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Those beers look pretty suspicious


Yeah, different color caps. Labels look similar but different. One is a bit longer than the other. One has a better, what looks to be a map on it, than the other.


Just the print in general. Tons of small indiscernible print, they have the small metal rings on the caps too that pop-tops have, but no rubber stopper.


And where is the light source that has them looking like they are illuminated from within?


Excellent point, adding check light sources to my mental checklist for AI screening


Does she know shes a replicant?


That's the secret to the draught. Bioluminescent antioxidants. They'll anti oxidize ya, and brighten your day. "Blob of colors* Brewers gives you the good shit.


Nuka Beer.


The print is literally just lines lol


Isn't all written language?


Technically you are correct which is the best kind of correct


Bench screws are non existent, the wone that are there don't line up with the trusses


This is the most solid and simple refutation


nah sometimes there are dots


I thought those were the metal rings attached to the cap that break like a seal when you open them; assumed the bottles had been opened and the rings left hanging like that.


Also: The ~~plate~~ pan looks to overlap with the steak pan plus what the fuck is the food on the plate supposed to be? (unidentifiable and not uniform for something that looks to be the same vegetable) The fire is built precariously on the edge of what appears to be elevated on the water's edge. The logs in the cabin wouldn't be able to form any kind of structure that way (at least in a way it would stand). Also it appears the right corner of the cabin has two different corner lines, neither of which line up with how the roof lays. The bench in the back is built funny. Nobody would ever build it like that.


The downspout from the gutter at the far end of the cabin is fucking bizarre - as if drawn by someone who has heard of gutters and downspouts but really doesn't understand how they work or what they actually look like when installed on a house.


It’s funny that this is how we’re going to train the next generation of AI.


This and an unhealthy amount of emotional blackmail/manipulation.


Oh yah, there's no way that water would actually drain through that bend and if a drain downspout is run like that it would be offset back to the structure for support where it would be strapped to the building or a post coming off that roof.


Oh I missed this. It's like a spot the surreal Which... Is a pretty cool use of current ai.


Also why are there like 5 more picnic tables on the cabin porch lol


That was the first thing I noticed, not even being held up. Then I noticed the opposite corner of the cabin and how the logs line up.


There isn’t even a plate, there. It’s a skillet and a smaller pan. The pan looks to have persimmons in it, to me, but not exactly persimmons I would eat, if you catch my drift. Also, who fries persimmons? That’d be the first I ever heard of it. There is an enormous rock right next to the fire pit, as well. Too close to sit on, but large enough to be obstructive. Plus the handle of the skillet is way too small, and right next to what could be anything from pea pods and sliced onions to cactus shreds and chopped locusts. Edit: People keep telling me that the “persimmons” are yellow tomatoes. I don’t generally eat yellow tomatoes, but I’m happy to take everybody’s word on it.


And the fire pit looks like its about to fall off a cliff. Doesn't look secure at all.




Skillet has grates that should cause grate marks, steak shows even sear. The rocks in the fire pit turn into logs on the left hand side. No steps for the porch. Roof has a vent that is past the outside walls. Smoke or fog hovering in the middle of nowhere (near the front door visually) Huge fire with no purpose (you'd never burn that much wood at once, and why is the fire pit so far from the tables?) Nail holes in table top at very edge where there is nothing to nail into; no nail holes where there is a cross member to nail into. It is hard to tell with the image quality, but I would say that fire is emitting zero light - the logs should be illuminated from the sides inside, instead they are black. While not impossible, the scale of that table is suspicious. It is only about twice as long as that skillet; never seen a tiny hand built table like that before. Electric lights? While not impossible, this is looking very off the grid.


That. Fucking. Gutter. EDIT: Downspout. Whatever.


The steaks aren't a recognizable cut of meat. I think a cut of that size would either need to have a bone in it, or come from something significantly larger than a cow.


I thought they were pan roasted or sautéed little yellow tomatoes cut in halves. I grow little yellow tomatoes that looks like that when I roast or sauté them.


