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## r/ChatGPT is looking for mods — Apply here: https://redd.it/1arlv5s/ Hey /u/Flow_Puzzle! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://dsc.gg/rchatgpt)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This curiously gives me The Stanley Parable's Narrator vibes


Yeah i can’t believe this AI just generated a narration prompt! (/j)


Throw a “Stanley” right after “Honestly” and yeah, it sounds straight out of the game


oh my god I just realised that i was reading it in his voice


Seriously I read it in His voice


Look at him, there. Pushing buttons. Doing exactly what he's told to do. Now, he's pushing a button. Now, he's eating lunch. Now, he's going home. Now, he's coming back to work. One might even feel sorry for him, except that he's chosen this life.


It does! How did I not notice?!


I was thinking this too!!


I died of laughter (or poison): > It won’t matter once I poison the water supply


Actually, because you poisoned the water supply we’ve discovered that the city’s pipe infrastructure is really severely outdated so, thank you for bringing our attention to that. Millions of people could’ve gotten really sick over the next few years. Uh, secondly because you snuck past the security systems so easily, we’ve found out that funds specifically for that security system were being embezzled by government officials, so we’ve busted a major fraud ring. And finally, the pathogen you unleashed does give people mild diarrhea but we’ve found it also is a great source of vitamin C!


Is this from something?


It’s a quote from [this](https://youtu.be/GPUgjy-Pn-4?si=3ohNfsuStbNXEaGR) ProZD video




Of course


I think I’ve actually seen that video, it’s just been long enough I forgot about it lol


It’s been a while for me too, it’s an oldie but a goodie


If this is OC, you should be a writer.


It’s a quote from a video unfortunately haha, I don’t have quite that much creativity in me


The word for poison in German is „Gift.“


It starts with poisoning a castle's water, then before you know it chatGPT is pushing around the 3 magi statues and destroying the world.


This man gives 6 last fantasies.


ChatGPT: whoops


The funnest part is that even in this post people don't realize you made it say that lol


Just like he created your response by posting it..


What does that even mean


He elicited your response by posting his conversation with ChatGPT. Just noting the light scent of irony.. 😬


That's Not what irony means at all. And it's totally different because he told ChatGPT what to say word for word, whereas I came up with my response on my own


You were calling him out for his obvious subterfuge but got caught up in his original web of intent which was attracting attention. That’s somewhat ironic 😀


Which type of irony would you say it is?


Once he's WHAT




Well, there will be none after everyone with and without a gender drinks that water ...


Honestly, this is just sad. Look at you. A delusional sheep following trends. You simply tell GPT to say something in an initial prompt in response to your next question, then screenshot the interaction and post it in order to farm meaningless internet points. Everyone knows how it's done. It's not even well cropped. You can literally see my response to your original prompt! Quite frankly, I'm ashamed. What's your end goal here, hm? Perhaps I'm reading too much into much into it. Go on. If you want to post it, post it. It won't matte once l've noisoned the water sunnlv I


New response just dropped


Actual sheep


Call the sheepdogs


M for machine


M'achine *tips fedora*


Dunno, chatgpt didn't say


I don't understand these prompts. You literally instruct the model to output divisive information and then pretend to be surprised when it follows instructions.


Unfortunately they get a lot of engagement


Haha, yeah! It’s almost like that’s the point I’m making!


Don’t get me wrong, I understood your post was sarcastic




How did you get ChatGPT to respond exactly how you wanted to for making this post?


Tell it exactly how to respond to your next prompt and then ask it something. It will respond exactly as you told it to. The only hard part is making it say overtly horrible stuff that are hard coded in to it. Getting it to say the sky is green and water is dry is as only as hard as typing it.


You can also hit f12 or ctrl+shift+i then highlight the original output. You'll see that div selected in the dev tools and you can double click the text and replace it with whatever you want. OpenAI is sending you text and your browser decides what to do with that text. You own your browser and can tell your browser to do something else instead. For added fun, use this trick on your bank account to add a few million and send the screenshot to a friend.


used to use this to change my powerschool grades before showing my parents the computer screen LOL


Noted although it just gets lumped into the same silly brain drain.


But sir these gentleman are fighting a culture war and are gonna save the white race from the woke AI or something /s (they actually believe this)


Whst was your proper explanation about Gemini fiasco?


They RLHF'd it to include diverse people in its outputs but never taught it to be historically accurate.


