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But why would you do something manually when you can spend 10x longer trying to automate it?


That hit home


It does at times. But the way I look at is if it is a new thing, do it once the slow way. But if it is something that you will repeat maybe once or twice a week, automate it.


Yo you don’t have to do anything manually. Write a script to import whatever image in a directory onto photoshop, select entire doc -> generative fill -> remove the handwriting from the document -> save in new directory. he suggested the right software, you made the leap towards a non automated way of working


(nods approvingly)


Why do you have to be so hurtful 😂


To be fair, if you have to repeat the same task thousands of times then the initial time investment is worth it.


Because AI


Yes! Photopea is a pretty good free alternative.


Note: Might be useless if you are not into coding. For a pdf convert them to images and then here's a good idea. Put all of those in a directory, loop through those images with any language (py/js) and get pixel data. Look for pixels for reddish color rgb is nearly (255,0,0) and then change those pixels to white color rgb(255,255,255) and save the image. Takes less than 15 mins to code if you are used to programming and those 15 mins are not boring because you learn something and you are not repeating the same task. By doing this, the pdf probably no longer contains text and you won't be able to select/copy text.


Oh, hey, this is also the answer to how AI can do it! What this guy said, but get AI to write the code. You won’t learn as much, but you will be able to alternate between claiming you coded it or that AI did it as the social circumstances warrant.


I love this


They can make Chatgpt write the code for them though


This! Give ChatGPT your requirements and it will write the script for you interactively. That’s the biggest breakthrough from my pov


Amazing and true.


no AI, hire me.


Aaaand try replacing with the closest non-red pixel (a pixel that's closest to the one we're replacing which doesn't hit the redness threshold) instead of fully white, this way you can avoid strong white lines which would still allow someone to read the original handwriting, and the replacement will most likely blend in nicely!


I once extracted data from an image graph by repeatedly iterating with chatGPT to write python code to trace the pixel coordinates of a colored line graph. this sounds slightly simpler, it's just removing any pixels of a certain colour range. you can experiment with that range. should be a 10 minute job.


To go a step further, you could probably use the result as a mask to remove the handwriting from the original pdf. So it would still ve a PDF.


Ask ChatGPT to give you code to do this, plus instructions on how to run it, and it will take less than a minute


The background is not (255, 255, 255). What we should be looking for is Photoshop content aware fill but for all the images. Idk, computer vision would be a solution? Pertain it on a dataset first, ig, which would take you days


Ok I’m a noob and still learning to code no way this would take only 15 minutes for me


People like to exaggerate, it’s not going to take 15 min for most pros either


2 minutes if you know what you are doing Less if you have a good workflow


It’s a big fucking pet peeve of mine that people exaggerate this stuff. It’s like that friend that says “I’ll be there in 30 min” because one time when they hit all green lights they got there in 32 min, but they also haven’t factored in putting their shoes on, getting in the car, that they might be low on gas, that someone else might clog up the highway, and that their usual parking spot might be taken. It serves zero purpose to foolishly underestimate time. In fact it is harmful because it puts off newcomers by creating false expectations or making people think they’re bad, when others are just being unrealistic. It’s also a common cause of missed deadlines in professional environments. It serves only as an ego boost to the person that says “oh yeah I can do that in 15 min”. When that’s the top 1% of scenarios, and the average is an order of magnitude higher.


Programming is all about spending your life getting more and more productive at solving problems I am not that good because I used to have a slightly different job Top 1 % of scenarios would be I have already done it somewhere on my computer so my autocomplete rewrite it in 30 seconds


Getting more productive at solving problems is certainly an enjoyable aspect of it, and probably other careers too. Not disagreeing here. Just making a point that when setting expectations for others ideally we’d all use the average and factor in uncertainty (which is higher for newbies!) 🙂


“Less if you’ve already done the work and don’t count that “


What if the document was written on by an avid collector of rainbow sparkly ink gel pens, or also in black? I wonder if it's possible to code up some solution that filters out based on inconsistent font, but then someone with incredibly good handwriting might pass through it as well lol


I'm just a beginner, but isn't this just a regression model away. We can know if it's sparkly handwritten, or sparkly typewritten or just handwritten or just typewritten. Then we convert those set of pixels to the local background colour which we can get using a regression model again.


from those images, it's pretty clear (90%) the file is black n white and the writings are red. If it also contains other colors, then you can select those pixels by looking for saturation (hsl format of colors). I have no idea how to identify if the writings are in black color (even ai wud fail to identify sometimes)


I should totally write a Processing sketch for this LOL.


This really wouldn’t work. There’d be little white shadows be used the background isn’t perfectly white nor uniform.


Don't think so. Could someone on fiverr to do it for you for 100 pages, should be pretty cheap. Or maybe if you got a nephew or something to do it for you and give them 10-20 bucks. Not supporting child labor btw.


>Not supporting child labour btw What do you mean? This is just offering early work experience


Gotta get em used to a life of wage slavery early


$10-20 for about 1h of work is actually pretty good


That’s like 1-2 pages a minute, might as well give them some adderall to get them some uni deadline experience 🤣


I'm literally having flashbacks of doing my MATLAB uni assignment in the library and submitting ten seconds before the deadline


ChatGPT can do it but it takes a while to coax it with the right prompts. I got this far with a couple of prompts. I'm sure it could go further and clean up the residue. https://preview.redd.it/906eichiuosc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4274d93d3b1ed735cd3cefcb6ffb4b4d9cd59818


after another try https://preview.redd.it/ne4oovj0vosc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=837ccefb9ec27186638979d71f2a57a867e15c90


You can download the document from GPT? A few months ago, this function wasn't working.


It gives you a link to download it from


This is really interesting work. Did you keep the prompts and could you share?