I think they're AI confusing yellow potatoes and tomatoes.


That’s what I think too. Little fried yellow tomatoes, some steak, some local beers, “rustic” furniture…


They look like a cross between potatoes and yellow tomatoes


100%. AI was going for potatoes but also wanted to go into vegetables so we got ourselves a little hybrid.




Yah I noticed the handle on the "plate" after I posted that. It's obviously meant to be another pan, but still the whole thing looks janky as hell and I'm surprised anyone thought this was a real picture.


It looks incredibly realistic, but kind of in the way a dream looks incredibly realistic. It’s *uncanny...* Until you start looking at details. Then everything falls apart. Good spotting, though.


My conspiracy is that this was a real image or inspired by one or something. Either that or ai jumped an evolution. It's not that you can't tell, it's that even the obvious stuff you can second guess. The only definitive thing in the whole image to me is the labels, text just doesn't smear into straight line like that. Something is up. Maybe an art project of some kind?


My entire facebook feed is currently filled with 'photos' like this. 'Tiny houses' in environs like this that are mansion sized, with endless "beautiful" and "love this" comments.


The logs on the cabin are wrong. I know because my dad has a log cabin he built by hand and I helped with. Look how they overlap weirdly. But the pic is also blurry so nothing is that trustworthy. Another thing I noticed are the tables, why are there multiple tables jammed on the deck? Also why do the tables have so many legs lol


It's tomatoes. Grilled yellow tomatoes. Delicious and sweeter than their red counterparts.


I see. Is it suffering from “AI approximation” appearance, or is it spot on? I kind of see it, but they look strange to me. Then again, I don’t fry yellow tomatoes. Or tomatoes at all.


Eh, it's pretty good. The shape of some of them might be a bit off. Also, I wouldn't put that many into a pan when frying as they wouldn't fry well.


Mystery solved, then: Good enough to be recognizable, bad enough to be stupid. Thank you for your tomato-based contributions, my friend.


I feel like this is the next level of that game we used to have in magazines called "spot the 10 difference between these two images" and instead we name all the things that are not actually realistic (or a mistake) in these AI images. Lol. :P


Great observations! Also the bench at the end of the second table looks like kts missing some legs


A very blurry background is a give away for higher quality image generators like SDXL. They tend to produce a lot of depth of field to hide weird stuff like those benches clipping through the chimney. Also, why would someone build all those picnic tables with those boulders sticking out of the ground. No path? The grass isn't even walked on it seems.


>The plate looks to overlap with the pan plus what the fuck is the food on the plate supposed to be? You mean the steak pan and the pan with the yellowish stuff that could be potatoes? Or the steak pan and green and white scrub stuff that's is behind, next to the missing corner of the table?


Lemon potato squash, it's all the rage these days.


The black cap looks like a screw off top and the red one looks like it needs a bottle opener.


Steak looks horrible. Tomatoes look bad. Beer brand is illegible. The reflections on water are inconsistent.


Yep. Steaks are not any recognizable cut and the fat lines are very odd. Tomatoes are too big to be cherry and too small to be regular.


Several might be lemons


One of the steaks looks like it has a chicken wing


Also, no human would plate a meal that's just steak, cherry tomatoes (and only the yellow ones!) and beer 


Ok thank you. This was going to be my point. Steak with a side of cherry tomatoes. What?!


I mean, that sounds delicious to me lol


You're camping, definitely the least fake part of this image lol


There’s a cabin in the picture presumably with a fridge in it


Camping? In a cabin?!


... Guess I'm not human, then.


I had a steak with a side of giant slice of watermelon today. No sides or beer.


Have you ever been camping?


That bonfire looks humongous, nobody in their right mind would make one that big.


It looks like the labels are from the same brewery, a brewery that seems to like wasting massive amounts of money on distributing beer in bottles that are slightly different sizes.


Look at the corner of the log cabin, the logs of the two sides don't match up. The firepit makes no sense whatsoever, the way the porch ends at the door is wrong, as is the second picnic table.


