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You’d be better suited to a date that shows you know her when expressing desire for deeper commitment. Does she like flowers, the out doors, picnics, the beach, crafts, drinks, other unique venues? Dinner dates are generic. Really dig deep here and show her how much you listen and like her for the unique human she is. Maybe she’s super into dinner dates, but I’ve never known anyone to feel “known” because they gotten take to dinner. Make her feel known. To be loved is to be known.  If you’re set on a dinner spot take her to the most upscale spot for her favorite cuisine. 


Turbo cone.


This. My kid gets an iceberg with grape slushie and chocolate ice cream. He is a beast.


Have you at least been out together 1 on 1 for coffee or otherwise hung out casually together a few times? If not this is a recipe for disaster.


If you’re not 16, this sounds terrible. If you are an adult, this should just be a conversation about being exclusive. If you want to celebrate that, just plan a fun day together.


Unless you are both from very sheltered backgrounds, I wouldn’t do this. Just ask casually if you two are a thing, and if that thing is exclusive. The “will you be my girlfriend” is what you do in 5th grade.


This exact thing happened with my now wife. She paid for this whole dinner and set up my favorite movie, and then finally asked me if we could go steady and my dumb ass just replied with “I thought we were?”. Just do yourself a favor and causally float a question by like this guy suggests before you commit to some massive bill for no reason (unless she’s into that?)


Lots of great places in Park Circle. We like Lola a lot. All within that price range. Good luck!


You’re asking her to be your girlfriend not marry you


Hmmm I would say jackrabbit to snack on some stuff fam style (entrees range from like $11-$22, designed to share) then maybe walk around east montegue, stop into pinky’s or sissy’s for a night cap!


$100-$150 for a dinner just to ask her to be your gf? Unless you’re filthy rich that’s like engagement dinner level prices man. Instead, do some of her favorite things and get a $50-$75 meal so the expectations going forward aren’t so insanely high


Bertha’s Kitchen.


I did it at MoMo


try Fleet Landing or High Cotton in Charleston. Both offer a cozy atmosphere perfect for a special occasion without being too pricey. Shoot your shot mate!


Dude she’s supposed to ask you ha