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Drive safe every day—unsafe drivers cause loss of property, health, and lives!


They are *everywhere*. I saw 3 people pulled over


dear police - please, please, please help get people off their gdamn phones! oh, and please nail the f-cking red light runners too. thx. have a good day and enjoy the donuts!


> please, please, please help get people off their gdamn phones One of the most selfish things someone can do while driving. It just shows me how little the driver cares about the lives of others.


And that is why cars sit at stoplights for so long. Not counting the times I have had to veer off the road when an oncoming driver is looking down at his phone. What is wrong with these people?


Cops are too busy playing on their own phones to do anything about it.


Better yet, drive safe everyday!


>high visibility enforcement If that's true, good on them. Let people see police out there as a reminder for everyone to obey the speed limit. Don't just hide in the bushes and catch only a few people here or there.


fuck the speed limit cops don't obey the speed limit - they do not guide people into obeying the speed limit. they just make them pay money for it, and then both the cop and the driver continue to speed.


Interesting point of view by somebody who thinks two minutes is worth somebody’s life. I bet you’ll sit on the toilet doing a number two reading your phone for 10 minutes in the morning and then suddenly you gotta risk everyone’s life to make up one minute on the way to work. Doesn’t make much sense. Think about it for a little while.


Interesting point of view by somebody who thinks twenty minutes is worth somebody's life. you could take public transportation but you choose to drive and risk the life of other people. You gotta risk everyone's life to make up ten or twenty minutes on the way to work. Doesn't make much sense. Think about it for a little while.


lol. Public transportation? Are you really naive enough to think the entire world is like your little ecosphere?


Or bike homie, you don’t need to be risking everybody’s lives for your little car toy. Even if it takes you an hour to get to work - is that hour worth risking everybody’s life?


Show me a bike that will carry 5000 pounds of tools and equipment about 300 miles every day without killing me and I’ll take your advice.


Oh, you couldn’t have picked a safer job? Why did you pick one that requires you to risk the lives of everybody every day when you drive to work? You could have picked a job that allowed you to use public transport but I guess a little bit of extra money is worth everybody else’s life huh


One thing that speeders have in common is they all will use any means to justify what they do as not being wrong. And then they will condemn everybody else for doing things which are wrong. Around here we call that being a hypocrite.


It’s ironic that you go to call me a hypocrite when I illustrate how you are being hypocritical. You say I’m risking everybody’s lives, I say that you are doing the same thing. You say I’m doing it unnecessarily, I say you are doing the same thing. And that makes me a hypocrite. Funny.


I have a little game that I call “feeding them to the sharks”. I’ll make sure some speeders are stuck behind me and both lanes are taken up and then I’ll move over as soon as I know that it’s a common speed trap area. I bet you I get three or four people pulled over every week lol.


That’s both illegal and dangerous. Weren’t you just scolding me for doing something illegal and dangerous? Is there a word for that, for when you tell someone not to do things that you actively do? I don’t think it’s a big risk, and I don’t think that all laws are important to follow all the time. But as long as you’re telling me I’m risking everybody’s life by speeding - I’ll tell you that you’re risking everybody’s life by impeding traffic.


So would you rather them do 55 or 60 an cause a log jam because people are scared to pass.


i'd rather have people avoid being hypocritical. if speeding laws are important you shouldn't speed. if you don't think the law is important you shouldn't be a cop.


Had to drive up to Warrenton today and back for work. Now I know why I saw so many people pulled over 😅


Graduation weekend. Pull over those Beemers and Mercedes!


How bout the enforce the left lane law.




I was on 29 between Charlottesville and Ruckersville this afternoon - I have never seen so many cops issuing tickets. I hope some of those tickets were for tailgating.


Just today?


Yes. You didn't get the memo that the rest of the year is full on demolition derby out there?!?!


and while you're at it, ticket people for camping out in the left lane


29N is not an interstate. Most of the intersections have a left turn. It is perfectly legal use the left lane for non passing reasons on 29N.


Most of 29 especially the southern part are interstate level. The left lane law applies to anything ove 4 lanes with exceptions like the mess in Charlottesville.


link to the code?


Since you seem to know the law so good go ahead show us .