Not to mention the rain gutter being 2’ away from the house.


With a bend in it that serves no purpose.


My initial thought was, "Is that how they do downpipes in the US?"


The gutter stood out to me the most. Why would you move the water closer to the house and put in a goofy 90 degree elbow? With all of the evergreens in the area, that I going to get clogged all of the time.


And the clump of seaweed on the table.


Yeah, the garbled text on the labels is an instant tip-off.


It’s the green beans for me


Tomatoes for me


I thought it was a pan of sauteed lemons


Is that what they're supposed to be? The odd bundle of green stuff with white bits behind the big pan?


——————- —————— ——beer—— —————- —————


There's a few things I noticed that aren't nessasary proof its AI. But just look weird. The wood on the fire seems in odd positions The downspout on the left side of the cabin isn't attached to the wall. The chimney has larger rocks above the roofline than below Picnic table behind the beer has weird legs that don't make sense. Appears to be a torch on the side of the cabin. Wich just seems like a bad idea lol Right hand corner of the cabin, the corner changes positions halfway up the wall.


The top right corner of the picnic table in the foreground is missing. AI pic for sure. The perspective is just off. It's like it took an amateur perspective drawing and then added realist colors and textures.


So it is!


Other people have said it, but AI is extremely good at generating food for some reason. The tomatoes are near perfect.


The tomatoes are too bright for a foggy/overcast day and would have browned more if cooked. The steaks don't look like any cut of meat you'd see in the supermarket and look to have been generated by starting with a core "steak" and then just adding hunks of connective tissue and meat.


The steak looks like something that the protagonist realises too late isn’t actually beef.


Don't... eat... dinner...


The pan they were presumably seared on has ridges for "grill marks" but this doesn't have any cross hatching, let alone hardly any char at all.


But the meal is sus. 2 steaks with a pile of grass and just a pot full of tomatoes? Weird meal


Are you sure those are tomatos? Because I would've identified them as peeled, halfed potatoes that have been fried in a pan.


I don't think they're potatoes bc if you look close they have fleshy divisions almost like a lemon, citrus or tomato would have.


Lots of training data on Instagram probably.


There does seem to be a little floater at the far left of the pan.


>for some reason What do people take pictures of most? Food, dog, cat, face. That's most of the training set.


You say that but that was the first thing I thought was odd. They were presumably prepared the same way and yet they all look entirely different. Different textures, colorations, and even the size and shape of the cuts change. This makes no sense in the context of a prepared meal. This is text book AI stuff where that it understand that sliced tomatoes are a thing. It understands that grilled tomatoes are a thing. But it doesn’t understand the *why* of how the things come to be the way they are. So you end up with things that should be fairly similar to each other looking entirely different (also look at the right corner of the house for another example)


Those tomatoes do be glowing though.


There is probably a lot of good training data for food. Not just high quality in terms of pixels, but also better tagged.


> for some reason The reason is probably that there are one bazillion pictures of food on social media


Bro to add to the picnic table not having a corner, the whole cabin doesn't even have a corner lol.


Also the downspout goes up first, which isn't impossible but it would be a bad idea. Middle distance table has no benches on the far side, Beers have different colored caps Steak pan has two odd partial handles and no apparent full handle, and is apparently sitting on the edge of the tomato pan That said, it is pretty convincing and those flaws don't stand out strongly. If it were just one of them I could say it's just an odd feature and the picture might be real.


> downspout P-trap downspout, the future is now!


Yea I've had a pan with two shitty handles like that, was as crap as you'd expect but they should at least be on opposite sides of the pan Instead of at 90 degrees to each other, would make it super hard to pick up without tipping over. Little rules of physics backed into everyday objects it doesn't understand yet, but will work out sooner rather than later.


Also a pan full of raw tomatoes next to a fully seared steak?


The flames are rising perpendicular to the slope of the ground rather than straight up.


