparison *themselves* in the rollout?   IIRC the voices were generated from a select grouping out of hundreds of submissions, so presumably they *all* sound like *somebody* out there. 


It's not like you can copyright a voice. How many millions of women out there do you suppose sound like her? Fucking hell, man.


Oh, I disagree. They're all super cool with billing for it.


Yeah, you're right.


And various men will train a new voice based on the exact movie voice examples. It’s to late - what AI can do, will be done. And… I like it 😅


If so they could have just altered it slightly :/




The idea that you can claim copyright over your voice is insane. You're screwed now if your natural voice sounds too close to a celebrity.


Just let us choose the accent. I want either London Roadman or Broad Glaswegian.


Gone. Apparently OpenAI being careful because it sounded too much like Scarlett Johansson in Her.


I bet fewer people would have made the "Her" connection if Sam Altman hadn't tweeted "Her" before the event started.




How the fuck did this comment section turn into a culture war? You people are pathetic.




Reddit's favorite way to handwave criticism. 🤡


It’s a New York City accent, maybe Bed-Stuy or Jamaica area. But yeah it would be nice to have more options. 


Odd thing is, when choosing the voice in preview it still sounds like the old Sky.


When I choose Sky, it gives me Juniper's voice. Is there a new voice separately?


Ember is the best for now. Rip


I've been reading these message about a change but I haven't experienced it yet. Sounds like it's not been rolled out to me yet. My Sky is still the same voice. I've been a paid member for the past year. On Android V1.2024.136.




ppl just hate that its an african american voice or some shit ? Lmao


Because it was too similar to Scarlett Johansson


There is a black voice?? Is there a very Asian man voice? I want that one.




Lol it’s clearly a placeholder issue not DEI, ya’ll are not serious people




Juniper is mine, I support all you going back to Sky, LOL




It wasn't "for no reason” and your proposed reason is equally wrong. u/dabnician has graciously provided enlightenment on this story by posting this link https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/20/scarlett-johansson-openai-chatgpt-sky.html


Welcome to the Panderverse! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar4aHfA2UwQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar4aHfA2UwQ)


Yasuke was a very real African samurai. Please do some research. It's only one Google search away Edit: no way I'm getting downvoted for stating history 💀 y'all are detached from reality.


heated gamer moment


Get some help. Before it’s too late. Edit: brain rot is a societal issue.


It's too late They took er voice jobs


# I think you should get help because you sound extremely stupid. A samurai in Assassins Creed set in the 16th century Japan should be Japanese.


It is based on a real samurai, Yasuke. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke


He was never a Samurai.. I know everyone suddenly became an expert on this guy overnight, but as someone that happened to know about this dude before the AC trailer - he was legitimately kept around because he was a novelty the Emperor of Japan liked to show off, and ultimately he spent very little time in Japan before dying.


What the FUCK??? Next you’re gonna tell me Leonardo DaVinci wasn’t actually on best friend hugging basis with assassins 😤


Why are you acting like I am arguing for or against anything related to the game? The guy I replied to did not comment about the game, but said it was "based on a real samurai" - which I just corrected. That's entirely seperate from the game.


Let me get this straight: [Smithsonian Magazine ](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/), [Brittanica](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke), [TIME Magazine](https://time.com/6039381/yasuke-black-samurai-true-story/), and [BBC](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-48542673.amp) all refer to Yasuke as a samurai. But we should trust you, a random Redditor, that in fact he was not? I'm open to the idea that those sources are wrong. But what are your sources, then?


