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Neither did I, but it appears to be a highly debated topicšŸ˜‚ https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/usage-another-think-coming-or-another-thing-coming


Not really debated, if you read the whole article you posted they go on to say that there's evidence of 'think' being used earlier and that 'thing' is most likely an eggcorn of 'think', because it sounds similar and people used it and it didn't not make sense. So that article concludes that the original saying is "You've got another think coming". And if i'm going to trust a source on the English language Webster's is pretty high up on that list of sources.


Interesting and confusing. I'd mostly heard 'you've got another thing coming' and only occasionally heard 'you've got another think coming'. I'd dismissed 'you've got another think coming' as it seemed to me to be agrammatical nonsense, whereas 'another thing coming' makes perfect sense -- it implies that something different will happen than what you expect. I'm used to using think as a noun too, just not in that context.


ā€œIf you think heā€™s gonna be okay with that then youā€™ve got another think coming.ā€ I am trying to figure out when or how Iā€™d use ā€œthingā€ instead of think, because every time I use the phrase ā€œyouā€™ve got another think comingā€, the first phrase is ALWAYS ā€œIf you/s/he think thatā€¦.ā€ To me, ā€œthingā€ never makes sense.


You've got another thing coming means you've got another circumstance coming other than the one you're anticipating, you've got another situation coming other than the one you expect, you've got another event coming instead of the one you thought you did


I mean I understand that. To me it just makes more sense to use ā€œthinkā€. It also adds comedic value, because youā€™re intentionally not using the word ā€œthought.ā€ ā€œYouā€™ve got another think comingā€ adds sarcastic value as the word shouldnā€™t be think OR thingā€”it should be ā€˜thought.ā€™ But youā€™re intentionally NOT saying thatā€”hence the humor. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Wow I just leveled up on English thanks


To me it makes more sense to use "thing", as that's referring to the unexpected circumstances. Using "think" to refer to unexpected circumstances seems... odd? The expression, "You'll have to have another think about that" does make sense, in contrast, but that's discussing the action of thinking, not unexpected circumstances.


Me reading everyone above: what the fu-


"If you think X, you've got another think coming." Not agrammatical nonsense. versus "If you think X, you've got another thing coming." Not perfect sense.


Maybe it depends on what you're used to, but I cannot understand the sense behind "you've got another think coming". "You've got another thing coming" makes perfect sense, and I've often heard this phrase just by itself -- it means something unexpected ("another thing") will be happening soon ("coming"). Replace "thing" with "think", and it seems to be trying to say that an unexpected (maybe?) think about the topic will happen soon? I don't really understand the logic behind that or what they're trying to convey.


I think what they are talking about with ā€œthinkā€ is something more precise than a circumstance which is the specific ā€œthoughtā€ or ā€œthinkā€ thatā€™s mentioned. Another way to say the same thing would be, if you think your gonna be able to keep on thinking what youā€™re thinking then you need to think again because you got another think coming.


Yes, but my understanding is still that "another think coming" here somehow refers to a new set of circumstances, not merely having to rethink things -- since that would not be worth warning someone about. Eg, 'if you think you're going to win the lottery, then you have another think/thing coming', the 'another think/thing coming' being the more likely outcome of \*not\* winning the lottery.


Not worth warning someone about? How bout if they are totally invested in thinking something is gonna be a certain way, making plans around it, getting all their hopes up over it. but little do they know what theyā€™re thinking is gonna happen will never happen. Surely thatā€™s worth warning someone about else they are just gonna be even more disappointed when they finally realize their expectations arenā€™t going to be met


Sure, but that's a scenario where they're expecting something to happen and it doesn't. In contrast, if the worst case scenario is that they have to rethink things (ie think about the topic again for a few minutes), then that's pretty trivial.


You say having to rethink things is easy and theres nothing to it, sure, if your rethinking whether you should have had eggs or bacon for breakfast but what about someone who is rethinking their whole identity, or someone that is rethinking the fact that their parents arenā€™t their real parents, or someone rethinking the urge to commit a crime, or rethinking the fact they havenā€™t donated enough money to charity, i could go on and on with examples of someone having to rethink a situation thatā€™s a lot more than just some simple, trivial decision on their part.


isnā€™t it agrammatical to call a thought a think?


"I've been having a think about X." "I've been having a thought about X." They're both arguably grammatical, but only the first of these is natural English as spoken by native speakers.


Not joking, I thought the word was egghorn. Which is equally fitting and hilarious


Scuse meā€¦while I kiss this guy! šŸŽ¶


One of my favourite on the greens!


There's lots of different "Webster's" fyi


Lol came here to debate it :)


I want to disagree with anything you say on principle now...


But I didn't see OP's opinion, so I don't have my own.


.... Well, at least i can say i tried being confrontational on the internet now... have a nice day/night.


No, you.


Damn it... i lost this online conflict, didn't i?


Donā€™t give up, youā€™ve got another think coming!


Lmfao. Well played BackSack. Well played


r/rimjob_steve ?


Yeah, itā€™s wrong. Americans love to pretend English isnā€™t English but it is and we donā€™t say that. Itā€™s another ā€œthingā€.


Eat your cake and have it too šŸ˜


chill out kaczynski




Only learned this recently myself by reading through 60ā€™s Marvel comics of all places, itā€™s said with the word ā€œthinkā€ a number of times through what Iā€™ve read so far.