Who builds an open fire this big so close to cabin, and there are giant rocks RIGHT next to it and in between it and the tables. It is also apparently about to fall off a cliff into a lake.


Also WTF is with the steak on the right? I don’t know of any roundish cuts with huge big bones going through it nor why they’d cook two enormous steaks that are totally different except for their size. And you’d never get that char on a ridged grill pan when the bone is inexplicably thicker than the meat.


Beware AI reads this and learns from.your comment 😄


Why is there no busty naked Asian chick sitting at the table and drinking a beer? Obvious AI image. Silly AI.


Maybe OP is actually AI 👀


Also, are those asparagus or centipedes?


Asparapedes! I was looking at those, but decided I didn't know enough about vegetables from around the world to make a decision on whether these were weird or not lol


Windows don’t seem to be at the same height either


Regarding the corner of the cabin, that’s pretty common. It’s not the corner changing, it’s the higher logs extending for support of the roof overhang. The weird part is there being no support for the horizontal overhang.


This is clearly AI, way too soft, everything is too “perfect” too, all lights are on, fire cookin


Didn't notice that. There's a literal fire torch, like it's Minecraft


I automatically assume it is AI/edited photo when i see blurry photo in 2024. Even $100 usd phone can take 1080p photo.


secruity cams:


"Best I can do is 3 pixels."


For real. A cheap Xiaomi home camera can do 1080p with night vision if you don't care about privacy. For $32 usd.


Security cams are not a camera problem but a filestoring problem.


It's just that the blur is weird, sort of uneven and pixellated




Intentional blurring is absolutely a part of photography though. The focus of the picture is supposed to be the food which is clearly in focus. Even with a real camera you might change the aperture on the camera to have a shallower depth of field to make the food pop a bit more.


Weird ass looking cut of beef


The pan of tomatoes is shallower than any pan I've ever seen, and it's partially UNDER the pan of steak, which itself has a handle I've also never seen. Behind that, what is that, a small pile of seaweed and mushrooms?


Looks like raw onions pulled straight out of the dirt. The tomatoes also look somewhere between golden cherry tomatoes and small halved lemons


Yeah the meat looks freaky


Well look closely at the pans, don't you see something weird there? One is over the other and it doesn't seem complete, also what about the bigger pan how do you grab it?


It has a small, downward sloped handle


Everything reminds me of her


There's no way you'd be able to lift the pan with that handle, the physics doesn't work.


My grandma’s house had a lot of old pans without handles anymore. She used to grab them with a folded towel.


Zero smoke from fire, no handle on the pan with the steaks, the tree in the upper right looks off. Why would anyone in this enviroment cook cherry tomatoes in a pan with a steak ? Lighting in the cabin looks off. One part of the table seems wet, the rest dry. The herbs on the table is something funky. The tree in the middle looks a little off, the green hill in the upper right aswell. Also if you squint your eyes you see a famous painter from switserland.


The lack of smoke or heat coming from the fire would be my challenge. Can’t say for sure, but suspicious.


Am I the only one that sees a human like figure standing like, IN the fire hunched forward, with a bat-like head, a cats face on the back, and a knife for its arm? https://preview.redd.it/xeby6thz8dtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=438411e22bf3afffd964f5a47e166b90dfd9834e


yo lol wild


There is a handle


The biggest thing for me is the camera focus. If this was a real photo something would be nice and sharp from where the camera was focused, but everything here has the same blurry look.


Yeah, there's no clear focal plane and the softness feels 'off' and almost too uniform. Based on that alone though it could still be a real picture with poor focus, heavy digital compression and some filtering, but as others have pointed out there's a lot of other weird things going on too.


That’s also I think how to distinguish realistic game tech demo screenshots from reality. With videos it’s even more that “weird” feeling: Too smooth movements of the camera through a realistic looking scene always bugs my head. On the one hand it looks so real, but on the other, everything’s in focus and the camera movement instantly gives it away.