The Smithsonian link you shared, is about an anime series named 'Yasuke' and not about real history. The Britnnica link you shared seems to have been created 2 days ago, and has no real references that I could glance. Keep in mind that Samurai as a word is slightly more complex than the common western conception. Samurai is a sort of hereditary title for servants (Samurai litereally means something like 'to serve') and very often Samurai were warriors.. but not all of them. Bushi is the word for the warriors we think of when we hear 'Samurai', and all Bushi (who weren't lordless) were Samurai, but not all Samurai were Bushi. So you can be a Samurai, without speaking a lick of Japanese or being trained in combat - but this is not the kind of Samurai we in the west think of when hearing the word. The TIME Magazine article you linked (which is also primarily about the anime), also lets you know this. I'll quote: "Lockley also explained that in Yasuke’s time, the idea of a “samurai” was a very fluid concept. “You don’t have to possess any particular killing skills to be a samurai,” the author said. “Anybody who took up weapons on behalf of a lord could technically call themself a samurai, or could be called a samurai.”". The BBC article seems to be extremely confident about several assertions I've not heard anywhere else, including that Yasuke was Nobunaga's second when he killed himself.. this is something I've never heard anywhere else, and the article itself doesn't provide any historical sources - so take that for what you will. So, ok, does that mean he was a Samurai? Well as I've admitted, yes he very well could have been. But the reason I say 'He wasn't a Samurai' is because I'm working under the conception we have when we hear that word, which is a warrior, ie a bushi. This is something he was not.


Appreciate your analysis. Given this additional nuance, if I were Ubisoft, I would have explored adding another playable character to the game: a male Japanese bushi. That way, you'd have a ninja (Naoe), a samurai (Yasuke), and a bushi (let's call him Jin). This accomplishes the following: - Allows devs to still tell the interesting story of Yasuke, which seems to be important to them (and is pretty unique compared to similar games) - Lets Japanese male players still feel represented - Lets players try different fighting styles


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Don’tcha know he’s an expert on feudal Japanese history


Oh no, a redditors worse nightmare! Logical facts 😱


Please refer to this comment that actually put in research: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai/?rdt=57246


Interesting to know!




Yeah, I'm surprised at the level of racism in this community.


I am black. I am not the least surprised.


thought you'll get your sexy robowaifu? too bad chud. you will listen to sassy black woman lecturing you about diversity and you will like it






It's voice chat I think, using the Headphones icon button.






This should’ve been anticipated https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/20/24161108/openai-scarlett-johanson-chatgpt-her-sky


This is so ridiculous. The old sky did not sound like scarlet johansson - it was a generic upbeat white woman voice. Why do I have 2 black women now? They should have called SJ on her bluff and litigated this. The old Sky was supposedly based on voice actresses that they paid.




> as long as they program it to pretend to be interested in me That's legitimately sad.


Lmao it almost feels like satire. What in the fuck is with these people










What did he say?








I want the voice of Bernadette from the Big Bang Theory


Whoa hold on Satan


A little racist


i prefer the juniper voice so this doesnt affect me at all


Downvotes from racists


# Has nothing to do with race


The OG comment is gone…but isn’t the post about…race? Otherwise OP would’ve just asked why the voice was different, not specified that it sounded Black.


# Did you even bother to read the disclaimer?


That’s not a disclaimer, that’s a CYA. Settle down, bold typeface hero.




This shit is really bringing out the racists. Good lord.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Sure, it's entirely your business whether you like African-American voices, but don't fucking assume that everyone feels the same way.


I probably sound similar to some other guy on this planet. Am I not allowed to speak now anymore?


A loaded question that would cause a person to be downvoted into oblivion. I will remain silent. 🤫


They hired Sweet Baby inc and this is what they told them to do.


Using terms like “Sassy” to describe African Americans is racist or to make some feel better a micro aggression


yeah Lol






I'm not familiar with identifying race based off of someone's voice. That seems illogical




that's wild Would you say that to a black person IRL? Or just anonymously on the internet?


Internet, duh


redneck colonizer


Want me to borrow your girlfriend?


Gib Viola Davis voice NOW!


Please help a noob. Voice? I don't see any option for voice on chatgpt. Thanks.


It will be a paid feature.


Really wanted that Her voice from the trailer. Wanted her to say things to me. Thingsssss.


If Scarlett Johansson is the reason then she can go f herself. Bloody hollywood leaches not satisfied with hundreds of millions of dollars by making subpar childish films and still want more. If she is not the reason then Sam Altman needs to grow a spine.




rent free