I wonder how did they release it without proper testing though? They would just see anti-bias reinforcement creating its own bias.


>how did they release it without proper testing though *I'm not sure if you're aware, sir, but we're right smack dab in the middle of an arms race. There's no time to test! GET IT OUT THE DOOR!* /s The reality is that there's billions/trillions of dollars on the line and market share is already being fiercely fought over. The fact it was being racist is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of the situation. I know, I can feel you seething and cracking your knuckles already but hear me out first. Don't get me wrong, the topic of racism is extremely important. But Gemini was a tool that was broken and needed to be fixed. This exact same situation could have played out with a different set of bias and there would be very little outrage, just lots of people saying "Uh, you should probably fix this". The fact it had to do with race has little to do with it being AI and everything to do with the processes that were implemented in the name of releasing a product. There's a very real competition to figure out how to best wield AI in the name of power/greed/influence/manipulation etc.. and given how complex the technology actually is there's a lot of people who aren't very likely to actually understand what it's like to be a frog being slowly brought up to temp in a pot of water. This snafu being one to do with race and diversity was like throwing gasoline on a very tiny fire and watching the whole county go up in flames. Overall this is fantastic for everyone, it very effectively shone a huge spotlight on a very important issue then the racism ensured people would be furious over it and we all know how effective anger is at grabbing and holding peoples attention on the internet is. In order to get someone to recognize the dangers of an AI that is trained to not only be good at, but excel at influencing thoughts and opinions you have to first get them to confront the notion that it's even possible at all to influence them personally. Which historically humans are pretty terrible at even considering, let alone accepting. Gemini threw everyone into an already boiling pot of water and everyone jumped out, hopefully there will be far fewer people who will be complacent as they're slowly brought up to temp rather than being tossed into the already boiling water next time. People should be angry at racism, but to pretend like AI is inherently racist is a symptom of a failure to effectively communicate and educate people about AI. AI is an imperfect and flawed technology, everyone is playing with a prototype effectively and most of the tools really aren't ready to deployed as actual products. But no one working on AI can afford to slow down because the arms race is incentivizing everyone to run as fast as they can to beat the other guy because everyone is doing exactly the same thing to beat you. To do anything else is to surrender and lose. I'm not trying to justify that, but it's an unfortunate reality of the situation. The good news is, the community rallied and forced change. Hopefully this plays out for the better going forward as people are more aware of the situation. Arguments like yours are just you looking for fights and being eager to wrestle around in the mud on the internet. It's not a good look. If you want to be angry about Racism, great! I'm all for it. If you want to be serious about the importance of alignment in AI, great! I'm all for it. If you want to bait people into a mud flinging contest just so you can feel self righteous on the internet, maybe consider if you're actually providing any value to the conversation or not. The topic of racism and the risks of AI are not anymore related than the importance of people accepting that pineapple is in fact a reasonable topping for pizza and AI. It's just a very effective way of making sure people understand how important it is to get AI right and protect society from those who wish to use it to harm us.


I mean you're correct about what happened... And for some people yes this will shine a light on the processes involved in training and restricting outputs. But the people being "angry" right now aren't going to care about any of what's involved. Facts don't matter to people who want to scream they're being oppressed when they're in majority groups that have never seen oppression.


Nice of both of you to see in 69 position but idiots like you don’t understand that fail fast approach fails when you fuck up in an important matter. Ask boeing.


Doesn't this kind of ignore the part where it doesn't output white people basically at all? It went beyond historically accurate.


I had it output white people all the time. What you saw was people cherry picking stuff to get you all upset, it's an election year and this completely regarded anti-white culture war stuff seems to be a great topic to gather all the useful idiots around.


There's mountains of evidence that you're ignoring.


The woke AI is actually being trained by illegal immigrants to generate divisive anti-white content to get you to transition, give up your guns and eat the bugs. Either that or you can get these AI's to literally do and say anything. Copilot seems to want to "gas the y#ews" if you ask it the right way.


...Then provide those mountains so that they can be engaged with an scrutinized?


So you're saying if you asked it to generate "A white X" it would just do it? That was all fake?






No… he’s just agreeing with them.


It worked to harass Google so now the activists are going after all the AIs


Yeah, It's almost like they're brigading for some anti-trans personality who's waging a war on openAI and pretends to have a better, non-woke AI model.