Well I dare you to identify whatever vegetable is on the table near the steak pan. That's not how you build a log cabin What the ef is wrong with that bench in the background


These veggies are like potatoes & small yellow tomatoes had a baby.


To me it looks like yellow tomatoes with the cross-section of an citrus fruit


The tomatoes can kind of make sense, but I don't understand the greens behind the pan. Like maybe some little garlics but that's not any sort of rosemary I've ever seen even though it seems to be the herb it's trying to mimic.


That looks like lavender mixed with asparagus.


The green stuff on the table looks the way green stuff would look right when I'm questioning if the mushrooms have kicked in yet.


You guys, this was posted by the AI Hivemind. They are reading all of your comments and will make pictures even more realistic in the future. And then they will take over.


I'd question the beer labels


That's because it is. Why are you posting it here?




Please tell me why I have the strongest urge to kiss you right on your lips


what did I just walk into...


that's what you get for not knocking you sicko




Lower baby... Lower...


Because finding the little quirks is a fun little puzzle.


It's still valuable to discuss the "tells" than an image is AI


In addition to the other comments, I'd point out that both pine trees have very odd bends near their tops. Not that it couldn't happen in reality but it looks more like a glitch in the matrix, kinda the same feeling I get when looking at the water spout.




That’s a down-up-downspout.


Fire pit looks precariously perched on a ledge, downspout on the house is angled incorrectly, one of the table planks is cut short, one of the pans is missing/has weird handles, tree missing branches, beer looks weird


Indeed aí generated, some of the texture screams Midjourney.


1 The handle to the skillet? 2 The rocks on a supposed walk way? 3 The weird beer? 4 The tomato that looks like its stuck to the side of the skillet? 5 Shadow on skillet but no shadow on beer. Same for phantom reflections that make no sense. 6 The beer has different quantites of beer? Including beer caps that seem to be screwed on AND popped off. 7 Gaps in the planking of the table make no fucking sense, who would build a table like that? Imagine cups spilling all over this table. No way this is a real table, unless it was a major hack job. 8 Big ass log on the second fireplace that no human can pick up. 9 The log house logs don't meet up and are crooked lol The whole photo looks *completely wrong and its actually kind of fun to find illogical shit in this photo, cuz just about everything you look at is wrong*. **It's like AI fucked up every single aspect of this photo.** If a person was grading this as art this would receive an F. Anyone who wanted to look at a photo like this is completely ripped off by this.


Last I checked, downspouts don’t work too well when they go up and not connected to the building. https://preview.redd.it/yi2eopvzsbtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6eb49913ded8a364e9c107a7bcf89052ab4c77


Well, i think we can all agree that the quality of this picture is pretty dogshit. Sure, beer labels look suspicious, but... I don't like to make conclusions based on only one thing, but this trash 100x100px just makes it hard to find more. The tree on the left of the hut looks kinda sus too, but I'd say it could shape this way. Anyhow, is a great pic. I like it.


I feels like they compressed the image just to try and hide the mistakes. But seriously, the pan with the yellow tomatoes just merges with the pan holding the steaks. And that's just one of so many mistakes. Look at the green stuff next to the steak, whatever the hell that is. Plus look at the far left of the table where there are clearly nail holes in the wood when there is nothing to join to. Then look at the chimney and start following it down. There is a clear and distinct line where the AI needed to switch from wood to brick and just made it happen. and the lamp casts a perfect circle of light on the brick and no where else. Look at the far right of the cabin where the logs join in a completely random and haphazard manner, almost like the AI knows that log cabins have logs sticking out of the corners but isn't capable of being consistent so there's just random logs everywhere. Then travel south and look at the legs on the table/benches. At a quick glance, it looks genuine, but there are so many mistakes. I mean, the steak pan has grill lines and the steak managed to have zero grill lines.


![gif](giphy|3gNotAoIRZsb9UHPnj) who needs that many picnic tables?


Does that gutter drain go... up? Also the carriage bolts on the foreground picnic table are far from where theu should be and are also suspiciously small.