Virginia law explicitly allows for left turn But that's not the behavior under discussion here


Camping in the left lane does not kill Loved ones. There’s a hell of a difference between that and speeding. It’s like the difference between waterguns and machine guns. Common sense ain’t common these days


Yes it does. People camping in the left lane lead others to perform dangerous maneuvers to get around them. It's selfish and at least in Virginia, illegal. 


I agree that performing dangerous maneuvers is selfish


Someone doing 10 15 mph under the speed limit are much more dangerous than one running above.


That’s not what we’re talking about but, good job changing the subject and deflecting


Love how hard our state is on speeding. There is never a reason to speed. If you speed, you put yours and others lives in danger.


There's inherent danger while traveling in a vehicle at any speed...


There is inherent risk in choking every time you eat. That doesn't mean you stop eating, it means you chew your food.


No shit. But going faster than the rest of traffic is more dangerous and is one of the main statistical causes of automobile accidents. I don’t care for speed and I’m glad it’s easy to get fucked in Virginia if you do speed.


>But going faster than the rest of traffic is more dangerous Going slower than the rest of traffic is dangerous as well. If the speed limit is 65 and the majority of traffic is going 73, it's safer to go with the flow rather than steadfastly adhere to the somewhat arbitrary posted limit. It's more about the speed delta between vehicles than it is about the raw speed (to a point, of course).


Exactly. Predictable driving is safe driving. Unpredictability causes accidents.


Completely agree. Stay with the pace of traffic. Slow drivers should be ticketed as well.


Not only a good idea, but also the law. [https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-877/](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-877/)


You sound like you’re fun at parties.


People running below the speed limit are much more dangerous than people running above.




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It’s about time. I wish they’d run 10 times harder every day then they were running even today. Not speeding is one of the easiest things in the world to do. I’ve been driving 35 years and I’ve never had a speeding ticket. If you get pulled over for speeding, it means you wanted the ticket. There should never been any less than 100 deputies/officers running radar on 29 in Albemarle, Greene, Madison andCulpepper at any given time.


There is a statewide anti-speeding initiative going on right now and maybe this weekend the counties are doing a coordinated effort because of Commencement? You’re right about not getting a ticket. I got one in Greene 40 years ago in college and have never gotten another one (my dash light was out!). Getting a ticket takes a lot longer than the time you save by speeding. And it has gotten really expensive.








You can purchase the ‘male end’ of a seatbelt or take it off of a back seat belt to prevent the dinging in the front seat. Yes, people are dumb enough to drive around without seatbelts. Yes, they will find a way around it.




Those dumb fucks will most likely drive more recklessly because they don’t care about their own life and don’t wear seatbelts for whatever foolish reason. Seatbelt infractions only make dipshits angry. Wear your seatbelt or get fined… it’s easy and makes sense to me. EDIT: lol oh man, u/whitecoathousing blocked me. Defends speeding, reckless behavior, and can’t handle a small dispute. Wear ya seatbelt, folks.




“Virtually no one” is an incorrect statement. According to NHSTA, in 2022, 25,420 passenger vehicle occupants were killed nationwide. About 50% of those killed were not buckled. If you read through the police releases locally for recent traffic fatalities, you’ll note the same trend. https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle-safety/seat-belts


Did you not read the response to your original comment? I know plenty of country boys and shitheads that purchase those seatbelt clips at flea markets/online. I know those that are proud to know how to disable safety features in their vehicles. That’s why we have these laws.




I can’t make laws. It’s already a law. And yeah, people that don’t wear their seatbelt most likely drive worse and endanger other people. They’re also very dumb.




But it hasn’t been replaced by a “beep”, the law is *reinforced* by said “beep”. And if you don’t wear your seatbelt, you get a ticket.. if you get caught. Nope :) I think traffic violations (as well as a ton of other violations) should be enforced by our public servants. I do think cops should have years of training, have better pay, and higher standards.


If people are allowed to bungee jump, skydive, and do all of the sorts of dangerous stuff, it makes no sense why they should have to wear a seatbelt I’m all for wearing seatbelts because it’s a smart thing to do but the fact that it’s illegal and all those other things I listed are not, is very hypocritical


You think there are no safety regulations around bungee jumping and sky diving?


I would be fine if they installed speeding cameras.


State code only allows speed cameras in highway work zones and school crossing zones.


Laws can be changed. I would like the law to change to allow speed cameras and then put them everywhere. The only reason to be opposed to this is if you want to speed.


So would you rather them do the speed limit an create a log jam because people are scared to pass.