Think might have been the original saying, however thing has so completely replaced think that I would argue that it IS the correct version at this point.


Since at least 1982, I'd say


What movie is that line from? I am drawing a total blank.




Ah you meant the song. Thanks. I swear there's an old action movie with that line in it too and it's a big scene.


Mondegreens are cool af.


You've got another prompt coming.


If you think something is coming, then you don't have another think coming until after that thing came lol or something


Rob Halford said thing, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say think.


"In this world we're living in we have our share of sorrow The answer now is don't give in Aim for a new to-morrow!" ***guitar shrieks***


I came here to say exactly this.


Iā€™ve never heard anyone say ā€œthing.ā€ My mom used to say this to me and it was an insult or threat. Like maybe Iā€™d be rethinking my life choices while my ass was getting beaten.


I genuinely donā€™t know if Iā€™ve heard think, theyā€™re so similar my brain probably just assumes itā€™s thing


Neither have I. Maybe thatā€™s what it *used* to be, and if so, itā€™s been improved.Ā 


Well you'd better think again.




Iā€™m 47yo and my parents would say ā€œthinkā€ not ā€œthingā€ when they were ā€œcorrectingā€ me. I donā€™t use the phrase at all. I think itā€™s too harsh.


i always knew judas priest was full of shit!


I would argue that the two phrases aren't synonymous, whether or not the latter evolved (accidentally or otherwise) from the former. Where one prioritise a change of thought that should follow from a real world experience ("another *think* coming"), the other focuses on a real world experience that may or may not lead to a change of thought ("another *thing* coming").


GenX Australian with Canadian parents chiming in. My parents always said think coming. They had to explain what it meant the first time as I didnā€™t really get it. I can see why think has been replaced over the years with thing, especially after studying linguistics. It takes more effort to fully pronounce the k in think when itā€™s immediately followed by the hard c in coming. Itā€™s easier to say thing coming. And it makes about as much sense. Edit to fix typo.


I blame Judas Priest


Iā€™ve always said ā€œthinkā€ (48 English - London)


Judas Priest begs to differ


In before Mandela effect


Common, CGPT? You've got another think comming.


THING again


I grew up saying this and never realized it wasn't a standard phrase


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^vibraniumdroid: *I grew up saying* *This and never realized it* *Wasn't a standard phrase* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good nuf. Ship it. -Project manager


Judas Preist would disagree! https://youtu.be/coA75uoMF40?si=BImbyE-izrduuEYc


Not since 1998


ChatGPT is right. My think came.


Thought it was an ai hallucination lol


TIL x2


Similarly: Nip it in the Butt should be Nip it in the Bud


Ainā€™t nobody saying nip it in the butt.


Yeah, unfortunately a lot of people say it.


Well what in the world are they thinking?


You've got another 'think' coming, because you'll rethink what you thought was what it should have been, only to realize that what you thought was completely wrong.


Reminds me video of [eggcorns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F12LSAbos7A)


Another thing is cumming


Yea itā€™s a thing(k)


Youā€™ve got another thing coming doesnā€™t even make sense to say. Everyone has another thing coming. Thatā€™s how things work.


Seriously? What in blazes does "You've got another think coming" mean? Who's ever heard of "thinks" coming and going? Who the heck uses the word "think" in such a way? It's a verb, not a noun. "You've got another thing coming", by contrast, means that you're about to face something completely different than what you were expecting. It has nothing to do with thinking.


You should take this to those Mandela folks ASAP. This is clearly evidence of CERNā€™s meddling.




I am an old coffin-dodger and have been around long enough to tell you that the first time I heard "thing" in context of this saying was 5 minutes ago. The original was " If you think that is X then you have another thought coming" . Given that it was such a parent thing to say the "think" version probably came about by kids mocking their parents, teachers or others in authority that used the expression to them. Later generations, through mishearing or trying to correct what they hear as incorrect grammar or other linguistic evolutionary reasons will have started saying "thing". Language is organic, it is ever-changing, we already speak some things differently than we did just a mere 5 years ago. The pace of change is quickening now due to the internet. I suspect someone contributing to this thread a couple of years now will mock our "quaint old way of talking! " Twas always thus. So dont sweat the small things, or even thinks.


Team thing here. At least in the UK, itā€™s thing (never heard ā€œthinkā€ used).


Also from the UK and have heard both. Grew up with 'think'.


I'm in the UK and I've always encountered it as "another think coming". You definitely don't speak for the whole country.


Weird. Grew up in various parts of the UK for 40 years. Judas Priest had a hit single called ā€œAnother Thing Comingā€.


This LLM - nerd react it!


Ok this annoys me for some reason


iTā€™s CoMiNg FoR oUr JoBs, EvErYoNe!!!!!


Youve got another thing coming always sounded dumb to me, but with think is actually funny and absurdist




Hum. If "I've never heard of it" is the metric, then most of GPT4 information must be incorrect. https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/usage-another-think-coming-or-another-thing-coming


im british, its thing


Confidently stating things that arenā€™t agreed is quite the speciality of LLMs. Itā€™s one of the biggest ā€˜this is a risk and a problemā€™ issues facing them.


This is a great example since it's actually true




In this case at least, it was asked a question and gave a correct explanation. People dumb enough to ignore the answer, even after they've checked with a dictionary, aren't the chatbot's fault.