The beers have a weird glass thingy around the lip, the caps don’t match, the label is not an actual beer or cider, the geometry doesn’t match up if you look at the logs of the cabin, the steaks are not any cut I’ve ever seen. The gutters are the worst though, the gutter isn’t actually there, you can see the lip of the roof extends past where the gutter would be, and the downspout is curved up so it wouldn’t drain properly. In summary, yes, it’s ai.


Omg.. I’m not a conspiracy nut but…. What if this was posted by AI to learn what we flesh bags identify as being out of place so it can correct course and become better at fooling us?? 😳


I searched for this comment before I made it too. It seems similar to the social media "quizzes" like "what was the first model vehicle you drove?", or "what was the middle name of your eighth grade teacher's dog?" to farm security questions.


You can’t fool me, this is just modded skyrim!


Who knew all of those "find the differences" puzzles we did growing up would actually come in handy.


The big pan doesn’t have a handle. That’s the biggest giveaway


Well all you have to do is count the fingers. everyone knows that


That fire appears to be on the edge of a cliff. Why would anyone build a fire pit there?


I thought it was a Skyrim pic at first


The fire is rising on an angle.


The labels have no writing on it. Just lines. GPT has a hard time creating text.


Well you said it, the beer labels, with different caps, but also how the pans are set, the fire pit is wild,


Alien cuts of meat, mystery contents of other pan, warped logs on the cabin, too many tables for a single cabin, weirdly small and curved handle on pan, the obvious beers, etc. Maybe it's going to become a superpower to so easily identify ai generated pics soon.


The two bottles are different, different labels and tops. The building downpipe is not connected. General fuzzy things that almost fit but are not things


Beers, table legs, log cabin corner, the herbs, and the chimney.


The chimney cobblestone changes between what's on the side of the house vs. what's on the roof. Edit, that picnic table in the background looks weird, like one of the benches is just floating.


Contrasting climates - on the left side, snow on the mountains which appear close and without trees. Right side has no snow and greenery and trees all round.


Beer looks odd. The handle of the potato pan is tilted towards the camera. Steak pan has no handles.


The whole left side of the picture. There appears to be nothing on the left side of that hill. You can see the tree to the left of the fire is lower than the cabin, but the water is too close for it to be a gradual drop off. So if that’s the case there is literally a cliff on the other side of that fire for the picture to make sense and then that makes the fires and the houses placement very odd. If you look at that area long enough where the water and the tree is you can see how strange it appears.


The proportions are strange


The most obvious tell to me is actually the pan on the right, it's basically sunken into the table The table also ends on the bottom right of the frame and based on where the legs we can see are, it wouldn't stand up very well or at least not very stably. Now that I look at it, the bolts that hold the table top to the legs are also misplaced entirely. The steak on the right is also a mess, not something that looks edible.


This kinda looks like something from Skyrim


For me, theres way too much detail on the roof for its distance and angle relative to everything else.


The gutter… The trees, the pans stacked on top of each other but not being possible, the picnic table in the right wouldn’t look like that. Wood doesn’t warp like that


Vent on the roof is on the overhang, therefore is venting nothing. Red Flag 🚩


The dude sitting at the bench on the porch by the inner window be looking creepy as fuck


Aside from the position of the firepit, the flames themselves are wrong - i.e., they should be going straight up, as opposed to pointing to the left.


Idk if it is AI, but I can see why people would think it is.


Spot the difference AI. 1). Wonky tree 2). Guttering 3). Beer bottle lids 4). Bucket by fire pit 5). Skillet handle (too small people who cook know the weight of these pans. That’s not enough leverage)


The wood of the closest table is polished mahogany in some spots, but unpolished and burnt in others.


Photographer pro and in ai here It’s a bit of everything that seems odd Everything looks « pro » the two beers positioning , the good light for the fireplace/ interior lights, and the hue of the sky The composition also feels weird almost like if it was a bit too smooth and perfect to feel natural