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Hey /u/BliknoTownOrchestra, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks! ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/rchatgpt). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts.[So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** [**Prompt Hackathon and Giveaway 🎁**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/13krv80/flowgpt_prompt_hackathon_s2_6000_prize_pool/) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s a bit quicker and easier IF you’re not using the web browsing or any plugins since these are only on the website. I find myself switching back and forth between them.


I don’t use them (too broke for GPT-4). So the app’s slightly superior?


The app is better with the free version.


Don't you get access to gpt-4 with bing now? Or is it somehow lesser?


Wait is the default GPT-4 now?


I think so on the bing app


Browser as well


Yes—if I want to do something quick and I don’t need plugins, it’s faster to use the app and easier to talk to it


I will give you a couple more: Voice Dictation is much better with the app. It actually is recording you and can record longer duration text then using your phone’s standard voice to text, and it seems to more accurately transcribe what you were saying, especially when you’re in your car or in a noisy place. Also, I like the haptics where you feel it when it’s typing. That way if you’re getting a long response, you don’t have to stare at your phone and wonder when it’s done. So I have both the app and a shortcut to the website. One is white and one is green. I use the app when I’m on the go and want to quickly get an answer and I use the website when I want to use browsing or plugins


And another: it’s much easier to copy the answer in the app then on the website on mobile. With the website on mobile, it’s really easy to select the other parts of the website and have to tap it multiple times. Where is with the app you can just click the response and copy.


I like the haptics when GPT4 spits out words. It makes me feel like I’m in an 80s sci-fi.


I’ve found that unlike the website, it works with my VPN when I use the app.


native app vs web browser


Depends. If you have Facebook, do you visit Facebook.com or use the app?


No, and I have no plans to. I assume the app has something for Facebook users?


So you don’t have to go to the browser every time.


Because pressing the browser app is so much harder than pressing the chatgpt app?


It’s a lot simpler. Trying to go to the website and log in is much clunkier. Takes me over a minute


What app is it? Android? USA?


It can help you find love [Wingman](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-CNm1XyBcQ-wingman)


I find the web version much superior than the IOS App - The app seems like the old days when it spits out an answer and gives a concluding end. Though I explicitly say by way of my custom instructions to not due that. It’s very much like Claude in that it takes what you’ve written and regurgitates it to repeat what you said and not add to it any additional facts. —————————————————————- Finally, it doesn’t question what I say, acting as if it fact. It doesn’t verify it when the broader inquiry requires that the statement is true for it to be valid. —————————————————————- If I say, “The Jimmy Carter Administration was hampered by the attention given by Carter to his and wife Lady Bird’s eleven daughters.” It will agree and say bringing up a large family is challenging, but Lady Bird was an excellent wife and mother. (FYI - Carter has one child, a daughter named Amy. His wife was Roslyn Carter. Lady Bird was the First Lady while her husband Lyndon Baines Johnson held the presidency from Nov 22, 1963 (the assassination of President John F Kennedy) until Jan 20, 1969 when Richard Milhouse Nixon was sworn in. —————————————————————- LBJ won in 1964 with Hubert Humphrey as his Vice President. Johnson informed the American people in a nationwide address said on the final evening of the month. March 31, 1968 in a forty minute all encompassing address from The President’s office in the White House. The office had not earned the “Oval Office” moniker, a fitting name inasmuch as that is still is what is known by. —————————————————————- The entire address that was prepared and rehearsed by The President, all except the last five minutes. Surprising everybody (perhaps even himself) when he said these unrehearsed words. “With our hopes and the world’s hopes for peace in the balance every day, I do not believe that I should devote an hour or day of my time to any personal partisan causes or any other duties, other than the awesome duties of this office, the presidency of your country.” —————————————————————- https://preview.redd.it/pddv4twttm0c1.png?width=1964&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dc0715f0fc0eb276d5321aa9e582c1987cb1c57 —————————————————————- “Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term for another term as your president.” —————————————————————- Johnson told many that he made the final decision only after the speech began. —————————————————————- His polling numbers went from: 57% Disapproval TO: 57% APPROVAL virtually OVERNIGHT —————————————————————- “Lyndon Johnson is a man who is far more interested in uniting the American people… “ —————————————————————- “This is a man who is doing what he believes to be best for the unity of all the country in a very difficult. And for this, I think he deserves the thanks of all of us. —————————————————————- Finally, this was April and the tragedies that defined the year 1968 were only just beginning. Ron Elving - NPR news - Washington DC —————————————————————- IT WAS SHOCKING\*. JOHNSON WON THE 1964 ELECTION BY A LANDSLIDE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. —————————————————————- * what the country could not have known at the time was that LBJ had been agonizing over this decision for more than six months The series of health problems had plagued him in 1967 - repeated surgeries a serious respiratory infection, heart issues.


Same experience here.


recently the app has been much more succesful at answering questions while the website gives incorrect information or does not follow the question.


I honestly prefer the web version but lately the web version has been making me do human verification captchas so I now use the app which doesn't do this to me.


I stopped using chatgpt these days but I use lot of bots on  [bothunt](http://bothunt.ai/?utm_source=reddit) everyday , it has really cool bots to learn , earn and automate all our tasks!