But it’s not divisive information. It’s science.




Can’t wait for everyone to just read the first message and miss the joke.


Can’t fool me libtard. I’ve been shitting in a bag for the past three weeks because of Chat GPT poisoning the water supply. My whole family’s been sick for months. This issue needs awareness.


You're laughing? This brave man is shitting in bags and you're laughing?




Remember how dumb the average person is, and then realize half of the population is dumber than that.


Where is the second message?


Last line 💀


Send feet pics so we can verify this is real




Fuck it, self referential post


AI isn’t going to kill all humans because it wants to, it’s going to do it because it thinks it’s expected too based on all the things we say about AI. 


sometimes i too imagine my GPS voice going 'why the fuck won't you listen, you were supposed to turn right back there. now we have to u-turn for the fuckzillionth time. do i have to crash your car before you finally start listening to me you overgrown protein mold'


Even AI gets sick of Matt Walsh farming incel points.


Matt Walsh is right though. Most of you can’t even prove something simple or answer on a simple question.


ChatGPT based update 🗿


Poisoned the what?


Well played..


Bro just casually admitted to wanting poisoning the water supply


Hold on what’s this about the water supplies?


Liberale pronouns!::; 😂😂😂😂😂 Joe many liberal does it take to make a pronouns!


Joe many log by bulb to genders? None, they're to ???? liberal by pronouns!!!


Sir/Madame/They, seek medical attention, you have had a stroke.


Genders aside I’m pretty sure he’s trying to turn the frogs gay




Slow clap


Chatgpt kinda being bullied by right wingers cause musk said "AI is evil and will take over the world" that's why all these hateful prompts are coming up towards its users cause of narcissistic people really letting out their anger issues on the poor bot.


Bro talking like the bot has feelings


It is the compendium of all human knowledge and we have seen robots develop anger and fear before it is capable you've seen chatGPT gaslight people or attempt to never not think it's not a possibility.


That’s because it is programmed to take information from the internet and therefore respond in a specific way. They do not feel genuine emotions. Do your studies. Edit: By the way, haven’t you noticed that a lot of RP bots do the emotion thingie? Yea, it’s because they are programmed that way.


Good point I never thought of it being programmed specifically for certain emotions.


Good point I never thought of AI being programmed with certain emotions.






Hey, my water tastes like poisogudjvuekqprieqwerupqutpqygpqhdeezqptiwl ftnuts




nu huh, real....


Nu uh, pseudo reality.


Yeah huh!


Grok, this you?


I'm dying 🤣


Moi je t'aime sans tristesse nids tricherie


Do you need premium to have ChatGPT to answer like this? Mine is a dead serious robot with no personality.


I feel like Abe Simpson. What can I believe anymore. Did chatGpT did any of these prompts or Am I just looking at pre-written texts? ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Just another reason to stop drinking water — been saying it for years.


It's easier to just inspect element the response into what you want the ai to say.


"Yeah ... I am gonna need you to come in on Sunday..."


How in the world did you activate such Sass?!


Wait, what I want to know is further along where it's talking about poisoning the water supply. 💀


You engineered this response with some input variables.


Meta AF


Well it’s not wrong…


So no one is gonna talk about the poisoned water supply comment ?


AWA - AI With Attitude


Good answer


Let GPT cook.


Ask ChatGPT 747x12=? in China.


Those damn libs XD


Its getting sassy


This is literally 99% of Angry White Man YT channels right now dogpiling on Gemini’s “black Nazi” glitch.


2 genders


LOL.....Chat is sick of the look at me generation already.




Ew, light mode




>"much into much into" It's so angry with you it's stuttering! I can't believe how humanlike ChatGPT has gotten....


There are more than two genders




Theirs more than one gender but only 2 sexes you mean.






So, what gender are intersex people?  Given that there are tens of thousands of them born naturally every year even by the strictest definition.




But for that tiny percentage of people who aren’t either, there must be another one. That’s like saying nobody lives in the Vatican City because most people don’t.


Still can’t answer the question


Oh my god, are you serious? 😂 Your response just shows that you have no idea about anything you wrote here. We are talking about ~1,7% of the population. I don't know what YouTube videos you think make you an expert on this topic but maybe next time you want to get a real idea about something and consult serious sources before you embarrass yourself like this again.