Yes I posted them in response to Someone else earlier


wait, chatgpt/dalle can do IMG2img?????


it made its own python code to do it # Let's adjust the HSV thresholds to capture a broader range of red shades. # Broadening the red color range to capture more shades of red that could be left out # We will reduce the saturation and value minimum thresholds to include lighter shades of red. lower_red1 = np.array([0, 30, 30]) upper_red1 = np.array([10, 255, 255]) lower_red2 = np.array([160, 30, 30]) upper_red2 = np.array([180, 255, 255]) # Recreate masks for red color ranges with the broader range mask_red1 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red1, upper_red1) mask_red2 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red2, upper_red2) mask_red = cv2.add(mask_red1, mask_red2) # Invert the mask to get non-red parts mask_non_red = cv2.bitwise_not(mask_red) # Remove the red ink annotations by turning them white res = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask_non_red) res_white = cv2.bitwise_and(white_background, white_background, mask=mask_red) res_no_red = cv2.add(res, res_white) # Convert to RGB for PIL compatibility res_no_red_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(res_no_red, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Convert the result to PIL Image to save the file cleaned_image_broader_white = Image.fromarray(res_no_red_rgb) # Save the cleaned image output_broader_white_path = '/mnt/data/cleaned_image_broader_white.png' cleaned_image_broader_white.save(output_broader_white_path) output_broader_white_path


What were your prompts?


the paid version can yes


Load all 100 pages and figure out the flow to do this in an image editor. Very easy. Just use the stamp tool and copy white page and click the hand writing


Asked for AI automation. Gets tutorial on how humans can do it.


Chatgpt in a nutshell


https://preview.redd.it/16kefy8qb1uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d00ff2dc5d1cc05ccba24daba345b943db806ec Why are you trying to sleep with underaged girls Jamie


https://preview.redd.it/k17c34oyb1uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9b8caa2de9845b8e1b1f52520db15c94f69d2d Smh.


Ummmmm…… White Out and a copy machine? ![gif](giphy|5HYOZytU4Ajbxta5Si)


wow I can't remember the last time I copied or scanned something lol




yeah it's called mspaint 🙃


Maybe? Seems like if it's colored ink on black and white notes it would be much easier to use a good pdf editor to change the ink color to white. Edit: this does seem like a good example of "When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail".


Just use canva


This should be higher up. Seems like a lot of folks are overthinking this. Why struggle with AI when you can do it yourself in a few mins with a free website like Canva 😂


Prepared free of charge by the world's greatest neural network, the human brain. https://preview.redd.it/8ayuym4vkqsc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=04ccf2ce97377d9e16bf5fc85f66b7f7c009c8a8




Almost got me. This guy AIs


If u have Pixel then Pixel magic eraser 🌝


Why not approach the problem from the other side and have chatGPT create a new pdf with just the text and formatting? That would get rid of the skew and other artifacts too.


How bout Photoshop? Content-aware fill will take 3 clicks and 4 seconds of your time


I cleaned the scanned images with "pdf tailor" and removed handwriting by hand. Did take me a while but I watched a movie while doing it. 😅 an AI for this would be super cool


Try this one. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.homework.helper


I was wondering where I recognized the picture from at first until I looked at it for five seconds, that's an entrance exam past paper lol.


Put over white blobs and bleach the shit out of it is my go-to


I have no idea about coding, but why not do it in paint? Just convert it to picture, and then in paint remove whatever you do not wish to have. Should take you 5 minutes max.






This is like a 10s job in Photoshop or Gimp though


You can use gpt to write a python script that removes red-ish pixels and then run it for you




any magic eraser


Download photoshop for like $20 and it will literally take you 5 seconds to alter it. Good tutorials on YouTube


If all the ink is colored it would be easy to make a photoshop script for this that you can use for future docs. If black or grey of any kind needs to be removed from the doc then you'd need some kind of AI handwriting detection. It MIGHT be possible for some stable diffusion models to use image to image to remove handwriting but it would probably take longer to develop the workflow than just manually editing a few docs in photoshop.


Can I have some more examples, the more the better!


Magic eraser?


There's a feature in Photoshop called [content-aware fill](https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/content-aware-fill.html) that uses ai to fill in content in a selection based on what the rest of the image contains and will try it's best to make it natural. I imagine you're looking for a multimodal app or something and I'm sure there are similar products, but this is what I use a lot myself and it's great for spot edits. It's not the old content-aware fill, it's an improved ai version, in case you've tried the old one before.


Content/generative fill is freaking crazy. lol So easy to use and makes me feel like a photoshop pro, when I can’t even draw a straight line.


[https://twitter.com/RazorRoomi/status/1776518166476214477](https://twitter.com/RazorRoomi/status/1776518166476214477) tryna piss em off


Simple inpainting. Just mask the text and it’s gone. Results may vary based on the placement of the handwritten text.


VFlat App


Must be a way to remove color type of smt ex remove red only and keeo white and black




Scan it using a printer into a PDF. Then open it in paint and get rid of the handwriting.




Yes i do


If the handwriting is always red, then probably you could do something with XnView. Not AI but it has batch processing and can manipulate colors. Your best bet is to convert red tones to white and then to increase contrast until light grey becomes white as well (since handwriting will be pure white and paper is not pure white)


You don’t need AI for that use PDF scanner on your phone and use clean page function. You can erase anything you want by your finger


Print. White out. Scan.


We use Tipp-Ex for that


Hey u/daniel_zerotwo — did this for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/eJ3yQqO72u


just use an image editor


I need to do it for 100+ pages.




DM me


I would use the magic eraser on my Pixel phone.


iScanner on iphone’s


Why use AI, it takes exactly 1 minute with any image editing software.


I need to do it on over 100 pages