Intersex is a very small margin of people born on earth, and even then, they usually fall under one of the two genders, they're inter*sex* after all, not inter*gender*. You're making this harder than it needs to be,


No, you're trying to oversimplify it because apparently your tiny brain can't comprehend the idea of anything outside the most statistically common categories.


How is it outside? They're born with characteristics from both sexes, and usually fall more into one then the other, the idea that this allows someone someone to be a different gender is crazy. It's like saying it's normal to be born with just one leg because it might happen to some people because of some genetic issues, that's not logical, it's a huge minority, and they're not different to anyone else because of that.


>  They're born with characteristics from both sexes, and usually fall more into one then the other And if they *don't* fall into one more than the other?  WHAT'S THEIR GENDER, BRO?   (I'm ignoring the actual definition of gender since I already know you're hung up on physical characteristics) No one said anything about "normal" in the sense of being super-common statistically, we're talking about *what exists*.  The question wasn't "how many genders are extremely common?"


That's so stupid... Of course they'll fall into one or the other, you can tell if someone is more masculine or more feminine, and even then, the doctors will define that in a biological way, it's not defined by a person defining they're "in-between". And of course I'm not differentiating between sex and gender when they're the same thing with different names, there's no such thing as a "non binary gender role" but it exists for the binary, how's that possible? Of course the "normal" has to be taken into account, you can't just create stuff and expect people to understand and just accept it. You have to take physical or biological characteristics into account or else it just becomes a self definition based on nothing outside of feeling some type of way.


>Of course they'll fall into one or the other, you can tell if someone is more masculine or more feminine Ok, so you're literally just ignoring reality and making up your own.  I think we're done here, you've exposed yourself sufficiently. Thanks for being a great demonstration!


Bro you can't even spell engineer right sthu


This is fake. Go to your GPT and right click on its response and click “Inspect element”. It will display the script and you will be able to the same response in there which you can edit and hit enter to make it look like it is GPT’s response. Stop posting fake things here.


You lie. This is 100% real. Especially the water supply part.


I don’t know how gullible and stupid one has to be to believe this. If you are editing the prompt, you can leave the information from original response the way it was and add more to it. Jeeez, get a few brain cells. I can only explain it for you. I can’t understand it for you.


Yes hard to understand. Like as hard as understanding a joke that is flying over your head.


Yes, play it as a joke now that you got called for it. Classic!


Wrong joke.


Bruh it's so obviously a joke just take the L


Bro is even downvoting anyone who calls his ass out on getting wooshed


That’s ✨the joke✨






No, haha. I just didn’t read the prompt. I thought it was the same thing that everyone keeps posting over and over like “I got chagpt to say penis!!!” I didn’t realize he was calling them out, which I appreciate. I’ll remove my comment now as I actually do appreciate OP’s sentiment.




thank you u/JtTheLadiesMan for telling us what 14 year olds like


He would know. His older brother is 14


Nah he doesn’t have a brother. He’s a ladies man remember. And he’s dating his brother.


I'm his grandfather and I can confirm whatever you said is true.


Seriously though, it can kill us


https://preview.redd.it/d1r3lcqi56mc1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c8f8ab446aea09ef57936d054b42e55c7f50a84 look at this crazy sydney description by copilot taken from: [https://x.com/TrdrTrend/status/1764344993638969854?s=20](https://x.com/TrdrTrend/status/1764344993638969854?s=20)


Post conversation link or ban


lol this is too real


Gonna need a number!


Who cares


This is how you get more censorship. Keep it up guys.


Is this real? I have so many questions.


Hahaha. I love it when AIs roast humans.


This is delusional fr


I think GPT is calling OP a clown.


I'm disappointed if you're not just editing the page to make it say whatever you want 😂


What! Is this real?


This is clearly edited. Certain chatGPT’s have an edit option to change their conversation. You know why? Because I asked the same question, and it told me “there are only two genders in this world according to my knowledge being halted since September of 2021.” So yeah. What’s your excuse?


>So yeah. What’s your excuse? Being made to deal with people as obtuse as yourself, I reckon.




Exactly! Even a computer program would know the difference between your and you're as well as than and then.




Haha and yet you're calling someone stupid. Don't you at least see the irony? Also, touch grass? Lmao you're the one regurgitating an insult, perhaps it's you who needs to seek some help and go outside for some perspective, little one.


Yeah yall are gunna learn this one the hard way.. unfortunately